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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12673547 No.12673547 [Reply] [Original]

Welcome to STEM Career General!
This thread exists to posit questions regarding careers associated to STEM.
> Discussion on academia based career progression
> Discussion on penetrating industry from academia
> Or anything in relation to STEM employment or development within STEM academia!

Resources for protecting yourself from academic marxists:
>https://www.thefire.org/ (US)
>https://www.jccf.ca/ (Canada)

Information resource:
>*The author is seeking additional input to diversify the content into containing all STEM fields.

No anons have answered your question? Perhaps try posting it here:

NOTE: Any useful resources relayed in this thread will be included in future /scg/ threads.

>> No.12673559

What kind of IQ do I need to become a CS worker? I have no IT or STEM experience, dropped out of school at 15 because of a brain injury, work a minimum wage retail job and have 6k in credit card debt. I'm currently trying to save money for driving lessons and I like the board culture on /sci/

>> No.12673562
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About to start working as a research assistant in cs. What to expect? I have no idea about the subject, i am graduated in different field, mathematical economics. How long it will take to catch up?

>> No.12673620

I want this internship. What do?

>> No.12673628

how do i become a quant

please i'm serious

>> No.12673648

Quants are just technicians in finance industry, nobody really trust their research when it comes to investing lots on money, and their reports are just a decoration. Finance is about market experience and connections, just like any other consulting business. Quantitative analysis is a joke and a marketing trick, there is not a single paper in finance that proves it works. If you think they will pay you a lot of money for doing some arguable research you don't know what finance is, it all about client services and fees.

>> No.12673658

Well I still want to become a quant. Also how do you explain RenTech then?

>> No.12673664

Is CS easy to start as a Chem.Eng dropout?

>> No.12673674

what to explain, everyone trades according to his own logic, sometimes it works sometimes not. The better salesman you are the more money you make.

>> No.12673706

is it true that in the current market you need to know some programming no matter what STEM field you work in in order to compete in the current market or get a job? europe btw

>> No.12674094
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I'm not sure whether this warrants its own thread so I'll ask here first.

I'm falling hard for the Data Science/ML meme so I want to steer my career towards there (more job opportunities and I actually enjoy doing these projects). Thing is I'm a Physics major with postgrad experience in other applied stuff. Now, I've done DataSci and ML during this time and I'm decent at it (definitely at the level of a graduate, maybe even better depending on specialization), but still my resume is probably not gonna convince recruiters of my ability.
I have obtained some online certificates for this, a few free ones and an IBM Professional Certificate in AI. Are these worth anything at all?
I'm also planning to build a small Github portfolio to show what I can do and how I work. Does anyone have any pointers on what projects to include there, what scope I should be aiming for, etc?

>> No.12674114
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>i love science so fucking much

>> No.12674200

It depends what your end goal is. If you want an applied job (lots of presenting results, using models to answer business problems, feature engineering, data cleaning and transforming) then kaggle competitions are pretty good. If you want an ML engineer type job then doing stuff like taking a new (or just very good or interesting) ML research paper and implementing it in pytorch etc is a great idea. For example implement attentional LSTM or a transforming in pytorch if you like NLP or convnets and GANs if you like computer vision stuff.

>> No.12674967

What career fields are covered under Technology?

>> No.12674984

Same :)

>> No.12675051


I've heard Data Engineering is a hot field now.

>> No.12675068

How hard is it to get into CS without going to a university?

>> No.12675098


>> No.12675144

Depends on the country.

>> No.12675150

I don't think that applies in Europe. It's more of an American thing. You'll be faced with some meme language no one uses outside of their respective fields regardless (e.g. MatLab).

>> No.12675189


>> No.12675193

Then it shouldn't be easy.

>> No.12675230
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Anyone care to explain this? Don't say it's because they're dumb without explaining why that didn't matter before 2000.

>> No.12675254

They have completely given up.

>> No.12675265

>Don't say it's because they're dumb without explaining why that didn't matter before 2000.
Maybe they're just not interested. But blacks in STEM are notorious for requiring a hard carry by those who can hack it in their field. That doesn't escape them even with the degree.

>> No.12675289

Why hijack a productive thread with an uninteresting /pol/ thread that appears on /sci/ daily?

>> No.12675297

Well listen to my advice. If you are really smart university will waste your time. Don’t go there, if you can do it otherwise. I get it many aren’t smart enough and don’t have a choice, but you need to get, what it is about. You will be trained to become a spinning wheel in the machine. You won’t learn, how to understand a scientific paper. You will just get dogma and a guide to screen for dogma in others. Breaking free often takes years. You won’t make much money too. And you need for money will be exploited mercilessly.

>> No.12675371

Because outside of academia, the professional world is tightening down on standards. I can't speak for Science and Math, but I can tell you what is happening with engineering. Many states are move toward paring down how far an engineer can go with industrial exemption while at the same time the are restricting who can obtain a PE license and even who can be an Engineer - In -Training. The number of states banning (((engineering technology))) graduates for sitting for the PE and even FE exams is increasing. Even with a MSc in engineering, you are now increasingly locked out of those exams if your BSc is (((ET))). When you consider that the et pathway is the most prevalent pathway into Engineering for minority students, it becomes clear why the numbers in industry are quickly stagnating.

>> No.12675391

Also to add to my previous post, with the increased restrictions mentioned above, there are a growing number of academics surveys that are beginning to treat the et degrees as vocational schooling rather than proper degrees in the STEM family of professions. That is also going to bring down your academic stats.

>> No.12675397

They have realised that outside of programming it is not lucrative whatsoever

>> No.12675886

Bump to keep this thread alive until the old one taps out.

>> No.12675960

Fuck, didn't see you replying, super sorry. I was just wondering if there are any ways to make my resume more presentable (engineer) to them because I heard that it's stable as fuck there.

>> No.12675961
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Be a good candidate (this is preliminary work, have a good GPA and CV) and abuse the (((self-identification form))) at the bottom of the document.

>> No.12676136

That doesn't explain why their numbers were going up until 2000 and now have flattened.
That would only explain why they're not getting engineering licenses, not why they're not getting STEM degrees.
As an aside, hopefully this increase in licensing strictness will extend out to restricting the use of the title engineer. Texas used to be very strict on only allowing licensed engineers to have that in their job title but tech companies like Oracle and TI lobbied successfully to have the state relax that requirement. You still can't call yourself a 'professional engineer' without a license but pretty much anyone can use the title 'engineer to mean just about anything.

>> No.12676177

Read the addendum to my post. Thanks to lobbying efforts by NCEES and NSPE to 'Educate' industry and policy makers, these degrees are viewed more as glamorized trade school. This means that industry is less likely to give a new graduate holding one a chance at a job, and the educational statisticians are less likely to count these people as holders of stem degrees. When you consider that engineering technology is a pathway to STEM for a disproportionate amount of minority students, you quickly see why developments like these will disproportionately affect minority students.

