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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 633 KB, 747x1280, fi1Tows1TDRM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14860445 No.14860445 [Reply] [Original]

Are vaxxies with low T cell counts a mere coincidence or is this what a dying immune system looks like?

>> No.14860485

Everyone already knows the answer. Whether they admit it or cling to a failed health intervention is about buyer's remorse more than truth these days.

>> No.14860488

>Nobody else is concerned about this but me

That poor doctor is now realizing that most medical professionals lack empathy and chose their career for money and respect, rather than to heal the sick.

>> No.14860493

This is only after 2 shots btw.

>> No.14860579

Im not concerned because I didnt inject the jew juice. feels good man

>> No.14860602

Dunno if that's entirely related to the vaccine, I've heard a few stories about the unvaccinated getting multiple infections. The problem is SARS-CoV-2 infects and kills t-cells. Multiple Covid infections over a short period of time could be setting up a person for a bad time as their t-cells become depleted. In that sense, vaccination could be an issue if it prevents sterilizing immunity after infection. Posting a Forbes article since 4chan hates Nature articles, but the direct link to the study is in the first paragraph.


>> No.14860604

She reported having severe symptoms after 2 vaxes, which she never recovered from. But she still doesn't think it caused the issue (it obviously did).

>> No.14860609

It's not clear, sounds like she may have had issues after her first bout with Covid in 2020, which the AZ vaccine then exacerbated, and then multiple more cases of Covid thrown on top of it. Her immune system really does sound shot.

>> No.14860612

She got her AZ vax so soon after having covid that it's hard to say which originated the issues. However, the vax obviously hasn't protected her at all and did cause micro-clotting in her brain (according to her). I lean towards the most damaging event being the most likely to cause the recurring issue.

>> No.14860615

The vaccines suck, I won't argue with you over that.

>> No.14860617

Yeah, my main curiosity with her is she jumps really hard on the "covid did it" bandwagon and demands vaccination and masking when they obviously measurably harmed her. It feels like some kind of perverse munchausen by proxy, where she wants everyone else to be hurt as much as she was.

>> No.14860638

I mean, even if the vaccines didn't directly harm her, they're clearing not helping, like, AT ALL. The scary thing is if her T cell counts don't recover she's opening herself up to all kinds of infections besides Covid, and every infection is another setback.

>> No.14860648

Her T counts are a little low, but not low enough to be worried about.

>> No.14860651

She seems a bit histrionic about pretty normal levels. But getting covid 6 times is a bit insane.

>> No.14860696

>She seems a bit histrionic
probably a jew

>> No.14860719

Does anyone really want vaxcattle producing more vaxcattle? Maybe it's for the best.


>> No.14860789

>median makes it look like nothing happened.

>but 1 in 5 people had their total motility count drop to zero. they were sterilized.


>> No.14860790
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>> No.14860796

Vaxies? Vaxies? Where are you to shill this thread?

>> No.14860804

it would make this board actually above average IQ is the ACK, so it isnt all bad

>> No.14860843
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>> No.14860877

Do T cells have to do with inflammation guys? A vaxxed I know is having constant inflammation issues around her piercings

>> No.14860892

>rivotril fringes
Never fail as a redflag

>> No.14860900


>> No.14860909

Are you talking about her flat bangs? If so that's an amazing name for them.

>> No.14861023
File: 66 KB, 750x600, box of rape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we exchanging gifts? Because I got one for you, too! <3

>> No.14861235

why do you keep making these extremely low quality threads? it just makes you look retarded desu

>> No.14861249

>no one seems remotely concerned
>i am

Do you want to KILL paba? Do you want to SLAY bewmba? Do you want to SLAUGHTER bliablia?

>> No.14861263

What does this even mean?

>> No.14861270 [DELETED] 

Does anyone here remember a news story from around November 2020 where several Australians who partook in vaccine trials developed HIV? I remember.

>> No.14861275

>I remember.
post it

>> No.14861283 [DELETED] 
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>I've heard a few stories

>> No.14861317


GROW the fuck up. BOOST the fuck up. SHUT the fuck up.

>> No.14861338

>N = 1
Also, are we gonna pretend that leftists were known for their health prior to 2020? The demographic with mass fibromyalgia apparently?

>> No.14861341

It's a reported trend in national statistics. Vaxies get covid regularly now.

>> No.14861344

that is a real condition, look up the symptoms of the old neurasthenia
but there are way too many hypochondriacs

>> No.14861346

>It's a reported trend in national statistics
post it

>> No.14861348

You can just go look at your nation's covid reports to see that case counts are rising and falling like any seasonal illness, with vaxies getting sick again and again. If they weren't, covid would be over.

>> No.14861353

I did. It shows exclusively the unvaccinated getting covid. Vaccinated people seem to be immune.

>> No.14861360

Do you think people will just let lies like that slide or...? I mean all you have to do is check the UK's detailed NHS stats to see vaxxies with a negative efficacy.

>> No.14861375

you mean people would go on the science board of 4channel and just tell lies like that? bizarre. next you'll be saying people will make threads with twitter screenshots of nobodies.

>> No.14861394 [DELETED] 
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>I've heard a few stories SHUT the fuck up.

>> No.14861403

Kerry Smith, sadly, is one of the most prolific medical backers of the Long Covid conspiracy theory. She was also a major alarmist shill in the early days of covid.

>> No.14861406

What happens if they get exposed to the T-virus when their counts are so low?

>> No.14861422

Yes, couldn't find out if that hair style where some hair is on her forehead is called fringes or bangs

>> No.14861424

This is just the medical term for muscle pain

>> No.14861478

Mmh, no

>> No.14861481

N=1 anecdotes are the only thing rational people will trust after you've shown your soience to be all fake. lol

>> No.14861560

They get turned into the next batch of mRNA injections.

