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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 136 KB, 800x1204, 800px-Soyuz_TMA-9_launch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14825486 No.14825486 [Reply] [Original]

42.5 meters edition

>> No.14825489

First for souf korean space rockets

>> No.14825494
File: 2.34 MB, 2100x1346, 21ar-00004_047d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pay close attention. The rest is just a tube.

>> No.14825518
File: 2.98 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20190515_065429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, the injectors fail after ignition...

>> No.14825533
File: 26 KB, 300x293, Adiabatic_Flame_Temperature_Dissociation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is only one mixture, and the outlet widths. It makes more sense to bore holes into a solid block, but aside from that, the equation is 3 variables from 2 inputs, the divided pressure, the expansion, and the temperature. It is not complex to wave the function to find the optimal with a computer. You may even make guesses from intuition about the natural elements, and test it on your computer. It is not rocket science.

>> No.14825706

you idiot don't make new threads until the last one is on page 10

>> No.14825896

this. fucking fag op, I have a script for opening sfg and it lands me on the top one. Relies on the assumption that there is only one thread going until it's about to die.

>> No.14825898

You're desperate to be op but it's not happening
Kill yourself
Clean this up janny tranny

>> No.14826015

>China has successfully conducted a whole-craft running test for its 25 ton-level closed expander cycle hydrogen-oxygen rocket engine for the first time recently

>A space expert, who asked not to be named, told the Global Times on Tuesday that the exciting 25-ton engine being tested could be the YF-79 engines

>So far, China has announced a successful running test for its domestically developed 500-ton level liquid-oxygen kerosene rocket engine, which is speculated to be codenamed the YF-130 rocket engine with a 50 percent rated working condition in March 2021; and the completion of the development of a prototype for the 220-ton YF-90 oxygen-hydrogen rocket engine in July 2021, according to media reports.


>> No.14826039 [DELETED] 

duplicate thread

>> No.14826067

Space Fag General as usual

>> No.14826084
File: 65 KB, 725x527, 1635336789602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heard there is supposed to be a static fire today?

>> No.14826301

>last thread had only 400 poasts
when's the next happening, there's nothing on the horizon. SpaceX is doing 3 seconds of static fire every week

>> No.14826304

why doesn;t hydroememe leak out through the flexible hose on SLS

>> No.14826306

enjoy your ban faggot. Janitors cleanse it.

>> No.14826392

>Rocket Lab USA, Inc. (Nasdaq: RKLB) (“Rocket Lab” or “the Company”), a global leader in launch services and space systems, today announced that it has signed a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) with the United States Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM) to explore the possibility of using the Company’s Neutron and Electron launch vehicles to transport cargo around the world. The agreement will also see Rocket Lab explore using Photon spacecraft to establish on-orbit cargo depots and deliver re-entry capability.

Each amerimutt can now receive one (1) AR-15 with a full magazine by orbital drop pod, anywhere in the world.

>> No.14826431

Seems like the drop pod itself would have more firepower

>> No.14827157
File: 1.02 MB, 1403x2048, Screenshot_20220906-221741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We got him now SLS sisters
After California banning tesla self driving and now this. He is canceled for sure

>> No.14827196

(it does)

>> No.14827201

Ariane 5 launch in less than 24 hours

>> No.14827203

what's the problem with this?

>> No.14827211

No. It just means tesla has to tell buyers what the limits are and cannot sell it as level 5 autonomy. Until it actually is

>> No.14827215

interesting to note that the real /sfg/ has accumulated more than 100 posts since this fraudulent imposer /sfg/ was launched.

>> No.14827223

Word association for the goy cattle brain.

nevermind elon did his globo homo reps and dumped a bunch of satellite dishes in Ukraine.

I also find it funny the media got top down orders to hype up and roll out the carpet for SLS launch, they were talking big on the morning news at my workplace both days and then double scrub they now finally use all the worthless moh money foh dem programs rhetoric against it that they have dogged private space with for years.

>> No.14827229
File: 147 KB, 220x284, thanos explaining why SLS costing 400x as much as starship for half the payload to Mars is OK.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what projects in the last 15 years would you not have funded in exchange for funding solar sail and laser based propulsion, and ______________?
Constellation and SLS. Is this even a serious question? Start CRS in 2004 instead of Constellation, CCrew after CRS succeeds, and then do CCrew 2: Reusable Upper Stage With A Robot Arm Boogaloo as the threshold for full Shuttle retirement. Then once the Shuttle is retired for something commercial and cheaper with true equivalent capabilities and we're not digging through the couch for spare change for LITERALLY EVERYTHING ELSE IN THE BUDGET we can do solar sails, nuclear propulsion research, space telescope spam, etc. without worrying about some fucking contractor in the middle of a corn field and his Senator having a say over future manned rocket design.

>> No.14827230

You are in charge of NASA, you are given $50 billion, how do you have NASA spend it

>> No.14827234 [DELETED] 

Why would you use an orbital drop pod for a backup weapon?

>> No.14827237

Why would you use an orbital drop pod for a backup weapon?

>> No.14827238

>Elon Musk wanted to "slow down" his $44 billion acquisition of Twitter months after Russia invaded Ukraine [...] "Let's slow down just a few days," Twitter's lawyer said, reading out Musk's texts during the hearing. "Putin's speech tomorrow is really important. It won't make sense to buy Twitter if we're heading into World War 3."
that's literally it, he did not even express any positive or negative opinion about him, elon man bad i guess?

>> No.14827239


>> No.14827243

I mean there is no slaughtering the sacred pork barrel and things are dysfunctional but in a functional government, the second Falcon Heavy demonstrated commercial payloads SLS would have been put on a fixed cost budget to fly or die and then been promptly phased out instead of sunk cost fallacy. But it's a pointless hypothetical like most hypotheticals.

>> No.14827251
File: 341 KB, 1200x495, 1662454167651866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the should spend it all to hire a bunch of blacks and women, especially foreign blacks and women, who can't do anything on their own successfully and then fire all of white males

>> No.14827258

i'd hand the $50 billion to musk

>> No.14827262

Bribing the FAA to grant SpaceX more launch permissions

>> No.14827263

What goals would you want it see him accomplish with it? What are the coolest space achievements you can accomplish for $50bil

>> No.14827265

He's just using any possible excuse to try and worm out of an acquisition he pushed for in the first place.
Twitter wasn't for sale and he pushed hard to get them to sell, once they were happy with the deal and willing to sell he said "nah forget it".
Musk is bad but not because he quoted Putin or names the jew, it's because he acts like a jew.

>> No.14827267

Ah, the Zimbabwean agricultural policy of manned spaceflight

>> No.14827268

Orbital bombardment of London, Washington, and Tel Aviv

>> No.14827270

Do I have congress telling me who I have to give it to or is this some kind of ideal free NASA?
If it's the real NASA with the real politics I give it all to ULA because if I did anything else I would never get another cent.

>> No.14827271

>Twitter wasn't for sale and he pushed hard to get them to sell, once they were happy with the deal and willing to sell he said "nah forget it".

>> No.14827274

>Company breaks both financial reporting and federal law and is lying about its value
>Just want to get information and make an accurate bid on the company or at least negotiate a fair price
>Musk is in the wrong for this

Lol no, it's just twitter flexing its special status as a government and silicon valley favorite when any other company pulling that shit would have got totally reamed.

>> No.14827284

>Company breaks both financial reporting and federal law and is lying about its value
Source other than Musk?

>> No.14827289

Everyone who uses twitter.

>> No.14827290

Kek, I'm sure that'll hold up in court.

>> No.14827296

idk, maybe funding the entire starship program, and starting a moon and mars base with the remaining $45 billion

>> No.14827299

>Word association for the goy cattle brain.
Pretty much I didn't even read it, I just wanted to shitpost to /sfg/ first

>> No.14827301


>> No.14827309

when will Gautam Adani start a big space company

>> No.14827321
File: 276 KB, 803x1280, 59B5CA8B-AC0A-44FB-831B-11E07DA45F8A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know what the fuck this thing is? Bill gates backed startup working on a reusable rocket


>> No.14827323

oh boy, yet ANOTHER launcher!
we need more payloads, not more launchers

>> No.14827326

We need at least two fully reusable heavy lift launchers. Right now we have zero; Starship isn't ready.

>> No.14827333
File: 104 KB, 534x251, particle laser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This optically coupled particle and laser beam are governed by two fundamental coupling phenomena. The light guiding occurs due to the higher index of refraction inside the particle beam compared to the vacuum of space outside the beam. This same principle can be seen in step index fiber optic cables. The particle guiding requires the particles to be at very low (sub-Kelvin) temperatures to effectively couple the beams. Once the atoms are cold, the high intensity laser creates and potential “well” through a dipole force that the particles will stay trapped in unless they gain enough energy to escape the well.

This will be amazing if it works.

>> No.14827334
File: 568 KB, 2335x1402, C0F07E5C-2DA8-47A8-B5E0-CCB405A91B68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long until a starship is on the pad at LC 39?

>> No.14827338

It's also going to need lots of military backing because it's functionally a death ray.

>> No.14827343

It came out in the court filings that twitter was reporting a significant portion of its bot traffic as real users. Which is effectively lying about demand for your product, and thus lying to advertisers your primary clients about the value per ad buy on the site and also investors who use MAU as a metric of health to invest more or not. Now of course most of silicon valley cheats like this but none were ever taken to court for obvious reasons.

>> No.14827351

that is so fucking elegant

>> No.14827355
File: 87 KB, 640x427, Launch_Pad_39C_(2015-2161).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who could utilize LC 39C?

That shit was empty for years, could a larger rocket be put on the pad?

>> No.14827361

Starship development, coke, and Icelandic hookers

>> No.14827364
File: 580 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_5124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A FULLY reusable rocket. That's part of the second stage engine. The first stage is going to be a pretty conventional looking Falcon 9 clone, but the second is more conical and seems like its going to use an aerospike that'll double as a heat shield for 2nd stage reentry. It's also a hydrolox engine, which tracks with their statements about it being the "highest performing upper stage" out of all the new small launchers. One the company's co-founders was in charge of BE-3/3U development at Blue Origin so it's not like they lack any experience with the awkward stuff.

>> No.14827365

>Now of course most of silicon valley cheats like this but none were ever taken to court for obvious reasons.
If anybody remembers a while back when Elon advertised on twitter that he was putting together a top-tier legal team to actively and aggressively pursue specific issues and which would report directly to him—this is why.
He's been planning the twitter bout for a while, and I don't think he'll be done stirring the pot after that. Everything that's happened with the twitter deal (on his end at least) has been part of a very deliberate strategy.

