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15106495 No.15106495 [Reply] [Original]

So, pedophilia is frequently cited as a mental illness, while homosexuality is frequently cited as a neutral mental state.
For academic purposes, this is really confusing, because every single symptomatic claim of one appears to be identical for the other, safe for the target attraction.
How do the non-societally-driven criterias differ for one to be recognized as a mental condition and the other as "just a sexuality"?

>> No.15106501

give it enough time, pedophilia will be just as normal as mutilating your own genitals and pretending to be someone of the opposite sex

>> No.15106504

agenda probably?

now jokes aside, my bet is it will be accepted in the future, no in practice probably but wil get the 'meh's'. Just like in the past LGBT were basically capital sins and now a lot of people encourage them and others don't give a fuck. Give it a little time, half or century maybe, But mostly probable we will not be alive to see this happen anytime soon.

>> No.15106512

>But mostly probable we will not be alive to see this happen anytime soon.
sorry but the past decade we went from legalizing homosexuality to this insane clown show we live in now where kids are actively encouraged to go to 18+ drag shows and gay bars to learn "empathy". i'll give it 3 decades tops, 2035 at the earliest.

>> No.15106513

>this is really confusing
two consenting adults
simple as

>> No.15106517

but adults are now saying that children can consent for HRT or other permanently altering surgeries, sooner or later they'll say the same thing that kids can consent to having a relationship with an adult .

>> No.15106522

What does sexual activity have to do with sexual attraction?
I can be homosexual and never touch another man.
I can be pedophilic and never touch a child.

>> No.15106527

argh, you got a point there anon. yeah now that you mention that it's more of a possibility now.

tbf, watching that clown show in the near future will be cringe as fuck but interesting,

>> No.15106529

>sooner or later they'll say

>> No.15106536

You're heterosexual and never touch any women.

>> No.15106651

Sounds like an american problem I'm too european to understand

>> No.15106657

>muh deformed babies
Gay incest or incest with an infertile relative

>> No.15106679

>sooner or later they'll say the same thing that kids can consent to having a relationship with an adult .
I mean, consider that "consenting" to pedophilia involves the choices of both a child and an adult, whereas HRT is *supposed* to be the exclusive choice of the child. Now however much the parent is involved does matter.

With homosexuals there's no pathology, there's no deficits. Studies found that pedophiles were more likely to be lower IQ, have a childhood traumatic brain injury, be more likely left handed and to have other mental illnesses among other things.

Homosexuals dont appear to have anything else wrong with them, save for a higher rate of anxiety/depression. You get a small minority of pedophiles who claim to be homosexual, but I'm dubious as to whether that's true.

>> No.15106688

>Studies found that pedophiles were more likely to be lower IQ, have a childhood traumatic brain injury, be more likely left handed and to have other mental illnesses among other things.
Excellent bait, actually.

>> No.15106698

hetero thing mostly

>> No.15106791

What does that have to do with the attraction itself being indicative of mental illness?

>> No.15106795

Anyone else remember "T" standing for transvestite?

>> No.15106805
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>> No.15106809

yeah, that's what tranny is short for

>> No.15106812

They're not talking about some dude who got a boner because he saw a 17 year old. They're talking about actually mentally ill people who are into 8 year olds.

>> No.15106822

>You get a small minority of pedophiles who claim to be homosexual
Usually, homosexual pedophiles just call themselves homosexual, but that's besides the point.

>> No.15106868

>Studies found that pedophiles were more likely to be lower IQ, have a childhood traumatic brain injury, be more likely left handed and to have other mental illnesses among other things.

ok just because nobody have told this itt yet, here:
>correlation does not imply causation

>> No.15106871

>give it enough time, pedophilia will be just as normal
It was always normal though...or at least not illegal, if frowned upon

>> No.15106882

i just noticed that there are no trisexuals, how queer...

>> No.15106905

>cutting your dick off and slicing a tranny hole into your chode is cool
>fucking them kids is too much though

>> No.15106925

>being sexually attracted to physically sexually mature women is a mental illness
>wanting to stick penis in poopy bumhole is mentally neutral

don't even try that Schrödinger's pedophile bs, my post is irrefutable.

>> No.15106928
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So.... I noticed that literally everything they call a 'rights issue' has the effect of lowering birth rates dramatically.... that's weird...

>> No.15106932

>be more likely left handed
kek you got me

>> No.15106951

>sexually mature women
We're talking about pedophilia. After puberty it's a different philla but not because of defect just monkey brain.