>> No.14861569

If you keep telling that to yourself it'll eventually become true

>> No.14861586

I don't need to tell anything to myself. I no longer trust your fraud industry and countless other people have come to the same conclusion. Your handlers are so asshurt about it they're scrambling to censor the internet.

>> No.14861593

>I no longer trust your fraud industry and countless other people have come to the same conclusion
Who cares lol

>> No.14861599

>Who cares
You do. Why else would you be so obsessed with posting in these threads? Your owners are even more stressed about it because they're willing to pay a fortune to have shills patrolling online communities. You feel intensely threatened. You will show this by replying to me again.

>> No.14861644


Fibromyalgia is a long-term, or chronic, condition. It causes symptoms such as:

musculoskeletal pain, or pain in the muscles and bones

>> No.14861670

No shit sherlock. The condition is not the symptom.
>You do
Nope, just shitposting during study breaks
>You will show this by replying to me again.
>Why else would you be so obsessed with posting in these threads? Your owners are even more stressed about it because they're willing to pay a fortune to have shills patrolling online communities. You feel intensely threatened.
God I wish I was paid to answer to schizos, I am doing that for free

>> No.14861674
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Hey there stoooodent, suck it dry bitch

>> No.14861759

That's gay

>> No.14861838
File: 107 KB, 1000x426, Screenshot 2022-09-20 at 16-17-13 20F Heart palpitations after Covid vaccine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Having the capacity to think
>I am not even saying "having an IQ above 100", what we have here literally is just automaton behaviour
Pick 1

>> No.14861897

>throwaway account

>> No.14861906

>Cancel culture is just your imagination. Tell me who you are so we can send a welcoming committee over to your house and tell your employer how nice it is that you shared your experiences with the world.

>> No.14861924

Yeah because a normal reddit account has name and surname lol. Stop bullshitting me
>>Cancel culture is just your imagination.
Yes it exists but you are blowing it out of proportion because you forgot you schizo medication
Also it's full on facebook and twitter of literally whos with name and surnames in their profile who make controversial takes and none of them are cancelled. Those who are cancelled make the news because they are the exception, not the rule

>> No.14861937

not gayer than op

>> No.14861996

>two weeks

>> No.14862000

get boosted sucker

>> No.14862003

>4chan hates Nature articles
I would laugh if this website's users just died within the next few years.
4chan proves that the lower IQ bracket of the West needs a culling

>> No.14862017
File: 177 KB, 745x997, soyence articles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4chan hates Nature articles
someone was too low IQ to figure out how to circumvent the filter on long strings of numerals and they got frustrated at their own lack of intellectual capacity and declared "OMG SCIENCE DENIER 4CHAN HATES NATURE ARTICLES"
instead of admitting that they need to learn better patience and reasoning skills.
picrel latest issue of Nature

>> No.14862032

> Picture about someone who got Covid 5 times, a disease known to wreak havoc on multiple organs, and is worried about her blood results.
> Somehow OP's makes it about the vaccines.

>> No.14862179

Any doctor retarded enough to dishonor medicine by endorsing abandoning all established drug safety practices deserves everything they get.

>> No.14862203

By stories I mean I read online. In real life I only know two families who have had Covid twice, and in each case, it was pre and post-Omicron. So in general, I think Covid reinfections are not that common. However, most of the people I know are vaccinated, and the majority of them have had multiple non-Covid respiratory infections. I initially assumed it was from lack of exposure to viral pathogens during lockdown, leading to a catching up period. Now I'm not so sure.

>> No.14862208
File: 3.92 MB, 1x1, s41392-022-00919-x.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was talking about the links only, which get flagged as spam. Though I could always just upload the PDF.

>> No.14862416

Pureblooded people become immune after 1 exposure.

>> No.14862432

I got vaccinated only twice and still have no weird side effects but Im never getting the booster though.

>> No.14862461

I got 1 pfizer and I've had intermittent heart pain ever since until this very day.

>> No.14862511

I’m guessing the variant in 2020 and maybe to late 2021 had potentially worse effects on the body than omnicron and post omnicron variants.

It seems the coronavirus has reverted back more closely to its original state pre-2020 (giving symptoms of the common cold).

>> No.14862524

Also AZ was a nightmare vaccine. I remember 8 young news casters in the UK dying of blood clots in the brain by April 2021. All within a few months.
Horrrible this anon’s assessment (>>14860488) is correct but most normies don’t see it

>> No.14862565

When will you realize that testing positive with Covid is not the same as having an active infection? This whole pandemic is a play with numbers and a mass die out of boomers would have been a good thing for everyone left.

>> No.14862575

Vaxies suffer from symptomatic disease (any disease) 4-5x as often as purebloods. So whatever it is, fake or not, it's killing them.

>> No.14862651

>my whole family is dropping dead from the vax
>better get it too
>t. throwaway_01843

>> No.14862756

Don't put it past the average redditor to be that retarded. You saw what happened to >>14860843

>> No.14862803

>just above half of the minimum preferred range

Right, you don't worry about it because it is not you, and she's not about to die so you're not responsible.

It's perfectly reasonable she is concerned, you're just used to dismissing people until they are majorly ill so you can reap greater profits.

>> No.14863112

They'll never get it. They're paid not to.

>> No.14863141
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if only they hadn't skipped eight and a half years worth of human studies by pushing this all through under EUAs
no refunds

>> No.14863147

If they had studied it for 8 years they wouldn't be able to hide its effects.