>> No.14827371

Bill Gates funded aerospike second stages.


>> No.14827373

I've said it before and I'll say it again: we need to disassemble Mercury and use it to build a PROCSIMA array and preemptively glass every terrestrial exoplanet within 500 light years

>> No.14827375

honestly, i wish them luck, we need all hands on deck, but good lord that is a cunt of an element to deal with

>> No.14827381
File: 93 KB, 500x468, laughing nazis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh no, how are we ever going to be able to handle the same fuels which were used successfully on a daily basis without much issue in the 1940s, during a desperate war situation with limited access to raw materials, regular bombing raids and no digital computing equipment

>> No.14827383

liquid hydrogen not hydrazine

>> No.14827387

the germans used hydrogen fueled rockets during ww2?

>> No.14827389

First we need to send out a bunch of colonies to stars with only gas giants.

Chucking roggs a relativistic velocities us going to get us noticed.

>> No.14827393

[Leaks and valve troubles intensify]

>> No.14827402

They seem to know what they're doing, or at least understand what they're up against. They claim that they've got the design of 2nd stage engine and TPS where they want it to be but they're also being Blue Origin levels of secretive about anything resembling technical details. I don't think they've even made any definitive statements about what their payload capacity is going to be, just that "it'll be sized to fit the market."

>> No.14827404

>Their reusable second-stage design eliminates the brittle ceramic tiles that have required detailed inspections and lengthy refurbishments on other space vehicles
is that shade being thrown?

>> No.14827407

>Forgot "Spaceflight General" in the subject
Scrub this thread, roll it back to the VAB.

>> No.14827411

Maybe a little, but it'd doesn't cost anything to point at the Shuttle's flaws.

>> No.14827426

Ideal you are head of NASA and given $100bil now (congrats, it seems 50bil may be small penuts in spaceflight)
You get to pick the teams and team coordinators and helpers to plan missions, how do you want that money spent

>> No.14827431

>idk, maybe funding the entire starship program, and starting a moon and mars base with the remaining $45 billion
If the entire starship program can be funded for $5 bil, and Elon Musk is worth like $600 bil, and some part of him was gonna buy twitter for $44 bil, why wouldn't he just put 5 or 10 into starship program?

>> No.14827433

What kind of payloads? A company can't really afford to take the risk that they will profit later if they start now to make devices and materials for moon base and mars colonies, or commericial space stations

>> No.14827438

What about this is so powerful or energetic? The laser is gaining energy from? And how does it propel the probe so fast, how is the probe recieving the energy, can the laser be attatched to the back of the probe? How does it retain accuracy as it gets further?.

>> No.14827440


>> No.14827446

It's 1650kg to LEO.
So not really a HLV.

>> No.14827449

Those are some beefy flanges

>> No.14827450

ideally infrastructure payloads... things that help reduce the cost and difficulty of space like propellant depots and servicing satellites. i'd put up a demo sat that can be easily upgraded to show companies the potential and build a business off of that.

>> No.14827451

so on the heavier side of a smallsat launcher, that's good

>> No.14827453

Didn't they have to replace basically the entire hydrogen-exposed half of the SSME every time it was "reused"?

>> No.14827458

clearly they think they can deal with it. materials science has advanced a lot over the last 20 years so who knows

>> No.14827463
File: 8 KB, 250x243, 1634895968153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, twenty years of advancement but we still need to be using a 40 year old legacy design that uses none of these advancements. NASA is feckless and congress is willfully ignorant of their own incompetence.

>> No.14827467


>> No.14827471

we were talking about stoke not sls
yeah you're right the SSME it uses are neat and all but they're pretty old tech at this point and this leak issue might reflect that. it's possible a lot of our antipathy towards hydrolox is rooted in legacy hardware that can't deal with it-maybe a fresh new design can tame it and get decent overall performance.
i'm willing to give stoke a chance to impress me-so far they've actually managed to make good time on turning a vision into working hardware,which is refreshing compared to BO, who I am astonishe to note seem to have made no progress on new glewnn in the last year. like what happened to that new upper stage, or doing a fucking hop test?

>> No.14827474

I'm not sure if you'd call New Shepard "rapidly" reusable but it's not the worst thing to have as a proof of concept.

That'd put it in line with Vega and JAXA's Epsilon. That's not a bad place to be if they can manage a quick turnaround with both of their stages.

>> No.14827477

you’ll never escape the storage and impulse-density problem of hydrogen, and a dinky little BE-3 on a suborbital rocket that flies 4 times a year is a horrible comparison for anything scaled up to Falcon or Starship levels of power

>> No.14827479

the leak is unrelated to the RS-25 outside of the use of liquid hydrogen

>> No.14827481


>NASA will attempt to fix on the pad a liquid hydrogen seal that caused a Space Launch System scrub, keeping open the option to proceed with a new launch attempt later this month.

>In a statement late Sept. 6, NASA said that technicians will proceed with plans to replace the seal for the interface called the quick disconnect between a liquid hydrogen feed line and the core stage of the SLS. That work will be done on the pad rather than rolling the vehicle back to the Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB) at the Kennedy Space Center.


>> No.14827482

oh right sorry i got the valve issue and the leak mixed up

>> No.14827485

That makes it even easier for spacex to get good engineers. I love watching NASA crash and burn. I doubt SpaceX will be required to fly only nasa astroonutes.
Jared Isaacman ends up being the first person to set foot on Mars. Angering all of NASA that it wasn't a black woman, that they fly their own mission 40 years later

>> No.14827486

inb4 they just ignore the FTS timing out

>> No.14827488

the first Mars mission has decent odds of being a suicide mission

>> No.14827489

actually some good news, but don’t think for a second that something else can and will go wrong if they attempt another flight (pronounced ‘wet dress rehearsal’)

>> No.14827491
File: 35 KB, 196x364, 1654894272471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so I talked to the guy at home depot

>> No.14827492

Don't you think what most of NASA and the companies they commissioned topsecret stuff, they really spent 20 million on SLS said they spent 20 billion so at least as bummed as the public is the money is a counted for, but it's really going towards making the super epic super futuristic tech.

>> No.14827493

what are you talking about, we're going to have set down quite a few rockets full of supplies and machinery on mars before humans get shipped over-if one of those burns up shit is getting delayed big time. i'd say the first people to mars have maybe a 5-10% chance of dying from some kindof accident or something tops.

>> No.14827495

yeah, that's "decent odds of suicide mission"

>> No.14827496

At this point it feels like using a starship as a lunar lander for artemis is a bit of a suicide run lol. SpaxeC definitely had the most experience over dynetics a leidos company and BO by a long shot; but the rocket is nowhere near ready yet and they only have 2 years left

>> No.14827499
File: 130 KB, 1080x1316, 1657899411185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you’ll never escape the storage and impulse-density problem of hydrogen
You see the problem with statements like yours is that it is impossible to prove correct and entirely possible (if unlikely) to prove false.

Metallic hydrogen may yet prove to be the optimum propellent for chemical rocketry. This is an area of ongoing active scientific research.

>> No.14827501

at this point it's really obvious that we're a ways off being back on the moon. 2028 or maybe 2030 feel more plausible.

>> No.14827502

impulse-density is literally a measurement you dumb fuck

>> No.14827505

>the first Mars mission has decent odds of being a suicide mission
The crew should all be in their 60s and 70s, and have robot helpers, and exoskeleton power suits

>> No.14827507

>I disagree with your quantitative data so here is a popsoi reddit alternative

>> No.14827509

nah that'll be fine, it's the "yeah just set up a multigigawatt solar plant and kiloton fuel production facility or you aren't coming home" part that's spooky
it'll work, but only steely eyed missile men and brass balled test pilots are going to be making that journey

>> No.14827512

we need to contain the boomer menace, not allow them to spread

>> No.14827513

if they can figure out how to lay out tons of solar panels/reactors before hand and actually generate a ton of fuel and oxidizer to prove it will work then the hardest hurdle will have been conquered. They aren’t sending a single soul over there until 99% of the infrastructure has already been landed and set up, and they are comfortable with ISRU

>> No.14827515

But we're not scaling up to anything like Starship. We're not even getting close to Falcon 9. This rocket is a pipsqueak that's lifting a ton and a half to LEO. You'd need a first stage with a bit more power than New Shepard's chubby sounding rocket body but there's no reason why you can't design a functional hydrolox first stage if that's where your technical experience is.

There's also nothing suggesting that they're going to use a hydrogen-fueled first stage. They haven't even started designing the that stage yet, so they might not have even know what they want to use yet.

>> No.14827519

Okay then at that point go with hypergolic. Some mixtures outcompete even methalox and it’s not like you need to ISRU so why the fuck would you commit to hydrogen or methane

>> No.14827520
File: 1.81 MB, 1450x1028, 1642898294233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I worked for an aerospace contractor that did work for most of the big names NASA, Bowing, SpaceX, Aerojet, Sierra Nevada etc.

My fingerprints were on parts that took people to space. (well we did a good job of cleaning them but the prints were there at one point).

I think NASA is just phenomenally good at wasting money. And while I wouldn't at all be suppressed to see a decent fraction evaporate off in the eather, that money is not being siphoned off to fund black opps research in the south pole pyramid.

The F37 was a big enough cash cow for all the black ops folks to vampire away all the money they could dream of. NASA's budget is pitiful compared to those folk.

>> No.14827521

by that logic neutron should be hypergolic

>> No.14827522

>exoskeleton power suits
Are these going to be popular on Mars? The workforce setting up the solar field by metal hand

>> No.14827524

my favorite hydrolox first stages in KSP are covered in giant spherical tanks that shear off due to aerodynamic forces by the time the giant monstrosity hits max q

>> No.14827531

I read this tweet with the voice of the TV propaganda guy in Starship Troopers.

>> No.14827532
File: 90 KB, 1440x960, 1631433917360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Um no actually your wrong because the entropy of decomposition of metallic hydrogen and your just wrong OK. I'm done, stop talking to me. I know I'm wright and I don't want you to try to confuse me. I said stop. Your words are literally violence. Somebody help, this man is accosting me.

>> No.14827534

yeah automating it is impossible imo

>> No.14827535

You can choose between
>massively complex exoskeletons that have to be individually fitted
>a forklift

>> No.14827536

The point of using hydrogen is that despite its downsides they have more experience using it than a more conventional mix like methalox or kerolox. They don't have that experience using hypergolic fuel and if they did they'd be smart enough not to use them on a vehicle they're intending to be rapidly reused.

>that money is not being siphoned off to fund black opps research in the south pole pyramid.
You take that back. South pole megalithic cryptoarchitecture programs provide honest American jobs in all sixty states.