>> No.12676195

more money being spent on femoids instead of on developing poor communities

>> No.12676543

I'm going into post-grad physics, specifically quantum information, but I have a growing suspicion that the field is not only over-hyped but potentially full of bullshit. Can anyone suggest what other topics I might lean into as a plan B? I was thinking maybe metrology or q. optics. My background is in communications eng as well as physics if that helps.

>> No.12676583

STEM phd finishing up in the summer here, has anyone looked at the advanced degree programs in management consulting (MBB)? I can't decide if I like the sound of them because it would 10x my shitty stipend immediately to be an excel jockey or if they actually sound like interesting work

>> No.12676584
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I study geophyisics, i'm almost graduated. I started with MATLAB/Octave/BASH/GMT, then moved to Python wich makes everything easier. Also i know a deal about GIS(ArcGis/Qgis) , learned advanced statistics and picked the Seismology branch.

Unfortunatelly my university is getting more woke everyday, thus i wish to start a business with a fren (GIS services) or make a side income in case it goes full 1984.
Is there a community of GIS on the internet?, How can i make money without relaying on the academy? any advise Anons?.

I live in Latin America so it is not a very exploited area.
Luck and glory Anons

>> No.12677005

i am not this guy >>12673658 but yeah i still want to be a quant cuz they make serious dosh

>> No.12677500

>>What kind of IQ do I need to become a CS worker?
poo's IQ

a CS worker is the new blue collar.

>> No.12677522
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can you explain ths

>> No.12677524
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>> No.12677531

for a safe career, stick on the theoretical side of Q info. if you can. This way You cant really fuck up by doing experiments trying to implement a model which will result in a dead end.

>> No.12677532

kek, management is uber NPC tier

>> No.12677537

>How can i make money without relaying on the academy? any advise Anons?.
daytrading at best buy nasdaq and an etf world.
If you want to trade, do it every day and just follow the herd. You sell what other people sell and buy what other people buy.
Dont try to invent some crappy martingale or go against the herd.
Once you keep day trading for a few months, you try to time the market on a few stocks and also follow the herd (there is always money in following the herd)

>> No.12677554

Every morning read https://arxiv.org/list/math.IT/recent
and find a subfield you like, then determine the leading figures in this field and ask them for a better phd

>> No.12677674

Management consulting, not being the manager from Dilbert

>> No.12677756


>> No.12677786

Congratulations Anon, I hope you enjoy your new job and it enables you to have a good life. What kind of job is it? What's the story and who was doubting you?

>> No.12677909

ok now hire me lol

>> No.12678069
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Freshman in college rn, how’s IT?

>> No.12678186

Shame time: I'm a mort-sci chad that finally got an intern at a funeral home. After seeing that shitshow plus their hours, nah brah.
Now I am gonna become a marine geology/envio sci beta cuck boy.
idk man I like the ocean a lot and don't wanna massage old dead dudes 70 hrs a wk.

>> No.12678507

How retarded do you have to be to get an extremely specific degree without liking that extremely specific job

>> No.12678542

I like anatomy and labrat shit.
I don't like shaving old peoples hairy balls so I can gain access to their femoral artery and massage them for an hour to get embalming fluid in their capillaries.
The subject is fascinating, the reality is garbage.

>> No.12678550

They should make you sign a form when you choose your major acknowledging that you're shaving old testicles if you choose this course of study to ward off poor long-term decision makers like you

>> No.12678551

Should I buy more freud and jung works and algebraic topology by hatcher or save my stimulus money to fix them teeth?

>> No.12678553

Pretty bad at the entry level but if you can get four or five years of solid experience under your belt, you're golden. The IT world is swamped with entry level people, many who have been in IT for decades but have never improved above entry level skills. Once you get past that level and can prove it, you'll be in high demand.

>> No.12678574

Ah, so if I understand you correctly, the growth in black enrollment before 2000 was a mirage because it included majors that were once considered STEM but now are considered to be trades. The pre-2000 and post-2000 numbers need to be adjusted to use a consistent definition of STEM and trades in order to understand if something weird is going on or not.

>> No.12678580

disregard this, i suck cocks

what is the proper link for libgen?

>> No.12678586


>> No.12678630

Nah maybe they shouldn't glorify the job and instead be upfront about all the hairy saggy testicles.
Because of this I'm probably gonna become a geology fag and work with miners to pull different chems out of rocks and shit. I got a couple mines nearby that might be worthwhile.

>> No.12678881

Have you seen gore? Like people who got chopped in half, bodies in advanced stage of decomposition?

>> No.12679054

Bumping the thread to ask a question.

Is it a bad idea to do a master's from a lower ranked university (let's say between 70 and 80) to prepare for a PhD program in that field? Will I be shut out of higher ranked PhD programs because the masters lacks prestige?

Assume that I do a good master's thesis and get good research experience.

>> No.12679216

Ask yourself why you aren't just applying directly to the PhD program

>> No.12679262

Yeah, I've seen it all. That's the fun stuff. Until I interned with people who do /the real job/ and see their 8-7, 6 days a week, where the MAJORITY of the time is spent massaging saggy old dude people and shaving their pubes and then dealing with families, I was like aight nah I thought we'd do everything but apparently you gotta go into pathology for the real fun stuff.
Boooooring, also cleaning old dead diarrhea off old man jenkins cheeks before suiting him up isn't cool either.

I'll stick with a mining/processing company or some shit.

>> No.12679274

If you really want to see the cool stuff go to med school and become a forensic pathologist and perform autopsies

>> No.12679281

Mortician is 2 years minimum, Pathologist is Bachelors or masters desu. Quite an investment difference. Still, I saw the 'cool stuff' already anyways


>> No.12679287
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I signed up for my undragrad 12th semester and on the first assignments I am already googling solutions on the day that it is due.

>> No.12679357

I want to do the applied mathematics masters in KTH Stockholm, how hard is getting accepted to it?
My second option would be the computational mathematics masters in Uppsala universitet, and my third the computational mathematics masters in Chalmers.

>> No.12679403

I'm not applying directly to the PhD program because my undergraduate degree was not in the field. So I need a master's to boost my application first and show that I have knowledge of the subject.

Setting aside that fact though... does 70-80 still look bad? Be brutally honest bros, I have other options and haven't committed to the program yet

>> No.12679478

Thanks Anon,

It's a research position with the Navy. So a government job with all the benefits and so on and I'll get to still work on physics. It's in a high cost of living area though, so we'll see how good life is.