>> No.14863151

>hide its effects?
what do you mean? 9 year olds have always died from heart attacks induced by 'winter vagina' and shaking out doona covers

>> No.14863152

What is winter vagina?

>> No.14863173

The tests themselves were horseshit and were interpreted like horseshit. A positive result means almost nothing.

>> No.14863195

vaxxed women have dry pussies

>> No.14863274
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Oh look, we've only been saying this for 2 years.

>SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Activates Human Endogenous Retroviruses ( HERV-W )

The spike protein attaches to your cells and causes them to start producing a protein that's usually locked away in our genome, which our bodies then react to as an infection.

Systemic inflammation, cancers, clotting, auto-immune disease, neurological disorders, neurodegeneration.






SARS-CoV-2 contains a sequence from animal cells patented 3 years before the outbreak. They were using SARS in cancer vaccine research and added something called a Furin Cleavage Site to the spike protein to give it the ability to infect human immune cells. They learned this trick from HIV.

Unfortunately, when they do this, it triggers Human Endogenous Retroviruses in our DNA. Our cells get stuck pumping this stuff into our system, and our immune system fights it, wrecking our bodies in the process.

This is the most heinous disaster in human history.

>> No.14863278

Im vaccinated with 2 doses (one and a half year ago) and i have the immune system perfectly. Am I a superhuman?

>> No.14863282

Same, I even got lots of tests and saw a cardiologist to make sure I was OK. I'm in perfect health. Haven't been sick in years, never had symptoms of the virus. I think I may have had minor food poisoning in 2017 but that's it.

>> No.14863288

vaxxies have AIDs now

>> No.14863294
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>I have the immune system perfectly
>Immediately samefags afterwards
So uh... you're a brand new diversity hire, right?

>> No.14863299
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yeah same here, i also like to see cardiologists and get lots of tests when i'm in perfect health and nothing is wrong whatsoever, makes perfect sense

>> No.14863306

It's better to get checked out before something is wrong. I go to the doctor all the time. I also have a family history of heart problems, so good to keep tabs on things.

>> No.14863311
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very believable

>> No.14863315

I don't care if you believe me.
I've never known anyone that has the virus so what? I don't follow facebook and twitter like you do. I suggest you go back to just living your life, the whole thing was a non-event.

>> No.14863321

"i don't care if you believe me"
and yet here you are, making shit up and replying to yourself to back it up
tell your handler that you're probably better off licking stamps in the mailroom - use your work here as an example to support your negotiations

>> No.14863432

I don't think I've ever had my "T cell counts" tested before. Why?

>> No.14863504

It's a measure of immune function. Low = your immune system is shot.

>> No.14863532

the fuck you saying retard?

>> No.14863711

why did you get shots?

>> No.14863772

>dodged the vaccine and covid for over two years
>retards start inching towards a nuclear exchange

>> No.14864232


Yes, their paycheck depends on them repressing any sense of ethics.

But I can do my best to make sure that money causes them as much grief as possible.

>> No.14864237

>>retards start inching towards a nuclear exchange

Don't worry, CERN will not let that happen.

>> No.14864346

explain how that works

>> No.14864428

if the virus didn't give her immunity after the first infection, what chance would a vaccine have?

>> No.14864668

Doctors aren't very smart.

>> No.14864687
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Normal to have sore arm about a month after getting it? mostly it's hard to pull weights, after a while it starts to hurt tho.. sometimes it hurts in the morning, could this get worse or spread to the heart? pls this is important.. I might just be 80 IQ and this death-vax were specially made for someone like me so that I would die but.. I don't want to die!

>> No.14864764

It could get worse. You probably have inflammation from cells that reverse-transcribed the mRNA and multiplied, continuing to produce spike proteins which your body then attacks.

>> No.14864770
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Now what?

>> No.14864801
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So I should treat it as an inflammation? I will need to take it again, 3 more times If i want to keep my job, I shall be homeless If I don't.. sadly so :/

>> No.14864964

>Are vaxxies with low T cell counts a mere coincidence or is this what a dying immune system looks like?
i'm vaccinated and never had covid, if you are a strong alfa male vaccine won't do shit, covid won't do shit, no sickness can infect and alfa male, some white alfas can't even get HIV

>> No.14864972

You shouldn't have taken it in the first place. Hard to develop a spine and a religious conviction after you already cucked.

Get someone to certify you as allergic if you can.

>> No.14865339

The prion diseases from spike will begin. CJD is already proven to be caused by the maxine.

>> No.14865440
File: 220 KB, 1200x720, maxine-waters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While I agree that Maxine Waters is stressful on the brain, don't think hearing her actually causes CJD.

>> No.14865485

>if you are a strong alfa male vaccine won't do shit
Do a d-dimer test and come back with the results big boy. Not afraid of a little test, are you?

>> No.14865882
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>> No.14865958


Amyloidogenesis of SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein
Nyström et al
Full-length folded S-protein did not form amyloid fibrils, but amyloid-like fibrils with evident branching were formed during 24 h of S-protein coincubation with the protease neutrophil elastase (NE) in vitro.

SARS-CoV-2 invades cognitive centers of the brain and induces Alzheimer's-like neuropathology
Shen et al

Amyloidogenic proteins in the SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2 proteomes
Bhardwaj et al
Our results show that these peptides and proteins form aggregates via a nucleation-dependent mechanism. Moreover, we demonstrated that the aggregates of NSP11 are toxic to mammalian cell cultures.

SARS-CoV-2 spike protein interactions with amyloidogenic proteins: Potential clues to neurodegeneration
Danish Idrees et al
SARS-CoV-2 spike protein can interact with heparin binding amyloid forming proteins.

