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15108013 No.15108013 [Reply] [Original]

What major changes have the sciences made to their publication processes since the replication became common public knowledge over a decade age? What improvements in the system have developed to combat the problem?

>> No.15108921

>Is the replication crisis fixed yet?

>> No.15108945

The on;y way to fix it is to abandon the current intrinsically flawed system but it's profitable to powerful entrenched intrerests.

>> No.15108952

>to abandon the current intrinsically flawed system
What would be a better alternative, for example?

>> No.15108964

The replication crisis is very much field-dependent.

Anyone who's published in an experimental physics journal will tell you they have fucking *ridiculously* rigorous standards. But the same cannot be said of medical journals or even more laughable "sciences" like psychology and sociology.

>> No.15108972

journals should be required to replicate the experiment before publishing

>> No.15108983
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How about the demonstrably successful and functional system that was around during the era of great discoveries which preceded the stagnant era which has dominated for the past half century or so. all of modern science's highly profitable charlatanry is going nowhere fast.

>> No.15109051

It will never be fixed. You would need to dismantle entire publications and be heavily restrictive on peer reviews or useless information, but that would waste billions of dollars and no one wants to do that.

>> No.15109064

Ban any scientific study that does not have rigorous control.
Ban any field like sociology that is incapable of producing rigorously controlled research.
Place bounties on the replication of results.

>> No.15109108

>What major changes have the sciences made to their publication processes since the replication became common public knowledge over a decade age?
They started to use expressions like "settled science" a lot more often and now certain conclusions (like anthropogenic climate change and gender theory) are articles of faith and you will out yourself as an anti-scientific obscurantist bigot unless you can repeat all the correct shibboleths.

>> No.15109125

You would need to abolish peer review entirely for any progress on science to be made.

>> No.15109127 [DELETED] 


>> No.15109150

Yes, the medical industry is one of the entrenched interests hat profit from the current system.

>> No.15109689

>my field is too pure and perfect to be affected by the same problems which badly hamper every other field of science
a self-flattering grandiose delusion

>> No.15109692

>Anyone who's published in an experimental physics journal will tell you they have fucking *ridiculously* rigorous standards.
kek that's a good one

>> No.15110282


I guess there's no reproducibility crisis when there's been so many retractions about Majorana Zero Modes in topological superconductors. It's not like a guy killed himself over it or anything.

>> No.15110292


Nature Publications has pretty much done nothing, and why should they? Professors are judged by the quality of the journal they publish in, so they will always try and push the envelope to get the sensational result.

I believe NSF grants are now requiring data to be submitted to a repository due to recent high-level retractions

>> No.15110489
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has there been any improvement since picrel was published?

>> No.15110652
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>> No.15111995

The "replication crisis" will continue unabated so long as the government propaganda agencies think they need it to exist as cover for their propaganda distribution activities. they even invented the term "replication crisis" in order to make it all sound like their intentional use of the scientific publication as a vector for propaganda is just a big unfortunate accident and no individuals are personally responsible for it

>> No.15113069

Yeah that's probably true for some of it.

>> No.15113864

>Is the replication crisis fixed yet?
Without repercussions, it is getting worse.

Life sciences in general are in deep trouble. The Schoen sandal showed it is also in solid state physics.

Retraction Watch documents this train wreck in real time.

>> No.15113920

>Retraction Watch documents this train wreck in real time.
beer and popcorn?

>> No.15114028

>Anyone who's published in an experimental physics journal will tell you they have fucking *ridiculously* rigorous standards.
>he doesn't know
lol, lmao

>> No.15114033

It cannot be fixed without genociding the jews. Getting rid of peer review is another Holocaust all by itself.

>> No.15114039

At this rate it would make you an overweight alcoholic in no time.

>> No.15114042

Like it was before. Hobbyists and engineers talking stuff.

>> No.15114242

Criminalize fraud. The Altzheimer disaster has set back science by 16 years, which can be taslated into lots of dead people. Instead they got massive funding and fantastic promotions. It is sickening.

So with basic income, we can return to the gentleman scientist ideal?

>> No.15114247

>Instead they got massive funding and fantastic promotions. It is sickening.
Sounds like communism.

>> No.15114340

Certainly the oligarchal cleptocracy that inevitaly follows.

>> No.15114440

I guess we are hitting WH40K level of scientific progress 25000 years to early


>> No.15114463

Stanisław Lem wrote about limits of scientific discovery. When rediscovering invention would take same amount of time and recourse as juts digging it out form the records.

Kinda of similar to limits of growth by capital investment. When marginal productivity grows from extra capital becomes equal to marginal deprecation rate of said capital. Solution to overcome that is "technological progress" but it has same proprietress we just don't hit ceiling yet, hitting it now.
>Now, here, you see, it takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place

>> No.15114771
File: 57 KB, 653x696, soience.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Criminalize fraud. The Altzheimer disaster has set back science by 16 years, which can be taslated into lots of dead people. Instead they got massive funding and fantastic promotions. It is sickening.
>It is sickening.
thats contemporary soience, the soientists force illness on everyone else as a means of getting more money for themselves and they claim that they're doing good while they intentionally poison people.

>> No.15115349

It would help if dissemination was so efficient that rediscovery would not happen. In my work I se 50 year old tech is forgotten and people don't even try to do a proper literature review before starting.