>> No.14827537

>by that logic neutron should be hypergolic
Can you give me a jar with 30 tons of pure neutrons, I bet I could do some spectacular things with them.

>> No.14827538

send up 20 james webb variants and get the whole telescope thing over with

>> No.14827541

can I have a pallet jack instead

>> No.14827545
File: 188 KB, 1024x803, 1640328323765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I postulate that even with the equivalent of earths entire GDP for three decades funding space telescopes people would be proposing yet more extravagant peepers that even such an extravagant devotion of resources could not construct.

>> No.14827550

The guys reverse-engineering the UFOs get the F-35 money, the DARPA scrubs working on directed energy weapons and plasma cannons have to muddle along with NASA contract scraps

>> No.14827553

>South pole megalithic cryptoarchitecture
Is that what goes in down there, that would be cool for this era to bulls an equivalent of great pyramids and angor watt and St Peters basilica and those giant Buddha statues, something for those around to be impesses by in 400; 500; 1000; 2000 years. And a cool place to vibe in in the mean time.

>> No.14827557

>Metallic hydrogen
Yeah bro just pressurize the fuel tank to hundreds of GPa how hard can it be?

>> No.14827558

It simple, you just use Mercury to build a Dison Sphere and use the energy you get from that

>> No.14827559
File: 3.75 MB, 1918x901, petra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys are going to get me back into my obsession with rock-cut architecture on mars with all this talk

>> No.14827560

It already over, the only reason ever to make another telescope is if you gureentee you can see significantly deeper than jwst, or significantly visualize the nearest exoplanets.

It would be really cool if there is hidden data in the instrument readings that when represented visually if you put it through the right effects and filters you see weird stuff

>> No.14827561
File: 956 KB, 3080x1700, 1640999272713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The universe is simply a battery cell that got charged up and is slowly being discharged. Your going to see a whole new "big bang" all over again on top of our existing universe when timmy plugs his race car back in the charger. It's going to be wild.

>> No.14827562

You can't have a certified forklift operator astronaut, that's too much power for any one person to have

>> No.14827563

So slapping on some flextape then

>> No.14827574

that's okay, I don't mind not having astronaut training (I'll make do)

>> No.14827579

I win.

>> No.14827582


>> No.14827603

I've been out of the loop for months. When is Starship launching? Last I remember it was supposed to be July or something

>> No.14827606

at this point hard to know, not totally out of the question it going up by the end of the year but spacex are pretty tightlipped

>> No.14827609

It will go up alright. In some way or another.

>> No.14827614

two weeks

>> No.14827619

i love that movie so much, arnie was in some real classics in that decade, Predator is fucking sick too.

>> No.14827679

Nah, slush hydrogen is where its at.

>> No.14827689

>Bill gates backed
When has anything he touched outside of Microsoft worked out?

>> No.14827697

He's a pretty deft hand at the political economy if you follow his uhhhhh "philanthropy"

>> No.14827704

Oh right, he's behind the whole anti-Musk sjw propaganda campaign


>> No.14827723


>> No.14827732
File: 351 KB, 512x512, 1653179999539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Billy G has been on the side of daemons and if you didn't notice this decades ago you are willfully ignorant.

>> No.14827740

Never fails to make me laugh when the anti-SpaceX shills rear their Moskovite heads on literally anywhere on 4chan outside of this general.

>> No.14827780

Wont the photons heat up the particles?

>> No.14827787
File: 342 KB, 512x512, 1649486126091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NO, the photons will excite the electrons which will heat up the particles.

>> No.14827794

Electrons are easily amused, I bet they have reddit accounts.

>> No.14827809
File: 696 KB, 780x638, Screenshot 2022-09-07 at 03-58-01 Next Spaceflight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SpaceX bros how can we get beaten like that?

>> No.14827812

>two soijak electrons pointing at a proton

>> No.14827821
File: 2.63 MB, 500x282, kerbal turret.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's old Pockocmoc up to these days? Haven't heard anything about them for a while.

>> No.14827826
File: 66 KB, 750x747, Screenshot 2022-09-01 at 11-21-37 ( ) TweetDeck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14827833

I wonder if their budget has changed at all

That reads more like a wishlist than a plan

>> No.14827835
File: 51 KB, 500x376, terrible situation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14827836

Interesting happening this week.

Rogozin's advisor was sentenced to 20+ years in prison. The trial may have been targeted towards Rogozin, which forced him out of Roscosmos. Rogozin refused to fire his advisor when his advisor was arrested.


>> No.14827840
File: 594 KB, 598x1105, Screenshot 2022-09-05 at 12-09-52 NEXTA on Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he shrugged

>> No.14827845

Hearty kek.

>> No.14827846
File: 46 KB, 614x804, McDonnell Douglas DC-Y rocket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get plasma magnet sails working then build flyby probes to KBOs with them

>> No.14827865

I think they're trying to use the laser cooling effect to keep the velocity variance (temperature) down. that seems hard in a traveling beam

>> No.14827870

I put $45 billion into a big pile and burn it. Then I give $5 billion to SpaceX and have them do everything. Things still proceed much more efficiently than they will in reality.

>> No.14827879

All R&D.

>> No.14827901


>> No.14827905

Announce prize money to give the first company to establish a 10 man habitat on Moon $1B.
Buy 50 Starship launches @ $100 million for $5 billion. With 10 launches guaranteed per year.

>> No.14827928

>25 ton expander cycle LOX / LH2
implication is they stole the American RL10 or the Japanese MARC-60.

>> No.14827935

Reddit only reads headlines

>> No.14827950
File: 199 KB, 1920x816, 1633530348487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would have NASA build their own nuclear deterrent to get Washington to fuck off.

>> No.14827957

>Would you like to know more?
I wonder if he realizes he's using that meme.

>> No.14827961

MARAUDER powered space probes when??

>> No.14828037

so we made a few mistakes, when this fraudulent thread was made we didn't post a link to the running thread here, and when the real thread reached page 10 we didn't properly stage by making a new thread.

>> No.14828043

also jannies didnt delete the thread
it wasn't reported enough

>> No.14828059
File: 3.71 MB, 7338x5618, 1661196258557727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14828068

he can just escape from the cage

>> No.14828106

what's supposed to happen to a HLS after it has launched and transferred the astronauts from the moon?
it just stays there in lunar orbit? wouldn't that mean an increasing amount of empty HLS just flying around as more missions are sent?
would they have to reserve enough fuel per mission to get it into another out of the way orbit or back down to the moon thus cutting the maximum potential payload?

>> No.14828112

Astronomers (derogatory)

>> No.14828137

it would deorbit sooner or later

>> No.14828152
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>> No.14828155
File: 65 KB, 180x142, ShooterScreenshot-12-07-09-22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Musk's Live Reaction

>> No.14828157

sir musk when you double my bitcoin? please do needful and reply, bhenchod sir

>> No.14828158
File: 74 KB, 1080x351, _20220907_131527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watching the testings maam

>> No.14828168

please do something. Literally anything at all

>> No.14828170

There is no way to sugarcoat this.

>> No.14828177

there's some local boomer astronomy groups in my city that meet once a month, I was wondering if it would be worth checking out

>> No.14828179

I haven't kept up with the latest developments. When will starship launch?

>> No.14828182


>> No.14828189

Sounds pretty dope desu if they're real not hobby astronomers.

>> No.14828190

Wtf why are we letting those Belgians get so uppity

>> No.14828200
File: 228 KB, 585x546, ShooterScreenshot-13-07-09-22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another overpressure notice

>> No.14828209

Waffles hold fluids remarkably well in microgravity due to surface tension.

>> No.14828214

Aaahhh I'm toooosting

>> No.14828241

Bet they can get another few seconds of static in those 12 hours

>> No.14828256


>> No.14828266

I hope china is a team player here and accepts roscosmos as a partner for the ILRS lunar program, only to steal their R&D and boot them at the end lol

>> No.14828273
File: 929 KB, 1366x768, 1652124838568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14828294

impressive very nice lets see paul allen space startup
>oh my god it has the largest wing span airplane

>> No.14828311

extremely gimicky and i'm not sure the engines can be that far apart along the spike but not gonna write them off as definitive scam until they SPAC

>> No.14828354

2 weeks

>> No.14828384

Not an aerospike. They are also only using half of the spaces available for nozzles (so final engine is 30) although you might've spotted that. Spacs are also sort of out of fashion now, so I guess they'll have to take a different route?
"Welllllllllll if it is, it's an ugly one. It's designed to serve a purpose... not to be an aerospike." https://twitter.com/stoke_space/status/1549783748098396160

>> No.14828429
File: 2.55 MB, 1679x938, ShooterScreenshot-15-07-09-22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are removing stuff from B7.1, so static fire today is very likely.

>> No.14828437

With our voyeuristic luck it'll stop just after or before spinning up the pumps again without actually firing.

>> No.14828471

does a rocket really static fire if noone is looking at it

>> No.14828625

If it didn't take a century to fill the spacecraft in each closing we probably would have been on the 20-raptorBoost static fire

>> No.14828647

if they didn't detank the booster after every static fire they could do 10 a day.
if the engines weren't so experimental that they didn't have to pore over data and check them physically after every firing they could do 10 a day.

>> No.14828653

It's not that easy in rocketry.

>> No.14828789

Who is he?

>> No.14828790

extremely rich Indian, dipping his toes in a lot of industries

>> No.14828795

Wtf how did he become 10x rich in 2 years
Modi ka baap

>> No.14828804

Apparently they’re trying to get certification for 40+ days when it was originally only given the green light for 20 days by SLD 45.

>> No.14828809

I hope it stars uncontrollably yawing towards Orlando and when they try to send the signal to blow it up it just ignores it because the batteries have run out of juice

>> No.14828815

If they delay again in October what do you think their odds are of launching this year?

If things slip past January 6th they'll need a third extension on their booster certification and I've heard that their odds of getting that aren't great.

>> No.14828817

Yeah I don’t see a launch happening after october. In fact I don’t see a launch happening from now until october anyways lol. I think this thing will need to try february 2023 or later

>> No.14828824

>third extension on their booster certification
This can only lead to a RUD

>> No.14828827
File: 143 KB, 1062x1080, 9187fj3nyxz31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Allah willing, it will level the entire pad

>> No.14828835

Good morning, /sfg/.

>> No.14828836
File: 518 KB, 593x693, ShooterScreenshot-16-07-09-22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Water deluge is real

>> No.14828839

well SLS has been delayed so might as well get that done

>> No.14828840

Good morning sir, it will continue to a be a good morning for another week


>> No.14828844

Now, out of nowhere, and for no reason, SpaceX is pussying out doing a full static fire of B7. Did Joe Biden threaten Elon?

