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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 100 KB, 261x243, KURZTHREADSTARTER04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14763617 No.14763617 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.14763625

Stupid video to promote stupid ass book, they didnt even try to hide it.

>> No.14763667

>Effective altruism

Not my problem.

>> No.14763679

BRO what the fuck?! a Video by Primer too?? DUDE

>> No.14763716

the guy payed all the pop-sci youtubers to promote his philosophy book, retard move

>> No.14763720

this is a kids show anon

>> No.14763722

These people need to be shot.

>> No.14763723

>species will carry on
>buy book
>buy poster

>> No.14763727

>Runs out of content
>Turns into typical cultist doomshit propaganda


>> No.14763744

This is the final form of Kurzfags
From popsci grifter to just regular book seller grifter

>> No.14763758
File: 210 KB, 820x892, 790-7907832_7190485-pink-wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Sumatory shows in the screen
> "Math starts to get a bit scary"

>> No.14763765

u mad bro xD

>> No.14763770 [DELETED] 

Remember to like and subscribe

>> No.14763774

stop watching this garbage you fucking retard
you might as well just be watching television
what the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.14763804

neat demoralization video

>> No.14763811

Remember to like and subscribe

>> No.14763868
File: 113 KB, 555x414, Theodore_Kaczynski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no ted bros, this can't be happening

>> No.14763870

>most people in this video are brown
Don’t tell me I’m the only one who noticed this

>> No.14763877


>> No.14763880

I didn't notice it. But then again, I am not an American

>> No.14763884

If anything, America's current identity wars would make it impossible to recover for the time being.
I don't even see how Western civilization can recover from all that bullshit at this point.

>> No.14763916

This, even fucking Romans are brown in this video, everyone is brown. I seen only few people with white skin.

>> No.14764318

Effective Altruism is just the scientific method applied to an expanding moral circle.
4chan retards shitting on it is a pretty good indicator that it's a good thing.

>> No.14764480

Bottom signal

>> No.14764496

>doesn't even talk about the current state of our civilization and why it might collapse
>just poses a bunch of hypothetical what ifs for 20 minutes
Damn, first veritasium and now them, looks like everyone is destined to produce shit content the more popular they get

>> No.14764555
File: 48 KB, 440x492, 1659105014681476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is fearmongering all they do now? I see their thumbnails and titles from time to time and it all seems like doomposting and wild speculation

>> No.14764571

>Nickelodeon/Discovery Channel tier surface level science with no nuance
>/sci/ gets söyfaced excited over it every time there's a new video

What the fuck happened to this place? Are you really excited over shit you've read when you were 13 in high school? Or is /sci/ really filled with 13-year-olds?

>> No.14764591

>the fluffest weakestsauce nothingburger pop-sci youtube channel with globohomo graphics.
Hard pass anon.

>> No.14764592

top signal

>> No.14764739

needs to be rounded up and shot like the dog he is

>> No.14764786

its always been youtube viral marketing, nobody irl cares about the youtube "influencers".

>> No.14764798

Kurzgesagt is the most popular channel for midwits

>> No.14765924

Wrong, kurzgesagt is a channel for high IQ teenagers

>> No.14765998
File: 60 KB, 475x382, 1657827747003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kurgyzatz is not that bad. It's not perfect but I enjoyed their rabies video. I learned about those little cell-window things.

>> No.14766005
File: 8 KB, 240x182, 1651680976944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why should I even watch this video? All I see is a clickbait for doomfags.

>> No.14766116
File: 42 KB, 634x414, IQ decline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Civilization will unironically collapse due to falling IQs and increasing mutational load.


>> No.14766149

I don't think civilization will disappear from this planet, but I have serious doubts, the US will reach the year 2100. Even 2050 looks questionable at this point.
Its downfall was ultimately that social-justice bullshit.

>> No.14766155


>> No.14766175

By 2050 US won't be a white country kek, it will be Brazil-Haiti hybrid

>> No.14766180
File: 760 KB, 1280x2096, leftists don't breed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Its downfall was ultimately that social-justice bullshit.
SJWism will die out in the long run. What will actually cause the collapse is falling IQs and lack of social cohesion.


>> No.14766182

Nah Civilisation is going to collapse for good, in fact there is a significant chance humans will go completely extinct. Here are some non globohomo-popspoi videos on the topic.



>> No.14766189
File: 32 KB, 500x514, my nigga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy book please

>> No.14766196

Man will eventually go extinct. There is no way to avoid that.
The probability is exactly 1.
The question is, if we go beyond Earth and the Solar System before that.
The Western society (especially the American leaders) is currently doing everything to get all of us killed way before that.
And as much as I consider myself social-liberal, it's mostly the Socialist leaders, which abuse differences among the people to divide them and drive them against each other.

>> No.14766270

social-liberalism is what is leading us all to premature extinction.
socialist or any other ideology leaders don't divide, or drive people against each other, such divisions already exist in raw form, and everyone is aware of it, people have always been pitted against almost everything be it other people, animals etc.Thats how we evolved - In tribes.

>> No.14766272

The chances of humans going extinct has always been 1, and yet humans have survived, the thing is we survived because we struggled, we had certain beliefs and attitudes towards work, life and society - This is what has allowed to come this far.