The effect of SARS-COV-2 Infections on Amyloid Formation of Serum Amyloid A
Jana et al

Prion-like Domains in Spike Protein of SARS-CoV-2 Differ across Its Variants and Enable Changes in Affinity to ACE2
Tetz et al

Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in a man with COVID-19: SARS-CoV-2-accelerated neurodegeneration?
Young et al

>> No.14866183

Any reasonable or mentally functioning doctor would recommend vaccines based on your immune system health mine didn't cuz I was above their ranges and got exemption including Rona
Vaccines were the easiest doctor filter I've ever seen honestly
Its assnine that people with high immune system are forced to have VAX for the people with low immune system easily the root of the problem was low immune system crisis of course the media never reported on this crisis as usual
Based on my observation the majority of the rona vaccinated people already had weaker than average immune system to begin with and hindered their immune system because the mRNA tech was not perfected with long term human research

>> No.14866585
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>> No.14867561

How what works?

>> No.14867741

If your immune system is functioning correctly your body replaces dead T-cells at a relatively constant rate. If that stops, due to fatigue or disease, your ability to fight other diseases declines.

>> No.14868995 [DELETED] 

>If that stops, due to fatigue or disease
what if it stops because at your own request, you were intentionally injected with RNA sequences that caused the stoppage, does that work differently?

>> No.14869011

I don't think the mRNA vaccines stop the production of T-cells. What they don't do is prevent infection, and they may also impair long term immunity. No long term immunity would result in T-cells being over relied on to clear infection. A reduction in T-cells is common after infection, the problem arises when you have multiple infections in close succession (or a chronic infection), which leads to T-cell exhaustion. T-cell exhaustion predisposes you to even more infections, so it becomes a vicious cycle.

>> No.14869029

Turbo fucking sleeze
get vaccinated or your immune system will die? lmao
Get real nigger

>> No.14869318

Well then you're fucked, no refunds.

>> No.14869613

>get vaccinated or your immune system will die? lmao
It's the opposite.

>> No.14869736

bald faced liar

>> No.14869740

Why should anyone else be concerned with someone else's t count aside his doctor and partner? The egos of these people.

>> No.14869741

literal schizo shit

>> No.14869751

time for your booster made for a two year old variant
hopefully you won't get a blood clot!

>> No.14869840

You mean peer reviewed science.

>> No.14869853


>> No.14870343 [DELETED] 
File: 467 KB, 794x1439, fags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try some Maxine McCormick as an antidote. Not all Maxines, etc.

>> No.14870569
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>got 2 jabs in May 2021
>haven't been sick since until now, when I tested positive for COVID
>so mild I thought it was a sinus infection
>no fever, chest pain, lack of breathing, etc. just sinus pain
>already feel better
>my dad is antivax and bitches about Fauci constantly
>thinks Fauci created the virus
>got COVID twice including now, along with me
>he and I have the same symptom severity
I'm starting to think the vaccines AND COVID are nothingburgers and that people are trying to push an agenda based on their own insecurities and paranoia.

>> No.14870578

honestly they should make me a doctor

>> No.14870586

I just realized this is my dad's 2nd time getting it, previously getting it in September last year. I've seen more evidence to suggest the virus causes more immune system damage than the shots.

>> No.14870594

>I'm starting to think the vaccines AND COVID are nothingburgers
I had a pretty strong feeling that was the case right after the first wave flopped by may 2020.
i wasn't eligible to be vaxxed until may 2021, by which time omicron (a virus the vaccine was not developed for) was already becoming dominant... so there was no point. i lost what little trust in mainstream society i still had when they kept pushing the vax despite this.

>> No.14870600

except only one group of niggers is pushing coerced medical experimentation. Soooooooooo

>> No.14870605

And one is making up retarded government-overreach stories to justify resistance. Make no mistake, I dislike both of you.

>> No.14870610

>just 2 jabs
Where are you boosters you filthy antivaxxer?

>> No.14870612
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>> No.14870614

Sterilizing immunity doesn’t ecen occur in antivaxxers you fucking retard.

>> No.14871904

>Sterilizing immunity doesn’t ecen occur in antivaxxers you fucking retard.
Yeah, it's just a huge coincidence that they have a dramatically reduced risk of infection for more than a year post-infection. Don't throw terms around that you don't understand.

>> No.14872105

How is it a story when mandates and indemnity are real?

>> No.14873536

I don't care. I didn't get the vaccine and all the mandates are done so I can carry on with my life and my faggotty family and friends who ignored my advice will suffer or maybe they won't who care either it doesn't matter I will never take any vaccines, never consume pharmaceutical products, never consume flouride.

>> No.14873945

I caught covid once, haven't had a vaccine and have actually normal lymphocytes even in spite of being a fat layabout.
She should be histrionic about something. Not a fan of hysterical women but I think it's fair.

>> No.14873969

As a vaxxie am I just going to die or am I going to be eternally fucked too? Also am I finna be borged up into some AI monstrosity?

>> No.14874091

>justify resistance
if you hit somebody and then kvetch about them "justifying resistance" you deserve to be shot.

>> No.14874125

Have you been in good health or frequently sick? If it's the former, then stay away from the boosters and be happy. If it's the latter, then you should be concerned.

