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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14649699 No.14649699 [Reply] [Original]

Why do some people refuse to believe this is real?

>> No.14649720

Childhood religious indoctrination, mostly.

>> No.14649735

They're low IQ, that's all there is to it

>> No.14649839

cause thats not what i see when i look at the sky

>> No.14650772

Because that bg is very obviously CG, and thus it implies ve live in a simulation.

>> No.14650908

because NASA keeps making altered things instead of just showing the real stuff, which makes skepticals ans schizos come out and call on their bullshit

>> No.14651196
File: 71 KB, 568x730, glowniggerjak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I come to 4chan.org/sci to complain that not enough people trust the ZOG government and their ZOG scientists.

>> No.14651201

>Point telescope at sky
>Wow! It's a conspiracy!

>> No.14651208
File: 142 KB, 736x736, 6321d58a7d94735acd414786909d783b--glass-marbles-vintage-glassware.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yo that reminds me of

>> No.14651223

Question should be: why does it matter?

What has astronomy given the world in the last 100 years? What difference does it make that people do or don't believe it's real? It has no impact on anything because these things are meaningless to humanity. It could be a fucking giant eye staring at us and it would effect nothing about how the world works.

>> No.14651232
File: 275 KB, 1080x1286, glownigger BUTTHURT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I come to 4chan.org/sci to complain that not enough people trust the ZOG government and their ZOG scientists.

>> No.14651241

>be dumb retard
>can't do anything of worth because IQ is sub 100
>too narcissitic to admit you're dumb
>compensate by disagreeing with random things and thinking this makes you smart
All there is to it.

>> No.14651275
File: 155 KB, 800x527, 1654923112936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why does it matter?
it matters because "the big bang" is presented by ZOG as an alternative cosmology which is intended to be a substitute for traditional belief systems which do not place total power over society in the hands of notoriously irresponsible, greedy and untrustworthy government bureaucrats.
if ZOG can get people to "trust the science" then ZOG can enslave them by endlessly manipulating and changing "the science" to fit whatever narrative is convenient at the moment.
ZOG's soience goons are given a blank check to dazzle the general public with supposedly impressive displays of power and soience magik as an intimidation technique
>the power of soience will be yours if you follow ZOG, if you disobey then the horrifying might of soience will be weilded against you
debunking ZOG's soience shows all the naïve Dorothees, tin men and cowardly lions whats going on behind the wizards curtain, how its all just a big show, pose or charade.

>> No.14651306

Pretty much none of the people involved in the big bang were Jewish you drooling retard.

>> No.14651367

Behold the culmination of false flag conspiracy theories. Remember to trust your government implicitly lest you end up like this guy.

>> No.14651381

>gather evidence that universe is expanding
>take pictures of stars with infrared telescope
>everyone falls in line behind new world order - evil shadowy minority now rules the world

it amazes me how you retards believe this is coherent at all

>> No.14651383

just get off 4chan occasionally. no one here here matters. this entire board could die and almost no one would give a fuck.