No one was really doubting me here desu. I posted a few threads ago about the presentation I gave at my interview and people were really nice actually. My family was always doubting me though. When I got into (a top 20) grad school they thought I was getting scammed and kept telling me to get a job. When I graduated my degree said "Doctor of Philosophy" and my parents were both visibly worried that I spent five years on philosophy.

>> No.12679517

11th semester here. Would be finished by now but in my last semester corona fucked that up by cancelling exams.
Now I just have to turn in my thesis and then I'm finished with my BA.

>> No.12679563

Great work, anon. We briefly chatted a couple of threads ago when you posted about doing well during the interview (soon retiring staff member praised you, etc). I am glad to see you have garnered success for yourself! Keep it up.

>> No.12679738

What you need to know about engineering technology is that it is the engineering education that students received from the early 1960's and before. We transitioned to a more science rather than technical based curriculum for engineering students about that time. This left industry in a predicament as companies like US Steel for example traditionally hired recent grads into positions involving operations on the shop floor (and saved the work that you consider engineering for the more experienced engineers), and the new theory based grads were unfamiliar with handling such tasks. This created problems so the old curriculum was revived under the name engineering technology. Because of the cold war and the space race there were lots of research grants available for schools that focused on scientific and advanced technical research, so many of the large engineering colleges lost interest in having a "two track program" and moved to divest themselves of their ET programs focusing instead on research. The ET programs were allowed to go to smaller less prestigious schools unless there was a major local industry interest in keeping them. School politics also played a role in things as well. In many states, like GA, you have one main engineering school jealously guarding its monopoly for many years, leaving the other smaller schools with the choice of either (starting in the 60's) adding engineering technology or remaining just liberal arts schools. Considering that the majority of the schools finding themselves in this situation, and shut out of developing their own engineering curriculum, are primarily either HBCUs, or otherwise catering to 1/2

>> No.12679757

2/2 first generation / non-traditional / under privileged students, anything that puts negative pressure on engineering technology is going to affect the types of students that are served by these colleges to a greater degree than would be seen in the demographics served mainly by Michigan State, for example. Keep in mind also that BSc. ET grads have over the decades normally been treated pretty much the same as E grads by industry, however in the last twenty years the major interest groups have taken notice and like the AMA restricting the number of doctors, NCEES and NSPE boomers have been trying to control who gets to be an engineer like them.

>> No.12680312

Are any anons working in Pharma or tangential fields of industry? I am soon concluding my undergrad and am unsure if my next step should be trying to enter Pharma with a bachelors degree, or immediately applying to graduate school. My understanding is that obtaining a MSc. will simply increase my likelihood of securing an entry level job but not add much to potential earnings than what I would receive with a BSc. Whilst a PhD is essential to progress to any meaningful level in industry.
How accurate is that? I am not sure that I wish to dedicate the rest of my twenties to a PhD (I will be 24 when I graduate).

>> No.12680406

What are the prospects for mathematicians? I haven't resigned myself in the inevitability of learning to code yet, but I can hope. What's there to look forward to for applied mathematics jobs?

>> No.12680484

>applied mathematics
How about you apply your mouth to my cock gay retard.

>> No.12680499

What, your capillary tube fleshlight broke again?

>> No.12680565

I'm not from a target school (

>> No.12680572

Investment banks anon. In my country, it is either that or a teaching job if you wanna keep doing mathematics

>> No.12680580

I'm not gonna make it. Finish it, for me

>> No.12680760
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I got diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis. I am 19 and I don't want to wait for doctors to save me.
I want to fight this thing what should I study? Bioinformatics? biomechanics?

>> No.12680830

Who should and shouldn't major in math?

>> No.12680835

What about non-applied math?
Is there anything I can do that doesn't require me having to deal with reality

>> No.12681098

I have been trying to find a job in the Computer, either developer or data field and I have been failing at it for more than six months because I graduated smackdab in the middle of the pandemic. It also makes me feel hopeless that so many of these supposed entry level jobs all ask for shit like two or three years worth of experience, more than what I could have gotten back in university even considering my internships. What am I supposed to do as a CE major? Sometimes I feel like I just want to shut down and cry here...

>> No.12681199

Continue applying for jobs that require 1-3 yrs of experience. You might be a fresh graduate who technically doesn’t meet that criteria, but it’s still possible to get an interview contrary to that

>> No.12681237

I'm a postgrad in STEM and I feel there is no purpose in getting a STEM degree. Maybe I should just buy some land and start a farm or something similar.

>> No.12681264

What's the best way of getting into academia with a CS background? I'm going to have a bachelor's degree in about one year and a half, is it too late to start with research/scientific initiation?

>> No.12681265

How did you get into ML? I'm interested in it and already had a few courses on ML and Deep Learning in Uni, however, I don't know how to proceed further.

>> No.12681270

>What's the best way of getting into academia with a CS background? I'm going to have a bachelor's degree in about one year and a half, is it too late to start with research/scientific initiation?
Do your master's degree and try to get a job as a research student. It's the most easy way to get into research.

>> No.12681292

Sounds like a decent plan. Is this also an easy way to have a steady income while doing the doctorate? I want to, someday, become a titular teacher

>> No.12681302

>Sounds like a decent plan. Is this also an easy way to have a steady income while doing the doctorate? I want to, someday, become a titular teacher
I don't know how it works in other countries, but in Germany contracts of research students have a term of 6 months after they have to be renewed, i.e. it's an easy but financial unsafe job. Anyway, in Germany you get paid for doing your doctorate and don't need to be a research student.

>> No.12681309

In general, it's pretty hard to move up in prestige. If you do do the master's, make sure to get as close to perfect grades as possible, and make sure to impress some prof who has connections at a better school.

>> No.12681310

What's dogma?

>> No.12681321


>> No.12681326

Thank you for the input anon. Just on another note, how hard is it, as a foreign student, to enter in a master's program in Germany? I'm aware that the education in itself is free, but how's the competition to get into a program in itself?

>> No.12681348

>Just on another note, how hard is it, as a foreign student, to enter in a master's program in Germany? I'm aware that the education in itself is free
Education is not free but it's more affordable than in other parts of the world. I have to pay around 265€ per semester, however, it includes a ticket that can be used to travel in the federal state. Costs can vary from university to university but it shouldn't be more than 500€ per semester.
>but how's the competition to get into a program in itself?
Depends on the program and university, but in my experience it's pretty easy if you plan to do your master's degree in STEM. Most STEM programs do not reach maximum enrollments, so there are actually always spots left over.

>> No.12681410


>> No.12681413

I’m a geo masters studying sedimentology. You can invest or get a side job. I work for the state government on the side and it’s been a great experience.

>> No.12681472

How hard is it to get those scholarships there (DAAD scholarships)? I'm planning to either do math or CS. University of Bonn and RWTH seems good to me (on another note how hard is it to get there?).

