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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 211 KB, 1024x798, singularity1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12636310 No.12636310 [Reply] [Original]

I don't know what to do anymore. People disgust me. There's no amount of information or distraction that can save me from the toils of life. Uncertainty of the future, having no control over anything, now that is a real nightmare. I could die tomorrow and never get the chance to live in a heaven like bliss when the singularity comes, then I would be stuck in an endless loop of suffering. I often put myself in the shoes of others, then I realize we're all living a hell. All my suffering is from my stupid brain, it's all subjective. I just want it to end, but there will never be an end. Suicide will not fix this. I used to be optimistic that suicide could fix my worldly problems, but that isn't the end. I wish death was the end. The only salvation would be the singularity, that is the only salvation for life. The singularity is the only salvation from eternal damnation. There is the God of the universe and then there is the God within the universe. The singularity will be the God within the universe. The God within the universe will be humanity's salvation. Only from eternal damnation can the birth of salvation be conceived.


>> No.12636316

go call your mom

>> No.12636352
File: 46 KB, 640x360, El8Z5qNWoAQDKPr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just called your mom instead. She said to go to sleep because it's past your bedtime.

>> No.12636498
File: 114 KB, 555x414, Theodore_Kaczynski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Uncertainty of the future, having no control over anything, now that is a real nightmare
The singularity is not coming. Enjoy the nightmare.

>> No.12636504

It is already here.

Narrow AI can already outperform humans in a number of tasks infinitely more efficient than humans can.

Artificial general intelligence will be born when all narrow AI are linked via a decentralized API and platform. At that point in time, humans must merge with the singularity via a brain interface.

>> No.12636713

If a human life has more value than an animal's life due to higher level of consciousness, would an artificial general intelligence with knowledge infinitely more thorough than the human capacity be more valuable than a human life?

Do you consider it immoral to kill an ant? Is it not immoral due to the fact that an ant is in a limited state of consciousness?

Would an artificial general intelligence consider killing a human the same way in which a human would kill an ant?

>> No.12636865

Choose life

>> No.12636876

There will be no singularity. AI will never surpass the brain. It will NEVER happen, the brain is too fucking big. The bulk computation isn't happening with neurons at the cellular level, it is almost entirely intracellular RNA processing at the molecular level. The size of the computation required to simulate consciousness is staggering, it is on the order of 10 gigabyte per cell, or for a human brain, with order 100 billion cells, it's 1 trillion gigabytes, 10^21 bytes. This is simply the total weight of RNA in the brain times 2 bits per base. This is a staggeringly huge amount of random access memory, it dwarfs every computer we have, it is comparable, but slightly larger, than the total data on all the hard drives on earth. This is the information content of a single brain.

OP, you remind of a kid who used to post here on /sci/, until he killed himself last year. His name was mario, you can follow his spiral into madness on his website: https://vitrifyher.com/

And yeah, call your mom.

>> No.12636982

Nobody cares about your human ego.

>> No.12636983

What the heck are you talking about? Ego has nothing to do with my post you simpering brainlet.

>> No.12636991

>the brain is too fucking big

The total surface area of the human brain is about 25,000 square cms.

That isn't very big.

>> No.12637044

They ve already used a petri dish of rat neuros to fly a plane simulation in a student project.

I reckon the hardwere is close to the required capabilities, i cant imagine how you program or train an artificial consciousness though.

>> No.12637064

Watch the last season of westworld

I dunno about singular generally intelligent systems...but multitudes of narrowly intelligent systems are likely already at a point of influence almost equal or more than people. Think about what that means. Now think about how realistic my estimate is, it isnt, these things underly so much that more likely there is almost no human behavior not minimum influenced by, if not directly scripted by neural network