>> No.15106955

maybe pederasty will be legalised but older male (espcially white male) and younger female relationship most definetely will not be normalized or legalized.

>> No.15106960

All of the above letters are mental illness.

>> No.15106961
File: 164 KB, 1200x675, 1642661454190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just remembered my brother is left-handed
>He's having a daughter

>> No.15106973

observe him secretly, if you find out he is a pedo, you will have much easier time convincing him to let you look after his daughter (and have fun) when he and his partner are busy with things and need a child carer.

>> No.15106974

Thank you, I will make sure to ask to take care of my niece when she reaches her prime.

>> No.15106975

Sorry, I should have been more clear, reaches her prime for my brother.

>> No.15107008

you cant do studies on pedophiles in general, only on convicted sex offenders, because obviously no one is going to openly admit to being a pedophile.

>> No.15107013

study group consists only of pedos dumb enough to get caught.
>jeez these guys have low iq.
I wonder why?

>> No.15107015

They shouldn't obviously, but it's argued that there is less harm between two, seemingly, concenting adults than an adult and a child. Weirdly it's defined on harm than actual biology probably, as well as a social and political movement. But people do things all the time that harm them and are consentual but they're illegal because those people shouldn't be doing them for their own benefit and others

>> No.15107019

The galactic federation won’t let us in if we wipe out other races so they had to shut it down

>> No.15107051

Society indoctrinates us to believe that having even the slightest feeling of attraction to someone even one second under an arbitrary age is the worst crime possible and deserving of horrific torture and death. Such indoctrination is not conducive to logical thoughts about the subject.

>> No.15107052

haha, I understood you the first time.
Yes, take care of her, she needs human contact, don't be afraid to hug her and tickle her. Give her a bath before bed.

>> No.15107069

two more weeks

>> No.15107071

the last thing the NWO wants is people reproducing marrying and having healthy relationships in their youth. that extends to vilifying anyone .00001 nanoseconds above the age of 18 liking someone younger than that age. today its 18, yesterday it was 16, and tomorrow it will be 21. the goal is simple and we are already on the road to hell

>> No.15107079

>that having even the slightest feeling of attraction to someone even one second under an arbitrary age is the worst crime possible and deserving of horrific torture and death.
Normal people don't say this. This is almost entirely confined to terminally online extreme christian weirdos who just want to vent their murder fantasies at an easy target.

>> No.15107093

Scientifically speaking, without ethical dilemma, it's a spectrum of human attraction. Some are attracted to older, some to dead, some to inanimate, some to fictional, some to conceptual, some to young, some to same gender, some to sick/diseased, etc. It's not a single guage either since people can have multiple different attractions at same time and mix match them.

Mental illness is a psychological/medical term used by society as shortcuts/heuristics to explain away those deemed outside the most common middle ground. One level below that is to criminalization of behaviours. It's all means to create a stable boundary in society to keep peace for the majority.

>> No.15107094

This should be required t-shirt text worn by all pedophiles, including me, at all times, in public.
And you have to make loud farting noises if you walk near a school.
You know, so the horny kids can come out and get fucked by my big dick.

>> No.15107095

The level of cope in this post is astronomical. I don't need society to tell me that degenerates who feel sexual attraction towards a 5 years old have something seriously wrong with their heads.

>> No.15107097

What about attraction towards 15 yo ?

>> No.15107100

Notice your desperate deflection. A 15 years old may or may not look like something a biologically normal man could plausibly be attracted to.

>> No.15107104

So 15 yo is fine. Congrats, you are now officially a pedo.

>> No.15107105

Pedophilia is attraction to prepubescents, tard. Either way, your depserate deflections are irrelevant.

>> No.15107112

Either way you are a pedo.

>> No.15107113

Don't care. Society doesn't decide who's mentally ill. I do. You need to be shot.

>> No.15107116

You are a fucking pedofile, you sick fuck!

>> No.15107120

Cry harder, oversocialized drone. """Society""" doesn't decide who's mentally ill. I do.

>> No.15107152

yeah, you like touching underage girls, you fucking scum, YOU PEDOFILE!!!

>> No.15107155

With the 15 years olds they manage to produce these days, I strongly maintain that you are mentally deformed if you don't find yourself wanting to bang them occasionally.