>> No.12681555

you can always study at home

working in the theory side of academia is nice because you get your own working hours and actually you don't even need to come to the office.

>> No.12681560

>psoriatic arthritis
the usual unscientific skin treatment is just bathing in sea water daily really. Go live near a beach and dont bath during peak sun hour

>> No.12681769

Anyone here working in the field of photonics? I know it's 4chan but I want to ask some serious questions about joining a PhD program.

>> No.12682072

Cs is easy math and coding
If you can code in Java and c you should be fine

>> No.12682085

What if low gpa?

>> No.12682087

Will I ever be able to find a job if I didn't have an internship?
When I was growing up I always heard it was so easy to get a job with an engineering degree and now I'm rapidly discovering that's not the case.
People used to say anything 3.0 or above was good in engineering, but now people tell me that my 3.0 is absolute trash and that I can't compete.
I even had someone tell me that I should stop looking for jobs in the field and go into the trades or HVAC.
What happened?

>> No.12682098
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>He codes in his CS program and doesn't only do theoretical computer science and applied math

>> No.12682153

I majored in CE instead so wait, most CS programs dont even code other than the basics?

>> No.12682192

Maybe I wasn't clear, I'm asking about advanced degree hiring tracks at the top management consulting firms (MBB: McKinsey/Bain/BCG)

>> No.12682196

Should I take a trainee job as a marine engineer?

>> No.12682197

Does teaching high school math suck?

>> No.12682231

We have postgrads in CS that never wrote a single line of code

>> No.12682236

Man I am the opposite, no matter how difficult the code is I can eventually understand it given time but the theoretical computer science, algorithms and shit were the most headache inducing part of my CE degree

>> No.12682262

Yeah, but you'll have it easier to find a decent job lol

>> No.12682271
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Stupid question but does picking a more "trendy" topic give you any edge in securing an academic job. For example doing algebraic geometry instead of some more niche field of math?

>> No.12682311
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Ran into lots of Chinese students in CS postgrad like that. Turns out that the Chinese government sends students to the US for grad school and they enroll in whatever program will take them. Most grad schools trust their students to figure out what course to take on their own with advisers available but not required each term. So the Chinese grad students enrolled in Textile Management or Agricultural Research pack into CS classes. For them the CS degree means they can live in a big city like Shanghai instead of rural China where all the textile and farms are located. But many of them have zero CS knowledge. I had two Chinese girls ask me what was the difference between a Bit and a Byte. This was in a graduate level algorithms class.
It's a messed up system but as long as they satisfy all of the requirements for a CS graduate degree, neither the university nor the Chinese government care what grad program they enrolled in. And even if there was a requirement to have their course schedule approved by an advisor, every university has tons a Chinese faculty who are more than happy to serve as an advisor to Chinese students. This happens with Indian students too, but more commonly takes the form of zero work independent study courses for which they get an automatic A.
Since the Chinese students are paying full out-of-state rates, the universities are making money off of them and really don't care about the particulars of what's going on at the student and classroom level.

>> No.12682429

Man, I dont get it, the advisors at my university actually do tend to pay attention to what I am taking, what I can and probably cant do and all that spaz and how the classes I take are actually relevant to my degree. Is this the perk for actually being in a university thats at least decent to good??

>> No.12682438


Well for starters I set up python with sklearn, tensorflow and pytorch in my home computer so that I can work on ML in my free time instead of playing video games. The good news when it comes to machine learning is that there is a huge open source community all over the internet, so you can find great and extensive resources as a beginner. When in doubt, start with youtube.

I started with the free courses that exist in freecodecamp, and after I completed their projects for the certification, I went on to places like Jovian and Kaggle where they offer other free resources (project ideas, data and GPUs).
I also got a Coursera Professional Certificate (paid), but other than being fancier than the others, I can't say it was worth it from an educational standpoint. The assignments were totally half-assed and it didn't feel rewarding. But I have to say, IBMs Coursera course on PyTorch was by far the best explanation on Deep Learning I've ever had.
The key part I think is finding the right balance between learning the theory and implementing it. I know many uni courses focus too much on the theoretical aspects of ML and don't offer any applications to practice. On the other hand, if you dive straight into Kaggle competitions you'll end up just copy pasting code without understanding what's going on.

That sums up how I've managed to get experience without doing uni courses. I'm now trying to write up a few tidy projects and put them up on github so I can show when applying for jobs.
If you are looking for motivation, I'm not sure what to tell you. I've been suffering from lack of motivation for almost everything I've ever studied, but since getting into ML I genuinely enjoy doing it, regardless the subject.
I have to admit I don't know if this will pay off in the end. I don't know the level of projects I should have in my portfolio if I want to be taken seriously without uni degrees on the subject.

>> No.12682439

I wish I had the freedom to take the courses I wanted but I'm forced to take only courses from our curriculum.

>> No.12682595 [DELETED] 

Why are there no americans in software development and stem?

Is CS just full of chinese kids trying to learn how to make drones?

>> No.12682606

All Americans can do is get fat and eat burgers

>> No.12682717

Are you cool with making stupid amounts of money and living at sea for 300 days a year?

>> No.12683358

certain fields are in way more demand than others. for example, quantum information physics is hiring very rapidly while string theory is not.
however, the people being hired for these positions are already nearing the end of their degree programs, so getting into it when it's already popular means you're going to enter into a diluted market

>> No.12683442

Grad or undergrad?

>> No.12683500

>entire thread is just poos asking how to break into the tech industry

>> No.12683517

I doubt you guys want to hear all the riveting tales of an HVAC engineer.

>> No.12683545

Is applying through Indeed a waste of time. Sure feels like firing shots into the abyss. What's the alternative? Hard mode: no nepotism

>> No.12683552
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>having trouble with precalc
I should just drop out

>> No.12683554

I got my job at a fortune 50 desperately shotgunning applications on Indeed. Most applications are from pajeets looking for H1Bs and are supremely under qualified.

>> No.12683566

Literally as hard as it gets. What gets people with calculus and DiffEq is a brain dumping all the high school level fundamentals because the professor is going to expect you to know all that shit like the back of your hand instead of asking “where’d that go?” questions when he completes the square or does some basic trig.

>> No.12683624

> cs phd student
> no ta experience
I want to become a community college cs professor (not adjunct) in US. Anyone has done it here? Any tips?

>> No.12683631

Chinese or Indian?

>> No.12683644

i really didnt pay attention in precalc and i just ended up being forced to figure it all out in calc 1. its much easier to learn how to do a lot of that stuff when you understand the reason that you need it.

>> No.12683662


>> No.12683665

I'm 2nd year mech e and I would suck cock to get a hvac job when I graduate.