>> No.14875422 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14875431

Caffeine has caused more heart problems than the vaccines

>> No.14875455

LOL. Of course. Caffeine, global warming, sleeping in the wrong position, taking herbal supplements and everything else in the world except the corporate mRNA shot is causing the heart problems. How can anything be more harmful than your Pfizer shot when the plethora of diseases caused directly by it are attributed to merely existing? :^)

>> No.14875462

Are you seriously saying caffeine has not caused issues? I also think it’s funny how everyone bitches about Pfizer when it’s a much weaker dose than Moderna.
>plethora of diseases caused directly by it
Like what? How did billions of people get these shots and turn out fine? You Russian bots are all the same. Dig a little into your hysteria and it falls apart.

>> No.14875467

>How did billions of people get these shots and turn out fine?
How did they turn out fine if your handlers are scrambling to blame everything under the sun for the continuing increases in excess mortality?

>> No.14875488

There are tons of legitimate and simple explanations for why mortality went up and you go with the most retarded one. You’re no different than someone that classifies everything in the sky as a UFO from another dimension. If billions of people got these shots and even 1 million got issues, those are still ridiculously rare. To say definitely that any issues are 100% the vaccines when there’s a mountain of evidence supporting other hypotheses goes against the fundamental principles of science (which I know you’re not interested in, you’re a /pol/ immigrant who can’t make antivax threads on there anymore and even /b/ laughs those threads off their board, so you come here).

Seriously, present the mechanism in which a vaccine can cause issues 2+ years after administration and I’ll concede. Not even asbestos causes issues when only microns of the substance are inhaled. The contaminated water of Camp Lejeune caused issues after repeated ingestion, and that was 300x the allowable dosage of those chemicals. I just don’t get it, you guys keep sticking with the same bet that’s been proven wrong repeatedly, get new material. I get Ukraine is kicking your ass but you can still get better bait.

>> No.14875489

I've never heard of caffeine causing myo/pericarditis.

>> No.14875490

>There are tons of legitimate and simple explanations
Tons and tons of them. You're not sleeping on the right side, that's why you have heart issues. It's too bad you're too stupid to notice how the more different explanations you come up with, the worse it looks for your handlers. :^)

>> No.14875491

This isn’t an argument, you’re just fishing for (You)s. Fact: more people died from the virus than the shots. There’s your mortality.

>> No.14875493
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No one sees a need to argue with you anymore. Anyone sees right through you and most don't consider you to be human anymore, or to have any human rights.

>> No.14875494

Kids have been having heart attacks from energy drinks since I was in high school in the mid 2000s. I remember a drink called Cocaine (yes really) killed someone in my city in middle school.

>> No.14875496
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>Kids have been having heart attacks from energy drinks since I was in high school in the mid 2000s. I remember a drink called Cocaine (yes really) killed someone in my city in middle school.

>> No.14875497

Present the mechanism. I’m off tomorrow, I have all night.

>> No.14875500
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Public opinion is not swayed by arguing with paid shills. It's decided by disseminating the information your handlers are trying to legislate against and censor. You are losing and you are afraid.

>> No.14875506

You're making that sound like a common thing. There's far, far more confirmed cases of myocarditis injury by vaccine than there are heart attacks by energy drinks.

>> No.14875510

What about compared to the virus?>>14875500
Kek I was guessing when I said you were a /pol/tard, who knew I was right

>> No.14875514
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>> No.14875517

What about the virus? There was no observed elevated risk of myocarditis in Israel in 2020, before the vaccines.

>> No.14875518

You got that mechanism written up yet?

>> No.14875522

16x greater risk

>> No.14875524

Sure anon.

>Myocarditis and pericarditis are potential post-acute cardiac sequelae of COVID-19 infection, arising from adaptive immune responses. We aimed to study the incidence of post-acute COVID-19 myocarditis and pericarditis. Retrospective cohort study of 196,992 adults after COVID-19 infection in Clalit Health Services members in Israel between March 2020 and January 2021. Inpatient myocarditis and pericarditis diagnoses were retrieved from day 10 after positive PCR. Follow-up was censored on 28 February 2021, with minimum observation of 18 days. The control cohort of 590,976 adults with at least one negative PCR and no positive PCR were age- and sex-matched. Since the Israeli vaccination program was initiated on 20 December 2020, the time-period matching of the control cohort was calculated backward from 15 December 2020. Nine post-COVID-19 patients developed myocarditis (0.0046%), and eleven patients were diagnosed with pericarditis (0.0056%). In the control cohort, 27 patients had myocarditis (0.0046%) and 52 had pericarditis (0.0088%). Age (adjusted hazard ratio [aHR] 0.96, 95% confidence interval [CI]; 0.93 to 1.00) and male sex (aHR 4.42; 95% CI, 1.64 to 11.96) were associated with myocarditis. Male sex (aHR 1.93; 95% CI 1.09 to 3.41) and peripheral vascular disease (aHR 4.20; 95% CI 1.50 to 11.72) were associated with pericarditis. Post COVID-19 infection was not associated with either myocarditis (aHR 1.08; 95% CI 0.45 to 2.56) or pericarditis (aHR 0.53; 95% CI 0.25 to 1.13). We did not observe an increased incidence of neither pericarditis nor myocarditis in adult patients recovering from COVID-19 infection.

>> No.14875527
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No mechanism is necessary.

>> No.14875528
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>> No.14875533

>3 weeks
Bruh. I said 2+ years.
Read my post again. 16x greater risk.

>> No.14875544

>Read my post again. 16x greater risk.
Read my post again. No increased risk.

>> No.14875547
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>> No.14875561

Who has a lower risk of infection:

1) unvaxxed person who gets covid
2) vaxxed person who gets covid

spoiler: it's person #2

>> No.14875563

Literally wrong.
> In this study, the occurrence of myocarditis inpatient encounters was 42% higher in 2020 than in 2019. The risk for myocarditis among patients with COVID-19 during March 2020–January 2021 was nearly 16 times as high as the risk among patients without COVID-19, with the association between COVID-19 and myocarditis being most pronounced among children and older adults. Further, in this cohort, approximately 40% of patients with myocarditis had a history of COVID-19.
What gen ed did you fail out of?

