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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 561 KB, 1145x605, rape culture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14758642 No.14758642 [Reply] [Original]

thoughts on her latest video?

>> No.14758698

no, I don't

>> No.14758702

just watched it because of this thread, learned nothing. fuck you.

>> No.14758712
File: 2.01 MB, 2795x2795, 1586462103789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>First time watching Devs
>Watch her Superdetermanism video immediately after

Don't dab kids.

>> No.14758719

Her videos on quantum entanglement are enlightening and dispel a lot of retarded myths that make QM psueds seethe. But unfortunately soientists tend to be retarded when talking out of their field. So I won't be watching any such videos.

>> No.14758773

I think she should stick to her field of expertise, which is theoretical physics.

>> No.14758815


>> No.14758956

oh no no no no muh aliums will look into my porn searches

>> No.14758991

being that her channel’s show is called
>Science Without the Gobbledygook
her newest video is right in line with the rest of her content, which imo is less about edutainment and more about dunking on science hype and addressing common misconceptions surrounding scientific research. her newest video is just a rapid-fire rundown of other like-minded researchers who took an active approach to shitting on academic institutions and research publication establishments, so I thought it was fun

>> No.14758996

When did Science become intermingled with politics?

>> No.14759016

always was.
and not politics, but with the money and big corps.

>> No.14759031

She's 10 years late on the anti-SJW bandwagon

>> No.14759155

lookin raepable
thats just a thumbnail, the video is about hoax papers in general, dozens of them

>> No.14759213

>OP doesn't even say what the recent video is about
You're a massive faggot.

>> No.14759233

I hope she knows what she's doing by going against the scientific establishment. I fear for her safety.

>> No.14759240

looks how cozy it is in our big swirly boy. lets eat ice cream and cuddle and watch naruto together. nothing to make you feel cozy than seeing a picture of the great big galaxy. im glad God put us in this magnificent beautiful universe

>> No.14759382


>> No.14759387
File: 55 KB, 210x226, 1630359470734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even see that thumbnail. Did she change it, or is OP a faggot?

>> No.14759503

I haven't watched any of her videos and I'm not gonna
t. physicist

>> No.14759530

My plan is to have her cloned. 10,000.... no, 100,000 Sabines. I will unleash them onto the world. In Sabinegruppens. Supported by air cover. They will blitzkreig through the land, spreading common sense, education and rationality wherever they go.
Once victory is assured I will establish the Sabinereich. It will last 1000 years. No! IT WILL LAST 10,000 YEARS!

>> No.14759545

>portland, or
Into the trash it goes.
>.t jackson county

>> No.14759608

>I fear for her safety.
Name a single person whose safety was compromised for going against the scientific establishment. Bonus points if that happened in the last 30 years (inb4 galilei)

>> No.14759609

I support you Bro. At this moment I am training an entire regiment of Sabine Fallschirmjägerin. For those difficult mission where air assault is needed.

>> No.14759622

Its a good plan, I agree. But there also needs to be a special military organization tasked with protecting the original Sabine. Like it could be called the "Save Sabine" or maybe "Special Sabine" or "Squad Sabine".
They should wear a special uniform and have a special insignia, to distinguish them from the regular military units.

>> No.14759627

"sabine sweety squad"

>> No.14759632

Nice idea, send me 100 of them so I can build my small harem town

>> No.14759637

God, I would hatefuck her ugly face so hard

>> No.14759642

Done. The "SSS" it is then.
Better still I will send you the cloning technology so you can grow the initial 100 into10,000 Sabines
The "SSS" will be breaking down your door shortly, you vermin.

>> No.14759643

There's not even an egg cell for each of toy. Stop simping

>> No.14759648

Well yeah, that sounds great if you are airdropping the Sabine Fallschirmjägerin into somewhere small, ignorant, and stupid, like Crete. But what are you going to do when you need heavy weapons to take on a foe like the Christian fundamentalists in the USA? Those hill billy fucks tend to be armed to the teeth.

>> No.14759830

when the politicians decided to implement "science-based policies"

>> No.14759938

Walter Lewin

>> No.14760345

Still waiting for her to advertise her onlyfans

>> No.14760511

What scientific establishment did he go against? What harm did he suffer?

Oh that's right. He sexually harassed people and the only "harm" was that MIT revoked his emeritus title. I don't think that Sabine sexually harassed anyone.

>> No.14760576

Sabinejäger Tiger Ausf. B.
That's what you need. Sporting a 12.8cm Pak44 L/55 main armament and powered by a V-12 Maybach HL230 engine.
That would take care of some white trash scum.