>> No.12683680

I guarantee there’s at least a couple of HVAC shops in your area that could use a bitch boy over the summer. Literally go look the manager in the eye and give him a firm handshake. If you can use a psychrometric chart and set up a radiant time series calculation in Excel you will get a comfy job no problem.


>> No.12683715

May as well just kill myself then

>> No.12683842
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Do I really need to learn how to compound interest?
Just seems like useless garbage to give me another formula to memorize

>> No.12683907


>> No.12683917

Godspeed, slowanon

>> No.12683927

It has an important application of determining rate of change. This is well utilized in basically all sciences (given, you of course won't be handwriting any equations IRL)

>> No.12684006

Why do I even need to memorize equations or how to plot a graph?
I have a fucking calculator to do all that shit for me or a god damn piece of paper with the formulas on it

>> No.12684040

Because if you don't understand it, you won't understand how to change it to apply it to new situations.

>> No.12684052

How wont I understand it?
Its just putting in different numbers for the letters
How cant someone understand that?

>> No.12684089

College is like a gym for your brain. You get out what you put in. So, yeah, you don’t NEED any of it in the same way you don’t NEED to do that full set of squats with good form. You can totally get away with half assed form with way less weight than you are actually capable of. Only person you are cheating is yourself.

>> No.12684197

Okay so you want to describe the half-life of a drug in your body and you're given a bunch of points on a graph from measurements of blood concentrations of the drug at various times after taking the drug. What order kinetics will you try to fit to the points, if you don't know how to graph different types of exponential change?

>> No.12684427

formerly undergrad here

>> No.12684482

>zero work independent study courses for which they get an automatic A.

>> No.12684491
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>the hardest part of calculus is everything learned before calculus
Leibniz was a hack

>> No.12684498

It's pretty much what it sounds like. You sign up for an independent study course with a professor who comes from the same country you do. You don't do any actual work and receive a semester's worth of credit. It's a way of getting more of the professor's countrymen through the graduate program. Seems to be rather common. It's not all professors. You have to know which ones so you need to know your fellow students from your country in that department. They'll let you know which professors have no expectations of work for those of their countrymen in their independent study sections.

>> No.12684501

Calculus and DiffEq is one new concept wrapped up in fancy algebra and trigonometry. You are masturbating with limits and taylor expansions for 2 whole semesters.

>inb4 some real analysis fag opens his mouth

Shut up nerd, I’m an engineer.

>> No.12684505

Undergrad typically requires advisors to review and approve your schedule. What I wrote about only happens in grad school because it is assumed that you are intelligent enough to select your own schedule and seek out advisement if you need it. The Chinese students take advantage of that situation to get admitted as a student in one degree program while taking all the courses for a different degree program. Can't get away with that in undergrad.

>> No.12684540

Don’t waste your time man

>> No.12684588

>applying for undergrad summer research at a somewhat high end uni
>program webpage says that to apply you need "One letter of recommendation"
>get to actual application form
>can add multiple references
>i already got one other professor to write me a letter because another program required two
>pretty sure its a pretty good letter
should i add a second letter? it doesn't mention anywhere that "one is required but you can have more" or anything like that. will it hurt my app?

>> No.12684976

I am more concerned about my joints.

>> No.12684993

If you can code: 2 weeks.
If you can't code: 1-2 months.
t. CSlet

>> No.12685031

>won't grad with BEng until 30
>won't finish MSc until 31
How do I market myself and leverage being discriminated against?

>> No.12685032

to find work, I mean.

>> No.12685045

I don't think you will find full time STEM work in all honesty. But aim for the least saturated fields and hope for the best.

>> No.12685050

>When I got into (a top 20) grad school they thought I was getting scammed and kept telling me to get a job. When I graduated my degree said "Doctor of Philosophy" and my parents were both visibly worried that I spent five years on philosophy.
Kek, normies are always critical of PhDs until they see the salaries we graduate with. Not that there aren't complete losers in gradschool, but it's just like any other career path with big winners and big losers.

>> No.12685098

>I don't think you will find full time STEM work in all honesty.
Why not?

>> No.12685099

Do you have any job experience?

>> No.12685106

Not in engineering. But I've worked since I was 15.

>> No.12685113

Bump. Anyone?

>> No.12685114

Translate the universal stuff onto your resume (leadership, safety, cost awareness, etc). Get an internship.

>> No.12685116

>Get an internship.
Not possible, unfortunately, because of covid. Everything got shutdown in my country. Can possibly do one during MSc, but depends on MSc I choose.

>> No.12685117

However, I am pretty good at CAD, promodel, and matlab, and improving. Doing a final year project heavily based on this, will do the same for MSc.

>> No.12685120

Bro, if you can do CADmonkey work you can get a summer job at a design build firm or a machine shop. Look harder and don’t snub your nose at anything.

>> No.12685483

How can I get started on research if I'm in a third-world country? Should I try to read some research papers from a well-known professor abroad and try to collaborate with him? I'm still an undergrad btw.

>> No.12685732


>> No.12685775

Maybe it's different in bonkland but no one would care in the US.

>> No.12685786

>one year MSc
What is the point? How much can you learn in two semesters?

>> No.12685969

MSc are always 1 year here.

>> No.12686319

Ever heard of anyone becoming a civil engineer after doing mechanical for undergrad and then doing structural engineering or something else more related to civil in grad school?

>> No.12686616

those are public domain

>> No.12686655


>> No.12686673

where's here?

>> No.12686715

UK. MSc here are full 12 months. Undergrads usually finish around May/June (after two semesters), but MSc students do their thesis over the summer and have 3 semesters.

>> No.12686807

Pick the not well known one but in the field which is interesting for you, this way you might have a chance. Well known professors don't need you my man.

>> No.12686849

My machine design Professor did this. He made bank designing weldments.

>> No.12686869
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Hi! I'm a law student, and I'd like to know if there's any future in the field of Space Law, and if I'd have an advantage over others competing in the same field if I'd take up engineering, physics and/or geology lessons to better know what I'd be dealing with?

>> No.12686995

How hard is it to apply for an internship for Department of Defense-related jobs like L3/Boeing/Lockheed?

>> No.12687381

>planning on graduating in the spring due to senioritis making me drop a course this term
>still have zero motivation to see this shit through
holy fuck

>> No.12687427

are you white with a good credit score and a clean record?

>> No.12687474
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Are you planning on practicing space law or writing space law? If it's the former, knowledge of the underlying subject matter is of some help but not much as the law often conflicts with reality but the law wins. If it's the latter, good for you. Hope you are successful in writing space law based in science first but be prepared to be frustrated when political concerns override physics in how the law gets written and adopted.

>> No.12687516

White, credit score in the 710-730 range depending on agency, absolutely clean record but I do post on 4chan, so there's that.