>> No.14828845

More likely it's required for more engine static fires.

>> No.14828848
File: 2.93 MB, 640x480, 1620707863362.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning!

>> No.14828853

Ahhh I'm deluuuuging

>> No.14828854

Which brings up a question to which I'd like to know the answer: Say we establish a lunar base (RACE FOR THE BASE) at the south pole somewhere. What does that mean for sunlight?

>> No.14828860
File: 1.01 MB, 2560x1350, NASA’s_SLS_and_SpaceX’s_Falcon_9_at_Launch_Complex_39A_&_39B_(KSC-20220406-PH-JBP01-0001).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just realized
>Artemis II launches net May 2024
>A Falcon heavy mission will launch net April 30 2024
>Starship pad at LC-39A will be operational by then

We could see this pic related shot with Falcon Heavy, SLS, and Starship all in one picture.

If LC 49 gets built, then that could be even more starships in the backround.

Hell, Terran R is set for a maidan launch in 2024. We could potentially see all of these rockets on their respective pads together.

gonna be so kino

>> No.14828863

Yeah, but if they can't get another 6 month certification for the boosters they have to go back to the VAB and destack everything. Maybe they can reuse the boosters after pulling the segments apart or maybe they need to wait for the next set to be ready. If they don't launch by the beginning of January we're going to be looking at a much longer delay than just to February.

>> No.14828864


>> No.14828872
File: 700 KB, 2039x1067, Pad_39A_B_C_EE33-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would look like this (minus SLS)

>> No.14828874
File: 1.86 MB, 640x480, space_ok.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love these old shuttle webms

>> No.14828877

> Detailed lunar topography collected by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) suggests that no points on the Moon receive perpetual light during both the winter and summer, but points on crater rims exist which have very extended periods of sunlight.
Interesting. Nuclear reactor it is!

>> No.14828884
File: 10 KB, 236x236, 1639372717085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14828892

that one night is a big problem

>> No.14828894


>> No.14828897

>not posting gold meme

>> No.14828898

The way to beat the lunar night at the south pole is having solar farms at multiple points and then hooking them up with cables. It's still super inconvenient and nuclear won't happen in a long time.
Mars is literally easier, travel time doesn't matter as much as power availability.

>> No.14828901
File: 2.91 MB, 640x480, space_dancing.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hate how NASA doesn't release footage like this anymore.

>> No.14828903

so when one of those peaks is in the dark how close is the closest sunlit area

>> No.14828911

It's illegal to publicly broadcast white people having fun

>> No.14828912
File: 79 KB, 640x428, KINO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

multiple rockets looks so KINO, imagine launching two or more at the same time.

Would there by any benefits of launching two rockets nearby at the same time?

>> No.14828913

indeed, too much batteries required
the solution is to use space based nuclear power from earth orbit to beam microwaves into the moon
I should write a blog post sometime about this

>> No.14828924

ironic post since that twitter account is a black guy

>> No.14828930

we'll use chemical batteries, hydrogen fuel cells, and simply conserving energy

>> No.14828931

>ironic post since that twitter account is a black guy
kys retard

>> No.14828934

Just drop a couple Tesla Megapacks up there, ez

>> No.14828935

you didn't do the math

>> No.14828937

I don't have to.

>> No.14828939

this >>14828898 is orders of magnitude less mass

>> No.14828938

Ok fine, like a dozen

>> No.14828943
File: 122 KB, 1080x720, spot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I wasn't ironic.

>> No.14828949

found the Clinton operative

>> No.14828954

A megapack holds up to 3MWh, is around 7.15m x 1.6m and 23 tons. Assuming Starship can caryy 100 tons then you can fit roughly 4 per ship.

>> No.14828956
File: 148 KB, 1080x844, Screenshot_20220907-102845_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ready for your clone to mine the moon?

>> No.14828962

Tory Bruno is so much smarter/realistic than zubrinites and muskovichs. ULA could probably overtake the industry with hydrogen depots

>> No.14828974

the longest period of darkness on the best peak of eternal light is 7 days.
that gets you 71 kw of continuous power during that time per 100 tons of batteries.
that's less than the ISS uses, pretty bad deal imho.

>> No.14828976

Actually why not integrate it? Use the ship itself as a megapack instead of unloading them, redesigning the interior with racks to hold the cells themselves you can probably get slightly more energy storage than the 12MWh base of mega packs, plus you won't need to unload them, just hook up the ship itself into the grid.

>> No.14828978

This is how we'll do it

>> No.14828980

is jeff foust married?

>> No.14828982
File: 83 KB, 1024x673, 1646071031871m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Send 2 ships then

>> No.14828986

Cringe. If brute force isn’t working then you aren’t using enough force.

>> No.14828997

compare that to solar panels at about 1kw/kg, you could carry the equivalent 71 kw by yourself in lunar gravity.
the distances to the other peaks at shackleton are tens of kilometers.
more solar and hvdc cables is literally hundreds of times more mass efficient than building starships full of batteries and still having to power down to below ISS levels.

>> No.14829001

According to the documentary Armageddon, launching two secret military space shuttles at the same time is the best way to into space.

>> No.14829003

>kys retard
golf foxtrot yankee, you LUCA

>> No.14829009
File: 115 KB, 688x1024, 1602031328133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a reminder that this short fat fuck with no upper stage has a higher payload capability to TLI than SLS.

>> No.14829010

Wasn’t turning shuttle into a tranny conventional rocket supposed to be cheaper and faster? HOW did they mess up this badly

>> No.14829011

and it's dead

>> No.14829013

Just like SLS then.

>> No.14829017

SLS is not dead, at least not yet.

>> No.14829020

It's pinin' for the fjords.

>> No.14829022
File: 1.62 MB, 1016x1018, sniper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14829023

Has anyone ever attempted to shoot a rocket?

>> No.14829024

The ULA sniper

>> No.14829026

ULA sniper does not exist.

>> No.14829028

t. Tory Bruno

>> No.14829029

cannot hurt you

>> No.14829032

Apple event has started, rumor is a big satellite component of some aspect of itq

>> No.14829037

You have to go back

>> No.14829043

Why not both?

>> No.14829044

Humans making and launching rockets to colonize Mars, is like Mars is an egg, rockets are sperm, and launching is ejectulating

>> No.14829046

Okay so realistically when is the earliest possible date for a full stack static fire test? No sugarcoating please.

>> No.14829047
File: 355 KB, 220x171, black sweet science man.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a black guy high iq enough to know that affirmative action is a big part of why nasa sucks. not everyone is a racist like you, some people are capable of seeing issues outside of their racial implications

>> No.14829053

It's impossible to tell.

>> No.14829056

The video which scares /sfg/
>He hasn't seen Wernher von Braun’s Statement on Equal Employment Opportunity
You have to go back

>> No.14829059

that's good and not what affirmative action is.

>> No.14829065

>what's supposed to happen to a HLS after it has launched and transferred the astronauts from the moon?
Turned into a moon base, or some type of moon facility

>> No.14829068
File: 33 KB, 560x380, energia stages.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They said that it was going to be cheaper and faster, but they also lied through their teeth about the shuttle's projected flight rate. They lied so brazenly about that even the Soviets were saying "these economics make no fucking sense." They say a lot of things. Don't trust them. They're still part of the government.

If they actually cared about following the cheapest and quickest route they would have used a mix of orbital depots and second generation EELVs, or gone with a Shuttle-C design and a mission profile with distributed launches. Instead, the wrote in into law that NASA had to use a rocket that kept all of the old shuttle contractors happy and were handed a draft of a design that a bunch of congressional aids felt was the best way to do that.

It did have an upper stage; the "upper stage" was just going to be a mostly stock Blok-DM pulled off the top of the Proton that they'd stick at the bottom of the payload canister. Buran didn't need it because it came with its own OMS and Polyus didn't need it either because it had its own built in maneuvering unit. They also proposed a big cryogenic stage but that never got close to getting off the drawing board.

>> No.14829069

did you watch the video, you good-for-nothing margarita brain?

>> No.14829070

it needs to go back to orbit to return the people doofus. after that it needs refueling to do anything useful.

>> No.14829072

>Already resorting to ad personam
Not surprising

>> No.14829088

>complaining of ad personam
>in 4 fucking channel
you sir, are either acting retarded or truly retarded.

>> No.14829091

Why does Elons interior design look like a 19th century bankers, and not Ernst Blofelds lair in 'You Only Live Twice'
Hopefully this is just want he shows the public and he really has some neat and unique and powerful and epic aesthetic ensembles

>> No.14829103
File: 167 KB, 1078x790, Screen Shot 2022-09-07 at 1.29.32 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14829106

i did, your point?

>> No.14829107
File: 207 KB, 1000x1366, rockwell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Space Rock:
Hawkwind's classic space rock song "Spirit of the Age". In the song a human clone, one of many developed to be laborers, is employed on an asteroid mining operation with his fellow clones. He tells the tale of his life indirectly while expressing his emotions and desires in a letter to his wife back on Earth in the first verse. In the 2nd verse the clone tells the listener about himself directly:
I am a clone,
I am not alone
Every fiber of my flesh and bone
is identical to the others
Everything I say is in the same tone
As my test tube brother's voice
There is no choice between us
If you had ever seen us
You'd rejoice in your uniqueness
And consider every weakness
something special of your own
Being a clone I have no flaws to identify
Even this doggerel that pours from my pen
Has just been written by another twenty telepathic men
Oh, word for word,
it says:

"Oh, for the wings of any bird,
other than a battery hen"


>> No.14829109

because it's not his house. he's always at some rich friends place

>> No.14829116

did you listen to the part where he mentions affirmative action?

>> No.14829117
File: 1.58 MB, 2313x4114, SLSArtemis1_on_39B2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with artemis 1 likely being delayed till mid-october, what are the chances of starship launching first?

>> No.14829120

the whole i lIVe iN a 50k hOuSE shtick is cringe

>> No.14829121

FAA says no

>> No.14829125

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes

This better not infect the rest of CLPS.

>> No.14829127

>the longest period of darkness on the best peak of eternal light is 7 days.
might as well have a 7 days night every 7 days then it makes no difference. You would need batteries, nuclear or burn fuel and oxidizer

>> No.14829130

>what are the chances of starship launching first
if starship launches to orbit then we are in a simulation because there's no way its physically possible

>> No.14829131

Zero, Starship launch license will be granted one day after SLS maiden launch.

