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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12571737 No.12571737 [Reply] [Original]

Where is the science that can turn me into a woman

>> No.12571742

There is none, accept your body and God instead of trying to defy nature.

>> No.12571751

God don't exist

>> No.12571757

Not here yet, and might not ever be. Sorry.

>> No.12571764

prove it
it'll happen WAYYYYY after your death.

>> No.12571771

This world cannot be born of pure chaos, since there are laws and a certain architecture in this world.
If God did not exist, "evolution" would be something random and chaotic. You should know that randomness exists only due to a lack of knowledge about something. If you know everything there is nothing that cannot be predicted.
So if everything is deliberate, God must exist.

>> No.12571779

Who created god

>> No.12571792

God exists because I say so.
There is no point in believing or not believing in god.
There is no reasoning, it's either you believe or you don't. That's the basis of belief. Either I believe in an axiom or I don't. Either I believe in big bang theory or I dont.
Doesn't matter.
PeePee heta shows me how little everything means.

>> No.12571794

God is life. God preceded nothingness.
God is creation and is the origin of all. He is the one who creates, why should something else "create" him?
You will realise your mistake sooner or later.

>> No.12571796

I dunno, was god created?
What created big bang? what created that? what created that? what created that. etc.
there is no belief in science and math without belief in god. I appreciate god's pragmatic gifts to us.

>> No.12571798

There is a point in believing in God.
Many actions can be taken out of your desire to please Him.

>> No.12571800

Thou shalt nev'r beest a maiden.

>> No.12571803

>There is a point in believing in God.
To point is intrinsic to itself, that's all.
her his my post about PeePee :: Heta :: Zero >>12553738

>> No.12571814

Chemical hormones and learning to accept yourself as a woman

>> No.12571816
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>God exists... Because... because...because... because... Because I said so.. OK!?

>> No.12571818

Because life is order not chaos.
No God = No laws.

>> No.12571832

Why do you wish to be a woman?

>> No.12571837

It would require such a level of change that we will be able to cure your dysmorphia way before turning you into a woman. Like we can turn you into a strong happy man probably 100 years before we can turn you into a real woman.

>> No.12571838

>If God did not exist, "evolution" would be something random and chaotic.
you're retarded

>> No.12571856

Schizo meds and accepting you'll never be a woman.
Yeah that was basically my point, but I didn't write it like that.

>> No.12571859

Lack of arguments = insults

>> No.12571864
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>> No.12571888

Do you not see how well made our bodies, nature and the world are? Something incredibly smart and beyond human must have designed those.

>> No.12571896
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Everything needs a cause.
Accept your own body and accept your own femininity. Love yourself and love the world.

>> No.12571908

What created space?

>> No.12571913

>Where is the science that can turn me into a woman
Only the Humanities can do things like that.

>> No.12572150

Well, theoretically a retrovirus could modify your chromosomes from XY to XX but that alone wouldn`t suffice. You would also need to get vast anatomical changes like new organs, bone structures, tissues and brain mods but if we ever get bionanomachines going as well as exowombs that should be possible as well. But such crass changes will only be at best possible in the 22th century.

>> No.12572158

I'm transeconomicclass. Give me money to fix my mental illness.

>> No.12572159

>Accept your own body and accept your own femininity. Love yourself and love the world.
Actually good advice.
I mean if a tranny feel feminine that doesn't mean they have to be a fucking orc with a cut off dick.
Everyone chooses to be happy or unhappy.

>> No.12572168

just have a daughter, she will be you as a woman

>> No.12572169

why become a woman when you can take hormones and follow a diet/workout regime that turns you into a cute femboy? The femboy is the superior sex object.

>> No.12572170

>Everything needs a cause.
Except Virtual Particles or Radioactive decay and the most things know several causes and most are without mind.

>> No.12572175

send me ur routing number

>> No.12572177

There are laws behind those phenomenons.
Hence, there is mind.

>> No.12572180
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move to a liberal shithole and "people" will call you female even if you look like pic rel

>> No.12572182

You may want to familiarize yourself with ballistics!

>> No.12572200

It took billions of years autismo.

>> No.12572201

When we have mind uploading so nowhere near.

>> No.12572211

And your point is?

>> No.12572259
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>> No.12572292

>Hence, there is mind.
That`s special pleading. Do we have any kind of proof that the phenomenons we seek to describe with scientific describtions are made by necassary being of mind? We are also far too ignorant of qunatum relativity than to have strict explanations aka "laws" of it. No, the argument from first cause does not hold.

>> No.12572293

Wouldn`t that be postgender though? As you would have no biological body at all.

>> No.12572329 [DELETED] 

Behind all those phenomenons you describe, only our ignorance makes us thing it is devoid of mind.
Once you have knowledge of everything, nothing is due to dumb luck or chance and everything becomes deliberate.
Something devoid of all laws would be impossible to grasp. At the very least, you have to sense it somehow to even speak of it.
Your argument does not hold.

>> No.12572357

Behind all those phenomenons you describe, only our ignorance makes us think it is devoid of mind.
Once you have knowledge of everything, nothing is due to dumb luck or chance and everything becomes deliberate.
Something devoid of all laws would be impossible to grasp. At the very least, you have to sense it somehow to even speak of it.
Your argument does not hold.

>> No.12572362

You need to ask Felix:

>> No.12572365

go out christcucks / jews

>> No.12572370

That's not very open minded and reasonable of you, Mr Atheist.
Could it be you support the purging of anything remotely right-wing? Does tolerance only matter as long as it applies to your side?

>> No.12572394
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Consider suicide. Seriously.

>> No.12572397

1.in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

2 The same was in the beginning with God.

3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

>> No.12572398

>thread immediately derails into a discussion about religion

>> No.12572431
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Defying your nature = going against God.
Accepting your true self = serving God.

>> No.12572438

>/sci/ - Science & Math
>All science and math related topics welcome.
>Homework threads will be deleted, and the poster banned.
>No "religion vs. science" threads.

>> No.12572443

Feel free to report me, but that's not very open minded coming from atheists.

>> No.12572452
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Tough luck gettung there thügh

>> No.12572454

cool bro

>> No.12572460
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>> No.12572465

>Behind all those phenomenons you describe, only our ignorance makes us think it is devoid of mind.
Do we know all about these phenomenons? If not then we can not just conclude the solution. From observation we know that both virtual particles and radioactive decay need no cause to be thus to belief that they still have is no proof of one`s position. One might believe that newtons perception of physics is true and that by knowing all everything becomes deliberate but this is a position of faith and not of reason. We know that in planck level, chaos and chance reigns and we try our best to learn more but in its current stage there is no sign of deliberate design, only mindless chaos.

>> No.12572470

There is also the issue of the creator as the argument from first cause fails to consider the possibility of non-christian creator or even pantheistic conceptions of the creator or that a creation force necessarily has to be sapient/sentient.