>> No.14875564
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>> No.14875577

How’s that mechanism coming along?

>> No.14875581

>mRNA vaccines promote sustained synthesis of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein.
>The spike protein is neurotoxic, and it impairs DNA repair mechanisms.
>Suppression of type I interferon responses results in impaired innate immunity.
>The mRNA vaccines potentially cause increased risk to infectious diseases and cancer.
>Codon optimization results in G-rich mRNA that has unpredictable complex effects.

>> No.14875598

Quantify or GTFO. Don't care about a 0.000001% reduction in the risk of infection if there are side effects, which there are. Unless you are able to quantify the difference, it's not a difference that matters.

>> No.14875606

> A recent early-release study has found that the mRNA in the COVID-19 vaccines is present in germinal centers in secondary lymphoid tissue long after the vaccine is administered, and that it continues to synthesize spike glycoprotein up to at least sixty days post-vaccination
Based, I’m out of the woods

>> No.14875612

>immune function among vaccinated individuals 8 months after the administration of two doses of C*VID-19 vaccine was lower than that among the unvaccinated individuals.

>> No.14875616

>at least sixty days post-vaccination
The mask is slipping, paid shill. You will be lynched soon enough.

>> No.14875624

You got the wrong anon
That’s not in the article wtf

>> No.14875625

Got a rough draft for that mechanism yet? I can proofread it.

>> No.14875631

> immune function among vaccinated individuals 8 months after the administration of two doses of COVID-19 vaccine was lower than that among the unvaccinated individuals
>According to European Medicines Agency recommendations, frequent COVID-19 booster shots could adversely affect the immune response and may not be feasible
>These clinical alterations may explain the association reported between COVID-19 vaccination and shingles
>As a safety measure, further booster vaccinations should be discontinued

>> No.14875632

Based, I only got two. Looks like my luck is still here bros. Never had issues and it’s been 2 years.

>> No.14875636
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>That’s not in the article wtf
It's from another article. The "science" board on 4shills actually blocks you from posting links to scientific journals and even dois so any times it won't let you post a scientific source.

>> No.14875639

>d-d-don't m-mind scientiic evidence, b-bros
>i'm gigaboosted and i've never had any issues
>r-right, bros?
I guess your bros are working on another thread.

>> No.14875640

Lower how though? Post a pastebin link

>> No.14875643

Here’s some scientific evidence:
>got two shots
>no issues
>RHR is 48
>BP is 100/70
>it’s been 2 years
>had Covid since and it was a nothingburger
>never had any other illnesses
I trust my own experience :^)

>> No.14875646

You’re not a statistical anomaly dumbass. You’re the norm.

>> No.14875650

>Pfizer and Moderna mRNA COVID-19 vaccines were associated with an excess risk of serious adverse events of special interest of 10.1 and 15.1 per 10,000 vaccinated over placebo baselines of 17.6 and 42.
>Combined, the mRNA vaccines were associated with an excess risk of serious adverse events of special interest of 12.5 per 10,000 vaccinated (95 % CI 2.1 to 22.9); risk ratio 1.43 (95 % CI 1.07 to 1.92).

>> No.14875653

Idk why you’re upset that I made it out ok

>> No.14875655

See >>14875646

>> No.14875658

Not sure why you keep replying to my posts. I advocate for killing you, not discussing with you.

>> No.14875659

The agenda comes out.

>> No.14875661

What agenda? I'm completely open about the need to execute Pfizer shills. Either way...
>SARS-CoV-2 spike protein activates human endogenous retroviruses in blood cells

>> No.14875663

You’re not even posting correct bait anymore. That’s talking about the virus, not the shots. You know this isn’t /pol/ right? Why are you here?

>> No.14875664

>That’s talking about the virus, not the shots.
It's talking about the spike protein. Anyway, keep posting and demonstrating that violence against you is moral, rational and necessary.

>> No.14875665


>> No.14875667

Sure thing, schizo. Big tough guy that’s afraid of a needle. Say hi to Vlad for me.

>> No.14875668

>mRNA vaccines promote sustained synthesis of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein.

>SARS-CoV-2 spike protein activates human endogenous retroviruses in blood cells

>> No.14875669

>posting the same link again
It’s good to know my very existence makes you seethe.

>> No.14875670

Same reason vaxxers were butthurt that purebloods weren’t keeling over.

>> No.14875674

Ban everyone itt

>> No.14875679
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You tried to lie that the bottom article has nothing to do with the vaccine.
>SARS-CoV-2 spike protein induces cognitive deficit and anxiety-like behavior in mouse via non-cell autonomous hippocampal neuronal death

>> No.14875680

Why are you and your buddies losing your mind over people posting studies and citing actual scientific sources? :^)

>> No.14875681

That’s still talking about the virus. So antivaxxers that get the virus are fucked too. Nice save Vlad, you just fucked yourself over too.

>> No.14875683

Like the ones that say the shots are “””safe and effective””” or do those magically not count?

>> No.14875685

>ITT: Anon samefags with himself
All fields

>> No.14875688

>That’s still talking about the virus.
It's talking about the spike protein that a "vaccinated" body will keep producing for months after the vaccination. lol

>> No.14875698

>do those magically not count?
They naturally don't count in light of all the direct evidence showing otherwise.

>> No.14875717
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>vaccine AIDS is real

>> No.14875728

Like the billions not dying from the shots?

