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File: 22 KB, 309x703, lipstick alley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15213219 No.15213219 [Reply] [Original]

I am 130iq (officially tested) myself and study physics. So I know the type of guy that is high IQ and how they act.

What is the issue with high IQ people?

They refuse to conform to looks/social norms.

Examples in looks:
1) average IQ with glasses will get contact lenses. High IQ with glasses will not.
2) average IQ will dress for appearance. High IQ will lean more towards comfort.
3) average IQ will spend money on looks/clothing/appearance. High IQ will spend money on hobbies.

Same with social behavior.
Average IQ will have hobbies, interests and socialize in a way that is familiar and considered normal.

High IQs simply dont care. They will speak the truth instead of giving the socially desirable answer. They have weird music tastes, hobbies, they dont drink alcohol, dont go clubbing, etc.

HighIQ leads to non-conformity. You want to lead your own life and dont care about fitting in, which leads to social and romantic failure

>> No.15213224
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>IQ thread + coom bait

nice combo

>> No.15213234
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>> No.15213236

>What is the issue with high IQ people?
>They refuse to conform to looks/social norms.
Failure to understand that you have to follow social rules if you want positive social outcomes seems like a low IQ issue to me

>> No.15213238

i'm 133 and studied math, and i'm married with kids.

>> No.15213241

If this is what 130 iq looks like then I must be 200 or 300 iq easily

>> No.15213246

>High IQ
Should we tell him, boys?

>> No.15213252
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>> No.15213257

>I am 130iq
>HighIQ leads to non-conformity.
You're a midwit and most people on your level of intelligence are absolute confirmists, especially academic drones. You utterly are unable to form an independent thought, as exemplified by your starting this pointless thread and writing a post that consists of nothing but normie cultural tropes.

>> No.15213260

How can you have a high IQ but then also say dumb shit like "High IQ people simply speak the truth".

>They have weird music tastes, hobbies, they dont drink alcohol, dont go clubbing, etc.

I don't think any of those things are true. I am reading a book on the American grocery store chain Trader Joes right now, and the author, the CEO of Trader Joes, explicitly said that the correlation between education and alcohol consumption was very high. It was a key part of his strategy as a business, to cater to highly educated people. by selling lots of alcohol.

>> No.15213264

Einstein didn't give a shit about IQ tests though.

>> No.15213266

take the prostitutepill

>> No.15213269
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What if his real business strategy was to appeal to intellectually insecure midwits by giving them a "smart" brand to posture with and compensate for their lack of real intellectual accomplishments? :^)

>> No.15213271

Probably not. What other miserable resentful thoughts do you have for us?

>> No.15213278

>Probably not.
Even if he didn't intend it, I can almost guarantee that's what ended up happening. When you market something as a "smart people thing", the only people who buy into it are certified midwits trying to compensate.

>> No.15213281

I'm pretty sure his business strategy was selling bulk foods from local producers, bypassing a lot of the costs of national distribution to undercut his competitors.

>> No.15213285

>the correlation between education and alcohol consumption was very high
I'm not so sure that says what you think it says. Alcohol consumption is high across the board. What is almost certainly true is that you can exploit the higher-educated because ironically they're retarded enough to spend more money on alcohol than the "lower class" in order to fit in with those of high society.

>> No.15213287

most/all the greats of the greats had a wife. You are just a retard

>> No.15213288

How do you cater to "highly educated people" with alcohol?

>> No.15213291

It sounds like bullshit to me to be honest. It's not like you'd write your actual strategy in an autobiography while you still own the company.

>> No.15213298

That's exactly my point. It just sounds like marketing right in the book.

>> No.15213306

I don't understand your question. Clearly looks and fitting in are important to normies, but high IQ people don't give a shit because their priorities lie elsewhere.

>> No.15213309

>When you market something as a "smart people thing"
Well he didn't market it as a smart person thing.

>I'm not so sure that says what you think it says. Alcohol consumption is high across the board.
You can just google this info and see that it is true, educated people do consume more alcohol, which is what I just did.

>> No.15213321

I am the person above who is reading the trader joes book.

It is some what of a complicated story. Basically Joe, around 1950, noticed that:
(1) Everyone was consuming all the same branded products in all regions and in all classes of society, but education levels were quickly rising, and he anticipated that educated people would develop new tastes and preferences and would want to differentiate themselves in their spending patterns from the mainstream.
(2) He also figured educated people would be better traveled and more open to trying out lots of different experiences and varieties of products. Alcohol comes in lots of different flavors, styles, and formats, so it fits the bill of what highly educated people enjoy.
(3) He only had small stores to sell from, so he wanted to maximize the value per cubic inch of his products, and only sell products people buy frequently, which includes alcoholic drinks

>> No.15213352

>he anticipated that educated people would develop new tastes and preferences and would want to differentiate themselves in their spending patterns from the mainstream.
Confirms my humch that it's really just a brand that caters to midwits trying to "differentiate" themselves. Of course he won't call his customers midwits in his book. Of course he'll call them "highly educated".