>> No.15115615

Can scientists even replicate their own studies?

>> No.15115631

>The replication crisis is very much field-dependent.
Check out some deep learning papers if you want to have a good laugh.

>> No.15115842

The Altzheimer scandal shows the replication was done using cut and paste of the same diagrams.

>> No.15116418

you're dealing with mentally ill people who are determined to deny the reality staring them in the face
see >>15109689
no amount of evidence will ever convince them

>> No.15116548

Both versions are true. Cabal has an army of whore scientists ready to publish any pack of lies as fact and, at the same time, the drop in the quality of students graduating is creating the crisis.

>> No.15116573

I wish we had more comedy journals. Right now you only get an odd funny paper here and there.

>> No.15117608
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>> No.15118034

Is he aware of the concept of irony do you think?

>> No.15118252

Holy fuck... no wonder progress is stalled.

>> No.15118268

wtf is a replication crisis lmao
t. mathematician

>> No.15118302
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idk what those midwits problems are just gate keep math so this doesn't happens to mathematics too

>> No.15118338

common core?

>> No.15119170

How do you traverse this minefield and find real applicable knowledge based on actual data not fairytales?

>> No.15119454

>real applicable knowledge based on actual data
if thats what you want then making sure to avoid all academic publications should steer you in the right direction. people who do academic publishing don't know what real applicable knowledge is, if they did then they wouldn't still be stuck in school like overaged children.

>> No.15120458

You look for old data, preferably from before year 1990.

>> No.15120465

why is it always 1971?

>> No.15120486

You know the answer right anon? I'll answer you with some questions to redpill the newfags.
When was the world economic forum founded?
Is the world economic forum democratic and if not who are members?
What is the great reset?

>> No.15121554

How much of the fraud is systematic do you think?

>> No.15121583

Schön was found out within a year or two of sneaking through his fraudulent results. He had dozens of papers withdrawn and is basically persona non grata in the physics community now, had his doctorate revoked and everything.

Meanwhile, medical research publishes tens of thousands of papers every year that wouldn't stand up to even the laziest peer review in physics: Bad data, insufficient data, insufficient sample sizes, straight up fabricated data, etc. and they just keep trucking along year after year, decade after decade.

>> No.15121596

Medicine has always been like this right back to its founding days, it's honestly impressive how little progress it has made since.

>> No.15121794

And yet people still receive PhDs studying theoretical physics despite the large amount of suspicious or nonexistent data backing their conclusions.

>> No.15121802

>Schön was found out within a year or two
No. The oldest paper i find that was retracted was from 1998, the latest from 2002. His co-authors escaped sanctions and had all interests in not going back to 1997.

>> No.15121859

As long as you say white man bad and poc lgbtqs good you will always be able to put any kind of junk in any scientific journal. All sciencers are ideologues and the ideology trumps everything.

>> No.15122064

No. Around here, a non-white dude was let go very quietly and another only reached media since his fraud was on a truly massive scale. Academia is the most politically correct place you can find.

>> No.15122065

the long march through the institutions

>> No.15122081

He marched formone institution to another. They did like him since the fraud meant far more publications than the rest of those institutes. It was a classic case of moral hazard.

>> No.15122218

>Article created Jan 9, 2015
Any progress since the problem of fake science become widely recognize enough to merit a Wikipedia article more that 8 years ago?

>> No.15123091

ages ago

>> No.15123268

and when the last vestige of a gold-based US currency was finally killed off

>> No.15123309
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>> No.15123409

>Any progress
No. None.
And the problem predates that article by more tan a decade, even te article referred to by Ioannidis is older.

>> No.15123431
File: 20 KB, 225x225, 1654424540356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's only one crisis, overpopulation, everything else are consequences. eliminate those who does useless "research" and "replication" crisis will disappear

>> No.15123447
File: 339 KB, 1439x1432, c853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's only one crisis, overpopulation

>> No.15123521

overpopulation crisis started when bipedal monkeys invented farming, stupid shill

>> No.15123524

The overpopulation crisis in africa was intentional

>> No.15123528

>overpopulation crisis started when bipedal monkeys invented farming
Any day now we will finally reach the breaking point. You've been wrong for 100,000 years but two more weeks...

>> No.15123898

I think he confused "replication" with "reproduction".

>> No.15124235

its a big mystery, whoever solves it first will have pulled excalibur from it's stone

>> No.15124278
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it's constant breaking, who do you think built those pyramids in Egypt? faggots out of real job market, only possible occupation for them is either building huge useless things or kill each other in wars. today some of them are employed as shills. most part of humans do useless shit in bubbles like medicine, but everything has saturation point, even globohomo deception, everything people do is "Babylon tower". it's best visible in software, those stupid programmers don't know what useless thing to add to make "new" version to sell. in music and film industries we see mostly remakes now. virology is nothing but bubble, global warming too.

>> No.15124287

An unusually coherent post from you VDE.

>> No.15124913

Yeah the problem is overpopulation... Xd? Is that why there's a birthrate so low that we need to import a ginormous amount of migrants to 'sustain the economy'? Name a single first world country that has a positive birthrate. Retarded take.

>> No.15125279

Sciencelet found