>> No.12572496

Tldr God doesn't exist this so much this fpbp /thread

>> No.12572511

>Well made
>Eyes are exposed
>Eat and breathe through the same tubes
>Pee and reproduce from the same place

>> No.12572514

The reason you mention is a form of faith. You have to believe those men in white clothes, their deductions and theories in order to even establish anything.
You have to believe that their observations and measurements are perfectly good, that they are not corrupt trying to make money off selling lies etc...

Obviously, for us humans, due to our ignorance, we have no choice but to see "randomness". That goes for the planck level you mentioned, too.

Science and reason is not consensual unless you give money to everyone to convert them into yes-man.
There are many disagreements among scientists.
Everyone chooses, everyone has faith in what theories he wants.

Know all and you can predict all. This is not faith, that is simple deduction.
If you can't predict all, obviously you are not all knowing.
Either it's impossible for something to be all knowing, or if such a being exists, then chaos and chance does not exist. At the end either you believe or you do not.

One of the ways to find truth is to find what is most fulfilling to you.
Since the monotheistic christian God whose main characteristic is his love for his creations; he is the most truthful.
Would you choose career and money over your loved ones?

>> No.12572528
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Well, our bodies function pretty well, if you ask me. Humans are naturally very adaptive to different situations.
People choosing to believe in liberalism and atheism is the main cause of this sick world, not God.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Here is a pretty picture for you.

>> No.12572639

>You have to believe those men in white clothes, their deductions and theories in order to even establish anything.
This has nothing to do with belief, as no revelation is thought but discourse. Many scientists that proposed the quantum mechanics like Werner Heisenberg were christians. Others like Max Planck or Erwin Schrödiner were more pantheists.
>Obviously, for us humans, due to our ignorance
To say that reality works that way and not provide facts/theories to it is far more ignorant to try to make models of things we know of.
>One of the ways to find truth is to find what is most fulfilling to you.
Objective and logical truths can be gained via falsifiable and experimental methods not by subjective states.

>> No.12572652

>People choosing to believe in liberalism and atheism is the main cause of this sick world, not God.
If we compare the top 3 atheist countries (Czech Republic - 75%
Estonia - 70%,
Netherlands - 68% not-religious) with the top 3 religious countries (Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Niger) then we see that atheist countries beat those in questions of stability, peace, justice and freedom.

>> No.12572690

What the fuck? Why is this board full of christcucks? What the fuck are so many christcucks doing on a SCIENCE board? I know that you decided to LARP as a christian because reddit likes science and because you don't have a personality but damn, this is just sad. We really need a religion board.

>> No.12572695

False, there is belief in anything.
Every demonstration, everything "verifiable" can be considered insufficient.
Every "proof" can be made up and false.

Making models of things is little more than interpretation of reality. All the science and models you believe in will become laughingstock in time.

The reality of scientists is not equal to reality.
I do not pretend to incarnate objective truth, and neither should you.

The "Objective and logical truths" you mention are subject to debate all the time. Hence, those are not objective and logical truths. I call you out on those objective truths you mention, hence it is not objective, but very subjective.

You ignore the history of all countries by saying what you just said.
All great Western countries used to be religious and catholic.
Then came the bankers, atheists and philosophers.
Western civilisation then turned into a plague of cowardly rats who do not care about truth but career, money and the cult of science.
Never before are people living such despair and anger than now, hence materialism and atheism is a failure and a lie.

Your numbers are worthless, since it is nothing but intelligence put in service of a lie.
African countries have unfortunately always been poor and full of infighting, hence recent religion statistics mean nothing.

>> No.12572708
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I seriously can't believe people like you exist. If you're not LARPing/trolling I genuinely feel sorry for you.

>> No.12572718

>African countries have unfortunately always been poor and full of infighting, hence recent religion statistics mean nothing.
What a pathetic fucking cope. Holy shit. You are actually delusional. I'd like to see the mental gymnastics you have for the case of Africa. Are niggers inherently dumb? So then you admit IQ is real despite being scientific? Did God make niggers dumb? Did God decide Africa would be poor forever? Please, enlighten me.

>> No.12572722

African people are what they are. They have their own culture and are different from us.

Every time you mistreat another, you will pay a price. Keep that in mind next time you call someone else delusional or pathetic.

IQ is a lie, once you do enough IQ tests, you become a high IQ person.

>> No.12572728

>Every time you mistreat another, you will pay a price.
You literally just mistreated the entirety of bankers, atheists, scientists, philosophers and modern Western civilization, calling them cowards and rats. You are mentally ill.

>> No.12572732
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Being poor is not equal to being dumb nor is it bad.
Many corrupt people are very rich.
Monks live good lives in spite of poverty.

Stop talking about mental gymnastics with me, when I give you important information and teach you things.

God gives us choice. Africans are not children who ought to follow your ideology of money first.

>> No.12572738

They have chosen to be rats, by preferring cowardliness, lies and money.
That is an observation, not an insult.

>> No.12572740

Scientist point of view:
A detailed analisys how much hormones and surgery work.
Engineer point of view:
You can take cock even without being a woman.

>> No.12572780

The more triggered by "idiocy" you are, the most likely it is to be interesting.
If it was something you already know well, unoriginal, that you have already heard a thousand times, you would laugh it off and move on.
Being angered by someone's ideas and insulting him is proof that what they have said strikes you to the core. Hence it is interesting and teaches you a great many things.

All the atheists in this thread will eventually become religious as they confront the religious, become influenced and "corrupted" by them, and free themselves from propaganda.

>> No.12572784

Can Africans go to heaven?

>> No.12572788

Sure, everyone returns to God eventually.

>> No.12572789

So that`s where postmodernists come from.

>> No.12572794

Where does all the Christcucks come from? Did /pol/ got shut down or something?

>> No.12572797

Except pomos are based, imagine realizing no such thing as objectivity exists and deciding to believe in fucking Christianity of all things lmao. Personally I believe I am God and erased my memory to fully experience being a human and will recover my powers once I die. I will personally make sure to torture all christcucks myself in my personal hell.

>> No.12572806
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Which god should I pray to? Jesus? Allah? Buddha? How do you know which one is the real god?

>> No.12572810

Lust is not equal to love.
If your daddy had preferred porno over your mom, you would not be here.

>> No.12572815

I am the real God. You don't have to pray to me, just don't be rude to me and I won't put you in my personal hell. Oh and also don't be a christcuck, they're cringe, meaning they're going into my hell. Buddhists are chill and I don't mind them. Muslims are kinda based because they trigger /pol/tards so they might get a pass as well.

>> No.12572821

Not very tolerant, huh?
You still have a way to go before reaching God, since he loves all.

>> No.12572840

Well I'm speaking as a human now, maybe when I go back to my God-state I'll chill and won't torture anyone. But for now I like fantasizing about it just like christcucks fantasize about going to heaven and the people they don't like going to hell. We all need a way to cope right?

>> No.12572843

If god loves all why should I praise or pray to him?

>> No.12572855 [DELETED] 

Thinking of oneself as God is the root cause of Western Civilization. Be humble.

If you want to pray to God, here is an in-depth video:

>> No.12572865

Thinking of oneself as God is the root cause of the fall of Western Civilization. Be humble.