>> No.15213369

High IQ is not dysgenic, very high IQ is, typical high IQ is 1-2SD from the curve so 120 would be perfect.

>> No.15213378

Okay, literally the first result from google:
bmcpublichealth dot biomedcentral dot com forward slash articles forward slash 10 dot 1186 forward slash s12889 dash 019 dash 6790 dash 5
>The study population included 84.4% non-to-moderate drinkers, 8.9% non-problematic heavy drinkers, and 6.7% problem drinkers. Lower educational attainment (high school or less) was significantly associated with increased risks of both non-problematic heavy drinking (odds ratio [OR], 1.80; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.21–2.67) and problem drinking (OR, 2.06; 95% CI, 1.34–3.16), compared with university education or higher.
Not sure why you're so desperate to demonstrate your low intelligence, when I gave you an easy out.

>> No.15213390

What the fuck is wrong with you. Who gives a shit what your hunch is. You. make 10 posts about your retarded idea somewhere else. Maybe just write it on a piece of paper and stare at it with your dumb ass eye balls.

In 1960 a large majority of people did not go to college. So yes, college educated people were in fact "highly educated". Thats just a true thing. It doesn't really make sense to call people on the far right of the education gradient "midwits", since "mid" refers to the middle of the spectrum.

If you have some kind of bitterness about midwits or the highly education who the fuck knows who, fine, but it really adds nothing at all to the conversation.

>> No.15213395
File: 47 KB, 905x212, Screen Shot 2023-02-18 at 19.40.00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is a connection between education levels and drinking problems. Drinking problems are not the same as drinking generally.

Poor people drink less but when they do they are far more likely to abuse it.

Here is a screenshot from a paper I also found on the first page of my google search.

>> No.15213401

Why are you losing your mind with rage when your own post confirms that it was just a marketing gimmick for the kind of people who fall for marketing gimmicks and try to "distinguish" themselves, i.e. insecure people with mediocre intellect?

>> No.15213406

NTA but I was wrong in calling you a midwit. You are outright a nonsentient mongoloid incapable of basic reading comprehension.

>> No.15213414

Oh wow my own post confirmed something? Cool. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.15213420
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>Oh wow my own post confirmed something? Cool. Go fuck yourself.
Why do these people even come here? Why don't their stay on their corporate-controlled social networks?

>> No.15213435

>I scored high on a test but it didn't help my social life

>> No.15213436

Was gonna reply, but you summed it up better than I ever could have hoped lol.

>> No.15213443

What is "NTA"?

>> No.15213451
File: 7 KB, 440x131, Screenshot 2023-02-19 122653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"not that anon".

>> No.15213460

I talk with girls on dating sites that have high IQ and dated a high IQ for 4 years. It is like pulling fucking teeth chatting to them, but they relent and you drag them along. They just don't fucking care about anything and don't even look at other guys or talk to other guys, just lose care and leave. I get returns on sex and lots of care about me with lower IQ girls, but high IQ it's a desert.

I think you're right OP.

>> No.15213492

Why do you care what others do?
If people started jumping from buildings, would you emulate them?
And you can date high iq girls, even if they are rarer

>> No.15213499

You’ve confused high IQ with autism. There are some similarities in behavior but we can choose to or not to act socially, we just choose not to with most people because they’re like pets.
I am 145 Wisconsin and have had sex with 13 women, admittedly only 2 or 3 were hot and my wife is a comfy 6/10.

>> No.15213501

> What is "NTA"?
Here’s a perfect example of the difference between autism and high iq that I just mentioned.

>> No.15213537
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>> No.15213545

I would think the college graduate would have more wine drinkers, whereas less education would lead to more binge drinking.

>> No.15213562

less education is also likely correlated with strict observance of religious beliefs, which in the case of some religions would reduce drinking

>> No.15213580

Educated people drink more =/= the more intelligent you are, the more you drink.
You exposed your own retardation here.

>> No.15213585

Good point.

>> No.15213602

not trying to be rude here, but there's too much retarded cope in your post. you might be a drooling retard.

>> No.15213658

Good post. Delivered the information that supports your side. Interesting to read and makes sense.

>> No.15213660

Can someone explain to me what's going on with her ass?

>> No.15213664

A slight hangover is not worth even a month of getting blasted drunk. What a worthless terrible drug. How do people enjoy this shit...

>> No.15213670

I would berry my dick so far inside her ass who ever could pull it out would be crowned king arthur

>> No.15213672

Sounds like his business strategy was to copy previous business strategies and pretend he's innovative.

