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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 370 KB, 2000x2000, Starlink_FINALpng.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12604073 No.12604073 [Reply] [Original]

old man B1051 edition

Livestream: https://youtu.be/84Nct_Q9Lqw
Launch window: Wednesday January 20 8:02 AM EST / 13:02 UTC (instantaneous)

Probability of violating weather constraints: 10% (https://www.patrick.spaceforce.mil/Portals/14/Weather/Falcon%209%20StarlinkV1_0-L16%20L-1%20Forecast%20-%2020%20JAN%20Launch%20v2.pdf?ver=Ir1PKsS8szF4KobCTJyVAg%3d%3d))
Backup launch window: ?
Launch vehicle: SpaceX Falcon 9 with first stage B1051.8 (prior launches: DEMO-1, Radarsat, Starlink-L3, Starlink-L6, Starlink-L9, Starlink-L13, SXM-7)
Launch pad: LC-39A, Kennedy Space Center, Florida
Fairings: One half flew one Starlink mission, the other two Starlink missions.
Fairing recovery: On fairing recovery vessels 'Ms. Tree' & 'Ms. Chief'
First stage landing: On autonomous spaceport droneship 'Just Read the Instructions'
Payload: 60 Starlink satellites
Payload mass & deployment orbit: ~15,600 kg (~260 kg / Starlink sat); 210 x 366 km(?) @ ~53°
TLE: https://www.celestrak.com/NORAD/elements/supplemental/starlink-17.txt

Launch viewing guide for Florida: http://www.launchphotography.com/Delta_4_Atlas_5_Falcon_9_Launch_Viewing.html
SpaceX twitter: https://twitter.com/SpaceX
F9 stats: 104th launch, 65th landing, 47th core reuse

This is the most-flown core to date, and the 2nd SpaceX launch of 2021.

>> No.12604081

This is also the fastest booster turnaround to date. 38 days or thereabouts.

>> No.12604088
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>8:02 AM EST
I guess this is how I'm going to be watching it. Then back to sleep for an hour until market open, then back to sleep again thirty minutes after that.

>> No.12604093
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She's a scorch'd up lady fo shizzle

>> No.12604094


>> No.12604098

space x

>> No.12604116
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>> No.12604118

Space Ex(ploration technologies corporation)

>> No.12604122


>> No.12604154

If there's no delays, this launch would be the last launch under the current administration. Maybe the last launch ever.

>> No.12604162

>and the 2nd SpaceX launch of 2021
What was the first? I thought I didn't miss any.

>> No.12604168
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>> No.12604177

That explains it. Forgot they have a launch scheduled whatsoever.

>> No.12604192

that’s it anon, you’re kicked out of the watched-every-SpaceX-launch-live-of-2021-club

>> No.12604204

don't say that anon, they have the oil rigs

>> No.12604277

time to get 4hr of sleep yayyyyyy

>> No.12604640

1hr to go!

>> No.12604682


Mission control audio is up.

>> No.12604684

Mission control audio/video is up https://youtu.be/h6kSKXxjLGg

>> No.12604688

Really hope they go back to showing orbital "telemetry" soon instead of just video from control.

>> No.12604710
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Anon stop phone posting and get back to work

>> No.12604716

FUck. Am I really about to stay up and watch this? I'm going to have to just power through to the inauguration if so. Is this worth it lads? PSTfag btw

>> No.12604729

Why does everyone assume Dem = no launches anywhere of any kind?

>> No.12604731

it’s always worth it to watch a SpaceX launch, and launches in general

>> No.12604742

Ignore him, but we all know that manned spaceflight is something different.

>> No.12604772

And we live.

>> No.12604777
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>> No.12604795

WE have a good qt running things.

>> No.12604797
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God damn I love my new monitor.

>> No.12604800

So okay hang on. Do they static fire these engines before they launch these bad boys? Is that part of the turnaround procedure?
Nice, anon.

>> No.12604802

Didn't static fire this time.

>> No.12604806

Do they even bother to announce static fires for F9 anymore?
And they're "flight proven" with multiple past launches, so it's not like this is the first time the engines have fired. Do you static fire a 747 before takeoff?

>> No.12604807

>Do they static fire these engines before they launch these bad boys? Is that part of the turnaround procedure?
Usually they do. However for recent Starlink launches (their own payloads) on reused boosters, they began not doing static fire.

>> No.12604810
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>> No.12604818

Interesting. I'm just wondering whether we'll see any launch failures in the future as the boosters age and SpaceX presumably continues to push their limits.

>> No.12604822

cannot be more cringe than the green run stream anyway

>> No.12604824

A static fire adds more stress to the engine, and they haven't exactly been mistreated since the previous launch. Also 9 engines with engine-out capability.

And holy shit that HUFF PUFF sound, strangest boner.

>> No.12604825

The VOONTING sounds like some Looney Tunes ACME factory

>> No.12604826

Agree about the sounds, very industrial and raunchy.

>> No.12604831

Sounds like one cave turn before the sleeping dragon.

>> No.12604835

There have been recovery failures on "old" boosters though I think we don't know if it was because they're old boosters.

>> No.12604838
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>> No.12604842


>> No.12604843
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>> No.12604848

Very hard

>> No.12604853

got scared for a second

>> No.12604856

4k 60fps SpaceX stream WHEN?

>> No.12604860

Clear skies over the Atlantic

>> No.12604862

at what?
Also interesting. Lady just called out this will be their most used booster.

>> No.12604866

Moon landing better at least be 720p

>> No.12604872

Stronger than normal winds too, is this pre-cope?

>> No.12604873

oh shit, highest wind landing for falcon9 ever

>> No.12604875

Booooring, SN9 when?

>> No.12604876

envelope expansion

>> No.12604877

last f9 of the trump era :(

>> No.12604879

Why do they always cut away from the boosters onboard camera before it lands?

>> No.12604880


>> No.12604881

AYYYYY it landed anyways! based

>> No.12604883

fake again

>> No.12604885

MAMA MIA that’s a perfect landing I do say. Winds ain’t got shit on stage 1

>> No.12604886

Because it goes over the horizon and loses connection.

>> No.12604887

camera offline huh?

>> No.12604888

I thought that water droplet was the first stage slamming into the droneship lmao

>> No.12604889

Shock waves caused by the engine plume disrupting the air, causing signal to be scrambled?

>> No.12604890

Doesn't always happen, didn't happen on the one before this.

>> No.12604891

Is the adaptative timeline a new thing?

>> No.12604893

do they release footage of the landing form afar after?

>> No.12604894

>cut the feed
>cut to dummy rocket placed dead center
they can't keep getting away with it

>> No.12604896

time for grooving music while I make a burrito. What a fine way to start my morning

>> No.12604900


>> No.12604901

no, for earlier CRS missions they did because NASA would send a chase plane. Now those RTLS.

>> No.12604910

space rat spotted

>> No.12604912
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Mmm... yes, I have a few breakfast tacos in my fridge, nice idea, gonna zap one up.

>> No.12604916

Bring back trajectory on mission control audio stream.

>> No.12604918

Next Spaceflight says we may see a 10km hop on Thursday. Fingers crossed lads

>> No.12604926

>stream viewers drops from like 90k to 40k during coast phase
fucking plebs

>> No.12604931

mute normal stream and use mission control audio(?)

Also dude who clearly rode a motorcycle to work just walked in

>> No.12604935

You're missing the point. Mission control stream used to show trajectory from launch to orbit. Now it's just a fucking webcam of mission control.
I'd rather see a trajectory than a webcam of people with masks staring at monitors.

>> No.12604940

TFR extended till next week

>> No.12604946

Stage 2 just flew over my house!

>> No.12604965

git gud -> >>12604797

>> No.12604973

Same person. There's still no changing the fact that they changed mission control audio from showing rocket trajectory to a webcam.
And I would much rather have the trajectory and maybe some telemetry on the left side.

>> No.12604978


>> No.12604979

Transporter-1 is slated for the 22nd. That’ll be a neat launch, going south and all

>> No.12605010

Neat. Has Space X launched anything on a polar orbit yet or is this a first?

>> No.12605017

They had a polar launch last year, first from KSC since the 70s if memory serves.

>> No.12605018

from the east coast? Yeah the SAOCOM one. Plenty from the west coast though.
This will be the 2nd east coast polar launch since the 60s

>> No.12605025
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>> No.12605032
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>> No.12605036

SECO-2, good orbit

>> No.12605040

early q2 collapse

>> No.12605084

Payload deploy!

>> No.12605088

>Sun creeping right over the terminator on release
Pretty kino.

>> No.12605092
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So how many more launches until they have minimum 100% coverage?

>> No.12605101
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>> No.12605103

Depends how they deploy them. More important to have some overlap where the customer base is vs filling in gaps over the Arctic

>> No.12605155

For live streams, the signal gets interrupted. There are plenty of landing videos out there that SpaceX released from on-board recorded landings that show the landing 100% from the upper first stage camera.

>> No.12605868

is there a tracking site that displays all starlink sats in real time?

>> No.12605872


is this real life?