If you want to pray to God, here is an in-depth video:

>> No.12572872

>is the root cause of the fall of Western Civilization.
Cool, I don't care about western civilization.

>> No.12572880

Is praying to buddha considered as praying to God?

>> No.12572902

Fully watch the video and you will have your answer.
The spiritual is a matter of wanting truth, not just following current trends and letting others dictate how you should think.

>> No.12572917

>if you get rightfully angered at something stupid it means I'm right
Nice gaslighting. Just embarassing. Not surprising that the follower of a kike fairy tale would attempt to use kike tricks. Not even the average 4channer is stupid enough to fall for this shit, maybe try doing this with the low IQ subhumans in some African country.

>> No.12572924

Well, there you have the usual retort from a man who lacks a way to answer.
May this be instructive to you.

>> No.12572932

>I do not pretend to incarnate objective truth, and neither should you.
But you do if you pose the existence of a god. You seem to confuse objectivity with revelation. Objectivity is that 1+1 is 2; logical conclusions, while revelation is the destruction of logic and the world how it really is. Could god create an unmoveable object and then move it? Then there is to differ between intersubjectivity and subjectivity. Experiences that can be replicated and are consequntal are intersubjective and thus hold value beyond subjective points of view. My answer to positions that equalize the scientific method with subjective feeling is Sokal: "Anyone who believes that the laws of physics are mere social conventions is invited to try transgressing those conventions from the windows of my apartment. (I live on the twenty-first floor.)"
Science is a discourse, by design, and that there exists an external world, that there exist objective truths about that world and by study, experimentation and formula such truths can be aquired.
>All the science and models you believe in will become laughingstock in time.
Standing on the shoulders of giants

>All great Western countries used to be religious and catholic.
So, your arguments are just postmodern right-wingism that is not interested in truth but in political power. No, religious europe was in fact its weakest and most tyrannical. Only beginning from the 16th century and especially in the 18/19th century its domination of the world was done. It was not by faith the world was conquered or the greatest insight to the nature of things were done but by reason, commerce and struggle. And what is this western civilization and its intrinsic value of it? South Korea and Japan achieved much progress and became developed nations. Global values of humanism, democracy and freedom are more important than blind worship of idealized history that never was.

>> No.12572938
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Fuck off kike. If it weren't for you religion we wouldn't still have niggers and immigrants running around lowering our IQ. Kys.

>> No.12572962

>Cult of science
Stopped reading right there. Keep it up though, you have an almost outstanding bait.

>> No.12573010

>This world cannot be born of pure, chaos since there are laws and a certain architecture in this world
non-sequitor and citation needed
>If God did not exist, "evolution" would be something random and chaotic
it does. look at sea creatures. giraffes, niggers. etc.
>You should know that randomness exists only due to a lack of knowledge about something
citation needed
>If you know everything there is nothing that cannot be predicted
only if it's computationally reducible, but you have to prove that first.
>So if everything is deliberate, God must exist
yes, but it doesn't follow logically from anything you've listed.

>> No.12573012

>Keep that in mind next time you call someone else delusional or pathetic.
you're delusional and pathetic

>> No.12573014

based actual retard

>> No.12573017


>1+1 = 2
Great, you write maths well. But maths and physics are a language to communicate, not something to be worshipped.

There are thankfully debates on what is true and what is false all the time, even with physics. There is no consensus, no "objective truths". You choose what to believe.

My common sense tells me not to jump from my window. That's not physics. I do not need to have taken a single class of physics to get that.
Why should I attribute that to physicians?
Mankind sure did not need physicians to get such truths.

Very well, then, if you do not believe in God,
I ask you to go through a Near Death Experience and prove to me God does not exist. If you do not want to risk your neck, skim through this:

>Standing on the shoulders of giants
I am grateful for the giants. My point is that when you speak of objective truths, keep in mind that if your theory eventually becomes obsolete, then it is obviously not objective or truthful enough.

Progress, democracy, freemasonry have driven this world to the brink.
See how divided America has become once Biden won through cheating.
Progressism means a man can become a woman. What a great objective truth that is!
Democracy means letting a horde of very alike midwits "choose" between two inefficient politicians.
That is, until one who is independent enough comes(like Trump). Then the choice is taken away from them.

You are free to believe your propaganda history about right-wingism, but remember that your side advocates censorship and purging of opposition. Your side is tyranny.

>> No.12573021

*God doesn`t exists.
*Gods don`t exist.

>> No.12573037

Citation means following an authority like a sheep. You agree or you do not. Something seems true or it seems false.

Those sea creatures, giraffes and niggers are perfectly capable of living in their environment, so randomness could not have made them.

Asking for proofs all the time for such abstract questions is meaningless. Use your common sense.

The best way to answer.

>> No.12573047

>Citation means following an authority like a sheep
you make no argument and you expect people to believe you, you don't postulate an argument that can be verified by reason.
>Those sea creatures, giraffes and niggers are perfectly capable of living in their environment, so randomness could not have made them
what if they are the 0.001% of the randomness that was beneficial and the rest just died? is this so hard to grasp?
>Asking for proofs all the time for such abstract questions is meaningless. Use your common sense
you make no argument that can be verified by reason

>> No.12573062

Use observation, if you can't see there are sheeps and leaders accross the world, I don't know what to tell you.

What ifs are great, but use another argument.
Imagination differs from reality.

When something is abstract enough, either you believe or you do not. No material proof can be found to demonstrate how true or false what you say is anyways.

>> No.12573066

Disagree, Jesus stood up to jews and chased those merchants away from his temple.
Then they got him crucified.

>> No.12573087

>if you can't see there are sheep and leaders across the world, I don't know what to tell you
irrelevant to the discussion
>When something is abstract enough, either you believe or you do not. No material proof can be found to demonstrate how true or false what you say is anyways
the concept of proof exists only within axiomatic systems. still your argument must conform to some form of reason, or you should provide citations for experiments that cannot be induced by pure reason. the argument of belief in axioms does little to actually support your original arguments.

>> No.12573093
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>not something to be worshipped.
To disagree is not to worship. It is possible for someone to not do something that oneself does. Some people do not worship at all and have no need to belief ontologically in something.
>no "objective truths". You choose what to believe.
If you apply the scientific method then there exist scientific objectivity. Gravity, atoms and light-speed are not social constructs but proven facets of a consequental reality. It is possible for a subjective mind to refuse those but then one is trapped in solipsistic madness.
The issue of revelation is that there is no qualitative and quantitative difference between a prophet and a schizo madman. Pantheistic perception atleast do not suffer from special cultural pleadings but the arguments for mytholical relgions like christanity, islam and buddhism are of the same quality. Who is the prophet and bringer of revelation? Jesus, Muhammed, Zarathustra, Buddha or Joesph Smith. And can revelation be given from a revelad one to the others or would it be trapped in subjective perceptions? Can God create a unmoveable object and move it? Yes, he could because he is not a logical being. If you do not want charismatic leaders rule and compete for power then rule by reason and discourse is prefered. Religion should be kept private to protect us from cultish structures that destroy anyone that doubts.
>Near Death Experience
The issue is that near-death experiences differ rom culture to culture (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18344255/)) and can be artifically induced. It is also a experience made partly posteriori as memory and mind try to make sense what happened.
>Progress, democracy, freemasonry have driven this world to the brink.
see picture,

You are the post-modernist among us. Just a right-wing one.