>> No.15213676

>1) average IQ with glasses will get contact lenses. High IQ with glasses will not.
I'm average IQ according to this. I need to get stylish glasses kek. Nice glasses that fit one's face can make them more attractive.
>2) average IQ will dress for appearance. High IQ will lean more towards comfort.
In the middle for this one.
>3) average IQ will spend money on looks/clothing/appearance. High IQ will spend money on hobbies.
In the middle for this one.

>> No.15213678

Educated != high iq necessarily

>> No.15213679

same but solidly 100, as I was applied math.

>> No.15213680

predominantly? let's be honest here

>> No.15213688

It doesn't matter how high your IQ is or what you say if you frame your words in ways that can be easily misunderstood as hostile or condescending.

>> No.15213697

Am i high IQ because i never tried to differentiate myself by not getting tattoos, i just don't like them, even though they are extremely popular?

You might be confusing autism/asperger's and overall intelligence. people are social creatures. i don't think it necessarily even has to do with intelligence. if your brain doesn't work the way everyone else's does then it makes it hard to fit in.

I think you are judging a phenomenon that is largely social. If something is seen as lame or gets shit on people might not want to engage with it publicly. Or they got tired of the mainstream thing and wanted something different. Unless you're talking about people who pretend to like different stuff to seem cool. A lot if this stuff seems like complex social dynamics. Struggle between going with the herd, but not when the herd is running off a cliff.

>> No.15213703

It feels good temporarily. Social lubricant. For me it lessens my anxiety. Slows down my mind. My mind is too hyperactive.

>> No.15213708
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>> No.15213733
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Holy SHIT! Am I high IQ? This post is so me.

>> No.15213752


Education is highly correlated with intelligence. I wish it weren't so, but that is just the truth. So it is very implausible, maybe even statistically impossible, for intelligence and alcohol consumption to be uncorrelated given that alcohol consumption and education are.

>> No.15213856

>leads to social and romantic failure
high IQ doesn't lead to failure, low IQ leads to failure. if you're a failure and you still think you're high IQ then you're wrong. delusions of grandeur have been measured as being at least 10x more statistically common than unusually high intelligence. lot of people presume that they're intelligent, nearly all are wrong

>> No.15213868

Don't listen to all the negativity here, op. Your IQ is simply too high for them.

>> No.15213885

HighIQ leads to non-conformity. You want to lead your own life and dont care about fitting in, which leads to social and romantic failure

This is incorrect. Consider a population with high iq relative to the general. This community would all be 'nonconformist' normalizing whatever arbitrary distinction you make. On the flip side, if the entire population became high iq relative to now, nobody would be high iq yet those same cultures would be preferred, unless you're a hipster.

If you think having a high iq excludes you from societal norms then you're not high enough iq to understand how your actions affect others. Not fitting in and being average iq just makes you an asshole.

>> No.15213917

You post on looksmax.org OP?

>> No.15213954

I reject IQ as a measure of intelligence, instead i judge people/myself by their achievements.

>> No.15213955

iq is genetic
if you're high iq your father is high iq
if high iq = no pussy that means there are two possible conditions
you aren't high iq, which can't be true because you were "officially tested"
the statement is false, op is a massive faggot

>> No.15214026

Well I studied physics and fucked through the whole fuckable female physics/math student body. All while wearing glasses and cheap clothes. If you think social success is about dressing nice and showing off wealth you're not intelligent, no matter what's 'officially tested'. The worst thing about nerds is not their disregard of social niceties but their insufferable infantility. They are unable to put away childish things. If you have actual non-cringe interests, you'll get the interest of people incl women, too.

>> No.15214092

The issue isn't IQ, but whether youbare an independent thinker or not.
It isn't that people consciously conform to social rules. They mimic what other do, and that's how they "conform to the rules", by doing the exact same thing as everyone else.
Someone who thinks independently doesn't notice the rule exists, as he does what makes sense at the moment, which confises everyone else, as they have no memorized reaction to what he did and see it as a disruption.

OP post is fake, IMO, by the way.

>> No.15214098

If you don't date trans women you're not allowed to complain about your bad luck on the dating market. It's your own decision to be transphobic and lonely.

>> No.15214099

Seek mental wellness, troid.

>> No.15214122

>I am 130 IQ
I see the problem there already Anon. It's not about your IQ, you're just conceited.

>> No.15214173
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>Ah yes, I'm so smart that I society cannot contain me. Woe me

>> No.15214373

That's midwit IQ lol. No wonder you involuntarily obviated yourself from the gene pool. Your IQ is too low. :(((((((

>> No.15214412

yeah, he definitely needs to buy some IQ enlargement pills

>> No.15214429

>2) average IQ will dress for appearance. High IQ will lean more towards comfort.
High IQ dresses up so nobody calls the police that one day a week they leave the appartment

>> No.15214492
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Only three options (possibly in conjunction) could apply here:

1) you're awkward
2) you got the mentality of a weak pussyfaggot
3) you're a zoomer

Actually option three tends to entail the other two. And sadly this also tends to be incurable.