>> No.14829132

the road to artemis

>> No.14829138

Okay but Energia was actually a great design. It’s also funny to compare it to russia’s “““upcoming””” Yenisei which is pure dogshit. The soviet union had arguably one of the best rockets ever made and it crumbled after only 2 launches because russians are genetically predisposed to ruin everything great they have

>> No.14829139


>> No.14829143

I guess the question is, if the FAA granted a license how quickly would Musk want to launch. My gut tells me even if they got it 2 years ago they wouldn’t have attempted launch yet. They aren’t ready

>> No.14829144

>might as well have a 7 days night every 7 days then it makes no difference
it makes a huge difference if you're running molten oxide reactors to ISRU metals and shit. your total yearly output would go from 81% at shackleton ridge A to 50%

>> No.14829147

that's because muska is a LIAR and a THIEF just like his goblin ERICA BURGER

>> No.14829149

New HLS doc just dropped. Get in there faggots

>> No.14829152

When is that Ariane going to launch today?

>> No.14829155

>Cant launch without a loicense
lmaaooo lmaooo cucked as fuuukkk

>> No.14829158

About four hours from now

>> No.14829159

>2nd line
>o take the first woman and the first person of color t

>> No.14829160

>9m diameter

>> No.14829165


>> No.14829166

Terry was an astronaut!?

>> No.14829169

It's essentially a religious tic. Wokeists are scum.

>> No.14829171


>> No.14829172

SpaceX now turns its focus to conducting the first orbital flight of the integrated Starship system (Spacecraft + Booster) which will come in the next year

>> No.14829174

>A novel addition to the HLS procurement approach provides for the ability of the HLS industry provider to tap into the NASA workforce through what is called a collaboration task agreement.

I can only imagine how badly NASA engineers wanted to work on something new that they would actively campaign to be hired out to SpaceX just for the opportunity to do so

>> No.14829180

>I would've liked you to have been deep frozen too
>And waiting still as fresh in your flesh for my return to Earth
>But your father refused to sign the forms to freeze you
>Let's see you'd be about 60 now
>And long dead by the time I return to Earth
>My time held dreams were full of you
>As you were when I left, still underage
>Your android replica is playing up again, it's no joke
>When she comes she moans another's name

what the fuck

>> No.14829181

Would the oil rig give spacex a faster license/unlimited attempts? Why the fuck aren’t they going sicko mode on finishing those

>> No.14829183

Soli Deo Gloria
One day we will reconquista the moon.

>> No.14829186

>ctrl+f "Brownian motion"
>zero results
they're going to have a bad time

>> No.14829187

because loicense isn't the issue
super heavy is a flawed design

>> No.14829191
File: 131 KB, 1622x900, sustainability.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NASA knows SLS/Orion is not going to have the launch cadence they need and is leaving room for a future transport opportunity after Artemis III

Bros... Lunar Dragon?

>> No.14829193

google for doppler cooling

>> No.14829197


>> No.14829198

and you pulled that right out of your ass

>> No.14829212
File: 2.10 MB, 2414x3000, 1655697335257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Uhh anons, the changs also have their slanty sights set on Shackleton Crater

>> No.14829213

>Lunar Dragon?
Why? HLS could be modified into a orbital crew transport with essentially zero work. You'd still need dragon to get to LEO but from there you fly to the moon in a cruise liner instead of a can.

>> No.14829214

heeeeeere it is, Apple announced emergency SOS via satellite

>> No.14829216

Starlink or not?

>> No.14829217
File: 154 KB, 754x424, Screen Shot 2022-09-07 at 2.01.32 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14829218

apple partnering with tesla to make the tesla phone?

>> No.14829222

no it can take 15 minutes to send a short message, no voice, and must be pointed funny.

>> No.14829223


>> No.14829224

Sounds like it's not Starlink. Phone shows you the direction you should direct it to connect with the satellite. So most likely it's some old shit in GEO.

>> No.14829225

Not a big concern. Even at the speeds Artemis is going China doesn't have a chance of getting there first.

>> No.14829227

no it uses the pomme constellation

>> No.14829228

lunar dragon is more realitstic

>> No.14829231

>In the fall of 2022, NASA plans to award SpaceX the Option B contract. As the only Option A provider, SpaceX is also the only company eligible for Option B. The objective for Option B is to develop and demonstrate a lunar lander that meets NASA’s sustaining requirements for missions beyond Artemis III. This work will culminate with another crewed demonstration landing.

>> No.14829233

just call him steely dan

>> No.14829234

Astra on suicide watch.

>> No.14829236

Holy fuck that's funny

>> No.14829237

Yeah, talk about lipstick on a pig. Retards will probably now out thinking Apple reinvented the wheel, again. Their solution requires actual hardware installation while spacex works off already existing equipment in everyday phones. Not to mention its fucking a paid service, while I think (could be wrong) with tmobile it will already included with service.

>> No.14829239

they will also return the first Mars samble

>> No.14829242

You need aerobraking to come back from the moon to LEO, or another 3.2km/s left in the tank. HLS doesn't have a heatshield so will stay out at Gateway.

>> No.14829243

>the HLS program will facilitate the rapid development and demonstration of the human landing system that will deliver the first woman, and in a later mission, the first person of color, to the Moon
niggerbros... it's over

>> No.14829246

single HEO or NRHO refueling then proper refueling in LEO. IT IS THAT EASY

>> No.14829247

So when spaceX announced their collab with t-mobile did Apple scramble to make this deal. Their emergency services service seems pretty inferior to what Starlink will offer

>> No.14829248

Part of what the song is telling is that the clone has been bred or engineered strictly for the purpose of delivering labor, part of that engineering includes making the clone into a perverted, masturbation obsessed gigacuck. He is given a rich sexual fantasy life to keep him occupied during his off hours, he has a fake loli wife which he will never touch and a mechanical doll version of her who prefers to fuck other dudes. Regardless all that the clone still considers himself perfect in every way, wouldn't change a thing, masturbatory self-love is enough to satisfy his weak willed mind, he has no desire to escape his slavery, he doesn't even consider the possibly, his philandering robot sex toy's vagina will keep him on the job site, content and performing his daily duties until it is time to replace him.

>> No.14829253

That's about another 30 tanker launches. Aerobraking is cheaper and simpler. I'd actually expect a crew launch Moonship 2.0 with tiles that just does the whole mission single stack aside from tanking up in LEO at a depot on the way to the moon.

>> No.14829255

How? HLS needs minimal at most modifications to work as an interorbital crew transport, while Dragon needs a buffed heat shield, a service module to replace the cargo trunk, an uprated version of Falcon Heavy to launch it (that would also need to go through NASA's crew certification process) as well as unspecified modifications to LC-39A to be able to launch said rocket.

You usually go with aerobreaking because most spacecraft don't have the fuckoff absurd sized propellant tanks Starship has.

>> No.14829257

>That's about another 30 tanker launches
totally wrong. there is no need for the tanker to be even close to full. just enough to get it and HLS back from NRHO or HEO. that is not a full tank.

>> No.14829260
File: 21 KB, 600x500, washington-state-3d-printing-mars-in-situ-hg[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

proontfags, i kneel

>> No.14829262

Shelbysisters.... It's over...

>> No.14829263

>Astronauts' blood shows signs of DNA mutations due to spaceflight
>The researchers stored astronaut blood for 20 years to see how short space shuttle flights affected spaceflyer health.
>The researchers found a higher frequency of somatic mutations in the genes of the 14 astronauts considered in the study, relative to statistics for the population who has been to space.
it's over

>> No.14829264

>"In space, 3D printing is something that has to happen if we want to think of a manned mission because we really cannot carry everything from here," said Bandyopadhyay, a professor in WSU's School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering. "And if we forgot something, we cannot come back to get it."


>> No.14829265
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cringe. none of them are thinking large scale enough.

>> No.14829286

>being exposed to more radiation than the average person makes you show more mutations in your DNA

>> No.14829287

titanium is such a tease-it's not at all rare or hard to find, but it is a pain in the ass to work with and process. i think martian surface condition will make processing it somewhat easier than on earth, not much of a concern with it burning and mars has plenty of titanium on its surface.
iron, basalt, titanium, silicon are all quite common on mars. i wonder how abundant gold and silver are?

>> No.14829293
File: 56 KB, 800x1000, soyttle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14829302

he's back at it again. an unstoppable force

>> No.14829308


>> No.14829309

>even the Soviets were saying "these economics make no fucking sense."
The Soviets were very good at economics, their goal was not expanding their own economy, their goal was to allow the economy to provide whatever limited resources were necessary to stave of a revolt and skim off all the rest for their personal private war chests.
When Brezhnev decided he needed a new bag man to carry off all his cash, he married his daughter to a military officer, a guy named Chubanov. The two didn't know each other, they never developed a relationship even after marriage, but because Chubanov was married to Brezhnev's daughter, the boss could be assured the money given to Chubanov would stay in the family. Chubanov was given the task of skimming wealth from the Uzbek cotton industry and in turn the Aral sea was drained over time to produce cotton to make money for Chubanov. Chubanov lost his protection after daddy Brezhnev died, he was arrested and it came to light that Chubanov had at least $5 billion in West German and Swiss bank accounts, skimmed from cotton sales. That was just the amount they were able to recover, he may have made off with more and that was early 1980s money. $5 billion in 1980 was enough to pay for the construction of an HST.
The Soviet space program could've had an HST if they'd wanted it to, they managed their resources towards other aims instead. They knew what they were doing and their execution of their economic plans hit the goal precisely every time.
Anastas Mikoyan's son Stephan wrote an autobiography which will fill in the detail for you if you want a primary source account, he was a fighter/experimental test pilot and airplane salesman for MiG and fills in details about the USSR aerospace industry as well

>> No.14829318


>> No.14829319
File: 1.53 MB, 2651x3984, 1460847039974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man, KSP is frustrating as hell. it's not the rockets blowing up, i actually enjoy the process of trial and error there, slowly putting together better and better designs. it's the random shit, like parachutes deploying in the middle of a launch no matter how i stage the rocket, the designer telling me i didn't put a manned module on the rocket despite the fact that i clearly put a manned pod there and can see it, the random auto-snapping the parts do when i try to put them on and so on
the game honestly just doesn't feel complete, feels like an alpha version. i wish there were a more... functional rocket design/spaceflight sim, but it doesn't look like there is one

>> No.14829321

SEPARATE but EQUAL landers

>> No.14829324


>> No.14829331

does this mean our boy victor glover hasn't been selected? This is very disgraceful and NASA should be ashamed. There is no one else (apart from aldrin himself) who is more qualifed.