>> No.12573094
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>> No.12573098
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>Citation means following an authority like a sheep. You agree or you do not. Something seems true or it seems false.

>> No.12573102

>If you apply the scientific method then there exist scientific objectivity. Gravity, atoms and light-speed are not social constructs but proven facets of a consequental reality. It is possible for a subjective mind to refuse those but then one is trapped in solipsistic madness.
We have models that predict movement of bodies that we subjectively experience to high degrees of accuracy. That is all we can say scientifically and positively.
We can NOT posit the objective existence of any of these things.

>> No.12573105

>Those sea creatures, giraffes and niggers are perfectly capable of living in their environment, so randomness could not have made them.
Except the species that went extinct. Appendages that activly harm us, proof that life is not opimal.

>> No.12573107

>Know all and you can predict all. This is not faith, that is simple deduction
unless you're referring to an oracle machine notion, you'd have to prove that everything is computationally reducible.

>> No.12573113

>We can NOT posit the objective existence of any of these things.
Revelation =/= Objectivity

>> No.12573123

>nothing is verifiable therefore my subjective belief is superior to yours
based christian retard

>> No.12573150

Reality is very relevant to the discussion.

I say you wanting to impose a purely logical way of thinking on an everchanging reality is a falsehood and has little to do with truth.
The best moments of your life were when you loved and were loved. Are those not moments of truths, absolute ones?
You mentioning that seeing sheeps and leaders across the world is irrelevant seems quite strange to me, as it does have much to do with the real world.

You have your reality, great.
But don't take it for the truth.
I aknowledge you as far greater than me in intelligence. I hope that this was not purely a waste of time discussing with me.

>> No.12573160

Well that sure seemed false to you eh? Great job proving my point.

There is a lack of belief in this world.
Most people want nothing more than to keep their comfortable jobs and life.
Every time you doubt, that means either you lack information or you sense something is wrong with the way you think.
Hence belief is a great thing to have.

>> No.12573162

still no argument, i accept your concession

>> No.12573177

try endocrinology?

>> No.12573182

Being a slightly retarded fellow is good, see how many intelligent people believe in modern science, the Holohoax, Global Warming, etc...

Using your intelligence in service of a lie is worthless. It is even diabolical.

>> No.12573184

Philosophy, the only field of study which can deal with gender, as it is a totally man made, idealogical phenomenon

>> No.12573188
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>Accepting your true self = serving God
based christcuck

>> No.12573193

Real life is an argument, what are you on about?
If you despise walking among the plebs so much and prefer locking yourself up your ivory tower, you clearly are made for the virtual and imaginary world. Not the ordinary ones where people eat, make love and defecate.

>> No.12573200

The Pope is a traitor, isn't it obvious?
The Catholic Church, the house of God is such a threat to this world full of lies that they had to put a puppet.

>> No.12573215
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>> No.12573217

dilate and wash your fedora

>> No.12573221

are you actually supposed to wash hats

>> No.12573225

Great way to show me how wrong I am.

>> No.12573231
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>The Pope is a traitor, isn't it obvious?
>The Catholic Church, the house of God is such a threat to this world full of lies that they had to put a puppet.

>> No.12573232

The differences between us are finite, so mainly hormonal. However, everything humans do is born from hormones. Literally can't imagine how much it must suck to be a member of the non-pheromonal species group.

>> No.12573268

The contradiction you have is simple.
You claim that your view of science is objective reality, that there is no belief.
Way to believe in what you say!
Then when I mention anything that is remotely threatening to you, you brush it off by saying that it is no argument.
If you prefer your bubble, free from humans, free from animals, free from the real everyday world, then do not pretend it is truth.
No one owes anything to "science".
People owe everything to inventors who conveyed their thoughts using science, farmers who kept everyone alive(including arrogant scientists), workers, entrepreneurs, etc...

Why should science be elevated above all, when it is just a language? Shouldn't English be admired just as much as science, then?
Scientists pillage the work of great men and claim it as their own.
What would Thales and Pythagore think of the current applications of science to control, subdue, kill people?

>> No.12573273
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>> No.12573280
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>You claim that your view of science is objective reality, that there is no belief
no i don't
>when I mention anything that is remotely threatening to you, you brush it off by saying that it is no argument
i've yet to see an argument from your original post

stopped reading desu
pic related

>> No.12573285

Great you concede.
Telling me to take my meds, what a fitting way to show me how truthful you are.

>> No.12573294

If you can't see an argument, you fail at reading comprehension OR (far more likely) you do not want to know.
That's okay, in a few years you will be glad to have met me.

>> No.12573297
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>Great you concede.
>Telling me to take my meds, what a fitting way to show me how truthful you are.

>> No.12573301

You are acting like a domesticated animal who does not want to venture into the unknown.
Time to change, friend!

>> No.12573305
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>You are acting like a domesticated animal who does not want to venture into the unknown.
>Time to change, friend!

>> No.12573307

No matter how much you reject me I am glad to have met you.

>> No.12573319

Well I'm glad to see what a typical scientist looks like now.
Life will teach you humility soon enough, as your beliefs will come crashing down.

>> No.12573332

People make observations, it's not really science....
con. another poster.

>> No.12573410

>That's okay, in a few years you will be glad to have met me.
Lmao imagine being this entitled.

>> No.12573443

Once the Holohoax myth and all the modern world lies die down, sure he will.

>> No.12573454

>The relative state1!

>> No.12573467

You certainly love me, seeing how much time you give me.

>> No.12573476

-i- posted twice in this thread. something about fossils or something? maybe it was gender. what is this thread about?

>> No.12573483

Enjoy the spectacle. Enjoy seeing a clash between atheists and non atheists.

>> No.12573491

I want to know where is the scientists.

>> No.12573506

Philosophy majors also seem to be the most susceptible to the "I want to be a cute girl" mind virus

>> No.12573528

Nanomachine reconstruction surgery. We don't have nanomachines capable of surgery yet though. Or nanomachines at all!

>> No.12573538

To sum it up:
There cannot be science without faith.
Hence faith > science. Scientists should be calling the religious "papa" since faith gives birth to ideas and thoughts like science.

>> No.12573547

i have faith i can add two apples together and get two.

>> No.12573579

>There cannot be science without faith.
Wrong, back to highschool with you.

>> No.12573590

Yeah, great job!
Those who believe in God are always winners anyways.
Supposing there is no afterlife, the religious die happily thinking they will embrace God.
If there is an afterlife, the religious are more prepared to be humble and accept all their faults and flaws in spite of God's Judgement.
The atheists on the other hand, well the longer they have lied to themselves, the bigger the slap on the face they receive.
Reason and logic dictates you abandon something that removes all responsability from you(since there is no afterlife, better do all I can to struggle and survive -> Darwin and evolution's point of view) and instead embrace Heaven and happiness.

