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File: 114 KB, 555x414, Theodore_Kaczynski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12709244 No.12709244[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Has any of you faggots actually read his manifesto? If so, your thoughts?

>> No.12709250

yes, and it BTFO's /sci/ence

>> No.12709256

Yeah, I did.
He's right for the most part but I disagree with the part where he says technology isn't worth medical progress, and that curing cancer would actually be a bad thing.

>> No.12709263

>le enlightened totalitarian regime simultaneously defeating everyone else and keeping all technology under wraps

>> No.12709268
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>le no clue
Ted wanted voluntary abstainment from tech

>> No.12709271

Opening his parcel bombs was voluntary too I bet

>> No.12709280
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Still no clue. The bombs were necessary because there was no other way to spread his message

>> No.12709290

so getting cucked when ever someone who doesn't abstain shows up?

>> No.12709307

>Afterwards, Kaczynski set his sights on airline travel. On Nov. 15, 1979, he upped the ante and placed a bomb in the cargo hold of American Airlines Flight 444. The plane was a Boeing 727 model flying from Chicago to Washington, D.C. The bomb caused "a sucking explosion and a loss of pressure" as reported by The Washington Post at the time, and resulted in large quantities of smoke filling the passenger cabin.
I get what you're saying, but the moment he stopped going for relevant people and started targetting civilians he lost all credibility, imo.

>> No.12709309

I don't disagree with what he says for the most part, however his manifesto was pretty ranty and went under the delusion that pre industrialised society was a utopia compared with our post modern world. Good meme though.

>> No.12709331

>As Kaczynski grew more fluent in bomb making, the repercussions on his victims became more dire. Gary Wright, another computer store owner in Utah's Salt Lake City area, was left with severe nerve damage to his left arm on Feb. 20, 1987;
Like, attacking small store owners? Seriously? He could've just grabbed a gun and shot Bill Gates or something, he would've accomplished a lot more even if he got caught instantly.

To any agents reading this please note that this is a hypothetical and I do not actually condone shooting Bill Gates.

>> No.12709337

We're living in an awkward adjustment phase between tens of thousands of years of anatomically modern humans living in preindustrial conditions and potentially hundreds of thousands or more years living in technological super abundance. Saying the industrial revolution was a mistake only 100 years in is really missing the bigger picture.

>> No.12709344

>tfw chinese cyborgs process an prims into pork chops and their log cabins into ikea furniture
can't wait

>> No.12709359
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a midwit that only impresses edgy teenagers and people who haven't read any book of value.
>inb4 muh math genius
as usual a complex analyst/riemann zeta function fag is smart but also a complete schizo that happens to be very skilled at one thing that very few people understand but is completely disconnected from reality in regards to other subjects. if he switched majors to botany or mycology he would be a free happy man now

>> No.12709361

Will we ever adjust though?

>> No.12709362

no need for that, all you need is a global terrorist network capable of destroying all major industial production centers and energy production
after that it's collapse and chaos

>> No.12709367

What books of value would you recommend anon?

>> No.12709379

We can't know, but I'd say it's worth the risk.

>> No.12709404

he has no recommendations, he is just too low iq to actually refute the arguments made by ted so he just acts like a smug retard

>> No.12709412


I would agree that thus far our ability to adjust, although improved, lags behind the rate of change. Using new technology to improve people is really restricted relative to other applications of tech. For example, the entire western world basically monopolizes childhood education through public schools, most people advocate for bans on hypothetical gene editing of humans, decry as unequal when others use even basic technology to learn online and so on. Before going as far as renouncing the industrial revolution, I'd say let's free people to improve themselves with the tech unlocked so far.

>> No.12709435
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>Can't refute the argument made in his manifesto so you rely on ad hominem insults because this "madman" built some mail bombs.

>> No.12709443

I can, it's just been done many times before and I'm not going to write an essay on an Iranian stamp-collecting forum.

>> No.12709451
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>> No.12709453


I'd say the burden of proof is on the murderer to make a compelling enough argument to overcome the natural revulsion to killing people. Failing that, Ted's just a murderer

>> No.12709461 [DELETED] 
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>burden of proof

>> No.12709470 [DELETED] 

how are wojakposters so consistently retarded?

>> No.12709517 [DELETED] 
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>how are wojakposters so consistently retarded?

>> No.12709520

i am not going to refute every argument but every single thing he says about ecology and "nature' is extremely wrong. he thinks nature is the magical balance and the right that has no wrong when in reality "nature" is much more chaotic and complicated. imo if you think of life as the physical force that increases order (ofc using energy), human technological civilizations are the ultimate form of life.

>> No.12709690

Crazy guy. Decent at math though.

