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File: 449 KB, 4480x4480, recursiveselfimprovement.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15097535 No.15097535 [Reply] [Original]


This is the ultimate self-help method: it defines conscious decision-making as an evolutionary process where question -> choice -> action corresponds to variation -> selection -> reproduction, and describes how to apply this as a journaling method that will guarantee that you grow ultimate self-mastery in yourself, and completely optimize your life and mind.

Much more is also included that is very relevant. The document is only 17 pages long. This is a ground-breaking work in the emerging field of process psychology.

>> No.15097591

I have a much simpler although similar method that can be explained in a few steps
1. Set a main goal you feel is reasonably achievable (e.g. Learn JavaScript)
2. Split the main goal up into easily achievable goals
3. Your next goal is now the first goal
4. Go to the next goal
5. Complete the goal
6. Go to step 4. Or if the main goal is complete then go to step 1

>> No.15097619

This doesn't have the means for changing goals, which is essential.

>> No.15097687

Ok then
4. Go to next goal or choose a new main goal

>> No.15097927

How do you choose a goal? Choice is merely a process of elimination, it takes multiple given options and contracts them to one to actualize.

How to you generate new options to choose from?

By questioning, the mutagenic operation of conscious creativity.

>> No.15097934
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>This is a ground-breaking work in the emerging field of process psychology.
Have we reached peak clownworld yet?

>> No.15097981
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Just one paragraph in and it's already clearly written by some midwit.
All of this implicitly presumes that stagnation is inherently good and self-questioning is inherently bad, none of which is explained or clarified. Axiomatic perpetuation of change for its own sake. If the author had followed his own advice, he'd necessarily have to start questioning these premises and consider that maybe stagnation can be good such as in situations where a person may indeed has knowledge on anything at all.

>> No.15097989

Ofc I meant
>stagnation is inherently bad
>self-questioning is inherently good.
Regardless, point stands.

>> No.15098040

I'm assuming that learning is inherently good, because I'm not a complete idiot. I have seen the catastrophic effects on people who refuse to learn, and the elevating effects of learning on people who embrace learning. If you don't see this obvious truth, you are fundamentally sick.

>> No.15098046

>durr you're assuming that mental slavery isn't a good thing.

You're going to be one of the complete idiots holding up signs at mass protests against this that read "STOP QUESTIONING YOURSELF, GOVERNMENT, AND THE WORLD AROUND YOU."

>> No.15098051
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>> No.15098083

Give babby a break. He just learned about the concept of self-regulation and he needs a dumbed-down, child-friendly algorithm to do it, so let him. Maybe he'll become a bit less of an NPC.

>> No.15098085

Interestingly, if you believe learning is an inherent good, you should also believe equalitarianism is an inherent evil.
This follows from Fisher's theorem, which shows the square of the learning rate of replicators is proportional to the variance in fitness.

>> No.15098104

The world is constantly changing, you idiot. Conditions, relationships, facts, and problems are always changing. Either change yourself to keep up, or be left behind as an obsolete dinosaur with the rest of the loser boomers.

Conservatives don't have high-order self-awareness, they don't question their questions. Instead, they ask questions about their previously determined answers about how to confirm them - this is the method of confirmation bias.

You're arguing that change, learning, and questioning is bad in a science board. Do you lack complete self-awareness? Go back to the death-spiral of hate and mutually reinforcing stupidity is /pol/, where you all can continue to circle-jerk around "all change bad, only former things good" and threaten anyone who disagrees or practices otherwise with abuse, terrorism, and war.

>> No.15098105
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>Conservatives don't have high-order self-awareness
Aaaand here we go. Fucking lol.

>> No.15098113

Yes conservatives endlessly project their own immense inner conflict from their own past traumas onto others - they are emotional and political warmongers.

>> No.15098114

Yeah, okay. It's funny because I'm not the person you're arguing with, but I was just waiting for you to start sperging off about /pol/ and right-wingers like the drone that you are and it didn't take long. You can smell these troons from miles.

>> No.15098121

And there you go, using your hateful slur of choice that conservative media has programmed you to use to abuse anyone who disagrees with your monstrously toxic beliefs, practices, and behaviors.

You don't want to question yourself, because what you fear is the ugliness you will discover if you do.

>> No.15098123

>yadda yadda
Are you ready to apply babby's self-reflection algorithm and try to figure out how I knew you were going to do this out of the blue?

>> No.15098125

>I know you are but what am I

Is that really the best you have?

>> No.15098128

Okay. Anyway, how did I know?

>> No.15098131

You're ugly as shit bro. You're doubtlessly spending hours a day bouncing toxic, hateful filth off of other hateful dim-wits in conservative echo-chambers on line, and you demand that others believe that it smells great and beautiful.

>> No.15098132

So then why don't you question your views and change yourself into a conservative?

>> No.15098134

How did I know?

>> No.15098138

I've seen how absolute abusive monsters of human beings that conservative ideology turns people into in my real life. Conservativism destroys families and communities.

>> No.15098141
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>I've seen how absolute abusive monsters of human beings that conservative ideology turns people into in my real life. Conservativism destroys families and communities.
Well-done if troll.

>> No.15098143


>> No.15098144
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That sounds like you're completely unable to compromise and find greater commonalities with the world around you. My advice: read the pdf in the OP. It has some great instructions on how to change yourself.

