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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14643321 No.14643321 [Reply] [Original]

Believing in "the science" as a dogma is an antithesis to the subject of science itself? Why do so many redditors (and young people) unironically subscribe to ideas that "the science is settled" for so many topics? Are they genuinely cultists?

>> No.14643330

when nonscientists argue amongst themselves over scientific topics, it turns out that the guy saying “trust the science” is actually less retarded than the guy saying “oh no noooo i can do my own science for myself”

an analogy is, say, if a bunch of english speakers with no knowledge of Latin are trying to argue over how to translate a Catullus poem. no matter what either side says, neither will learn how to translate latin poetry better than the guys who’ve already written translations based on study of the original material plus scholarship of the other scholars in the field plus just being experts who have gained credentials granted by the long heritage of past experts. nobody is going to sit on their computer doing google searches and learn how to translate Latin better than an actual Latin expert and if they think they can then they should go get a credential. until then your opinion is worthless and appeal to authority is legitimately a much much better and more reliable way to make judgements

>> No.14643334

Because they haven't been taught what science is (or are too lazy to look it up on wikipedia). Also, people should make a distinction between formal and empirical sciences. Only empirical sciences necessarily rely on (empirical) evidence.

>> No.14643346

>The smarter person is the one that relies on 1,000 year old logical fallacies like "appealing to authority"
Hello rplebbitor, Google a ton of IPCC papers today?

>> No.14643350

Kek, I like your sense of humor but nows not the time.

..btw are you German by chance?

>> No.14643352

the smartest person is the authority and when two brainlets argue about whether or not the authority is right then clearly the brainlet who thinks he is smarter than the authority is the bigger brainlet

>> No.14643356

Because it’s not, you’re the retarded one op. The scientific community exists, it has always fucking existed, it’s a part of the scientific method, pretty much most of the parts (asking a question, hypothesizing, experimenting, analyzing the data, reporting the data). People should obviously be critical and analytical about it but it’s poo poo pee pee brain retarded to be like
>the scientific community is dogmatic and antithetical to science itself
It’s like not accepting that English exists as a language that many people agree on and that the dictionary just decides shit and it’s all indoctrination from Big Dictionary. The critical lens you’re working with is fantastic to live life with, life is complex and it’s important to be able to discern things, but you’re applying it in a very dumbass way, like just aggressively retarded.

>> No.14643357

Oh 100% r/science fellow cultist. This is why I am currently experimenting with turning lead into gold while using leeches to cure my flu.

>> No.14643360

If the dictionary flipped the script every half decade, I'd agree with you. In my life time I've seen the "experts" push milk onto children to be healthy, only to reverse course in less than 10 years claiming the cow farts are causing scary weather.

You are a cultist.

>> No.14643369

>poo poo pee pee brain retarded
I take it that you are not a supporter of all poo poo times being pee pee times?

>> No.14643386

so anon, what is your opinion on the earth being round? if i trust that fact without going to space and photographing it myself, does that make me a cultist just because i trust my science teachers and Bill Nye and Carl Sagan and (((NASA))) and [{[*<SpaceX>*]}]?

>> No.14643392

How ironic, given the fact that "the scientific community" originally stipulated that theories against "flat Earth theory" was heresy. Thank you for proving my point

>> No.14643417

you didn’t answer my question. want to try again? instead of making a one-sentence non-argument for something unrelated “ergo i proved my point”

honestly anon, i can tell from your tone here that you are buttblasted. there are plenty of folks who are buttblasted by science… young earth creationists, new age crystal lovers, “i invented muh free energy device” scammers, homeopathy nuts, shroud of turin catholics, people who watch Ghost Hunters, trannies, this list goes on and on. be honest, why are you butt blasted?

>> No.14643423


>> No.14643438

great comeback anon

>> No.14643445

All it took was a 2 second google search, budro

>> No.14643452

you needed to google “hahahaha”?

first time in a while i am getting the hint that this is a legit poorly-coded bot i’m replying to

>> No.14643453
File: 3.86 MB, 240x266, 2EB00AB1-9C15-46B6-AFDF-168C387DD84A.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are a cultist
What I hate most about this stupid anti-science rhetoric is that it’s so deeply ignorant of the actual nature of the scientific community. What ((these)) people like OP and the person I’m replying to are asking for, that questioning nature, is like the vitae of the majority of the scientific community. These people don’t know how much scientific community agreement is driven by so much prior discussion and always has dissenters and how it’s all so critical and skeptic of itself that we can be essentially sure that whatever makes it through as a part of the consensus is literally just….shit that thousands of thousands of people went back and forth critiquing and could not refute. Even then it’s like we know that to be “not disproven” rather than actually verified. But even saying that triggers the shit out of them and makes them feel validated and it’s all just so fucking tiring to even deal with them.

But these poo poo brain low level IQ conspiritard propaganda guzzling dumbasses come in here thinking they fully invented skepticism or some shit and are revolutionaries for being openly aggressively ignorant of the actual process and community they’re spending soooo much time being pressed about but won’t spend the two seconds to look into. It’s sad but it’s also like they’re just so unreachable it’s exhausting and almost always not worth the effort.

>> No.14643460
File: 59 KB, 300x566, C483F9BC-ECD7-4616-B968-414D2A9F69E3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

solution 1

>> No.14643464
File: 79 KB, 750x669, 520FD298-0193-41A9-A429-FAEC91A4A797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

solution 2

>> No.14643468
File: 79 KB, 800x822, C83B1249-1ADD-4661-BD02-6A259195BD6A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

solution 3. Verification not required.