>> No.15107161

Oh I do but in the eyes of law thats pedofilia, fuck a 15 yo and you will lose job, house, friends, family and your freedom

>> No.15107163

>in the eyes of law
The law is written by actual pedophiles (the kind that have orgies with 7 years old boys) and worshipped by mindless golems.

>> No.15107303

Ok let's get real for a moment
The majority of sexual offenses on minors involves teenagers.
It's has been recognized by the medical associations that being attracted to teenagers (aka hebephilia) is not a mental illness.
The reason why having sex with teens is frowned upon is because teens are too fucking naive.
There's a reason why brothels a few centuries ago were hiring teenagers because they didn't fully understand the implications and clients wanted to mate with girls that haven't hit the wall yet.
Being attracted to prepubescent kids (aka pedophilia) is indeed considered a mental illness because young kids cannot procreate yet.
Pedos have the choice to either take pills to reduce their libido or get shot on the spot.

>> No.15107360

Mental illness is something that causes significant distress or impairment. If you are a pedo, and just live a normal life and maybe jerk off to lolis and/or have petite wife it is not a mental illness, just a paraphilia like any other.

>is indeed considered a mental illness because young kids cannot procreate yet.
That's only if that causes you a distress. There is plenty of people who live in relationships where they can't or don't want procreate or even live in celibacy and it doesn't indicate any mental illness on its own.
If you are a pedo but you just aren't bothered by it then it's not illness. There is quite a lot of people like that.

>> No.15107361
File: 53 KB, 936x560, psychology.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pedophilia is frequently cited as a mental illness, while homosexuality is frequently cited as a neutral mental state.
Homosexuality is a mental change due to several factors from conception to adulthood. (Infections, parasites, toxins, grooming)

Pedophilia is a social construct mostly now, as finding anyone under 30 is now considered pedophilia.

Adults who find pre-pubescent children under 9-10 sexually attractive are probably also the result of similar causes as homosexuality.

>> No.15107363

>Homosexuality is a mental change due to several factors from conception to adulthood. (Infections, parasites, toxins, grooming)
[citation needed]

>> No.15107377

Psychologists are idiots, "mental illness" is completely arbitrary.

>> No.15107385

>pills to reduce their libido
Don't those cause a fuck load of health problems?

>> No.15107391

feed them s o y and troonshine.

>> No.15108932
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>> No.15108939

>How do the non-societally-driven criterias differ for one to be recognized as a mental condition and the other as "just a sexuality"?
Start by defining mental illness first. From there, it shouldn't be too hard to tell whether something is a mental illness or not.

>> No.15108941

>Start by defining mental illness first.
Okay, define it for me.

>> No.15108946

I'd define it as sickness of the mind, and I'd define sickness as something that impairs normal function.

But my own definitions are probably not worth very much, so arguing based on them is not very meaningful.

>> No.15109077
File: 91 KB, 960x468, all homos are pedos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15109088

Awww, he looks so happy on that image.
No way he didn't enjoy it.

>> No.15109100 [DELETED] 

he did look very happy in the cp images. still, it's a nefarious way of raising a child.
i wonder how he's doing now

>> No.15109101

holy shit hahaha fuck off

>> No.15109116
File: 285 KB, 922x295, polpost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's very simple:
*Pedophilic disorder* is a mental illness (same as psychopathy and/or sex addiction)
*Pedophilia* is a sexuality (same as heterosexuality and/or homosexuality)

>> No.15109118

That's the DSM-V definition, right?

>> No.15109280

this guy is just busy pushing aside tents of rapefugees that lay on his way to work give him a break

>> No.15109430

>I'd define it as sickness of the mind, and I'd define sickness as something that impairs normal function.
That's pretty much meaningless because now you would have to define normal function. What that would be? People are different, they have various quirks, kinks but just because they do or don't do something that people normally do doesn't mean it's an illness.

>> No.15109461

Two sides of the same coin. Unless you're 17-19 you shouldn't be into 17yos, it's like being into old ladies as an adult. Not immortal, just weird.

>> No.15109470
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>Pedophilia = mental illness?

>> No.15109472

Did he suffer any childhood head trauma? Do you perhaps think he's a little slower on the mental side? I'm sorry for your loss anon.

>> No.15109475

Not that I'm aware of, and I'm obviously the more intelligent of the two.
>I'm sorry for your loss anon.
I haven't lost anything, not even my virginity.

>> No.15109476
File: 52 KB, 648x694, s o y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All humans are related and are children of just one woman.