>> No.15098146

Did you question this narrative today? Did you assess other possibilities of response besides exploding in impotent rage? :^)

>> No.15098152

>A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Therefore by their fruits you will know them.

The fruits of conservativism are hate, fear, intolerance, warmongering, economic exploitation, imperialism, the oppression of women and minorities, the destruction of ecosystems, anti-intellectualism, and emotional crippling.

>> No.15098155


>> No.15098161

>nor can a bad tree bear good fruit
Then why don't you go back to the progressive alien civilization you immigrated here from, nigger?

>> No.15098164

I've been here since 2010, idiot. Once the alt-right death-spiral began to form here, I began to study it, as it includes examples of the most broken people on the internet. Your kind are the invaders.

>> No.15098165

The [opposing political side] is [bad word], [bad word], [bad word], [bad word], [bad word], and most definitely [bad word]! That's why I advocate for change. Change yourself into [my political side].

>> No.15098167

That post sure went over your head.

>> No.15098172

>Your kind are the invaders.
Sounds like you don't like change. I bet you're the kind of person who would build a wall to keep invaders out.

>> No.15098176

No, I'm trying to bring them some basic self-awareness. That's what this thread is an attempt to do.

>> No.15098182

Sounds like you lack the self-awareness of the variation -> selection -> reproduction cycle. Look, you need to question yourself, it's the only way that you can progress. It's why you blame everyone other than yourself.

>> No.15098190

This argument started by an anon claiming that questioning, learning, and change is bad.

>> No.15098191

I fucking hate you toxic chuds. I'm gonna fucking kill you all. This is a thread about progress. Why are you fucking up my thread with your regressive Trumpism??

>> No.15098193

If change is good, why are you not changing yourself?

>> No.15098194

Is that what the conservative voices in your head said?

>> No.15098197

That's what I am constantly doing. But I am certainly not going to change myself the way you like, because I have seen what that leads to: self-destruction and self-created emotional hells.

>> No.15098202

So when are you going to progress from impotent seething to rational responses, or at least ignoring bait? I'm not seeing any gradient of change in your posts.

>> No.15098203

It helps to keep the thread bumped.

>> No.15098206

Have you asked yourself if there are other options for bumping your thread, besides your violent emotional tantrums?

>> No.15098209

How is it violent to merely describe the actions, behavior, and words of others with factual accuracy?

>> No.15098210

So, let's summarize: You believe that change is inherently good, but then not all change is good after all. It has to be very specific change into a very specific direction. And let me guess, only those who change into the direction that share your personal views are the self-aware ones, and everyone who changes into a direction that encourages political views you disagree with is lacking self-awareness.

Yeah, that is the prime example of a lack of self-awareness. Either you're trolling (which I hope, since it would actually be hilarious), but I slightly doubt it given that you probably spent hours writing that 17 pages, low IQ drivel, assuming that you're OP, ofc.

>> No.15098214

So the answer is no? Okay. Let me ask you something else: do you feel like 4chan is a net positive contribution to your life?

>> No.15098216

You can't be pro-equality and also be pro-learning, see
Your unhinged rant about conservatives shows that you haven't embraced the fundamental necessity of variance in the learning process that is explicit in OP. Even if you don't agree with conservatism, you should value the diverse perspective that it brings.

>> No.15098217

4chan has been a net positive to my life by giving me examples of what to avoid in life.

>> No.15098218

I value the diverse perspectives of people of color, not of fucking chuds.

>> No.15098219

So you agree that browsing 4chan is making your life worse. What are you doing to change this? What alternative choices have you considered?

>> No.15098221

>So you agree that browsing 4chan is making your life worse.

Nope. Right now it's making my life better by helping to spread this paper.

>> No.15098223

>Right now it's making my life better
Exploding with anger while everyone ridicules your paper makes your life better?

>> No.15098224

I'm not exploding with anger at all, you can't read my mind.

>> No.15098231
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>I'm not exploding with anger at all
Sure thing. Anyway... we both know even a barely sentient creature like you questions his coming here day after day, and yet here you are. You're not capable of change. Questioning doesn't change anything.

>> No.15098233

Everything I have said is completely factual. It's not my fault that conservatives can't handle the basic facts about themselves.

>> No.15098235

I'm not a conservative and I wouldn't be surprised if none of the people you keep chimping out at aren't, either. You seriously need to do some honest self-reflection, you negroidal ape.

>> No.15098238

>I'm not a conservative.
>Uses racial slur.

>> No.15098241
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>i've been on this 4chan sub for heckin' 40 years and the only people who use racial slurs are c-c-conservatives!!

>> No.15098245


>> No.15098248
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>> No.15098267
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Heckin conservatists ruined 4chan in 2016- uh I mean 2009- uhh I mean 1995

>> No.15098287

>method that will guarantee that you grow ultimate self-mastery in yourself, and completely optimize your life and mind
Retarded like anything related to evolution or evolutionary like

The main problem is what makes someone choose anything and act on it or choosing something despite knowing it's not a good idea, not listing all the possible choices and making questions. All the retarded ddeterministics explanations fail because humans have free choice inside their possibilities, despite the influence one might have.

Damn secular people are retarded