>> No.14875735

No idea what your psychotic rambling is about. We're talking about the health issues and excess mortality caused by your mRNA injection, not about "billions dying".

>> No.14876211

vaccine summary

Pfizer is an anagram of luzifer (german language)
moderna is an anagram of daemon 666
NOVAVAX is an anagram of Hebrew 666
covishield is an anagram of devilish 666
nuvaxovid is reverse english sumerian 666
pfizer.com is gematria 666
vaccination is gematria 666
delta+omicron is an eye of providence
delta+omicron is an anagram of media control
paxlovid is an anagram of devil pox

>> No.14877411

I had heart pain for an hour 3 days in a row this past week while sick with Covid, am I fucked?

>> No.14877514

Elaborating more, at its worst it spread out from my heart toward my upper left arm/shoulder. And then today about 3 days after it last happened while I was doing hollow body crunches i started to feel it again. Im 21

>> No.14877527

Are you a chronic masturbator? If so it's because of that. Otherwise get some panels done and whatever you do don't get any more shots.

>> No.14877554

The fuck are you saying? If two people are infected, who has the lower risk of infection? They're both infected you idiot.

>> No.14877562

>If I keep quoting the CDC and ignoring data from other countries that don't align with my opinion, I'll definitely make my point!
K. Enjoy your damaged immune system.

>> No.14877944

Why would it be chronic masturbation that causes it? also the only time i got a covid shot was november of last year were I got the 2 parter pfizer one. I've had covid multiple times since then and it was never anywhere near this bad.

>> No.14878210

>also the only time i got a covid shot was november of last year were I got the 2 parter pfizer one. I've had covid multiple times since then and it was never anywhere near this bad.
Okay yeah you're fucked. You're getting progressive damage from the jab's myocarditis + ADE causing repeat infections.

Re: chronic masturbation, repetitive stresses causing muscle and tendon injury can lead to shooting chest pains in some people. It's like tennis elbow but in your shoulder/chest region.

>> No.14878285


I mean, it exists, but it's not that worse than the flu. Granted, I've had an acquaintance who has died from the regular flu around 10 years ago, and on the other hand a friend to the family did die from Covid. Though I also knew someone who died from Covid and was fully vaccinated.
My mom was fully vaxxed + boosted but still got Covid twice while my dad was fully vaxed and never got Covid. I myself never got the vaccine or booster and am just fine.

I don't get the flu vaccine each year either as I've had bad reactions to them in the past and I never really worried about catching the flu as I've had it before and it wasn't that bad. In the end, it's your own fucking life and you do what you think is best. People who get the vaccine shouldn't bitch about those who don't get it as why should they care if other people are vaccinated or not? They have the vaccine, so they should be "safe" right? It drives me crazy how a virus with a death rate just slightly higher than the regular flu caused our society to shut down overnight for nearly 2 years. Imagine a virus with the lethality of the Spanish Flu happening today rather than a shitty flu 2.0.

>> No.14878443

So I'm just shit out of luck then? I thought Myocarditis was supposed to go away after like a week. I don't think the original jabs even caused chest pain or any side effects in me when i got them

>> No.14878637

if it has already has hurt for so long you should have cause to say no to your boss. If it doesnt work you should genuinely find a job somewhere else, sleeping in a car for a bit isnt so bad

>> No.14878682

>I thought Myocarditis was supposed to go away after like a week

>> No.14878694

bullshit all you want but gynecologists know the vax can cause fertility problems, but they can only say so to their patients.

>> No.14878711

They both have the same risk, 50%

>> No.14878770

Myocarditis is permanent and compounding with other factors. Anon, they were just lying to you because they thought you were too gullible to ask.

>> No.14878824

So essentially, every time i get covid from now on, its going to get worse until I die. And my heart has already suffered permanent damage?

>> No.14878836

It's like every week or two something new comes out.


>> No.14878848

I never got covid while also getting vaxxed twice with the booster. Kind of shitty honestly. I was out for a week after I got my booster. I slepted every day for more then 12 hours. Woke up for 3 hours eat food drink water then sleep for 5 hours repeat

>> No.14879494

Basically. So you should consider some supplements to boost your immune system and hope that the immunosuppressive effect of the jab isn't permanent. It's also not a bad time to start going to church.

>> No.14879814

vaccine summary

Pfizer is an anagram of luzifer (german language)
moderna is an anagram of daemon 666
NOVAVAX is an anagram of Hebrew 666
covishield is an anagram of devilish 666
nuvaxovid is reverse english sumerian 666
pfizer.com is gematria 666
vaccination is gematria 666
delta+omicron is an eye of providence
delta+omicron is an anagram of media control
paxlovid is an anagram of devil pox

>> No.14880289

The inflammation causing acute myocarditis goes away, but the damage to your heart doesn't.
When it's in low oxygen conditions in the future, reduced perfusion to small areas of the tissue cause more cell death which leads to reduced perfusion. It's a cycle that repeats.
If I were a jabbie, I'd avoid future jabs and focus on my immune system. Cellular immunity is the most important thing with coronaviruses. Get sun, eat real food, get exposure to other pathogens to reduce immune over-activation. Become strong but don't stress your heart or become an anabolic bodybuilder.
Your gut's colonized with the virus by the way, as is everyone's. It's less about masks and more about immune health. Most re-infections are probably ADE from non-neutralizing antibody titers helping the virus that is already in their gut to colonize their lymphocytes.

>> No.14880416

Stop getting infected. Boost your immune system. Take proteolytic enzymes to break down down clots and excess fibrin (Nattokinase, Serrepeptase, or Lumbrokinase).