>> No.15109479

>Two sides of the same coin.
Tell us you are a faggot without limpwristing your faggot hand.

>> No.15109491

You don't understand exactly what I'm saying. With psychology there is no "singular illness". Virtually all mental diseases have other symptoms besides the primary one. However behaviors usually work the other way as well: if there's no other symptoms then it can't be classified as a disease. Homosexuality doesn't have any other observed symptoms. We've observed these people a lot and science hasn't found any definite indicators that it's a mental aberration or delusion.

Transgenderism on the other hand, well lets not go there because it's touchy.

>> No.15109564
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>> No.15109606

Was it really that obvious lol?

>> No.15109726

>Transgenderism on the other hand, well lets not go there because it's touchy.
damn faggots try to touch me and they die. not getting assaulted by some diseased troon.

>> No.15110040
File: 1.26 MB, 1647x2240, Sigmund Freud, by Max Halberstadt (cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

freud did an essay on this, he concluded being gay wasn't an illness.

>> No.15110643

I think pedophilia and hebephilia are considered mental illnesses by society because they're inherently predatory, and people with such preferences tend to have little interest in partners of similar age to themselves. It's really not so much an illness (in the sense that it's not debilitating) as an obsession that is fundamentally incompatible with civilized society.

>> No.15110664

There is no such thing as "hebephilia".

>> No.15110841

Hebephilia is when someone is primarily attracted to pubescent people.

>> No.15110886

Adults have developed sexual organs, which is the one true objective point of sexual attraction. Children do not.
To feel sexually attracted to an individual that shows no signs of sexual validity is complete nonsense from a biological perspective.
You could argue that homosexual intercourse also lacks any function in terms of reproduction, but the fact that the act itself won't work is besides the point, the point is that a kid is at first glance and very obviously just not apt for reproduction under any circumstances.

>> No.15110888

>To feel sexually attracted to an individual that shows no signs of sexual validity is complete nonsense from a biological perspective.
It's not, actually. You can be fertile but not show any secondary sexual characteristic.

>> No.15110915

As long as they have grown into adult-sized humans, they show at least one characteristic useful for reproduction, children fail that test.

>> No.15110918

Attraction to prime fertile pussy is perfectly normal. There is no such thing as "hebephilia".

>> No.15110953

>Attraction to prime fertile pussy is perfectly normal
Just because you consider something normal doesn't mean it doesn't exists.

>> No.15110968

He's making a prescriptive statement on the nature of language.

>> No.15110970
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Your definition of "true objective point of sexual attraction" doesn't matter when in reality people are attracted to all sorts of stuff.

>To feel sexually attracted to an individual that shows no signs of sexual validity is complete nonsense from a biological perspective.
There is a lot more to human pair bonding than that. Humans have to raise their offspring, just finding a fertile pussy is not enough to ensure it will survive. There is tons of different aspects that make potential candidate for reproduction and caring for any of them that increases chances of successfully raising multitude of offspring makes perfect biological sense.

>the point is that a kid is at first glance and very obviously just not apt for reproduction under any circumstances.
They are very good target for reproduction. Even if they can't have children at the moment, raising offspring is a long-term investment. The younger you pick the more time you will have to breed. And young mind additionally can be groomed into being an overall better partners to ensure proper care and raising of your kids. It definitely makes sense from biological perspective.

>> No.15110986

>Your definition of "true objective point of sexual attraction" doesn't matter when in reality people are attracted to all sorts of stuff.
Yes, but the OP specifically asked about things that can't be explained by social norms and customs, which excludes basically all fetishes.
>There is a lot more to human pair bonding than that.
True. But we're not discussing bonding, only sexual attraction.
>The younger you pick the more time you will have to breed
There's a very strict limit for that, which is the point when they become fertile. Any time prior does not add extra chances for breeding.
>And young mind additionally can be groomed into being an overall better partners
Again, that's totally unrelated to sexual attraction.

>> No.15110995

>Just because you consider something normal doesn't mean it doesn't exists.
It's not that I "consider" it normal; it's that being sexually attracted to signs of youth and fertility IS normal. Dysgenic golems can invent arbitrary categories all they want (e.g. "teenager": a literal invention of American marketing strategists) but that doesn't make them real.

>> No.15110998

>Again, that's totally unrelated to sexual attraction.
Not him, but the topic was the biological importance of age in sexual partners.
Whether younger mates make better partners is absolutely important when it comes to the state of evolutionary advantage.