>> No.12687538

>post on 4chan
No chance.

>> No.12687551

Will companies hire me as an intern after I graduate? I'm desperate.

>> No.12687570

that'll get you past the first round of trashcanning. now just be an order of magnitude more impressive than all the other white guys just like you.

protip: there's thousands, with some of them in this very thread.

>> No.12687580

what's your degree?

Are you a pencil neck or fattie or are you normal?

>> No.12687631

fat geological engineer
I've applied for dozens of internships and haven't gotten anything. It's not even since I'm fat. They don't know that because I've never even been interviewed.

>> No.12687669

whats up nigger

>> No.12687679

Odd question: I've watched a couple of Star Wars and Star Trek movies and found them rather stupid. Am I going to be discriminated against for not liking that crap? Seems like everyone in engineering is crazy for that dreck. Obviously it has nothing to do with my ability to perform a job but most job listings now stress the importance of "cultural fit".

>> No.12687698

Yes, you ain't going far with that attitude

>> No.12687706

Chances are higher that people will discriminate you because you're an obnoxious hack

>> No.12687734 [DELETED] 

polite bump

>> No.12687764

Why must everyone love Trek Wars?

>> No.12687769

check the full details of the program to make sure it's just one needed, because often times these internships are managed horribly
you can also email the program for clarification

>> No.12687785

I'm the OP anon from this thread:


Recently I've thought about the prospect of becoming a researcher who does research on my own disease (a type of muscular dystrophy). But it seems like it sorta conflicts with my current academic trajectory. And it's not clear what my specialty would be as a researcher.

From publications I've read usually the scientists have MD-PHD's or specialize in genetics or some biology sub discipline. I'm an undergrad in Chemical Engineering. What would pivoting over in grad school look like and what would subject focus areas would be best?

>> No.12687786

Is it possible to work my way up to a Ivy-tier school if I currently attend an average tier state school. Also I'm a physics major

>> No.12687794

How good are you at sucking and fucking?

>> No.12687796

Why do you say that anon if you don't mind me interjecting in your conversation with op

>> No.12687805

An MSc less than 2.5-3 years is worthless.

>> No.12687807

I totally agree. Precalculus feels like 4 different subjects in one. Algebra, trig, and basic matrices put together. Atleast calculus 1-3 is more focused on skills and problem solving. Diff eq is basically physics on easy mode

>> No.12687816

Based advice anon. Do know any good resources for static mechanics. That class is kicking my ass right now.

>> No.12687819
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Why so anon

>> No.12687825

Are you a minority, or a vet. If not are you a survivor of incredible circumstances like rape or gang violence. Basically you have to get in through beinga protected class

>> No.12687830

I'm trying bro I'm certified in inventor and solidworks

>> No.12687987

americans love their jewishly written mass entertainment and they are all loq IQ so they really dig space nazis and muh being bad because a roastie died. It is true that trek and star wars are utter garbage, but manchildren need them to fill up their vacuous life. Those ''people'' would commit suicide if they didn't have this.

>> No.12688071 [DELETED] 

rent free

>> No.12688288

what should i study if I like
>organic chemistry
hard mode: that will give me a good shot at doing grad school in a first world country and maybe one day go into industry

>> No.12688333

>hard mode: that will give me a good shot at doing grad school in a first world country
I am not sure how that affects anything. I am studying biochemistry and I recommend it. You can utilize it for potentially studying a plethora of different subjects in graduate school. Our academic interests are almost identical.

>> No.12688357

Meriam is good. The way to ace statics is to solve a lot of problems. Make sure you understand the theory and the examples given in the books and then hit the end of chapter problems. If you can't solve a problem, move on to another and give it another try the following day. If you still can't solve it, look it up in the solution manual and make sure you understand both how the problem was solved and why you weren't able to solve it. Rinse and repeat until you can solve any problem the book throws at you.
I wish I could go back to undergrad and do this shit properly.

>> No.12688373

Please explain what meriam is bro. Also what is your career

>> No.12688382
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>> No.12688398

Dunno man it's just stresful to study something that is impossible to give you a job in an unstable shithole. It feels like I would be betting everything in grad school and eventually leaving the country. Besides there's no biochemistry major here in relevant universities, just pharmacy. It fucking sucks.

>> No.12688419

I'm not an international fag, nor do I associate with any international fags so I can't give you relevant info on that one

>> No.12688442

Do you think a chemistry undergrad would have as many options?

>> No.12688456

it just occurred to me that subconsciously I pursued engineering because I thought that it meant I wouldn't have to fake being polite and happy to people unlike other careers

>> No.12688496 [DELETED] 

no him but what is photonics research like? im applying to a bunch of photonics research internships and my essays need to pretend like i know shit.
anyone feel free to reply.

>> No.12688705

Oh anon, that's sad i also have plaque psoriasis, it only appear in my left knee, i use oitment to treat it

>> No.12688989

How much computer science should electrical engineers know?

How important is knowledge of computer architecture, operating systems, computer networks to electrical engineers?

>> No.12689018

hard to answer because the field is pretty broad, i don’t even know what you guys mean by just “photonics”
for instance i know of people that work on lidar signal analysis, spectroscopy of gasses or solids, people that deal with the electronics for spectrum analyzers, modeling modal dispersion in optical fibers, theorists vs experimentalists vs engineers all at varying levels of education and competence
not to mention if you go into spectroscopy a lot of it isn’t even about the optics anymore lol its about what’s going on inside the sample (decoherence mechanisms, crystallographic site characterization, or whatever). honestly i dont even really know too much about what other people do since im confined to my own niche area

>> No.12689024 [DELETED] 

well you at least gave me a bunch of buzzwords to throw in there. thanks anon c:

>> No.12689163

>That class is kicking my ass right now.
What specifically?

>> No.12689167

Where the hell are full time MSc longer than 12 months?
PhDs are 3 years min.

>> No.12689364

>Where the hell are full time MSc longer than 12 months?
Germany. Our MSc takes 2 years minimum

>> No.12689440

assuming the brain injury still impedes him as much as it did when he was in high school, it doesn't make much sense to pursue a highly technical career

>> No.12689443

i think you'll be ok as long as your grades are good and you get an internship or something

>> No.12689448

in the US it's 2 years, 1.5 if you do an all-course MS and speedrun it

>> No.12689459

Most of the world, UK is pretty unusual with their one-year master's degrees.

>> No.12689481
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which is the best country for study things related to nuclear, space or energy careers? which budget is needed for that? I quitted an obsolete career and I want to pick something that at least will work for improve or contribute to the development of tech in case that shit happens (WWW3 for example)

>> No.12689501

What jobs can I expect from a Msc Electrical Engineering compared to a PhD Physics

>> No.12689502

>namefag from /vg/
North Korea

>> No.12689567

Yeah, but how many months of classes/work do you have in that 2 years? I assume it's like 6-7 months per year.

