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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12745213 No.12745213 [Reply] [Original]

I want Demon Core memes

>> No.12745224


>> No.12745227
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>> No.12745271
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>> No.12745293
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>> No.12745429

Why did the science ball start shooting out gamma rays?

>> No.12745442


Screwdriver slipp

>> No.12745505
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cuz it was a fan of them

>> No.12745634

How discontinuous was the demon core? No contact=No radiation, contact=Full radiation?

>> No.12745679

>"Hey anon wanna take a dip in a nuclear pool? We'll be fine as long as we don't touch the rods"

>> No.12745785
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>> No.12745788
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>> No.12745811
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>> No.12745817
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>> No.12746693

So am i to believe that a 5 micron separation was safe but making contact was assured death? Nobody was being irradiated in all the formerly safe screwdriver experiments?

>> No.12746720

It's like the US economy. It used to be fine until 2008 then the USD/Neutrons in circulation started to expand rapidly. In the last microsecond since microsecond 2020 half of the neutrons in circulation was created. In the coming year even more neutrons will be around. Find safety behind some lead or gold.

>> No.12746801
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imagine dying because some funny blue ball

>> No.12746837

What have I missed

>> No.12746876

the accident of Los Alamos Laboratory in 1940 and 1950

>> No.12746886

Why are there so many memes of it

>> No.12746895
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because the accident was stupid

>> No.12746922
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>> No.12746948

they fuking did it again tho!

>> No.12746970

... did you just compare increasing liquidity to forestall debt defaults to a supercriticality?

>> No.12747214

Sounds legit.

>> No.12747288

>So am i to believe that a 5 micron separation was safe but making contact was assured death?
No numbnuts.

>> No.12747291

Not true. Slotin, the screwdriver guy, was the second.

>> No.12747315

Imagine you had a hand grenade, resting gently in a container, perfectly safe to handle unless you drop it.
Now imagine picking it up from the container and resting it on a counter ledge

>> No.12747355

>having a grenade with an armed impact fuse sitting on your counter
Obviously you are not a cat owner.

>> No.12747380

Seriously how the fuck did it happen
Like shit damn bro what the shit
You dont play with a loaded gun, why play with a loaded demon ball?

>> No.12747527

It makes more sense when you realize the "experiment" was actually a stunt these guys were doing to show off how daring they were.

Slotin is the same guy who swam in an operating nuclear reactor at Oak Ridge, instead of waiting one day for the reactor to be shut down first.

>> No.12747574

well, to be fair, you can stand over an open water reactor no prob.
but the screwdriver thing? dude got what was coming to him

>> No.12747582

>well, to be fair, you can stand over an open water reactor no prob.
He didn't stand over it. He dove six feet down into it, and received a 1 Gy / 100 roentgen dose of radiation.

>> No.12747584
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>> No.12747593

It's not about contact. The round thing above the core is basically a mirror that reflected the core's neutrons back onto itself. The point of the whole thing was to find out the exact moment at which enough neutrons were reflected to start a self-sustaining chain reaction.

>> No.12747603

the wiki page said they performed the "experiment" a number of times. i'm not a scientist but I would be surprised if it was really necessary to do something so dangerous more than once or twice.

>> No.12747609

also that they would do it in front of an audience. it wasn't about the data after the first couple times.

>> No.12747619


>> No.12747664

Its honestly pretty lame
Like how small of dicks must they have had to spend their time doing that

>> No.12747672

Yeah, not arguing with that. It was totally unnecessary, especially since that was the second time it happened and they already knew the point at which it went critical from the first actual experiment. I'm just replying to the anon who seems to believe that it isn't possible for the core to be safe below a certain point and deadly after it.

>> No.12747688

>Wikipedia early life section
Every single time

>> No.12748030
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These are good. Post more demon core

>> No.12748063

100 roentgen? Not good, not bad. Kek.

>> No.12748064

Demon core did nothing wrong

>> No.12748145

>imagine dying because blue balls

>> No.12748555
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>> No.12748584

Jesus fuck. Who though a screw driver was a safe way to manipulate this thing?

Should have used a something firmly attached and couldn't accidentally move.

>> No.12748591
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>> No.12748597
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>> No.12748602
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>> No.12748606
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>> No.12748611
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>> No.12748640
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>> No.12748674


I think the question is, why are there so many memes now? Has there been some tv show about it or something?