>> No.12573594

Yeah, your faith in science is being hurt huh?

>> No.12573600

Religion feels good for many, I agree.
But I also want my evolution!

>> No.12573603

There is none to begin with.

>> No.12573626

Burn the heretic! He does not believe in science!

>> No.12573643

Right, ty.

>> No.12573655
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>> No.12573678

Wait for advanced VR or transhumanism sis, we're all gonna make it

>> No.12573683

Religions base their claims for truth on revelations. But, because one can doubt any alleged revelation and those do not stand up to rational scrutiny, religion has no claim to political power in a enlightened society. Faith is too subjective, one cannot distinguish a prophet from a schizophrenic. Political discourse and the scientific method, meanwhile, is based on intersubjective study and relies on freedom of thought rather than the tyranny of revelation.
Philosophy and academic studies are indeed other methods of how we establish new concepts of knowledge. However, the scientific method is the only one that can pose objective facts and theses based on rational review, which in its consequence applies to all.
The burden of proof is on the one who makes the claim. Can you prove your revelation? If not, your claims applies to me just as the revelations of Joseph Smith or Muhammed apply to you.

>> No.12573721


What reason do you have to consider academic studies to be worth something, yet revelation to be worth nothing?
Evidence can be brushed aside by anybody who does not believe those sources.
Proofs are little more than a way to convince, not something to be taken as evidence of truth.
Faith and your choices in what to believe still stand above all.

Funny that you speak of a enlightened society, since never before has there been so little freedom of thought and speech.

Science is corrupt to the core. If you want proof, tell me how it is even possible to define more than two genders.

>> No.12573787

You can't prove nonexistence. You can however proof existence. If someone could prove the existence of a higher power that would be very welcome.

>> No.12573822

Try to find a way to reach a state of near death, that way you get to meet God.
Ensure however that you can get back to life, okay?
Don't kill yourself just because a random 4chan user told you that near death experiences are a way to verify the existence of God.

>> No.12573823

Beliefs require a referent, therefor your beliefs necessitate irrefutable conditions to exist but your position is that objectivity is fake and gay. The inevitable resolution being you are fake and gay.

>> No.12573831

Anecdotal evidence is not scientific proof

>> No.12573846

>near-death experience

You can verify scientific statements yourself and its practical application. Any revelation depends on the charisma of its speaker nothing more. What difference exist between Jesus, Buddha, Muhammed and Zarathustra? Scientific study makes falsifiable claims, orientate themselves on logicals conclusion and can base their explanations on obseravation and experimentation while revelation stays in semantic.
And yet you post a link to a study of questionable quality? Some people think the world is only 6000 years old but the fields of geology, archaeology, biology and astronomy all can explain phenomenons far better than the bible/quran. They might say that all fossils were put by the devil there, but such explanation is no explanation at all as fossiliation, geological structures, astronomic radiation can be better explained than fanatic refusal of new data.
Man's unfailing capacity to believe what he prefers to be true rather than what the evidence shows to be likely and possible has always astounded me. We long for a caring Universe which will save us from our childish mistakes, and in the face of mountains of evidence to the contrary we will pin all our hopes on the slimmest of doubts. God has not been proven not to exist, therefore he must exist.

I don`t remember anyone burnt for heresy in the last 50 years of western civilization.

One has to differ sex from gender. Biologically humans only have 2 sexes, female and male. Gender is dependent on societal perceptions. Some cultures tried to explain homosexuality or any derivations from the standart by proposing a third gender. But again if you say proofs are just methods to convince others then all message are equal. The cognitive dissonance is disgusting.

>> No.12573848

Scientific proofs are pretty anecdotal, through.
Why should I believe the writing of someone just because he has a diploma? Why should I believe that everything he writes is true?

>> No.12573853

Objectivity is not fake and gay, it is just unattainable for us men.

>> No.12573857

>Science is corrupt because blue hair say she giraffe
You're conflating 2 groups of people. Most scientists either disagree on the however-many-genders bullshit like sensible people or otherwise don't care about it. It's political types who worship science without understanding the scientific method who define that bullshit

> What reason do you have to consider academic studies to be worth something, yet revelation to be worth nothing?
Because anyone with the right equipment can replicate an academic study, and people normally do so to each other's papers once they've been published so that we know we can rely on their results. There is no way to peer-review a revelation because not everyone has supposed revelations and there's no way to discern what is real from what is fake. Even if someone genuinely believes to have received a vision from god there's no way to tell if they hallucinated it or not

>> No.12573862

1 + 1 = 2, oh shit a objective truth. Am I not a mere man?

>> No.12573871

>Scientific proofs are pretty anecdotal though.
Not at all. Anyone can replicate a scientific test if they have the same kind of equipment used and enough time to work the maths back up from square one. See >>12573857

>> No.12573875
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Your beliefs are showing

>> No.12573886

Your bias is showing

>> No.12573888

False, any revelation depends on the spirituality and good will of the reader. The choice is given whether to believe or not.
Just like a person can choose whether to believe in any scientist theory and their proof or not.

What matters is if I say is correct or not. Believe what you will.

Indeed, the "evidence" you speak of are something that all decide by themselves and evaluate to see whether it is true or not.
Either something seems fishy to you or not.

No need to feel disgusted, I love you. You do show plenty of fanatism defending science, through. Science has become corrupted by money, hence modern science and the authorities are no longer worthy of blind trust.

>> No.12573895

Anyone can replicate the NDE if they have the same equipment and enough time and friends.

>> No.12573908

Yet again though, I have no way of knowing that that isn't just caused by my brain shutting down as I nearly die. What proves that a NDE is some kind of religious revelation and not chemical releases in my brain?

Also, you keep telling us to have NDEs but have you ever had one yourself?

>> No.12573923

Nope, I have faith that those who had those are honest folks.
Stop making excuses like chemicals in the brain, out of body experiences proves that the materialistic view is a lie.

>> No.12573942

So what, does the brain just sit there and go 'huh, I'm rupturing and all these chemicals are spilling out of me and causing different reactions, time to not have any of that impact me'?

>Nope, I have faith that those who had those are honest folks.

So your whole belief system and ignorance of objective truth is based on hoping people aren't lying?

>> No.12573971

Honest about what? They can't know anything. And why would a belief be spoken. when they can't even know if they have it. They just believe they believe. Another test from god for sure. Better watch out for people that talk to you, no doubt demons in their eyes. Can't even tell what words mean, good to protect your innocent butthole for god alone.

>> No.12574015

Try not to look just at the literal sense of 1+1=2 and think that this is always true.
Obviously in some cases, we have the following:
0 + 0 = 0
0 + 1 = 1
1 + 0 = 1
1 + 1 = 0
Hence 1+1=2 is not an absolute truth. Your bias is showing. Spend less time with non binary numbers pal.