>> No.14829335

You need at the very least the Community Fixes mod, CKAN makes it easy

You should be careful to distinguish between Pods and Cabins (they're in two different tabs in the simple vehicle editor). Pods have command capability and are what you need to have a "complete rocket" according to the editor. The snapping behavior is something you'll learn to work around with weird camera angles and part clipping

>> No.14829336

>Chubanov had at least $5 billion in West German and Swiss bank accounts
it always amuses me when you hear about shit like this and the person stealing is clearly trapped in some kind of weird mental loop of just piling up the stolen money in a bank accounts and becoming attached to that abstract number being high. I mean fuck me, why on earth wouldn't you be converting that wealth over to art or property via shell companies and intermediaries? Keeping it all in a handful of bank accounts is insane. humans are such stupid greedy creatures.

>> No.14829339
File: 613 KB, 1920x960, Jamestown US Moon base 1 in season 1 of For All Mankind TV series_humanMars.net.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14829341

What about Jonny Kim

>> No.14829345

Those things have never happened and I have about 300 hours in KSP.

>> No.14829346

NASA's astronaut selection is fundamentally broken.
Around 80% of the time on station is spent on maintenance.
NASA should be hiring under water welders, not some meme over-achievers like Jonny Jim

>> No.14829348

I've been playing KSP on and off since before there were planets and that shit happens all the goddamn time.

>> No.14829352

I guess I'm lucky then.

>> No.14829358

i couldn't care less lol. i care about rockets

>> No.14829362

rocket"s"? More like rocket. Only starship matters everything else loser rocket

>> No.14829368

let's hope the new gen of space stations have much better performance-ideally you'd want less than 5% of the crew's time to be spent on maintenance.

>> No.14829370

this show is goofy and stupid

>> No.14829372

That's a funny way to spell "fantastic and awesome".

>> No.14829375

So with the newest iPhone you have to point it at certain point in the sky to connect with a satellite, and it's for emergency use only.
Meanwhile T-Mobile deal with Starlink will allow any smartphone to connect with the internet anywhere on Earth.

>> No.14829376

New generation of space stations will have privately hired astronauts hired only to do maintenance.

>> No.14829377

Internet is a bit of an exeggeration. The most you will be able to do is to send and receive text messages.

>> No.14829380

Diversity is mission-critical.

>> No.14829381

They will be better, at least at the start. A lot of the maintenance work comes from how stupidly old the modules are. The main components of ROS were built by Soviet engineers to be the core of Mir-2 and if launched back in that role would have reached the end of their expected operational lives while Bill Clinton was still in office. The complaints that cosmonauts have over the work needed to keep their geriatric half of the space station running justifies Russian alcoholism.

New commercial stations will be new, and they should be cheap enough to decommission and replace before they get to the state the ISS is currently in.

>> No.14829385

>photon particle coupling
So try on earths magnetism

>> No.14829388

good news anon, it turns out even a very small version of this can work at the scale of making like 10 kgs of iron per day. one or two of these modules and a basic steel production system could churn out a few tons of purified steel per year, very useful for an early stage colony to make tools and structures

>> No.14829393

Chinese space plastic polymere so cheap it replace broken made in china for good product

>> No.14829397

You ever think the space station is set in the middle of soggy puddles?

>> No.14829398
File: 14 KB, 545x211, ShooterScreenshot-18-07-09-22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think, gays?

>> No.14829402

publishing krystal fanfiction?

>> No.14829409

He needs to host his own fucking website if he wants editorial control. Substack is just another platform that can cancel him at any time.

>> No.14829415

>Cancel him
It hosts some of the most vocal journalists of our time

>> No.14829431
File: 92 KB, 592x900, 1659798703735282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are some good books to serve as an intro to spaceflight, beyond just "i like rockets, they're cool"
all i'm seein is textbooks, and those are just unbearably dry to me. i don't need the stuff i read to be super easily digestible pop sci, but sittin around reading a series of equations from a textbook is just too dull

>> No.14829432

For now. Twitter used to be the same way.

>> No.14829436

Behold, the /sfg/ canon.


>> No.14829474
File: 64 KB, 565x1198, cczsx7dnhe381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We know there are a fuckton of startups working on small launchers. Are there any startups working on medium/heavy lift vehicles? (Besides Relativity)

>> No.14829495
File: 50 KB, 118x648, de-ot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rockets should be long straight smooth and skinny, with no changes in diameter and no protrusions

>> No.14829499

Side boosters are cool.

>> No.14829507
File: 10 KB, 462x493, hls in nrho moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do they explicitly say what they plan to do with a HLS after its returned from the Moon to Gateway?

>> No.14829510

amen brother

>> No.14829512

Nope. They're very careful to mention that once the NASA astronauts leave the HLS, NASA is done with it as far as contractual obligations are concerned (they do mention "disposal" though, so I imagine there is some language in the contract about hazard mitigation).

>> No.14829517

Isn't spacex supposed to be working on their own eva suit?

>> No.14829518

No, but there are few ideas
1.do unmanned landing on the moon with reserve fuel and keep it there as an emergency moonbase for later missions
2.reuse it for future manned missions
3.keep it docked to lunar gateway somehow as a part of the station
4.send it back to earth as part of the ISS or some other future station.
5.destroy by crashing in to the moon for data.

>> No.14829521

For Polaris Dawn, which is supposed to be happening in 3 months although they still haven't released anything yet

>> No.14829524

Send the depot to refuel it.

>> No.14829527

Medium/heavy is normally a bit outside of what startups are usually capable of. You want to start with something smaller to get the basics nailed down and build up a successful history for potential customers. Relativity is actually a good example of this, starting with Terran-1 before trying to get Terran R flying.

Firefly is teaming up with Northrop Grumman for the Antares 300 which will lift in the same weight class as Antares 230 and Neutron. "Beta" will probably develop into a more advanced version of this post-acquisition, maybe with some reusability.

Pivdenmash is (in theory) working on the Cyclone 4M, but domestic Ukrainian rockets were a dodgy proposition before the current war.

There's a few ideas that have been floated by Chinese "space corporations" that would be in this class, but those groups are all pretty focused on monetizing derivatives of the DF-31/41 ICBM, so I'd be surprised if any of those plans are more than talk.

None of those groups are really startups in the proper sense. Firefly teamed up with big aerospace, Pivden is an old Soviet design bureau, and the Chinese companies are all just the PLA hiding behind a shell corporation. It'd be nice to see more players trying to go straight for 10,000kg/LEO but the ones that do try (Beal, Kistler) usually don't turn out all that well.

>> No.14829530
File: 24 KB, 458x418, gulag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>22 years labor camp
Gulag is back on the menu.

>> No.14829534
File: 163 KB, 639x511, Delta_V_Earth_Moon_Mars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if you could fit it with solar electric propulsion unit that take a few months to get back to LEO for refuelling

>> No.14829539

>1.do unmanned landing on the moon with reserve fuel and keep it there as an emergency moonbase for later missions
too little fuel
>2.reuse it for future manned missions
too little fuel
>3.keep it docked to lunar gateway somehow as a part of the station
too little docking ports
>4.send it back to earth as part of the ISS or some other future station.
too little fuel
>5.destroy by crashing in to the moon for data.
maybe enough fuel

>> No.14829542

i think stoke has picked a good place to aim at for a first rocket-1.6 tons to leo is decent, and i doubt they stop with that

>> No.14829566

Frog launch in an hour.


>> No.14829567
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>> No.14829572

please no talking heads

>> No.14829579

would rather eat dirt from the sidewalk than watch

>> No.14829586

just like put your solar panels on a stick

>> No.14829587

cute. the rocket is a piece of overpriced shit but it's good to be reminded of the humanity of those involved with its production. i hope she eventually gets a job with a good rocket company and has a happy life.

>> No.14829597


>> No.14829601

Ah, a massive open ended no bid contract with no penalty clauses, sounds like a recipe for success

>> No.14829602
File: 320 KB, 1536x2048, sls kneels to gaben.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bill Gatestein is trying one last ditch effort to put Jews on Mars with the goyim.

>> No.14829614
File: 2.77 MB, 1883x2375, ariane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

19 minutes

>> No.14829615

At least photoshop in George Floyd, /pol/

>> No.14829623

6. mount a very good camera on it and operate it as a second LRO

>> No.14829624

spacex has a warm relationship with israel-they put an israeli citizen in orbit recently and israel is an enthusiastic member of the artemis accords, with several major companies involved in space technology.
how is the non-jew gates funding a rocket start up a jewish plot to move into an industry they already have a strong role in?

>> No.14829625

It'd be interesting to see just how much they can scale up their design. Their second stage engine is supposed to be integrated into an actively cooled all-metallic thermal protection system. That sort of design might have a hard upper limit on just how big it can go.

>> No.14829627

love the rick and mortar style

>> No.14829629

yeah they accelerate too quickly and leave my range too fast to reliably hit with birdshot

>> No.14829630

kek, that makes me think that if Zubrin were a billionaire and as popular as Musk he would've been cancelled long ago lmao

>> No.14829646

he's an odd duck-on some level i don't think he's ever fully shed being a LaRouchite. even when i don't agree with him i always find his writings interesting. i'm going to miss him when he dies, which i really hope doesn't happen until he gets a chance to see humans on mars.

>> No.14829647

>if my grandmother had wheels she'd be a bicycle
Literally no one gives a shit about Zubrin outside this place, it's one giant forced meme

>> No.14829651

Man literally wrote the book on Mars colonisation

>> No.14829653
File: 26 KB, 455x553, Zubrin no profile 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Literally no one gives a shit about Zubrin outside this place, it's one giant forced meme

>> No.14829658


>> No.14829659
File: 79 KB, 960x720, 1644957636505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14829664

>the book on Mars colonisation
A book on Mars "colonisation" that is riddled with errors, even the revised version

>> No.14829670

you don't need a command pod if you have a remote guidance unit

>> No.14829671

>it's one giant forced meme

>> No.14829676
File: 54 KB, 395x388, frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stupid talkshow once again
I hate the french

>> No.14829689

name an error

>> No.14829692

Arianespace wouldn't exist if it wasn't for the folly of the shuttle program and the insult of Symphonie. This is a monster of our own creation.

>> No.14829693

Just send the tanker to refuel it in lunar orbit.

>> No.14829699

2. requires refueling in NRHO or other lunar orbits but is doable
3. a part of two, pain in the ass but
4. doable actually as long as you're trying to crash it into point nemo or something
5. same as 4

>> No.14829704

Germans should make their own rocket. If they could build the V2 back then they can make a rocket better than SS now.

>> No.14829707

>Germans should make their own rocket
are they allowed to do that?

>> No.14829709
File: 153 KB, 900x1200, EQMv7X0W4AQ4Z0K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elon Musk gave a huge cash infusion to the Mars society before SpaceX was ever a thing, and has personally attended Mars Society convention many times. Zubrin provides the vision, Musk provides the way

>> No.14829710

It's under five minutes to launch and they're still showing clips. I despise this.