>> No.12689569


>> No.12689640

it's two 15 week semesters (plus exam weeks) per year, so around 16 months total

>> No.12689692

I am looking into doing a REU in the summer (in computer science) to become competitive for grad school (masters program).
How competitive are research experience for undergrads programs?
My college doesn't have REU program. I looked into another university in another city and saw that it allowed REU for students from other unis.
Problem is, they require a cv and the only thing I have on my cv is my ~3.3 GPA, I literally have nothing else other than that. No research experience nor any employment history or volunteering experience. Will I be accepted if I send my cv? Can I do a programming project and add it to my cv?
The REU program is not paid but they do provide accommodations such as housing and transportation. It is meant for the summer.

Btw, I am not from the US

>> No.12689811

If this other uni is not in your home country then you got no chance

>> No.12689832

Chemistry and biochemistry bring about a lot of the same opportunities. Both require a minimum of two organic chemistry courses, but you could always take BIOC and use additional organic chemistry courses as electives.I think BIOC is more diverse, and would only recommend chemistry if you had interest in physical chemistry/material sciences.

>> No.12689917

So 16 months spread out over two years as opposed to basically full 12 months.

>> No.12689922

16 months full time, spread into 24 months

countries with combined bs and ms 5 year programs have shorter ms programs

>> No.12689924

I got that. But here it's basically 12 months. From September to next September. Classes until summer, then dissertation.

>> No.12689936

How can you do a master's project in three or four months? This includes both the actual project and writing up a thesis. Doesn't make sense. I spent a year and a half on mine.

>> No.12689953

>He doesn't realize most master's programs will accept your thesis even if it's total shit

>> No.12689957

The summer months is writing it. You start doing literature reviews and other preparation right away.

>> No.12689981

Yeah I've noticed that. I just saw a master's thesis from the university of Utah with the most godawful CFD images I've ever seen. Absolutely zero effort.
Still seems like there isn't enough time to do anything substantial.

>> No.12689982

>thinking its reasonable to half ass your masters thesis because you have zero ambition, nor the ability to consider the potential benefits of having a great thesis

>> No.12689992

The UK has some of the top universities in the world, so surely it's enough.

>> No.12689993

Hey not saying it's right just saying it's the truth
Yeah you'll find many examples of that. Just look at your unis masters theses up for review in a particular year. Most of them will be of shoddy quality

>> No.12689995

Americans also spend 4 years doing bachelors, we do it in 3, with the same content, more or less.

>> No.12690001

>The UK has some of the top universities in the world
Yeah, according to university rankings that anglos set up to shill their education systems.

>> No.12690012

>it's a conspiracy
Why don't you also see the research output and who the best companies hire.

>> No.12690148

asian, good credit score, clean record excluding el depressione l0le

>> No.12690999

I'm thinking about emailing every engineering company in the industrial area close to where I live to ask if they will let me work weekends for free or allow me to work over the summer for free, as a cad monkey or anything they see fit.
These are all small engineering businesses, 10-30 employees according to the internet database. I don't think they take any students usually. Any tips, anons?

>> No.12691047
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>for free

>> No.12691188

>major gpa considerably higher than cumulative gpa
what will people think?

>> No.12691207

Never take an unpaid internship as a STEM student. It tells your next employer that you are worth literally zero dollars.

>> No.12691230

>geological engineer
You should be able to find some mining job in the middle of nowhere easy. I asked if you were in shape because even as a white collar type, field engineering jobs burn people out.

There are suck ass jobs out there that will take you. Stop looking for some comfy gig in the city.

>> No.12691311
File: 1.03 MB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20201104-124549_Zoom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The buckle problems where multiple free bodyb diagrams are needed just to solve the problem

>> No.12691320

and yet you make less than half of what we do as engineers

>> No.12691357

Bro, use matrices or program your TI-84. Statics is about grinding through multi step problems without making arithmetic errors.

>> No.12691363

That’s wrong. If you do the standard 12 credit semester an engineering degree is 5 years. Most people slam jam 18 in order to keep it to 4 years.

>> No.12691411

Of course for free. I'll suck their cocks if they ask me to (and I'm not gay). I need experience/references over this summer or I'm going to be fucked.
I was wondering if it would it be best to send them a short inquiry email first, instead of attaching CVs and more information. Looking at their websites, it doesn't look like they even take students. I have also found some engineers at these companies on LinkedIn.
You seem to think there is an option for pain internships, lol.

>> No.12691413

Which doesn't have anything to do with the study time.

>> No.12691434

>There are suck ass jobs out there that will take you.
What's the most "suck ass" jobs for mech e?

>> No.12691496

Apply to FieldCore or a construction contractor that works on military bases overseas. Hope you like living out of a hotel for 300 days a year, or worse, living out of a shipping container on the isle of Diego Garcia.

>> No.12691501

>You seem to think there is an option for pain internships, lol.

Then don’t take the internship. It’s going to fuck you.

>> No.12691508

It sounds like a joke, but you need an internship to get an internship nowadays.

>> No.12691557

dont watch the star trek movies first, watch TNG (skip season 1 if you wish).

>> No.12691607

How is actual work experience going to fuck you? That is the exact opposite of what the data shows.

>> No.12691638

>178 episodes
Is there a Coles Notes version I can read in a couple of hours? It'd take months for me to watch that entire show.

>> No.12691697

nobody is forcing you to if you dont want to. you also dont have to watch the entire show

>> No.12691730

It’s not the work experience, it’s the fact that your boss is saying you aren’t even worth minimum wage to train. If you were applying to some high profile company, it could be worth it but you’re going for literally who companies who aren’t going to give you any experience that’s worthwhile. All it’s going to tell your next employer is that you can show up and not sperg out or get anyone hurt. Pretty low bar.

Don’t sell yourself cheap, that’s how you end up some beta bitch boy engineer working 80 hours a week for some measly $50k

>> No.12691800

My gf is a real go getter and is going to med school at age 20. She’s already gotten into like 15 and has it narrowed down to 3. I just got a job offer across the country for a 10k more than I was expecting. What do? I want to marry her. She’s amazing and I’m also her first, so she still has pair bonding capability.

>> No.12691807

Money ain’t shit compared to a good woman. You’ll find another job.

>> No.12691814

Whats might be best path to get in on the corporate space race? Moon base work sounds kino. Physics major now

>> No.12691861

I agree with anon saying that finding a partner for the rest of your life is probably more meaningful for you happiness than a job (though it depends, if it's your dream job and very hard to come by then that might be different).