>> No.12574025

>Just like a person can choose whether to believe in any scientist theory and their proof or not.
That does not depend on faith but on logic, study and falsfiability. Scientific theory poses no reveleation but is an addition to the discourse. Geological, astronomical, biological and archaeological findings have shown that the world is older than 6000 years and they could predict with models how events will happen. Gravitational waves for example. Religion lacks the ability to explain as it is not based on logic.

>> No.12574029

Yeah, you have to use your instincts to decide who is trustworthy or not. You can't just blindly follow authority.

Why would they be any honest than paid scientists who would lose their jobs if they dared to say anything other that goes against the mainstream's viewpoint?

>> No.12574033

religious people really can't differentiate between understanding something is true and believing something is true. it's not the same.

>> No.12574049

>Why should I believe the writing of someone just because he has a diploma? Why should I believe that everything he writes is true?
that's the point, retard, use your brain. that's the point of a proof, read it

>> No.12574057

There are four lights!

>> No.12574059
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>Nope, I have faith that those who had those are honest folks
>out of body experiences proves that the materialistic view is a lie

>> No.12574061

Geological, astronomical, biological and archeological all tell what they believe is true.

They all emit theories that are necessarily false or incomplete, since there are neverending things to discover.

Can you prove we will, one day, stop discovering things that will shake our past beliefs? Do you believe science will become fully static and no longer subject to changes and modifications? If science manages to reach such a state, I yield.

>> No.12574072

>1 + 1 = 0

>> No.12574073

How big is your cock, god?

>> No.12574088

They are the same. One has more belief (understanding something is true) than the other.
Yeah great, proofs can be made up and fabricated. I still need to use faith and belief to decide if it is true or not.

>> No.12574098

>They are the same
nope, intuition =/= belief, likelihood =/= belief. it's likely the christian God isn't real based on empirical observation and intuition.

>> No.12574115

>all tell what they believe is true.
If that would be the case, hello hollow earth!
Science is a discourse, and they porpose hypothesis, models, theories based on observations, formula unlike religion that seek to force reality to fit their models.

>> No.12574118

It's likely the christian God is real considering all those who follow him without hypocrisy become happier.
Goodness and happiness = truth
Struggle and sadness = lie

>> No.12574123

False, the reality of scientists with forced vaccinations, Global Warming, increase in meds and drugs prescriptions, the latest COVID craze, mandatory anti religious schooling is being shoved down our throats.

>> No.12574126

based Avicenna and Tufayl

>> No.12574128
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>> No.12574133

Yeah, remember to ask God what he thought about that comic strip once you meet him.

>> No.12574136

>It's likely the muslim God is real considering all those who follow him without hypocrisy become happier.
>Goodness and happiness = truth
>Struggle and sadness = lie

>It's likely the buddha is real considering all those who follow him without hypocrisy become happier.
>Goodness and happiness = truth
>Struggle and sadness = lie

>It's likely that Zeus is real considering all those who follow him without hypocrisy become happier.
>Goodness and happiness = truth
>Struggle and sadness = lie

>> No.12574142

He fears me as I drive iron chariots.

>> No.12574150

Taking someone's words literally, without trying to understand what the thoughts of the other that are being conveyed are is a failure.

Using such tactics and by taking out of context the words of someone, you can create falsehood. That is what the media does all the time.

My point stands. God is God, no matter how you call him.

>> No.12574153
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>> No.12574157

What I say is true and you know it.
The greatest moments of your life were when you were happiest.

>> No.12574165

What I say remains true, no matter what you say.

>> No.12574189

If someone created God, then he wouldn't be God at all since someone is higher than him, by definition he just existed and is eternal. Stop being dumb.

>> No.12574196

Only the ignorant put a limit on knowledge. Technology is of man and man is holy. All that we create brings us closer to Point Omega. Knowledge stretches us beyond the Demiurge’s prison of air and stone.
The universe is fated to ascend towards a final point of divine unification.
God put us on Earth in His own all-powerful image. This means that not only should we transform Earth as we see fit, but that we should do our best to emulate God as well. This was shown to us by the existence of Jesus who was both Man and God. He manipulated his environment to serve humanity (water into wine, loaves and fishes, healing the sick). Eventually, he left humanity behind and ascended beyond physical existence. We should do our best to live up to his example. God gave us intelligent minds for a reason, and that was so we could create technology which we shall use to become as Him. He waits for us to join Him in an existence beyond this one. To do this, we will need to shed our basic forms while maintaining our elemental soul. That is, we must maintain our intelligence and our love for God and each other. This is the only way we can prove our faith.
The real transhumanism is taking on the full image of the resurrected Jesus Christ. One of the biggest lies that people believe is that heaven is for when you die. It couldn’t be further from the truth. The kingdom of heaven is ‘at hand’ - meaning it is a realm that you can access while living. When you access that realm, you can manifest it here in the earth realm. That is what Jesus did his whole life. He lived out of the kingdom and only did what he saw the father do. If Jesus is the perfect example for mankind and he transcended his physical body, then so should you and I. We should be able to do everything that Jesus did. Everything. And greater. True transhumanism is transcending the limitations of sin nature by taking on the full image of Jesus Christ, becoming a god-like one.

>> No.12574198

All monotheistic religion refer to the same God, all polytheistic religion is false. QED.

>> No.12574199

Muslims would murder you for this claim. Muhammed is prophet.

>> No.12574203

If God is all-powerfull could he create an unmoveable object? And then move it?

>> No.12574219
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>> No.12574234

Low quality brainlet bait


The answer is both yes and no, ad infinitum. God is infinity, he bypasses your stupid paradox.

>> No.12574237

>I still need to use faith and belief to decide if it is true or not.
>Faith and your choices in what to believe still stand above all.

>I believe what I want to believe.
Grow up.

>> No.12574256

Yeah, children have a better grasp and understanding of the world than most adults.

They ask questions and do as they wish without letting others dictate how to think.

Growing up sure made you forget your childlike
free spirit. Time to get it back!

>> No.12574284

He bypasses and fails the paradox by being either a illogical entity or bound by logic that you say is just belief.

>> No.12574310

Free of spirit you are. A free spirit you don`t have, you have your fanatic beliefs and proof is just belief and only attempts of insidious elites to tempt you from the way. Do you question your own beliefs? You only accept studies of your own likely. See how often you quote that one self-chosen NDE study but ignore the other study replied to you. Why is Jesus Lord, why not Muhammed, why not Zarathusthra. A open-minded child would not be satisfied with faith as an coarse answer as it is no answer at all just professed ignorance and at worst violent.

>> No.12574315

Thanks for the larp, christcuck, but I have to go.

>> No.12574353

Yeah when something is true, you do not waste time questioning those.
I'm not the one with doubts. I know I'm right. I have gathered enough information.
You, however, doubt yourself.
You know deep down I am right, so you double down insulting me and calling me a fanatic.
Soon enough, atheism will stop being a trend.
Scientists will recognize that denying the existence of God was all a lie Then you can start loving God.
Yeah belittling your adversary is the method of a liar or a coward.
Christ went to the cross for his belief. He is anything but a "cuck".
The average scientist is so incredibly cowardly, he would beg for mercy as soon as his life is threatened.

>> No.12574379

>. I have gathered enough information.
From where and how? From the bible, from your priest? Then you have no greater insight than a muslim, jew or buddhist that heard their priests and read their scriptures.
>You, however, doubt yourself.
Of course, by doubting one`s perception one can gain new knowledge and grow as person.
>You know deep down I am right,
And you call me the fanatic? You fantasize a make-up world in which all must bend before your righteousness. This is not just pathetic but dangerously deluded.

>> No.12574407

Feel free not to reply, but I never insulted you, and treated you with respect, if not love.
I am not dangerous to you, but to your beliefs.
Everything you believe in, the reality that atheists and scientists have indoctrinated you in is being shattered little by little.
Everything in the Bible is necessarily True, since the spiritual does not lie.
Everything that science does is always False, as reality is above science.

>> No.12574446

>but I never insulted you,
>You know deep down I am right,
This is arrogance of the worst kind and one can see that in this thread repeatedly and everyone that questions your position you powerlessly threaten with God`s punishment. But this god only exists in your heart as a power fantasy.
>Everything in the Bible is necessarily True, since the spiritual does not lie.
What about he quran, the book of mormon, the torah and all those other holy texts? Or will you ignore this question again? Can you proof the spiritual or again declare proof to have only viable if you use it?
>Everything that science does is always False, as reality is above science.
If this would be the case, then the Internet couldn`t work, for this is another benefit of the scientific method. The practical application of it.

>> No.12574486

This is not arrogance, I say what I think. If you have doubts, it's a good thing since that means you are aware of the truth, that what you believe in may be wrong. Hence your doubts.

Punishment is something that comes to correct someone who has gone down the wrong path, nothing more. God does not punish out of cruelty nor sadism, but by showing us that we are going down the wrong path.

The spiritual is very true, as all those former hardened atheists who came back from death can say. They all became deeply religious after meeting God.

False, Internet does not come from science.
Instead, Internet comes from men and their thoughts, who have used numbers and formulas to construct Internet.
Science is nothing but a tool. It is nothing but a language. Inventors are those who should be looked up to, not "science".

>> No.12574525

I have no doubt that the christian god does not exist nor any othe mythological being. But I do entertain the notion of pantheistic possibilies as they are good exercises on how the universe might be.
> as all those former hardened atheists who came back from death can say. They all became deeply religious after meeting God.
Wrong. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18344255/
>Internet comes from men and their thoughts, who have used numbers and formulas to understand and apply natural processes
That is what is understood as applied science.

>> No.12574551

>From where and how? From the bible, from your priest? Then you have no greater insight than a muslim, jew or buddhist that heard their priests and read their scriptures.
Good question. How can make difference?

>> No.12574563

For a man who does not doubt, you sure show a great deal of defensiveness.

Yeah your study proves my point. There are out of body experiences and something after dead, hence there is a spiritual realm.

Applied science means nothing, there is no consensus, the thoughts behind formulas are what matters, not maths nor "science" itself.

>> No.12574568 [DELETED] 

For a man who does not doubt, you sure show a great deal of defensiveness.

Yeah your study proves my point. There are out of body experiences and something after dead, hence there is a spiritual realm. The chemical in your brain is an excuse, a very weak one. Stop clinging on such a lie.

Applied science means nothing, there is no consensus, the thoughts behind formulas are what matters, not maths nor "science" itself.

>> No.12574597

Depends on your definition on doubt. As said before, what is the difference between the quran, the book of mormon, the torah and all those other holy texts? Will you finally answer this question or continue to ignore. If you do not I see no value to continue this discussion.
>Yeah your study proves my point. There are out of body experiences and something after dead, hence there is a spiritual realm.
Not necessarily a christian one though. But one dependent on cultural biases. And since when do studies hold any value to you? As you said before: >You choose what to believe.
>any revelation depends on the spirituality and good will of the reader. The choice is given whether to believe or not.
>Just like a person can choose whether to believe in any scientist theory and their proof or not.
Does studies only apply if you can see benefit to yourself in it?

What do you think these thoughts behind formula are? Scientific concepts. The internet was created by scientists that used it to communicate.

>> No.12574647

Sorry I ignored your question. The holy books are all very different kinds of treasures. Seeing no difference between such different books imply irrational ill will towards anything religious.

Science alone is worthless. Faith and cult of science is what even gives such a word meaning.
I respect those who did groundbreaking findings, their theorem and theories. I do not respect science and a mass of scientists who all think the same way; as superior by plundering the hard work of workers, entrepreneurs, and saying we owe all to science.
Why should scientists, men in lab coat who design their own realitoes be elevated above the rest? Mankind does not need scientists, who are losing reputation with their COVID hoax among other lies. Mankind needs farmers , workers, risk takers and religion.

>> No.12574699

>The holy books are all very different kinds of treasures. Seeing no difference between such different books imply irrational ill will towards anything religious.
Is Muhammed the prophet? And why should Jesus be it if the Sutra poses the Buddha to be the salvation? And do not ignore this question.
>a mass of scientists who all think the same way; as superior by plundering the hard work of workers, entrepreneurs, and saying we owe all to science.
You say that, but what proof do you have? Most scientists are poor and spent their days grasping for the next grant while CEO`s enjoy riches. The scientific method is the reason why we even can converse, why electricity powers your computer that follows scientific application and it does not require heroes. What should we do withthese masses of scientists?
>Why should scientists, men in lab coat who design their own realitoes
Ironic that a relgious person is saying that? Can you proof any of your claims? Can you apply them?
>COVID hoax
Of course. 2 million deads worldwide are just a hoax, 300.000 americans did not die because of covid.

>> No.12574771

Everything that comes from the mouth of prophets and wise people are true. Jesus being one of the voices of truth does not mean the rest are not.

Well, scientists and educated people make far more money than workers and farmers, despite being far less useful and productive.
Sadly theu are being either too brainwashed or too corrupt to escape their fate, easily bought and sold by politicians, bankers and companies to validate lies and make money.

I consider scientists to unfortunately be unwitting pawns of wicked people like the worst kind of bankers, CEO's and politicians.

Such people are mass produced indeed. They are atheists, liberal, believe in things like Global Warming, vaccines, the Holocaust, incurable myopia, progressism, equality, LGBT, etc...

The scientific method is just the expression of men of intelligence. I owe gratitude to those who designed it, not to the method. To such scientists, not to science. I like scientists, but they are not as useful as farmers or workers.
I can live without my computer and technology after a period of adaptation, I cannot live without food.

COVID is a hoax. You will find out sooner or later it killed as much as the flu and that the numbers were artificially inflated to spread fear and panic so people can be controlled and money made.

>> No.12574791

>, the Holocaust,

>> No.12574949

How the fuck did this tranny bait immediately turn into discussion about religion

>> No.12574954

More of a chance of Him existing than of you ever being a woman.

>> No.12574959

pray that reincarnation is real and that you can live as a cute loli in the next life if you do good in this?

>> No.12574963

Read Spinoza, the moral god doesn't exist but the creator god might as well exist

>> No.12574976

Both refuse scientific knowledge.

>> No.12574993

If God doesn't need a precedent, neither does the universe?

>> No.12575156
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here take this, the mental anguish of your psychosis will vanish and you can be normal again

>> No.12575644

The rope

>> No.12575649

Is the universe an infinitely powerful entity, is it even alive? That's the difference dumbass

>> No.12575658

Read Godel's Incompleteness theorems, thank me later, your puny logic and math is no match in the face of godhood.

>> No.12575661
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>> No.12575777
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Stop being a follower. Become a free man.

>> No.12575815
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You are on the side of tyranny, sending people to prison just because they do not believe in the Holohoax.
Ask yourself why this "evil" nazi grandma, mrs Haverbeck, why she was sent to jail at a very old age just because of Holocaust revisionnism.
Only cowards try to shut up others using intimidation, fake "proofs" and diplomas.
I dunno, but maybe nazis were the good guys, considering how much you enjoy stripping our liberties and telling us how to think and what to think.

>> No.12575892

>Everything needs a cause.
And why would your god not need a cause?

>> No.12575902

To be clear, even goatraping Taliban are better than the average vapid Westerner, doubly so for the intentional depraved Westerners.

>> No.12575909

God caused himself, brainlet

>> No.12575918

>Free of spirit you are. A free spirit you don`t have, you have your fanatic beliefs and proof is just belief and only attempts of insidious elites to tempt you from the way.
Based on the conversation so far you probably adhere to the modern definition where "freedom" exclusively refers to the ability to have lots of weird sex. And like most moderns, you are probably burdened by food or drink or drugs or porn. What do you know about freedom? You are a constant slave to your impulses.
Also something common you've touched upon, other people thinking differently isn't a fucking counterargument at all, what the hell? This is true even when we talk about plain belief! Clearly some beliefs can be more correct than others, a perspective which applies to politics most obviously. And furthermore, the most successful religions all share certain traits - so even as a blind human grasping at some aspect of our subconscious, they are still undeniably useful.
(not the anon you were talking to before btw)

>> No.12575934


>> No.12575968

1+1 = 0 in A = {0, 1} with only the additive law.

in other words, for any element a, b contained within A, a + b = (a + b) modulo 2

1 + 1 = 2 is hence not an objective truth since it can be false and requires subjective adjustments to be true.

(If any mathematician reads this, he is free to kill me and correct my poor wording)

>> No.12576098

>for any element a, b contained within A, a + b = (a + b) modulo 2
this is not a logical definition

>> No.12576101

Yeah it is. I define a law.

>> No.12576113

>1+1 = 0 IN A = {0, 1}

>> No.12576229
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>but maybe nazis were the good guys

>> No.12576237
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>> No.12576241
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>> No.12576242
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>> No.12576250
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>> No.12576258

Have fun in afghanistan then.

>> No.12576266

Yeah, that's no excuse to jail Holohoax non believers. Not so secure about your beliefs eh?

>> No.12576272

Great, show me the budget, the plan, a photo of a gaz chamber.
Such a weapon capable of murdering six millions people ought to be studied by scientists.

>> No.12576290
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>> No.12576296

Holocaust deniers parade the picture of this door (one of two wooden doors in Krema I's gas chamber today) around as penultimate proof to convince people that nobody was gassed, in Krema I at least. Unlike the average person they are trying to convince, the (at least more intelligent) deniers themselves know full well that gassing at Krema I had stopped by 1943, and the building was converted into an air-raid shelter by 1944.
This wooden door leads from a storage room for spare gratings into an area called the "wash room" - clearly marked as such on the sign outside (http://i.imgur.com/duS3xZA.jpg)) as a. and b., respectively, put in front of Krema I for all to read. The wall section separating the wash room from the actual former gas chamber no longer exists. So the door pictured never led into the gas chamber, and is therefore not the original gas chamber door.

>> No.12576297

That's just a crematorium, not a gaz chamber.
They are used to cremate bodies.
Cremating bodies was good during the Second World War since there was typhus and burning bodies minimized the spread.

>> No.12576310

As if all this wasn't enough, Holocaust deniers still cling on to their belief that nobody was gassed in any gas chamber anywhere in the Nazi camps. So the argument they make to support their claim that nobody was gassed is, that in the camps that used Zyklon-B (HCN) to gas humans (Auschwitz-Birkenau, Majdanek, Mauthausen, Stutthof), a blue pigment has formed in the concrete walls of rooms that both deniers and historians agree were used for delousing. However, no such visible pigment is found on the walls of the actual homicidal gas chambers (e.g. Mauthausen, or Krema I in Auschwitz Stammlager, or the semi-collapsed interior of Krema II's gas chamber in Birkenau), something also proven in the findings of the Leuchter report, the Rudolf report (both are deniers who took samples illegally by chiseling directly into the concrete) and the report done by the reputable Krakow Institute for Forensics (KIFR), although trace amounts have been found in the walls of the homicidal gas chambers in all three reports - just "not enough" (according to denier standards) compared to the delousing chambers. The deniers' arguments are addressed and refuted in the picture above. Which leaves us with the question as to why iron-cyanide compounds were even found in these homicidal gas chambers if no homicidal gassing had occurred there at all, and these rooms were "just" morgues according to the deniers? The deniers have carefully constructed an alternate explanation, but one that is never consistent: according to some deniers, the morgues were really just morgues and the trace amounts come from the fumigated clothing of the corpses stored therein. Except in Birkenau, corpses were stored naked, and cremated naked.

>> No.12576313

Other deniers instead claim the morgues, just like many other buildings in the camp complex, were routinely fumigated to prevent typhus from spreading. Really? You "routinely" fumigate morgues? Name me one morgue operator who agrees - especially considering Zyklon-B is an insecticide and NOT a bactericide, therefore it makes no sense to fumigate a morgue routinely used to store corpses (as deniers claim). Yet other deniers make the claim that these rooms marked as morgues on blueprints were *also* used for delousing clothing, but only occasionally and therefore the minuscule amount of residue. This lack of consistency among revisionists is a clear example of them grasping at straws. If you cannot even form a proper consensus amongst yourselves, how on earth will you achieve the feat of rewriting history?

>> No.12576315

So what is the real explanation, then? Why haven't "enough amounts" of Prussian Blue staining, so as to become visible, formed on the walls of the homicidal gas chambers? The answer is a combination of several factors, but let's first look at the following: Hydrocyanic acid is a very weak acid, and accordingly its salts dissolve easily in stronger acids. Even carbonic acid, which is formed as a reaction of carbon dioxide (higher levels of which will be in a room that was filled with people) with water (which I will get to in a second), will dissolve ferro-cyanide. Carbonic acid is CO2 + H2O = H2CO3. In Dr. Richard Greens essay "Leuchter, Rudolf, and the iron blues" he points out these rooms were washed. