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12635127 No.12635127 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any reason why I shouldn't get my wisdom tooth, which is partially erupted through the gum, removed? I feel pain each time I use my left teeth, because this fucker scratches on the gum and causes it to bleed.

>> No.12635128

How old are you? How often does this happen? Have you tried properly brushing it?

>> No.12635135

19, it's not about brushing it, it's about how it has grown. It is partially covered by the gum, so each time I 'use' it, it scratches it

>> No.12635140

think of A in OP's image. Slight movement results in pain. Would have to use the right side of the mouth solely to avoid pain, and this is obviously unhealthy.

>> No.12635199

If you are 19 they will erupt further, in fact 19 is kinda early to have them erupt at all. On the other hand, the root is not finished developing at 19 so the risk of nerve damage is very low, could be a good time to get it over with.

>> No.12635207

That is, could be a good time to extract them, getting that over with.
Some antibacterial gel will clean up your symtoms in a day or two, no need to suffer while you wait for an appointment.

>> No.12635223

get it out as quickly as possible or it will cause a lot of problems later on.

>> No.12635802

This is bullshit.
Mine were like OP’s and now I am 35 and have all my teeth and no problems.
Getting them removed is like getting circumcised, a mutilation with no benefit.

>> No.12635812


>> No.12635822

Can you elaborate? Mine are sideways, impacted, and my teeth don't fit together properly in general (so the jaw is in the wrong position as well).

>> No.12635865

remove it retard

>> No.12635892

Get a gun and shoot yourself inbetween the eyes. You're too retarded, it is too dangerous to the future if you breed.

>> No.12635898

me too
27 years old with the same issue, but it hasn't fucked my yet

>> No.12636596

impacted teeth can't be cleaned properly and will eventually need to be removed

>> No.12637022
File: 32 KB, 720x540, 82165005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dental care in sweden:
>"Your wisdom teeth are growing sideways, they have to be removed"
ok, I pay dental insurance, when can I get them removed?
>"We can't remove them now because they are not causing problems"
..but they will right?
>"yes definitely, btw we will increase your insurance fee because you might have to remove your wisdom teeth soon"

>> No.12637069
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>Oh you haven't had your wisdom teeth removed? Well that's not normal. You should get them pulled because, well because, bigot

>> No.12637085

Why are you paying for dental insurance in Sweden? You literally get dental insurance from the state for free with no maximum reimbursement.

>> No.12637442

>refuse to treat a medical problem to own the libs
based & redpilled

>> No.12637448

It's not for free, you still have to pay a monthly fee depending on your current dental health.

>> No.12637575

kek, and also nigger.

>> No.12637588

Partially covered by gum is normal, that goes away
No don’t let the dental jews win, wisdom teeth are meant to be there

>> No.12637600

Just lie and say it hurts

>> No.12637636

If it comes out like that it can get impacted, can fracture, can do all sorts of nasty shit.
When I was young, one of mine coming out got impacted and cracked during lunch at work. Not fucking fun.
By all means just hang in there, but be aware that if it's your first one and its going to shit after it comes out, the rest will most likely be fucked too.

>> No.12637764

There's no benefit to keeping them whatsoever so if they're bothering you, get them removed. Just keep in mind it's quite painful and you may look like a hamster for a couple of days. I'm sure you know someone who has had them removed, ask them.

>19 is kinda early to have them erupt at all
I had them all by 18.