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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14505044 No.14505044 [Reply] [Original]

Why hasn't /sci/ been able to shit out any worthwhile threads since 2011?
Pic very related

>> No.14505048

basedence has overtaken science

>> No.14505366

The whole site got flooded with room temperature IQ /pol/cels during the 'election'. They sharted up all the boards with their misunderstanding of everything. And all the quality posters left.

>> No.14505372

/sci/ will never co-author a paper ever again.

>> No.14506671

>scared of a boogie man

>> No.14506674


>> No.14506680
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This poster is right, stackexchange is much better than 4chan in every regard, even some subreddits are better

t. been here since 2010, before new and r9k got removed from the site. the one good thing moot ever did

>> No.14506682

This. The decent threads are now the few generals dedicated to a specific subject while the rest is just some schizo infested dreg.

>> No.14506687

Moot should have let /pol/ stay dead. God, I pray hiroshimoot nukes that shithole.

>> No.14506716

Also I'm pretty sure the answer is 14! or 8.71782912 × 10^10

>> No.14506741

it's funny cause it's true

>> No.14506759

Everyone with 2+ IQ digits left long ago.

>> No.14506771

How could you possibly fuck up that badly

>> No.14506777

nta but what's the answer then?

>> No.14506784


>> No.14506791
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Mods stopped banning troll spammers who add nothing of value to the conversation and just fling shit

>> No.14506793

Come to
It's slow, but slow means you have time to think.

>> No.14506813

What is this site? I can't find a name. Allchan?

>> No.14506825

hasn't been named yet

>> No.14506831

nigger how do you think people will find your site without a name
might as well call it nameless chan

>> No.14506837

no rush, not like people are going to be finding it in a Google search anyway

>> No.14507194
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just keep posting modern problems with anime girls
eventually some faggot is gonna try to solve it

>> No.14507224

It was a stupid problem and not worthwhile.
No one here exists for your entertainment. Nothing is stopping you from making a "good" thread.

>> No.14507270

you do realize it's an open problem in mathematics right?

>> No.14507282

>it's an open problem and therefore worthwile
Writing down all digits of (((((((((((((((((((((9)!)!)!)!)!)!)!)!)!)!)!)!)!)!)!)!)!)!)!)!)! is an open problem, we should have multiple threads about it until someone posts a complete solution.

>> No.14507297

It's worthwile if it has a wikipedia page. That's already the top 1% of worthwile open problems.

>> No.14507519
File: 78 KB, 941x439, sci sci never changes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why hasn't /sci/ been able to shit out any worthwhile threads since 2011?

Ah yes. Those were the days,

>> No.14507545

This is correct, but for pretty much every board

>> No.14507859

People who can't understand "boys have penises and girls have vaginas" have no business whining about anyone else's stupidity.

>> No.14507869

engineers are indeed big gay babies however

>> No.14507909

these are exactly the threads that make me love this board. engineers being fags needs a resurgence though

>> No.14507913
File: 1.71 MB, 1863x1024, postcard 2011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why hasn't /sci/ been able to shit out any worthwhile threads since 2011?
Pic-related is /sci/ circa 2011. As you can see, it sucks. Truth is /sci/ has never been better, we are much wiser now, and popsci is dying. Anyone who denies this is a fool.

/pol/ was completely unusable for a long time, although lately I can tolerate participating in discussions there, but this phase transition was rather recent. Even then /pol/ never came close to being the worst board on 4chan. The worst board on 4chan, by far, was /qa/.

>> No.14507985


>> No.14508433

If you open 10 or 15 top boards next to each other, you see the same pol post on at least half of them posted within seconds of each other. Happens every day, try look. Recently it's been monkeypox

>> No.14508441

Only newfags think that 4chan was good at one point. If they even think it, it seems here that they use it as a way to attack the posters they don't like.

>> No.14508443
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/lit/ has written a few books and generated some memes.

Also second poster ITT is a D&C shill. Seems like some artificial replies, too, since few people here are really baited by it.

>> No.14508451

/lit/ is the most midwit place on the internet.

>> No.14509257

The reddit karma system will always be a major handicap for those communities though. Every time I touch it I see some major cringe upvoted over the on-topic people.

>> No.14509282

I can't remember a point in time when people weren't complaining that newfags where ruining the site.

>> No.14509305

pretty sure /sci/ will regain that position soon

>> No.14509343

are any of the original episodes identical?

>> No.14509630
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>> No.14509639

You know this isn’t the dunning Kruger graph and also dunning Kruger effect doesn’t even exist

>> No.14509645

A theory is that no one knows how to have fun anymore. With the focus on ambition and politics, perhaps an appreciation for the little things would spark some ingenuity. The catch is though, it would likely have to have a broader ranger of appeal to gain momentum.

>> No.14509670
File: 1.14 MB, 862x1433, CRS_JLD_40000c00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mathematics degree
>300k starting
holy shit I missed this so much

>> No.14510076

shit them out yourself. if you come across any high level math or physics problem that has only has partial solutions, it will make a good thread even if it doesn't get solved
personally, i dont really lurk here much bc of the repetitive useless topics that posted ehre everyday, but id love to solve some problems

>> No.14510095

is the Trump in the room with you right now?

>> No.14510106

>believing psychology pseudoscience

I hate tourists who act like 4chan is shit now, the only shitty thing is the raids lowing the quality

>> No.14510186


>> No.14510195


>> No.14510238

Literally who?

>> No.14510241 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14510246
File: 220 KB, 640x480, 1647754994916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like most of the Internet, 4chan is just zoomers squabbling with federal agents with other people spectating and wondering what the fuck is going on.

>> No.14510265 [DELETED] 
File: 275 KB, 1080x1286, glownigger BUTTHURT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

glowniggers have a much higher suicide rate. is enemy suicides a measure of success in an information war? zoomers winning by a lot if thats the measure

>> No.14510283
File: 235 KB, 528x438, 1647135234902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't believe that feds actually posted online aside from really obvious calls for violence until that FBI document with the 8 chan screenshot with the (You) in it dropped. Then it all clicked. My tax dollars are funding a lot of effort into shitting all over the Internet just to make us retarded and distracted. Real people aren't really in the mainstream media anymore, which unfortunately includes modern 4chan.

>> No.14512116
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>> No.14512117
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>> No.14512135

>FBI document with the with the (You) in it dropped.

>> No.14512159

You can also google fbi posts on 8 chan

>> No.14512175

Holy shit!
That animu can MONCHH!
Also your post is 100% correct!
If 4Chuds put as much effort into actual problems- as they do into portal physics, gameshow puzzles and ambiguous math expressions. They'd get something done.

>> No.14512220

He's right. 14 episodes that could be arranged 14 ways.
P(14,14) = 14!

You're retarded faggots, don't share a video. Post a solution to the problem at hand.