>> No.12709744

read it, mostly agreed with his anti technology sentiment. hard disagree on his "solution" or any effort to reverse or halt progress. In that sense, he was foolish to think man would ever regress back to monke

>> No.12711346

I haven't read all of it but from what I have read it seems pretty redpilled. I'm a grad student studying engineering and honestly it made me question my career choice.

>> No.12711352

>I do not actually condone shooting Bill Gates.
I do, though I recommend someone else doing it besides me

>> No.12711379

He's not wrong but there's not much there that is personally actionable as my control over society is rather limited.

>> No.12711380

he's pretty much right, but I think we are well past the point of no return on technological progress at this point and the only option we have is to keep going and and either hope that some magic future technology will allow us to unfuck things or rebuild humans into a new form that is better adapted for technology

>> No.12711381

This thread glows in the dark

>> No.12711386
File: 11 KB, 313x188, ted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12711387

I can't wait for AI to take over only for it to reverse all the retarded political correct wokeness shit out the door because it's "illogical"
>tfw they'll call the computers white supremacists

>> No.12711391

If we don't go extinct first then probably, but it's going to take a major overhaul and divergence from modern humans

>> No.12711449

I have.

Like any anprim literature. it was good at diagnosing the problem but completely autistic at coming up with an actual solution. Opening section describing the inherent futility of modern leftism was pretty good though.

>> No.12711458

Rules will be added to the AI's programming to allow wokeness to override logic.

>> No.12711463
File: 24 KB, 600x322, Prof.-Gerald-Lambeau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else find it weird that pic related had never heard of Ted Kaczynski? Sure, he wasn't famous for being a mathematician but he probably was the world's most famous mathematician.

>> No.12711467

Not if I invent it first

>> No.12711468

>the world's most famous mathematician isn't famous for math.
What does this say about mathematics?

>> No.12711499

They need to find ways to be more explosive.

>> No.12711500

I disagree with mostly everyone here. He was completely wrong about everything, from what he thought were problems to his theorized "solutions". I think he's just a schizophrenic midwit who lost control over his emotions and could no longer think rationally. The manifesto itself has no literary merit either.

I think there's simply an aura of surrealism regarding him, and that combined with his anti-technological sentiments, easily empathize with many people, mostly distraught males, mostly young distraught biased males who are angry at society because they feel society has failed to live up to their expectations. His low hanging fruit rhetoric appeals to them.

I think it's an utter disgrace and embarrassment people actually consider his ideals. We truly have devolved if you read his work and thought he made any meaningful observations or conclusions.

>> No.12711504
File: 67 KB, 596x272, fuck the glowies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12711519

t. butthurt leftist

>> No.12711533

He was a weak willed loser who lost his mind and murdered 3 innocent nobodies. Get a fucking clue you sheltered little zoomie faggot.

>> No.12711561

based glowie speaking like it is

>> No.12711567
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>> No.12711592

Unabomber hated both the left and right. Look up his beliefs on rightwinged people.

>> No.12711706

He is not a midwit, sorry. Intelligence is general.

>> No.12711727

he's 100% spot on as far as i can remember, he fucking nails the modern problem with leftism (although he doesn't zero in on its source), and his conclusions are generally correct, except I think his response (return to monke) is suboptimal, compared to the other solution (embrace technology)

>> No.12711778

None of that changes the political ideology of >>12711500

>> No.12711781

What do you think about his personal journals and interviews in which he openly admits at first he started bombing people because of anger and resentment then later decided he could use it to spread his message, on the netflix doc he talks about how spreading his message was secondary to hurting people

>> No.12711827

Yes, he is right just fucking look around you. The cucks that are saying that he is wrong just can't cope with the fact that humanity fucked it self with technology.

>> No.12711932

It BTFO's the modern world, technology, academia and nuclear holocaust BTFO's leftists

>> No.12711944

Ship of Fools is both great and funny. I reference it every chance I get.

>> No.12711969

That he’s a human being that isn’t perfect? Even Harvard geniuses are capable of having emotional outbursts.

>> No.12711971

try Einstein

>> No.12711975

Read enough of it. He's not as prophetic as imagined, I think. I did like his take on conservatives, though, which he dropped in the middle of his page-long rant on leftists.

>> No.12711976

but the person I replied to claimed he had to bomb to get his message out, but the bombing started before he fully developed his ideas or even thought strongly about spreading them

>> No.12711978

After reading him I became a double thinker and a hater of the industrial revolution

>> No.12712035

He isn't necessarily wrong, but what the fuck are we going to do other than move forward? No philosophy is going to make willing technelogical regression any less of a retarded prospect.