>> No.14880434

>Your gut's colonized with the virus by the way, as is everyone's.
I'm skeptical of this. The most likely to have that problem are those who ended up with gastrointestinal Covid, which indicates digestive problems in the first place. The virus should have been deactivated by stomach acid and digestive enzymes before it had a chance to infect the small intestine.

>> No.14880852

This is good advice. Nattokinase seems to work well for people.

>> No.14881628

Person with below average immune system gets sick more often

>> No.14881634

>Gets AIDS
>Reee lee vax

>> No.14881750

Sounds like people on PPIs during the past couple of years are fucked.

>> No.14881775

As long as they're unvaxed they should be fine.

>> No.14882319

about the gut reservoir

SARS-CoV-2 Shedding from Asymptomatic Patients: Contribution of Potential Extrapulmonary Tissue Reservoirs
Kalkeri et al
In a minority of patients, extrapulmonary organs (central nervous system, eyes, heart, and gut) are affected, with detection of viral RNA in bodily secretions (stool, tears, and saliva). Infection of such extrapulmonary organs may serve as a reservoir

Gut as viral reservoir: lessons from gut viromes, HIV and COVID-19
Neurath et al
Interestingly, there is a high rate of positive PCR findings in stool even weeks or months after respiratory samples became negative, indicating persistence of mucosal SARS-CoV-2 mRNA in patients with COVID-19.58 This could be due to infection of intestinal epithelial cells, as SARS-CoV-2 could infect and productively replicate in human intestinal tissues ex vivo with subsequent release of infectious virus particles, suggesting that the GI tract serves as a potential route of virus dissemination within an infected host.59 Consistently, a recent study showed that SARS-CoV-2 nucleoprotein (N) is present in intestinal epithelial cells of approximately 35% of patients with COVID-19 even several weeks or months after initial diagnosis, indicating antigen persistence in the intestine after resolution of clinical illness

SARS CoV-2 detected in neonatal stool remote from maternal COVID-19 during pregnancy
Jin et al
These findings suggest in utero transmission of SARS-CoV-2 and possible persistent intestinal viral reservoirs in the newborns.

>> No.14883182 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14883737

I wasn't suggesting that it's not possible, I just don't believe it's happening in 100% of people. SARS-CoV-2 is very capable of infecting the intestines if it gets through the stomach, which will likely result in a severe intestinal illness. This clearly happens in some patients, but not all.

Here's one of the sources from your second link:

>Between Jan 16 and March 15, 2020, we enrolled 98 patients. Both respiratory and faecal samples were collected from 74 (76%) patients. Faecal samples from 33 (45%) of 74 patients were negative for SARS CoV-2 RNA, while their respiratory swabs remained positive for a mean of 15·4 days (SD 6·7) from first symptom onset. Of the 41 (55%) of 74 patients with faecal samples that were positive for SARS-CoV-2 RNA, respiratory samples remained positive for SARS-CoV-2 RNA for a mean of 16·7 days (SD 6·7) and faecal samples remained positive for a mean of 27·9 days (10·7) after first symptom onset (ie, for a mean of 11·2 days [9·2] longer than for respiratory samples). The full disease course of the 41 patients with faecal samples that were positive for SARS-CoV-2 RNA is shown in the figure. Notably, patient 1 had positive faecal samples for 33 days continuously after the respiratory samples became negative, and patient 4 tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 RNA in their faecal sample for 47 days after first symptom onset (appendix pp 4–5).

So my takeaway from that is the virus does reach the intestines (or disseminate through the lungs possibly), you're going to harbor the virus for longer than you otherwise would. I wouldn't say it's a permanent infection, though maybe that's possible. It's also worth noting that the original Wuhan virus, along with Delta, had more of a reputation for causing intestinal illness. It doesn't seem to be that common with the Omicron variants.

>> No.14886145

Some countries with a nanny state culture like the US still require vaxx for their colleges lel

>> No.14886152

Jist as an anecdote I'm unbaxxed and feel like I get sick like every 2 months now.

It still just feels like the cold but its annoying for sure

>> No.14886405

Interesting. I know a few vaxxies who seem to be sick non stop, and a few vaxxies who have been totally normal since their jab. I wonder if there has been another factor other than covid and teh vax that has fucked with people's immune systems?

>> No.14888099

>be me
>work constantly in close proximity with infected and large amounts of the public from the outset of the pandemic
>frequent PCR tests for work
>Not once catch COVID
>Have not been sick once since 2019, deapite overwork, lack of sleep and poor nutrition
>have had 4 vax shots (work mandated)
>No side effects except mild lethargy on first dose

How are people getting the rona FIVE fucking times. How are people dying from the dreaded shot. What kind of weak genes are flooding our system.

>> No.14888111

By the way, I said "since 2019", because in late 2019 I contracted the worst flu I have ever experienced (hospitalised two co-workers).

Usually I get at least a cold or a flu a year, but since that incident I have not only not had the Rona, but also not so much as a sniffle. No one in my family contracted COVID either, despite attending parties and sharing drinks with people infected with COVID.

I'm assuming natural immunity must be at play somehow.

>> No.14888259
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>> No.14888265

>nobody i know was infected by this supposed globe spanning viral epidemic
because it was a fake viral epidemic

>> No.14888379

This ad campaign is fucking amazing. It really is immune system by subscription now.

>> No.14888415

The vaccine saves lives.

>> No.14888425

I'm vaxxed and feel fine, haven't caught covid once, feelsgoodman

>> No.14888491
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The 'giant syringe' imagery that's been common throughout this pandemic is pretty weird.