>> No.15214786

highest IQ post in this entire thread

>> No.15214797

>highest IQ post in this entire thread
learned this lesson years ago, as a really horny guy i'm visiting hookers 4 times a month, it's cheaper than the dating life i was living before, i have no bitches holding sex hostage for weeks until they finally give it up, you call, schedule and fuck, simple, you get what you pay for, bitches fuck around all their lives and then when it turns out they want to settle they hold sex and won't give it up without commitment, fuck that... not marrying some used up bitch.. hookers are based they fuck for cash, and that's the end of it

>> No.15214923

me too. i used to use hookers sparingly but still focused on pursuing women normally, endured so much shit. i discarded that mindset in 2015 and leaned fully into just using hookers. best decision of my life, never looked back. less stress, more time and freedom, and if you're smart about it and do it in moderation (like you i think once a week is a good balance, not some retard newbie who does it every day, that shit will bankrupt you) is so much cheaper than (((dating))) or a (((gf))) or wife.

>> No.15214963

Another shill thread... ?

>> No.15214978

There is a simple life hack for ugly nerds like us to experience intimacy with a woman. It's called findom. Almost my entire engineering salary goes directly to my findom's bank account. I'm only saving enough money to pay rent and food and occasionally buying her additional gifts. As a reward she sometimes allows me to watch when she has sex with her boyfriend. One time she even gave me their used condom afterwards. This is so much more intense and satisfying than only fapping to onlyfans. And I know she's way out of my league. If I didn't earn so much money she'd never notice me.

>> No.15215134

Um, you could just give your money to a prostitute, or even a normal, greedy woman.

>> No.15215236

>I can't do basic shit that everyone else can accomplish
>It's because I'm smarter tho

>> No.15215249

yes? tolerating roastie oral diarrhea has an IQ ceiling

>> No.15215267


>> No.15215739

>I can't do basic shit that everyone else can accomplish
There's a difference between not caring enough to do something, and not being able to do something. I could dress in expensive clothes, I have the finances and I know what looks nice, I simply choose not to because I'd rather place my time and money elsewhere.

>> No.15215741 [DELETED] 

That level of laziness is absolute poison to women. They can tell right from the start that you'll be a terrible family head if you're too lazy to take care of yourself.

>> No.15215744
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>> No.15215749
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Artificial wombs will hopefully allow geniuses to reproduce in sufficient numbers without having to deal with the bullshit involved in dating/marriage.

>> No.15215756

i don't know WHY there has to be a correlation between these things, or why there would be. i would imagine they must be orthogonal (even though it might be the case that the same things that cause intelligence might also cause a decrease in proclivity to social pressures).
on the other hand, the highest IQ societies (e.g. japan, china, etc) are also HEAVILY conformist, which would act as a direct contradiction to your thesis that an increase in IQ leads to a decrease in conformity/pressure to conform.

I would posit that the most likely reasons are that
1. very abnormally high IQ tends to be a result of conditions that also cause a decrease in aspects related to social self-evaluation (or things related to that, e.g. a decrease in feelings of shame/guilt). think autism or the like
2. the same people who have a high IQ in western societies also have non-conformist cultures. these seems to be very true right now, considering that college types are the most likely to be liberal (read: anti-conservative, or value social norms/conformity/preservation less).

>> No.15215782

'Social Norms' are just the way average people try to handicap high IQ and make their superior understanding irrelevant.

>> No.15215783

Scoring highly on intelligence test is a misnomer for intelligence. If you have taken those test just once before you can easily boost your performance by 15+ points the second time around. Me and some friends took it some time ago and I easily got a score over 140, not because I'm genius or even smarter than the average person, but because I knew the general process for solving those test from having taken them before.

>> No.15215990

>the highest IQ societies (e.g. japan, china, etc) are also HEAVILY conformist
They're high compared to the rest of the world, but we're still talking about averages of a little over 100, which is fairly low.

>> No.15216250

Good observation, now test both out in the real world and see if you're wrong or right. You probably won't because you'll think its not worth your time to sacrifice your high IQ activities and groundbreaking work, prove me wrong!

>> No.15216317 [DELETED] 
File: 102 KB, 620x444, 94 iq low low low.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Scoring highly on intelligence test is a misnomer for intelligence. If you have taken those test just once before you can easily boost your performance by 15+ points the second time around. Me and some friends took it some time ago and I easily got a score over 140, not because I'm genius or even smarter than the average person, but because I knew the general process for solving those test from having taken them before.