>> No.14643469

Cannot tell if you're a chink or a bot kek

>> No.14643472
File: 43 KB, 660x373, 635745779532086059-AP-APTOPIX-Mine-Waste-Leak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So uh, anyone remember when the EPA poisoned the Colorado river?

>> No.14643475

can we perform a turing test here? before we move on i would like you to tell me the species and minimum quantity of animals required to hear “quack” and “neigh” coming from a single barn

>> No.14643478

Buddy, you think the gas you exhale is killing the planet. If anything you should think of horses when you hear homes, not zebras.

>> No.14643481


>> No.14643485

turing test failed. try again. otherwise we can be sure it’s some poorly programmed bot

>> No.14643498

Fucking up a sentence due to autocorrect is the antithesis of bot posting, nigger.

>> No.14643511

no, fucking up a sentence and making a repost is an easy thing to code into a bot.

can you tell me the solution to the barn turing test i posted above? the answer is not hard for any human and you’ve gotten it wrong 3 times now with gibberish machine-generated unrelated nonsense. want to make a 4th attempt, poorly trained Pytorch model?

>> No.14643512

That's possibly the most retarded analogy you could've come up with, language is manmade, it's set in stone, natural phenomena are not manmade, they don't necessarily have a fixed definition and whatever definition you've come up with is not necessarily correct, unlike language which is just a bunch of made up descriptors

>> No.14643523

more machine-generated unrelated gibberish.

care to answer the question about the sounds coming from the barn posted above?

>> No.14643524

I have no idea what a turing test even is, but my 1 minute research leaves me guessing that you ironically pay attention to Twitter to stay informed. Am I right?

>> No.14643526

>no, fucking up a sentence and making a repost is an easy thing to code into a bot.
I have no dog in this race but wtf are you talking about?

>> No.14643528

the turing test is a test of whether or not you pass as a human, and you do not. your algorithm is failing to post an obvious answer and continually generating unrelated shill gibberish.

it’s really a simple question and the more this algorithm fails to tell me the answer about the sounds coming from the barn the more embarrassing it is for whoever developed it, since the algorithm is now totally crashing and burning and whoever made the last pull request should be fired since i’ve never seen such an obvious not on here before

>> No.14643532

The better question here is what any of this bullshit has to do with you appealing to authority

>> No.14643535

if i wanted to write a script to be a bot on 4chan, it would be a very simple thing to implement forming a normal response, and then find one word to substitute with a typo and then repost with a typo correction . you could write a simple python script to do this, wouldn’t even need to be trained into the network

>> No.14643545

Oh, you have no idea what you're talking about and probably heard of "machine learning" last week. Gotcha

>> No.14643553

for the record, here is the simple question the bot has been unable to answer for 35 minutes now
> i would like you to tell me the species and minimum quantity of animals required to hear “quack” and “neigh” coming from a single barn

seriously, massive turing test failure and clear evidence we have bots posting here

>> No.14643555

People often forget the part of the scientific method where you have to disregard the evidence and continue holding your initial hypothesis. The level of scientific illiteracy is saddening.

>> No.14643558

Suck a dick faggot

That, and the concept that universities and academics used to welcome controversial commentary, as long as it was actually relevant. That's essentially how we got here in the first place

>> No.14643559
File: 100 KB, 2000x2139, EEB4CA6A-74DD-4E71-A63B-6A3385C75A44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still can’t answer the barn question

>> No.14643560

What can I say? My programmers programmed me to not indulge your highly specific gay shit

>> No.14643563

Practically every single modern forum is pushing the narratives you believe in with bots and """"Facebook fact checkers" yet here you are.. Accusing others of being bots..

Perhaps you've spent too much time on contrived subjects

>> No.14643565

the algorithm’s programmers suck, like really need to be fired. whoever coded this clearly forgot to program good monitoring because it should be sending text messages to the admins like “CRITOCAL FAILURE: BOT IS MALFUNCTIONING, ON CALL PLEASE ALERT DEVOPS”

>> No.14643567

Kinda funny how you curiosity ignored this anon in your response

>> No.14643569

when i accused this bot anon of being a bot, his response was to call ME a bot.
he still is failing the basic turing test of a simple question

maybe he is just retarded to know what sounds animals make? i doubt it though because to be able to shill against science while not knowing what sounds farm animals make is a little suspect

>> No.14643577
File: 3 KB, 166x144, download (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Still ignoring me

>> No.14643580

erm, this is actually quite an interesting question. The short answer is yes, but it’s a bit more complicated than you might think.

Firstly, what are these noises that we’re talking about? In order for the experiment to work, we need a male duck and a female duck that are genetically similar enough so they produce offspring. Once we’ve got two ducks that fit into that category, then we can get them to mate.

Once we’ve mated the ducks, we want to ensure they both have healthy offspring. This means we need to keep the male ducks away from their females while they’re mating. We also need to make sure that the two males don’t get along too well with each other because if one male tries to mate with the female, the other will try to do the same.

>> No.14643582

How about you address the fact that you confide in Twitter bots and Facebook fact checkers?

>> No.14643588

how about your post sounds like a default bot reply so how about you answer the question about farm animal sounds coming from a barn to prove you’re a human first? like i’ve asked probably 10 times now and your algorithm still can’t even though an anon already gave you a hint?

>> No.14643589

>Me parroting Twitter bots is something a bot would point out

>> No.14643596

Beep boop