>> No.14829712

Zubrin groomed Musk into spaceflight.

>> No.14829715

Are frogs associated with France? Why?

>> No.14829716

You are what you eat.

>> No.14829717
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>> No.14829718
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>> No.14829719

SJW writers ruined it for plot sense
Unrealistic scenarios ruined the realism sense
Hyper time scale ruined the pacing

>> No.14829720

Arianespace was founded in 1980, a year before the Shuttle ever flew

>> No.14829721
File: 810 KB, 1328x819, Screenshot from 2022-09-07 14-45-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ids habbening

>> No.14829722


>> No.14829723


>> No.14829724

The whole part about ICE vehicles, which is also objectively erroneous due to typos
Take your medication

>> No.14829725
File: 84 KB, 468x370, ShooterScreenshot-20-07-09-22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plumes from SRBs are really nice

>> No.14829729

are you allergic to elaboration? What was in error? You can 100% run an ICE on mars using methane and oxygen if you want to-did he miscalculate something about raw power output or something?

>> No.14829731

Read the chapter you idiot, I don't exist to spoon feed you

>> No.14829742

How is SLS fucking up hydrogen fueling so badly when Ariane 5 has been making it look easy for decades?

>> No.14829746

Without Zubrin, the ITS and BFR concepts could have been Hydrologgs :DD from the outset. Just imagine the disaster.

>> No.14829748

why do they keep those hoses attached even after it took off?

>> No.14829749

yeah i think so https://www.rfa.space/launcher/

>> No.14829752

The mobile launcher tail connectors have always been pretty unreliable

>> No.14829754

If the valves break, they will have to give us more money for another, sounds good to me
t. Boing

>> No.14829764

I think most European new space companies are German. It's probably a psychological reaction to the majority of European spaceflight being controlled by France and Italy.

How is SLS fucking up hydrogen fueling so badly when Atlas-Centaur and H-IIA have been making it look easy for decades?

>> No.14829769

They're not allowed to use better parts because then shuttle contractors will scream at Congress.

>> No.14829772

ITS -was- hydrologgs. Most of the ITS to Starship changes come from abandoning LH2 and carbon fiber.

>> No.14829778

lmao this thales recruitment pitch is so cheesy

Are they that hard up for interns?

>> No.14829781

Holy fucking how retarded are you? ITS was NEVER hydrolox. Hydrolox raptor was abandoned years before ITS was ever revealed. Carbon fiber was abandoned as a cope

>> No.14829784

>Carbon fiber was abandoned as a cope

>> No.14829788

i do not think they designed raptor without designing ITS in parallel. you can't make an engine if you don't know what rocket it's going on

>> No.14829789

having fuckoff hueg cf tanks was walked away from after they ran into really nasty issues with the tanks dealing very poorly with the cold during testing.
cf is quite good in smaller tanks, everyone uses it

>> No.14829790

It's hard to be very enthusiastic about a job when you'll be effectively stuck at intern-grade until you're even older than the fossils you're handing your resume to.

>> No.14829794


>> No.14829795

Cost too, blowing up so many tanks the program would have run out of money before even a starhopper-tier test flight if they didn't just say 'fuck it' and started welding them instead

>> No.14829796

Why haven't you doubled my crypto bags Elon

>> No.14829801
File: 59 KB, 624x434, yrOmyHR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No refunds

>> No.14829809

linkedin is good for staying caught up on tech businesses and using job postings to get hints of new porgrams, but boy oh boy is it riddled with bullshit and cringe

>> No.14829810

kek every time i hear about people using linkedin as a social network i'm just so bewildered

>> No.14829814

I deleted my LI years ago

>> No.14829817
File: 617 KB, 1170x640, Version5-1170x640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Raptor was never developed for a booster in its inception circa 2009. It was meant to be a hydrolox upper stage engine for Falcon. At that time, Merlin 2 was meant to power their super heavy lifters, the Falcon X line, using kerolox. Raptor hydrolox was abandoned for methalox in November 2012, and given a new responsibility of use on the booster for MCT at the same time

>> No.14829875

>Aerobraking is cheaper and simpler.
30 tanker launches probably wouldn't be cheaper than giving moonship a lunar heatshield. we'll see it eventually but i doubt it's gonna be this decade.

>> No.14829891

has the media caught on to this yet?

>> No.14829893

dios mio... la creatura...

>> No.14829895

and they were a complete meme until challenger left ariane 4 as the only viable commercial launcher

>> No.14829902

>Elon Musk $258 billion Dogecoin lawsuit expands
>The $258 billion racketeering lawsuit accusing Elon Musk of running a pyramid scheme to support the cryptocurrency Dogecoin has expanded, adding seven new investor plaintiffs and six new defendants including his tunnel construction business Boring Co.
>According to an amended complaint filed on Tuesday night in Manhattan federal court, Musk, his electric car company Tesla Inc (TSLA.O), his space tourism company SpaceX, Boring and others intentionally drove up the price of Dogecoin more than 36,000% over two years and then let it crash.
>Tesla, SpaceX and Boring did not immediately respond on Wednesday to requests for comment.
maybe we got too cocky?

>> No.14829904

this smells like a fishing expedition into tesla finances

>> No.14829905

Wow, elon musk forced me to lose my life saving in crypto. can i get in on this??? Spaceflight?? Fuck you

>> No.14829906

why are lawsuits even allowed over unregulated crpyot?

>> No.14829909

lawsuits are allowed over anything. i can sue you for this post but the judge is gonna throw it out as soon as he reads the filing.

>> No.14829912

Better yet it's someone trying to short stock again and manipulate it with news

>> No.14829914

Sometimes, it's important to be reminded of the things that we hope spaceflight will enable us to escape.

>> No.14829915
File: 149 KB, 1520x1080, 1633290427127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his space tourism company SpaceX

>> No.14829916

Bezos seriously thought he could patent barge landings

>> No.14829917

I want to escape from both of these things

>> No.14829920

I always make the assumption that people that look like this loath white men. A bad habit I should drop to be fair.

>> No.14829924

Bezos also seriously thought he could sue his way into using 39A """"alongside"""" spacex

>> No.14829928

the "dismantler" phenotype

>> No.14829930

Oh yeah I forgot about that hahahah

>> No.14829937

kek. if this even gets to court we know america is truly fucked

>> No.14829939
File: 22 KB, 332x500, 1648865866074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Zubrin provides the vision
Kill yourself.

>> No.14829942

In the US, you can file lolsuits for practically anything.

>> No.14829953

They don't hate white men as much as they hate themselves. They're deeply insecure creatures overloaded with a ingrained victim complex who have been trained to hate on command as a form of pressure release by the media they soak themselves in. White straight men are just the most easily justified targets in their deeply bigoted ideology.

Don't ignore what the evidence of your experience and instincts is telling you. This person is fundamentally broken in a way that makes them dangerous to others. Behave accordingly.

>> No.14829960
File: 24 KB, 540x540, 1641009030000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up
>apple got brutally mogged by tmobile

>> No.14829961

alright alright get back on topic

>> No.14829968

free for only the first two years too lol

>> No.14829974

fuck apple so much

>> No.14829975
File: 105 KB, 959x722, Apu postimerkkeilijä.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some stamps arrived today, bought them from a friendly old man
Found a little thank you card in the envelope too

>> No.14829982


>> No.14829983


>> No.14829990
File: 32 KB, 1762x166, meanwhile on reddit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Redditors were actually concerned about that

sir this is a space wendies

>> No.14829992

Very cool anon

>> No.14829993

Feels good being an Android user on tmobile 2bh.

topkek I was just shitposting

>> No.14829994

...are you okay anon? This is a genuinely deranged thing to say about an image of someone standing in front of a rocket. like tihs has literal dylan roof energy. i really hope we don't have to deal with an sfg regular going apeshit and murdering people or something.

>> No.14829995

>i don't think he's ever fully shed being a LaRouchite
That's a bit obvious, he had made his career off of shilling LaRouche's ideas for nuclear energy and Mars. Their political action committee still uses the idea for fundraising, the suggested contribution of $20 must go a long way.


>> No.14829996

SpaceX exists because of Zubrin.

>> No.14829999


>> No.14830001


>> No.14830002

Wendeez nuts

>> No.14830004

Whoops my post sent before I finished. SpaceX exists because of Zubrin and Obama

>> No.14830005
File: 37 KB, 571x571, 1645838436691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just get me off this fucking planet already

>> No.14830010

Crypto isn't a pyramid scheme.

It's more like the Dutch Tulip Mania.

>> No.14830011
File: 13 KB, 587x789, history_of_the_phoenix_vtol_ssto_and_recent_developments_in_single_stage_launch_systems.1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14830014
File: 195 KB, 821x936, oh no sls bros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And to think we were worried about how many more fueling cycles it was cleared for

>> No.14830016

>axiom will be making the space suits for artemis
it makes sense but still kind of surprising

>> No.14830020

kek poltards can't help publicly seething at their own delusions.
if she's an engineer on the rocket then she spent her life around white guys and likes them very much.
you'll never be great if you're consumed by irrational anger about the wrong things.

>> No.14830022

SpaceX exists because of Ghislaine Maxwell. Proof? They once took a photo together, it must be true.

>> No.14830025

He Marspilled Elon therefore he is responsible for SpaceX existing.

>> No.14830027
File: 38 KB, 509x353, Screenshot 2022-09-07 194240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the faggot did it again

>> No.14830034

what.... happens to it if that happens? just slap it over to the rocket garden?

>> No.14830036

The LH2 microfractures become macrofractures and the ET, excuse me """core stage""" crumbles apart.

>> No.14830037

von Braun is nazi and his legacy died.
zubrin is an israelite, and sls israel.

>> No.14830041

i have a gold star wars stamp, do you want it?

>> No.14830050

Another short sellers game lmao

>> No.14830051

Musk should counter sue all these guys and their shadow backers for trillion dollars and bankrupt everyone of them

>> No.14830053

This is why you have automatic sell prices. So you don't lose money.

Unless your interest is long term drip investment. Then you hold hold hold.

>> No.14830054

I don't think anyone knows the answer to that. It feels like we're running up against a lot of questions that no one has any real answers for. Are the boosters safe to be recertified again? Will the FTS batteries be good for an extra week or two? Will we ever find out why the GSE leaks so damn much?

>> No.14830055
File: 152 KB, 1808x920, The_Zubrin_Index.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seem mad, bro. It's time to face facts: Robert Zubrin is responsible for everything you love in this world. SpaceX, Mars, /sfg/, Elon Musk, Shuttle-derived HLVs. Everything.