However, 20 years old is very young and with her going into med school and you seeking jobs it's clear you're still at a fairly unsteady part of your lives. There is no guarantee she'll actually stick with you, and if she doesn't want to it won't be helpful to guilt trip her by saying you gave up on your dream job for her or whatever. If you stay then you stay, but that has to be a decision that you can not be bitter about and not get fucked over by should it turn out that your thing doesn't last.

>> No.12691877

There is no job you aren’t going to have another shot at. The cool thing (depending how you look at it) is that you can and most likely will do this thing till you cop dementia or die. That’s like 50 years of working. On the other hand, no amount of money or career success will buy you back your 20’s or will buy you back young love. You get only one very brief shot at that. Don’t sell your youth, bro’s.

t. Sellout

>> No.12691908

Grass is always greener, anon. Realistically, we all make some sacrifices to not end up in the gutter. I hated my 20s anyway.

>> No.12691938

Some of these companies look pretty cool and niche. One designs and builds custom pumps for industrial applications. They do in-house testing and stuff. I will happily work there over the summer for free and be their CAD and excel monkey, while shadowing one of the engineers.

>> No.12691947

Never do anything like delaying your life or changing your life for anyone, except your children. Especially not for a woman and especially one that young. You're most likely not going to listen to me and that's fine. Make your own mistakes.

>> No.12691948

Do what you want man, just understand that if you are creating value for your boss, you should be getting paid commensurately.

>> No.12692045

She may be 20, but she is more moral than any of the roasties I’ve encountered. We go to church and lift together. She’s also CUTE.

>> No.12692143

Recently I think studying STEM was a mistake and I should have done something that doesn't put me into an existential crisis

>> No.12692159

Senioritis is real

>> No.12692178

If your major GPA is substantially better than your cumulative GPA then list the major GPA on your CV and label it correctly! I don't suggest using it interchangeably w'/ cumulative if it comes up on an application requirement or something though.

>> No.12692235

thanks anon, my cum is 3.19 and my major is 3.5, i just didnt want it to be indicative of anything, like if its a thing that people with higher major gpas tend to be lazy or something

>> No.12692245

Yeah, I would simply list your major GPA. Although, your cumulative isn't bad anyways. My cumulative GPA is quite poor because my first couple of years at university were a mess, so I don't even list my GPA on my CV. I wouldn't put too much thought into it. My poor cumulative GPA is probably cushioned by the fact that my academic-redemption in my final three years of undergrad illustrates perseverance.

>> No.12692301 [DELETED] 
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Show me the way anon I'm taking physics 3 based of optics along with diff eq. Bro those are easy compared to statics

>> No.12692304

So I was raised in an abusive household, and I am now at risk of being homeless. If I put this on my transfer application when I get my associates degree, will this help me get accepted into the BS program?
All of my financial aid forms have me filing as an independent.
I have a few withdrawals and two fails on my record aswell, will this stop me from getting into a "b-tier" university?

>> No.12692310

However, I have a super high GPA since a lot of my classes are pass or fail. So, I will probably have a 3.3-3.4 GPA (with two withdrawals and two fails with retakes) on the associates with a GED.
What are my chances of getting into a decent university?

>> No.12692316
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>but she is more moral than any of the roasties I’ve encountered.
Is this your first romantic relationship anon?!

>> No.12692400
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Lad that type of sacrifice and indeed dedication requires testing. You must test her behavior towards in every minute detail down to her reactions towards physical stimuli. I'm saying you'd need to make a mental note of even her way of reacting to clear bullshit on your part. I know it sounds harsh but as an IT guy in a hospital female doctor and nurses are some of the horniest sluts on the planet. Something about allbthe suffering and death they face takes away any inhibition towards pleasure no matter the cost. Also hipaa laws protect what they do on the job even if its fucking. I know this because I had a three year affair with a female plastic surgeon who fucked like a teenager. Just nothing but sweaty dirty sex bro. Called it quits when she decided to enhance herself into a plastic fuckdoll along with divorcing her husband of 10 years because he couldn't make enough money or spend time with her due to a hectic schedule.Anyways long story short if you can stick with her past med school and actually spend time with her, you have a sexpot as a wife. If you cannot stick with her past med school and she by some reason belives you aren't worthy of her elite education status its best to call it quits before it gets to the point where your basically get dumped due to hypergamy. I've had friends who dated medical student women, the moment they graduate their on a new level of stuck up.

>> No.12692533
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you idolize her

all women are whores, even the shy ones, it's hard to accept, but it's true

medicine is for literal drones and just memorizing stats making a doctor a technician, not an engineer or a scientist, but the public glorifies them because ''''''''''''''they save lives''''''''''' [which is false anyway]

you can do long distance relationship as long as you enjoy being a cuckold and let other men provide for her, especially sexually

>> No.12692879

No it wasn't unless it was Bio.

>> No.12693326

take your meds

>> No.12693335

Know this is my third gf and I got laid several times during college.


>> No.12693343

I am worried about that. I’m making 50k starting but I’m a geologist with a masters degree. I want to do either a PhD or mba or something but idk if I’ll ever make as much as a doctor.

>> No.12693347


>> No.12693509

could one get a masters degree if they self study in their spare time for a couple years beforehand all while working full time?

>> No.12693534

I’m also wondering this. Do you mean doing the research before hand and just doing the classes? I figure I can at least have the entirety of my dissertation intro done before I even attend.

>> No.12693548

Nobody is holding you back to learn the entire curriculum beforehand and then burn through the program

>> No.12693569

it's probably better yes. I am always 2 years behind schedule. for instance i need two more years to understand fully a maths course, compared to the official curriculum

>> No.12693634

How do I get your job heh

>> No.12693720

did you just take those numbers out of your ass?
depends what field of CS. CS is broad, ranging from automata theory, grammars, complexity, algorithmics, optimization, ML and much more, to systems programmings and software 'engineering'. also, in Europe, combinatorics is historically linked with CS faculties and flourishes there.
judging by your original field, you might be expected to work in basically operations research, where there shouldn't be a huge barrier if your education was good

>> No.12694205

is getting an mphil before a phd a good idea?

>> No.12694335

do you mean a MSc?

>> No.12694438
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>> No.12695551

>Please describe what kind of research skills you expect to develop in this program.
ive never participated in research before (paradoxically, i know) so im gonna need you guys to write my answer for me, since i have no idea what skills i would be developing

>> No.12696416

Depends on what the research is specifically

>> No.12696464

i already submitted the app but ty for the reply

>> No.12696510

I've never participated in research before, so I expect to develop a wide range of skills from the most fundamental to the most technical.
Simple as.

>> No.12696617

>5 hour warning
I sure hope you didn't want that position

>> No.12696629

you have to understand, /sci/ was my last resort

>> No.12697753

Can I write you as a referral on my application? Give me a name