>> No.15111006

It makes sense that you would like to pick a romantic partner at a young age, it still doesn't follow that you would therefore feel sexually interested in them, since sex would serve no purpose at that point.
There's also the fact that no known mammal picks a partner before sexual development, which makes it very unlikely that humans would have such instinct.

>> No.15111007

>it still doesn't follow that you would therefore feel sexually interested in them
Early sexual interest may strengthen the emotional bond between two partners.
>There's also the fact that no known mammal picks a partner before sexual development,
1) We don't know that.
2) Humans are very unique.

>> No.15111015

Being attracted to sexually undeveloped children is a mental illness. Being attracted to sexually developed minors is normal.

>> No.15111019

Greetings, I want to introduce you to the concept of petite women.

>> No.15111020

>Early sexual interest may strengthen the emotional bond between two partners.
In that case it would make more sense for kids to develop a bond and develop sexually together, not an adult with a child.
>We don't know that.
We have great knowledge on mating habits of pretty much every mammal on Earth, saying "we don't know" is like saying "we don't know if there are unicorns out there". Sure, it might be that we haven't found an example yet, but it's very unlikely.
>Humans are very unique.
Not really, no. Cultural development is very unique, human biology isn't.

>> No.15111022

No petite woman is naturally as small nor has the same proportions as a prepubescent kid.

>> No.15111023

>In that case it would make more sense for kids to develop a bond and develop sexually together, not an adult with a child.
Evolution is never optimal.
>We have great knowledge on mating habits of pretty much every mammal on Earth
We actually don't.
>Not really, no.
Yes, really, yes.

>> No.15111028

You are no longer making arguments just denying evidence and making assumptions.

>> No.15111097

I am making arguments and I have even provided evidence.
You have not provided any evidence whatsoever.

>> No.15111108

No one likes bisexuals. If you’re a guy who sucks dick or likes anal sex, there are very women who will be okay with that.
Transgenderism is a mental illness too.
Pedophilia is a criminal mental illness, like sociopathy.
Like, Sorry you were born that way, but it’s not our fault. If you act on being a pedophile, prepare to be killed or imprisoned for life.

>> No.15111110

Pedophilia is not a crime, retard.

>> No.15111113

Pedophilia is not a crime.
Having or attempting to have sex with children, or obtain child pornography, IS A CRIME.

>> No.15111114
File: 113 KB, 1080x756, CB9C9762-1F60-4C28-9259-8E97AB6DC89A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So close!

>> No.15111284
File: 35 KB, 1170x295, groomer 2.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, groomers

>> No.15111303

Define normal. A lot of people (dare I say the majority) are attracted to people who are of a similar age

>> No.15111334

>(the majority) are attracted to people who are of a similar age
That's a blatant lie. Try again.

>> No.15111351

I am so glad I live in a country where 16 is fully legal provided both parties reached that age.

>> No.15111391

Keep lying to yourself>>15111351

>> No.15111393

Didn't mean to quote >>15111351

>> No.15111397

Try 14 (Germany).
It's fully legal to consensually fuck a fresh 14 year old until she passes out, but it's highly illegal to keep a photo of a naked 17 year old.
Funny how that works.

>> No.15111410

Keep being a mentally ill golem. Hopefully they make it illegal for you to breed with anything younger than 40.

>> No.15111412

are you happy about that because you're 16 years old or because you're a pedophile?

>> No.15111414
File: 35 KB, 564x823, 3523433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are you happy about that because you're 16 years old or because you're a pedophile?
Mentally ill golems will continue to seethe.

>> No.15111425

Oh no I am 30.
I usually keep around 3-5 16-19 year-old girls interested in me. Gotta go find someone new soon.

Same here, keeping photos of anyone under 18 is illegal while fucking anyone over 16 is fine, so sadly I have to ask 17yo girls not to send me nudes.

>> No.15111439

15 here.
It should be a standard world wide. Teenagers fuck all the time, there is no point in pretending they are innocent asexual angels.
Also I find it funny how Americans get offended when faced with the fact that other countries are not as puritan. They are so brainwashed by media and feminism they completely ignore any reason for why AoC exists or what is actually harmful. They just look at an arbitrary number media told them and decide if someone is a worst monster or innocent human in binary fashion.

>> No.15111455

>go to crowded club
>tits touch your back when the biches are passing by