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File: 562 KB, 1444x873, 5F3332C3-4DA1-4E12-932E-99738734E0AB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15029779 No.15029779 [Reply] [Original]

Debunk this

>> No.15029781

>in 50 years the earth increased in temperature by one degree celsius on average
yep, checks out

>> No.15029784

that's a mob with access to computing resources
it isn't science
it's garbage candidate justification of hysterical alarmism

>> No.15029823


>> No.15029835


What the fuck are you talking about. It’s a validation of the climate models, since some keyboard warrior without any real training in the field says shit like “the climate models aren’t wrong/blown out of proportion”.

By validating the models, you can predict what future temperatures would be. And the impact of a rise in those average temperatures is a whole other discussion. What do you think when qualifies as “real science” anyways. Literally check every peer reviewed journal which comes to the same conclusions.

>> No.15029848

But the ice is growing and Meditation in North pole. Dumbass

>> No.15029866

where the fuck are you getting that ice has been growing. And please don’t cherry pick one year out of a century long trend like a complete retard.

>> No.15029876
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>> No.15029879

what I don't understand is why we kvetch about it instead of just preparing. We can't control the earth, if we have to move away from the coast who cares that's just part of live. things change. there is tons of real estate ready to thaw in canada and new coastlines. If these people really believed how bad it's going to get why are they not buying up northern real estate? China and other developing countries don't care about this and they are only having more kids so it's time to just adapt and accept it. Maybe in the future we can just figure out how to scrub the co2 until then we adapt.

>> No.15029907

>don't cherry pick one year out of a century long trend
>posts 2 pictures of sea ice from 2012 and 2013

you are one stupid fucking nigger. also, sea ice extent tells you nothing about mass loss dumbass.

>> No.15029908

>volume of ice loss doesn't tell you about mass loss
ugh, anon are you brain damaged?

>> No.15029912
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>> No.15029918

sea ice extent isnt volume you fucking dipshit. ice floats, so a picture tells you nothing about depth or mass. The major ice sheet in the North Pole is on Greenland.

And even if you did bring up sea ice extent, you'll see that on average, the summer extent has been declining at 12.6%/decade. pick up a book nigger.

>> No.15029922
File: 159 KB, 657x316, greenland.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15029923

o shit rasool what are you doing

>> No.15029927
File: 49 KB, 722x804, Jesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Debunk this
God is causing it, not humans.

Just as valid a theory.

Debunk that.

>> No.15029929

>pick up a book
^isn't that cute. This anon believes "books". Religious climate cult nutcase.

>> No.15029938

so do you actually have a response to the fact that observations show a decline in >260Gt of mass and a 12.6% decline in sea ice extent? or are you just going to continue to ignore that.

Oh wait let me guess. (((they))) fudged the data, even though anyone who studied the field has known that CO2 could lead to climate change since the late 1800s.

>> No.15029946

>to the fact
Yeah, keep believing the con-men selling you shit. Go attend some time-share seminars.

>> No.15029948
File: 60 KB, 1080x594, US Elections and Climate Change.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.15029952

my response was to >>15029876 showing a satellite observation by NASA you fucking dumbass. So I'm using this niglet's own source against him.

If you don't believe anything that comes out of academia because you were too stupid to work in any technical field, I can't help you there.

>> No.15029953

>pick up a book nigger.
which chapter of which book?

>> No.15029957

is it more accurate to model individual waves or the tides

>> No.15029959

>le scary graph

>> No.15029963
File: 204 KB, 2176x1098, Climate Narratives.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15029966

start off with the one that tells you how to sterilize or kill yourself

>> No.15029969

>my response was to >>15029876 showing a satellite observation by NASA you fucking dumbass. So I'm using this niglet's own source against him.
>If you don't believe anything that comes out of academia because you were too stupid to work in any technical field, I can't help you there.
I was supporting your data, moron. Now go back to fucking your mother you inbred retard. LMAO!

>> No.15029971

Holy shit anon, you still believe anything that comes from NASA? kek

>> No.15029975

Warmists believe it.

>> No.15029978

>start off with the one that tells you how to sterilize or kill yourself
which one is that?

>> No.15029981
File: 115 KB, 427x512, Climatologist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

climatology is full of a bunch of frauds who get rich off scaring the public

>> No.15029983

Don't forget geoengineering with aerosol sprays to cause droughts to convince people they need more geoengineering with aerosol sprays.

>> No.15029986


page 123

>> No.15029990
File: 198 KB, 800x800, xxxxxxxxxx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NASA is like the Jim Jones of climate-change cultists. It is their temple of worship and their Bible rolled up into one.

>> No.15029997

2 more weeks until climate chaos.

>> No.15030008


people who studied atmospheric science knew about the possibility of CO2 warming up the atmosphere in 1896. The first few papers warning about the possibility were published in the 50s. Both before NASA.

>> No.15030060

>people who studied
People who study about Jesus know about shit for two thousand years.
Doesn't make them right.

>> No.15030063

shit I better hurry and get some more ice and beer! gonna be fun watching it!