>> No.14830058
File: 104 KB, 500x584, 1628099437755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14830065

This proves it's a forced meme, note the relatively few mentions of Zubrin in 2019, which was the first full year of /sfg/'s existence.

>> No.14830069

You know the thing about trends is they eventually go away as people lose interest
Huh weird, wonder why less zubrin posts happened whilst the general was deadest ever...

>> No.14830070

If you weren't in /sfg/ in 2019 you're ngmi

>> No.14830081

yeah we've had enough of your shit
eat shit and die collagefag

>> No.14830086
File: 21 KB, 506x603, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it also proves /sfg/ is a forced meme

>> No.14830093

i really wanna know the cost of the 250amp version
or one slightly larger
god that would be great for diy

>> No.14830119

we might catch up to last year's record breaking number of launches

>> No.14830123

it’s still not enough

>> No.14830130

new thread

>> No.14830131

If we can get to 65 launches Falcon 9 will have the most launches per year of any rocket ever.

>> No.14830135


>> No.14830137

Fuck off homo

>> No.14830165

This fag needs to be banned

>> No.14830166

>throwing a tantrum
>being a faggot
/stg/ didnt work out huh

>> No.14830167
File: 42 KB, 861x485, SFG a mimir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sfg a mimir, wake up tomorrow morning

>> No.14830169

You could make small batch hastelloy or other boutique alloys if you wanted. Might be nice for prototyping.

>> No.14830174

it seems like you could throw nearly any scrap in it?
might be useful for that and guys who dumpster dive etc

>> No.14830186

If you're smelting scrap, no need for MOE. An arc furnace will do just fine. The MOE reactor would likely be dealing with finely powdered feed stock. If you need a limited but high-spec run of some specialty alloy with 11 herbs and spices, something like this could be cost effective and fast turn around.

>> No.14830194

Turn the hls into depot, or tank to use on moon, maybe cabin can be seperated to use as part of base

>> No.14830206

KSP 2?

>> No.14830212
File: 40 KB, 766x508, ksp2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 months left
tick tock nu-Squad

>> No.14830226

It got pushed back to 2023. They posted this clip of the pre-alpha after the SLS scrub. It's still looking pretty goddamn rough.


>> No.14830236

looks too much like ksp with new visuals. i am betting they didn't fix the horrendous editor nor the terrible performance once you get into hundreds of parts.

>> No.14830241

hasta mañana, anon

>> No.14830245

guys you are posting in the wrong thread
migrate to the new thread

>> No.14830249

I'm playing ksp now and just got that bug where a probe's orbit just keeps dropping without any cause, making it miss a rendezvous with the target planet. If that bug isn't fixed I'll lose my shit.
fuck off

>> No.14830255


You realize KSP isn't getting any more updates right?

>> No.14830258
File: 198 KB, 1912x920, haulin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They showed some updates about the editor some time back. It looks like they gave it some love.
They also claimed they were solving the stuttery retarded physics engine too, but we'll have to see how that pans out.

>> No.14830259

Will there ever be a realistic AAA spaceflight video game in my lifetime or I'm asking for too much?

>> No.14830262

I meant in ksp2

>> No.14830264

Pretty realistic airplane simulator computer games existed in 90s I bet a good space one could be made of it; make a petition list and pass it around the internet to show how many people would purchase a realistic spaceship simulator, and then get Elon musk and Jeff bezos and big simulator companies to fund it

>> No.14830267

>realistic AAA spaceflight video game
>realistic spaceflight
LMAO NO. if you want something like ksp but real scale and more autistic and better graphics then yeah it'll be made by a team of a dozen people.

>> No.14830268

That's not a very big team.

>> No.14830269

that’s just modded orbiter

>> No.14830271

a realistic spaceflight game would be the most boring shit possible

>> No.14830274

wrong. as long as you get to build arbitrary vehicles and have timewarp it'll literally be infinite fun like ksp.

>> No.14830277

timewarp isn't realistic sorry

>> No.14830279

KSP is also fun because of the goofy kerbals softening the blow of loss-of-crew events.

>> No.14830283


>> No.14830289


>> No.14830295

that is good to hear.

>> No.14830294

By realistic I meant something more akin to a sandbox spaceflight simulator rather than some Star Wars game in which physics are nonexistent and you are locked in some area in space where you can't do anything else except for shooting the bad guys. And also having decent graphics, Kerbin in unmodded KSP is a giant pixel for goodness' sake. And lastly replace the kerbals with humans, imagine the kino footage we could get of our games.
Also, it's not necessary for it to be super hard for the average player or basically require an engineering degree to be able to play it, if that's what you mean by boring. It could have several levels of difficulty, all the way up to something like Realism Overhaul in steroids.

>> No.14830314


>> No.14830389

suborbital sample return mission

>> No.14830407

Theia sample return mission

>> No.14830416

CEERS-93316 sample return mission

>> No.14830417

Returning samples is gay, establishing manned research bases outside of the Earth to analyze samples is cool. Only nerds want robots to dig for them.

>> No.14830418

Double sample return mission where apollo samples are sent back to the lunar surface

>> No.14830420

Infiltration mission where chinese and russian samples are stolen and sent back to the moon

>> No.14830438

>tfw venus has nothing going for it so nobody will ever want to put space stations and shit there

>> No.14830439

they have to go back
every gram sent earthside is a gram lost to loonies.

>> No.14830440

that's caused by translating from the on-rails circular coordinates to the rectangular physics model, you solve it by just watching your probe in the tracking station instead of loading it in

>> No.14830445

new thread, use it if you hate the collagefag(stampfag)

>> No.14830447
File: 70 KB, 872x872, 1661198018030157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting about how you like a coin a few times on twitter
>pyramid scheme

>> No.14830448


>> No.14830449

Good to know, hope it isn't an issue in KSP2
fuck off

>> No.14830450

This but unironically.

>> No.14830451

Wait holy shit this just clicked
The last two threads weren't made by the collagefag and the stampfag didn't instantly post in them like usual

>> No.14830455

yeah but you shouldn't make threads before page 10

>> No.14830456

says who?

>> No.14830459

the moderation team, they'll fuck us up if you do

>> No.14830463
File: 116 KB, 600x527, Vista Nuclear Spacecraft Propulsion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Expanse but real.

>> No.14830464

I think they've abandoned us, if not outright turned on us.

>> No.14830469

no this is just a pretty normal "the moderation team isn't paying attention to you" sort of atmosphere right now, when they pay attention you'll know and you'll wish they hadn't

>> No.14830471

decentralized 4chan when?

>> No.14830472

unfortunately, pedophiles

>> No.14830474

Fucking lurk more. The rule exists to prevent idiots competing against each other by making threads early which on a slow board like /sci/ would mean multiple ongoing threads. The way to stop it is simple and doesn't require moderation staff, early threads simply won't be used. This thread was a one-off.

>> No.14830475

pretty sure stampanon is not the /n/ schizo, and I’m almost certain stampanon is also finnanon

>> No.14830479

I don't like finnanon/stampanon either, but they're not actual trash like the schizo

>> No.14830481

>This thread was a one-off.

>> No.14830483

stamp anon spams too much HOWEVER I happen to have printing and engraving autism and I follow a bunch of stamp accounts on twitter. Actually about 3 years ago I started a (digital) soviet stamp collection from pics I found on dvach and wikipedia and as soon as he started posting the actual physical stamps in high resolution I turned into patrick bateman with envy lmao

>> No.14830487

That guy is just trying the start shit. The idea doesn't make any sense, if they were the same person he would legitimize the early thread by posting the archive in it.
What? He is literally the best /sfg/ poster and he goes out of his way not to attract too much attention to himself. Leave the man alone.

>> No.14830495

collagefag(stampfag(you)) hasn't made the last two threads

>> No.14830496

he's a spamming nigger and I don't like him
I turn my autism towards violence mostly
fucking expensive hobby, I recommend black powder revolvers

>> No.14830497

Its over, the jig is up, the genie is out of the bottle
Stampfag IS the schizo

>> No.14830533
File: 25 KB, 471x308, torvalds_bird.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KSP2 should be developed by a bunch of qualified autists as a side hobby, as opposed to some SphereOfInfluence game devs larping about knowing orbital mechanics. That way their passion translates directly to the game, and it isn't dumbed down for people to stream "lmao exploding rockets" on Twitch as the FOTM game.

>> No.14830534

I don't really think KSP 2 would ever get big on twitch, not even as a fotw/m thing. It's just very non-conducive to that type of audience.

>> No.14830542

I remember when the full version first released, it got "big" on Youtube when let's players made videos and they couldn't understand how SRBs worked. Now it has gone back to being gatekept by spaceflight enthusiasts.

>> No.14830546

fuck off

>> No.14830548

This fag did the exact same shit on /toy/, it's targeted general ruining garbage. Any good mod would rangeban him for good measure.

>> No.14830557

We just need to make a proper new general once this one hits page ten and ignore the other one. And if mods delete the real one then we chimp out.

>> No.14830561

>85% of Globalstar’s capacity will be allocated to iPhones

lol wtf

>> No.14830576

Stop fucking up generals you ass

>> No.14830577

Okay, newfag op.

>> No.14830590

We've restored decorum in the general this way in the past, and we'll continue to do it in the future

>> No.14830666
File: 155 KB, 878x1024, 1561664657588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SpaceX wins again.

>> No.14830710


>> No.14830739

no voice for SOS SAT applel thing
only short messages and it may take 10 min to send

>> No.14830787

wait apple is funding globalstar? they have a 3,080 satellite megaconstellation under development.

i thought they were just running with a few satellites but it looks like apple is helping them grow. looks like they're using rocketlab too, so rocketlab will have launches secured for a long time.

>> No.14830932

hello CSS

>> No.14830963
File: 327 KB, 1460x398, downard nasa a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Freemasons shoved all the Apollo samples up each others asses

>> No.14831006


Oneweb lost $230 million dollar with the Russians taking their satellites lmao

>> No.14831018
File: 238 KB, 1536x2048, 1657204654947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14831021

More OLM upgrades, more plumbing, possible water deluge system?


>> No.14831034

Yup >>14828836

>> No.14831061

And our government were retarded enough to try and bail them out

>> No.14831074
File: 87 KB, 415x489, ShooterScreenshot-22-08-09-22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the design of HLS has changed once again. You can see that solar panels on the nosecone are missing, which implies that they're now most likely retractable.

>> No.14831108

Proper new thread

>> No.14831210

Solar panels won't be exposed during launch, they're way too sensitive for that

>> No.14831343

Mods better clean up the extra spam thread then