>> No.12748756

>Jesus fuck. Who though a screw driver was a safe way to manipulate this thing?
Nobody. They did it that way because it was more exciting.

>> No.12748765

not many events in human history has this level of high-tech stupid

>> No.12749117
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>> No.12749191

Just one neutron too many reflected and pow right in the bone marrow.

>> No.12749198

People who own motor bikes tend to ride them regularly. Danger fetishists needs regular hits or the thrill of skirting death wanes.

>> No.12749314


>> No.12749412
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My gramps was probably taking doomer night walks on Tinian while the 509th Composite Group was assembling the bomb.

>> No.12749413

isint radiation food for godzilla?

>> No.12749458


>> No.12749487

What are this meme from?

>> No.12750024


>> No.12750242

Surely there is a "You are already dead" meme for this.

>> No.12750338

Thanks for the information, it helped me very much

>> No.12750379

If life were game theory, the demon core is in the core.

>> No.12750433

Why do I keep seeing memes about it recently, did Netflix do a shitty show involving it or a documentary or something?

>> No.12750464

The memes are based off the real life death of Manhattan Project scientist Louis Slotin. He was a Canadian working in America, not a Russian, and died 26 years before construction on Chernobyl began. He is not mentioned in HBO's 'Chernobyl' miniseries either. He has no connection to Chernobyl at all.

>> No.12750852

Gay anime edits are anything but based

>> No.12750941

The economy of any society is almost always fine. The only time it's not fine is when manufactured crises are created in order to profit on extreme swings in asset prices and flows into and out of certain areas of the economy

>> No.12750949 [DELETED] 

I think what he's asking is why there's a sudden uptick in interest in nuclear technology and whether it comes from the Netflix Chernobyl show.

>> No.12750958
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>I think what he's asking is why there's a sudden uptick in interest in nuclear technology and whether it comes from the Netflix Chernobyl show.
Maybe, but that show never mentions Slotin at all, so it's an indirect causation at best. My guess is pic related is a more proximate cause.

>> No.12750986

There's an uptick in nuclear interest because the powers that be are now starting to heavily invest in fission and fusion solutions for electricity generation as well as space propulsion. Aside from the yurocucks, they've managed to get progressives to accept that nuclear is the way forward for the bulk of our energy needs.

>> No.12750995

>Aside from the yurocucks, they've managed to get progressives to accept that nuclear is the way forward for the bulk of our energy needs.
I guess this hasn't filtered through to my social circles yet. In my social circles, mostly progressives, nuclear is still considered
>"that dangerous retarded nonsense republicans ramble about to distract us from solar and wind"

>> No.12751018

Yeah, France and Germany are still dismantling their nuclear plants, but Biden actually supports nuclear and approved some kind of space application for it. Meanwhile, Bill Gates and some other billionaires have been found to be investing in a fusion company.

>> No.12751041

congrats, we have sustainable fusion thats cost effective. Now everyone in the know, SHUT UP ABOUT IT, we need to rewire/reinvest/shuffle assets EVERYWHERE FIRST, once done, you may THEN ANNOUNCE IT TO THE WORLD.
Lots of money on shifting ALL fission systems to small/easy to bury and forget systems, new nuclear missiles, and making solar/wind/etc the peasant class power sources.

>> No.12751124

Nuclear power plants just aren’t cost effective or scalable. They’re not being abandoned for environmental reasons

>> No.12751177

I mean in America. I work in tech, most of my coworkers are progressive west coast americans, and for the most part they all have nothing but derision for nuclear power. And from what I understand, Bill Gates has been funding nuclear projects for years, so I don't think that's anything new.

>> No.12751181

Draconian environmental regulation is the reason they aren't economical.

>> No.12751290

Was there some show about it on Netflix? Or why are all the epic memers spaming this shit?

>> No.12751300

>why are all the epic memers spaming this shit?
Why are you "spamming" this question?

>> No.12751305
File: 175 KB, 555x689, IV-AA062D_TERRA_G_20110224095719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bill gates also founded Terra power which plans on building 4th Gen fission power plants

>> No.12751306

Why are you a fucking faggot?

>> No.12751309

Why are you fixated on netflix being the cause of it? It was probably google's youtube, unless you have any better evidence: >>12750958

>> No.12751316

Netflox google youtube whatever zoomer shit makes the 15 year olds here spam memes.

>> No.12751368

fyi netflix had nothing to do with chernobyl either, that was HBO.

>> No.12751379

Why the homophobia?

>> No.12751396

I think you mean
>it is only more expensive because you expect it to be safe

Even conservatives won’t permit nuclear waste disposal in their districts

>> No.12751407

just throw it allon china
the radiation will prevent more pathogens coming from there

>> No.12751497

They’ll just ship it back to us as radiation contaminated manufactured products

>> No.12752747

Fucking e-celebs that regurgitate old shit and get millions of views.

>> No.12753073

the scientists edged the blue ball to the edge of cumming without letting it cum. the scientists were putting beryilium spheres to touch the science ball and make it shiver with anticipation but accidently closed the spheres making the science ball go over the edge.

>> No.12753216

From blue ball to 3 balls in 10 seconds

>> No.12753238

So what would've happened if they didn't separate it after it fell?

>> No.12753241
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>> No.12753246

Seriously? That easy?

>> No.12753249
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>> No.12753386

Plainly Difficult is a flagrant wikipedia reciter, though at least he can do it without being obnoxious. Kyle Hill's target demographic seems to be zoomers with ADHD.

>> No.12753391

If it were so easy, the rest of the bomb wouldn't need so much effort put into it. It would be a fizzle, not a full proper detonation. The initial surge of energy would blow the assembly apart before it had time to go FULL nuke.

>> No.12753555
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>> No.12753564

it's still gonna explode though, just not fully

>> No.12753582

>I think the question is, why are there so many memes now? Has there been some tv show about it or something?
The story's just gotten more popular here lately due to people emphasizing how absurdly ridiculous and stupid the screwdriver "hack" was despite the obvious scientific intelligence of the people involved

Basically the world-leading nuclear physics version of a car mechanic getting under a big car with a jack they fully know to be weak and unreliable and getting crushed under the car after doing it a few times. Or testing a gun you're building by looking into the barrel and pulling the trigger daily without checking to see if it's loaded

>> No.12754151

>This here is our 50’ ladder Widowmaker
>”Why is it called that?”
>Well, it was originally designed as a set of stairs to be installed in a house. The people who commissioned the house died before it was finished so we got to keep it. Unfortunately, because it wasn’t designed to be free standing, the bottom isn’t level.
>”Isn’t that dangerous?”
>Yes, in fact, if it fell it would shatter into splinters across the entire room like a Porcupine sneezing, but it’s okay. We use a matchbook to prop up the uneven side.

>> No.12754205
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>> No.12756238

this is great

>> No.12756309

Whats up with it, does it really shine blue when closed?

>> No.12756337

it's been reported from some criticality accidents that the excursion was accompanied by a blue flash. it's commonly thought that the sudden surge of ionizing radiation ionizes the atmosphere.

>> No.12756456
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It's called Cherenkov radiation

>> No.12756472

But that's in water desu.

>> No.12756491

it's not in this case. as >>12756472 points out, in water the speed of light is substantially slower than the particles moving through it, resulting in Cherenkov radiation. in criticality accidents in air it's something else. ionization of air seems the most likely, but some have postulated other causes like possible physiological effects. i guess people haven't cared to investigate further

>> No.12756497

Didn't expect to see 現場猫 on /sci/ kek

>> No.12756500

Might be some retinal damage that appears as blue light due to gamma radiation and has nothing to do with actual color, at least would be my guess

>> No.12756501

Really really unlikely, light already travels 99.9997% of c in air. Even if nuclear reactions created superfast light, it wouldn't be bright enough to be considered a flash. It has to be a tertiary effect like air being ionized or maybe the speed of light is slower in a dense neutron cloud (also doubt, the sun isn't blue). Cracksmoke theory or not, its not directly cherenkov radiation if its even something that happens at all.

But if anyone in this thread would like to reenact the demon core event, that would be epic and I'd love to watch it on youtube.

>> No.12756516

If you can imagine being alive back then, and witnessing yourself energy shooting out of what used to be a rock, it would be the most novel god damn thing you have ever fucking witnessed. Yeah people underestimate danger but this happens in all facets of life, constantly.

>> No.12756518

>discussion about demon core
>think about dicks
Everytime with you homos

>> No.12756523

sure, just lemme call up Y-12 and see if i can get a plutonium sphere on short order. i know a guy

>> No.12756525

go back to /k/

>> No.12756534

*uranium. plutonium would be glowing red hot

>> No.12756539

Nuke power IS scalable.
It's not the power source that require poisoning thousands of niggers in african mines just to have enough lithium.

>> No.12756547

First I saw it is from japs on pixiv
You severely overestimate Netflux consumers if you think they'll do this.

>> No.12756565

No if I was homo Id think about big dicks, slotins mustve been small, like a little mangina

>> No.12756583
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>> No.12756586
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>He was a Canadian working in America
A fucking leaf? But of course.

>> No.12756596
File: 67 KB, 332x502, plutonium.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The virgin Plutonium-238:
>11.3 Watt/cm^3
>glows a dim red
>has never been used to assassinate anything
The CHAD Polonium-210:
>1330 Watt/cm^3
>glows so blindingly white it vaporizes itself
>deadliest poison known to man
>used with extreme prejudice by the KGB
>all of Putin's critics live in fear of this isotope

>> No.12756603

what the actual fuck

>> No.12756609
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It's a jap meme folks, that's why it's so autistic.

>> No.12756612
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>> No.12756615
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>> No.12756626

Or he doesn't let his cat roam on his countertops like a filthy lowlife

>> No.12756630

Shut up

>> No.12756645

Are you going to keep an eye on the cat 24/7? That sounds like 3 or 4 full time jobs to me.

>> No.12756661

What? Do you watch your cat to make sure it shits in the litter box as well?

>> No.12756674


>> No.12756676

I don't have a cat because they're disgusting creatures that brainwash their owners using parasites. What I'm saying is, if that anon thinks it would be okay to leave such a sensitive grenade on his counter, he must not own a cat.

>> No.12756682

the poor dad got dosed too.

>> No.12756688

A young man with a 200 IQ is still a young man

>> No.12756692

>pulling the trigger daily without checking to see if it's loaded
There's got to be an amazing history of weapons safety there.

>> No.12756694

incredibly based
just think, no matter how small his part was, he helped extinguish the lives of over 350,000 nips

>> No.12757287

Pls don't do that, we already have one anon who gassed himself already, I know that some people here are actually insane enough to do that

>> No.12757329


>> No.12757350

if a senior nun could sneak into Y-12...
it's kinda funny, there's a disc golf course that abuts ORNL. it has a fence with warnings all over it that lay out how the gov't is going to fuck you if you cross the fence. there is also a car trail for patrol. every once and a while you get some stinkin long hair trying to recover their disc that they threw over the fence. i hear a humvee comes to check on you

>> No.12757682

I guess they didn't get enough radiation in the 40s

>> No.12757695

i guess its a way of coping with getting nuked twice, to laugh at the people who nuked them into being the sissies that they are today.

>> No.12757707

>This blue flash or "blue glow" can also be attributed to Cherenkov radiation, if either water is involved in the critical system or when the blue flash is experienced by the human eye.[42] Additionally, if ionizing radiation directly transects the vitreous humor of the eye, Cherenkov radiation can be generated and perceived as a visual blue glow/spark sensation.[44]

>> No.12757740

Why has this suddenly become a thing?

>> No.12757776

Germany is abandoning them solely because greens screeched after fukushima. And now they have to increase usage of coal plants that were planned to be decommissioned and have to buy electricity from abroad to handle peak usage.

>> No.12757796

I'm going with the jewtuber/tiktok theory. do the kids still use reddit these days?

>> No.12757805

Why are ameritrannies like this?

>> No.12757885

I want meme demon cores.

>> No.12759146


>> No.12760810

Just had this idea, but is there any demon core origami? /co/ would never know

>> No.12760853


>> No.12761264
File: 500 KB, 1280x953, demon core furry art by protolinux.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it exists there is furry art of it, no exception.

>> No.12761270

It was evidently a human mistake so why isn't it called the human core?

>> No.12761290
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>> No.12761323
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this is the one

>> No.12762045
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>> No.12762093

Godzilla has endured worse

>> No.12762191

The second post wasn't even from me asshole

>> No.12762239

Because the core itself was involved in many incidents.

>> No.12762587

Great concept, lousy photoshop.

>> No.12762594

too soon

>> No.12763349

Your eyes are water

>> No.12763381
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this is the best explanation.

>> No.12763384
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This is 4chan, we celebrate free speech here. Real free speech, not your feminine censorship - you flaming faggot.

>> No.12763397
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Why not the homophobia?

>> No.12763399

What was the screwdriver actually supposed to fucking do?

>> No.12763418

newfags lmao

>> No.12763421

>pretend to be a faggot
>others assume you are sincerely a faggot
>"haha you're newfags for thinking I'm actually a faggot"

>> No.12763426

prevent the beryllium spheres / casing from fully closing but because the screwdriver slipped, it fully closed and thus causing the ball to go blue and emit radiation

>> No.12763429
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>> No.12763433

>defending any form of censorship even ironic

Been here longer than you, cancer

>> No.12763437

Go back

>> No.12763813

Can someone explain this meme in detail? What is this strange metal orb and why does it glow harder than the CIA niggers on /pol/?

>> No.12764009
File: 71 KB, 631x630, chloe no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they poked the science ball with a screwdriver and it released the bad tickle beams, we live in a society

>> No.12764057

>The demon core was a spherical 6.2-kilogram (14 lb) subcritical mass of plutonium 89 millimetres (3.5 in) in diameter, manufactured during World War II by the United States nuclear weapon development effort, the Manhattan Project, as a fissile core for an early atomic bomb, that was involved in two criticality accidents, on August 21, 1945, and May 21, 1946. [...] The device briefly went supercritical when it was accidentally placed in supercritical configurations during two separate experiments intended to guarantee the core was indeed close to the critical point. The incidents happened at the Los Alamos Laboratory in 1945 and 1946, resulting in the acute radiation poisoning and subsequent deaths of scientists Harry Daghlian and Louis Slotin, respectively. After these incidents the spherical plutonium core was referred to as the "demon core".

> The experimenter needed to maintain a slight separation between the reflector halves in order to stay below criticality. The standard protocol was to use shims between the halves, as allowing them to close completely could result in the instantaneous formation of a critical mass and a lethal power excursion. Under Slotin's own unapproved protocol, the shims were not used and the only thing preventing the closure was the blade of a standard flat-tipped screwdriver manipulated in Slotin's other hand. [...] Enrico Fermi reportedly told Slotin and others they would be "dead within a year" if they continued performing the test in that manner.[12]

>On the day of the accident, Slotin's screwdriver slipped outward a fraction of an inch while he was lowering the top reflector, allowing the reflector to fall into place around the core. Instantly, there was a flash of blue light and a wave of heat across Slotin's skin; the core had become supercritical, releasing an intense burst of neutron radiation estimated to have lasted about a half second.


>> No.12764123

Im not even the guy who made the post
>claims to be here longer
>doesn't recognize a staple shitpost that gets dropped whenever someone says "faggot"

>> No.12764125

You stand out like a sore thumb.

>> No.12764160

>Im not even the guy who made the post
Redditors all collapse into a single entity.

>> No.12764613

It's the difference between 1 ^ .999 and 1 ^ 1.0001
1 ^ 1.0001 might not seem like alot, but when the period is 1x10-14 secs, the output increases quite quickly

>> No.12764732

is thorium a meme

>> No.12764922

Why? How is an obscure American nuclear accident a meme in Japan?

>> No.12764977

dumb newfags

>> No.12765084

see >>12763421

>> No.12765165

It ended with two bombs dropped on Japan, you know.

>> No.12765175

The demon core accidents are minor footnotes in the history of the Manhattan Project.

>> No.12765204


>> No.12765233
File: 39 KB, 750x680, JapanBestAlly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? Bombs 1 and 2 weren't enough so you had to Fukushima yourself for old times sake?
Seethe harder Jap.

>> No.12765395

I don't think they're laughing at America or even the Manhattan Project in general. All the memes I've seen look like they're laughing at the very premise of having such a cavalier attitude towards something so dangerous, or at most, laughing at Slotin.

And it always is Louis Slotin that is the target of these memes, not Harry Daghlian (it killed two guys in two different incidents, remember?) Why is that? Because Harry Daghlian butterfingered a brick but he wasn't willfully in disregard of safety procedures when it happened. His death was what you could call a legitimate accident. Louis Slotin though? He was known for idiotic bravado. He was deliberately violating safety procedures to be a showoff, other people told him this, and told him that he'd die if he kept doing it. He kept doing it anyway. His screwdriver stunt was incredibly moronic, which is why the screwdriver stunt specifically is the subject of these memes.

underrated post

>> No.12765875

You should have posted Skrewdriver.

>> No.12765899


>> No.12765904

The first incident was funnier. Dude dropped a tungsten brick on an atomic bomb

>> No.12765910

It's because people think they're so smart that they know about it. It's like a IRL rick and morty joke, something smug individuals think they're smart for knowing the meaning.

>> No.12765930

Rick and Morty doesn't have any demon core reference which is how we know it belongs on a lower level of the pseudo-intellectual smug spectrum.

>> No.12766008

That happened before this event. The demon core was to be part of the third bomb had Japan not surrendered.

>> No.12766027

Pu 238 glows due to decay heat from short half life of 87.7 years. What was used in the experiment was pu 239 which has a half life of 24,110 years, so very little decay heat is produced from it

>> No.12767986
File: 1.12 MB, 2211x2890, hakase showing off a new experiment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12768001
File: 72 KB, 890x287, 1606139021153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actual retard. So certain of your own knowledge, you neglect to use the tools available to you to look up the facts. You should kill yourself.

>> No.12768024

>>Really really unlikely, light already travels 99.9997% of c in air.
The blue flash observed by witnesses of these criticality incidents (also observed during the Tokaimura accident) is most likely Cherenkov radiation, but not in the air. It's most likely Cherenkov radiation in the vitreous body inside their eyeballs. A dose of radiation so hard, it fills their eyeballs with that blue glow.

>> No.12768033

>Experimentally Observed Cherenkov Light Generation in the Eye During Radiotherapy

>> No.12770085

so what would have happened if the handlers failed to quickly remove the reflective materials during these experiments? would it be a 'melt down' situation or an actual explosion?

>> No.12770095

>the guys who wrote the physics textbook tell you not to use a screwdriver
>ignore them

>> No.12770164


>> No.12770189

didn't the demon core emit primarily neutron radiation?

>> No.12770248

Yes, neutrino particles and such

>> No.12770476

lmao that's pretty shit. the real slotin wasn't so afraid and nervous about what he was doing, otherwise he'd not have been doing it. and this video tries take blame away from him even more with the dumb dropped cup gag.

>> No.12770503

dis good

>> No.12770508

james may would have the right tool tho

>> No.12771110

Cherenkov radiation, but inside your eyeballs.

>> No.12771112

A russian jew on top on that.

>> No.12771120

Most likely heat up, melt, and spread out as liquid through gaps, stopping the reaction.

You would have a nice puddle and steam of highly toxic and radioactive material.

>> No.12771940
File: 64 KB, 559x371, デーモンコアくん.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12771991

reddit thread

>> No.12772173

Since the building won’t have any particular shielding it would probably cook everyone in the building and start a lot of fires

>> No.12772184
File: 115 KB, 593x647, 11D32959-A915-4AA9-A8C1-E8D7D3757B62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>any thread that doesn’t have low-iq autists flaming eachother is a reddit thread
Can’t 4chan have a comfy thread from time to time?

>> No.12772193

no! posting amusing things is reddit!

>> No.12772204

"Everyone should be okay except me."

The others died because of it too just not immediately afterward.

>> No.12772229

People here are blatant redditors.
Many of these memes are straight from there and the people here post like redditors too.
I don't actually mind the thread I just felt like pointing it out.

>> No.12772237

Ironic that reddit now creates better OC than the chan because its been overrun by boomer facebook newfags.

>> No.12772524


>> No.12772754
File: 168 KB, 727x682, 1573691104268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 ^ 1.0001
>1 ^ .999

>> No.12772956

No, 16 pounds of plutonium isn't safe to be around, period. It naturally releases alpha and beta particles, neutrons and xrays. Prolonged exposure to 16 pounds of it regularly and under protected will make you die really early. Just being exposed to it once from less than 10ft away for a few minutes is dangerous for long term health.

>> No.12772998

Well that's painfully subjective

>> No.12773546

They didn't know it was the demon ball at that time.

>> No.12773802

Essentially maintaining the neutron economy internal to the core itself buy using the screw drive to adjust the height of the reflector cap. The Beryllium cap was used as a neutron reflector and the scientists calculated the exact height that the cap can be elevated without causing the core to go critical ,meaning a sustained nuclear reaction.

Therefore , once the screwdriver ( that was maintaining the core just before criticality)slipped, resulted in causing a fission chain reaction releasing an immense amount of energy and radiation.

>> No.12774024


>> No.12774133

No it isn't.

>> No.12774170

Haha gatoraade

>> No.12774200

Oh man fuckin kek

>> No.12774209

They really walked the walk back then

>> No.12775308


>> No.12775440

But they did

>> No.12775456

No, only after Slotin's stupidity was it named the demon core.
Had it been named so earlier, would Slotin maybe have used more caution in his experiments

>> No.12775584

>netflix adaptation
>makes Louis Slottin Lois Slottin

>> No.12777874

Hi /sci/ curious retard here. Why didn't they do this in some large pool and wearing diving suits or some shit?

>> No.12777916

Oh shit. SUGOI!!!

>> No.12778381

If shit hits the fan the water won't help much, and it will get in the way of fixing the problem.

Also having to get into scuba gear, make waterproof equipment, record data underwater, and then account for changes to the experiment because you're underwater makes science hard to do. What Slotin did was dumb, but doing experiments underwater so that the water shields you from radiation is also dumb.

>> No.12778631

Slotin's party trick was called tickling the dragon, therefore we can conclude the device was the dragon ball before it got renamed to demon core. Had it been renamed earlier, he'd be tickling the demon.

>> No.12779017

Why the fuck would you even make a demon core it has no practicle use

>> No.12779187

It was going to be used in the 3rd bomb dropped on Tokyo if the Japanese didn't surrender. But they did, so the core was studied instead because weapons grade plutonium was especially hard to make back then.

>> No.12779226

>>12751379 >>12763397

>> No.12779257

What the fuck, can you seriously create a nuclear bomb just from touching some blocks of metal together?

>> No.12779394

Those pipes look like knees

>> No.12779398

scientists like to do things like this because it gives them a power trip
they thought the bomb might even ignite the atmosphere and kill us all, didnt stop them. Scientists must be stopped

>> No.12779568 [DELETED] 


>> No.12779622

Little Boy was exactly that.

2 sub critical masses of uranium. Slapped together with a tungsten shell to reflect neutrons.

>> No.12779839

why are the dragon furry designs always so intricate
none of the other furries do it

>> No.12780409

that isn't a fun party trick

>> No.12780667

> what is a chain reaction
> what is a threshold
unironically kill yourself you intellectual failure

>> No.12781087

What is the girl in the back holding? Why is she have a wind-up key?

>> No.12781186


>> No.12781198

>furry thinks the ball was blue to start with
further proof, as though more were needed, that retards should not be allowed on the internet.

>> No.12781560
File: 122 KB, 316x549, 1614784963888.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I have a genuine fascination about atomic energy, fission, fusion, different ways to use them to produce energy in different situations, experimental reactors etc... but I don't want to google or research too much about this subject because I don't want glowies to monitor me and see the weird shit I jack off to
it's a special kind of hell

>> No.12781576

I have very nice hazel green eyes. Only the best people have the best green eyes.

>> No.12781723

nobody gives a shit about you reading about nuclear energy. why do normalfags think the feds give a shit about this? without nuclear material you can't make a bomb.

>> No.12782307

the feds combed cody’s lab’s house after he made a youtube tutorial on refining uranium, I’m pretty sure they care a lot about proliferation of knowledge on nuclear energy

>> No.12782317

The feds care about you acquiring and refining nuclear material. They don't give a shit about you reading some wikipedia pages about nuclear energy. Codyslab was raided for the materials he acquired, not the information he read.

>> No.12785598

I tend to enjoy Plainly Difficult, I've only watched one of Kyle Hill's videos and it was obnoxious as fuck

>> No.12785632
File: 37 KB, 750x735, oh yes my dear quite pungent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how this one dude's experiment was so mindbogglingly retarded that people are STILL making fun of him 70 years after his death.

>> No.12785706

its all the so.ybois in their science fields jealous that they will never be as much of a chad as him

>> No.12785724

man oh man

>> No.12785740

look up cherenkov radiation

>> No.12786231

Same. Kyle Hill is way too "reddit/rick and morty"

>> No.12786357

Sounds scary. Imagine seeing blue light but it's not because radiation is in water somewhere but because radiation is in water in your own eyes

>> No.12786363

Imagine being a distance away, but still close enough to see the blue flash in everybody's eyes.

>> No.12786367

as if they were possessed by a demon or something...

>> No.12786531

what's it like being incapable of having fun, you boring contrarian?

>> No.12787586

>if somebody doesn't like my favorite cartoon that means they are incapable of having fun
grow up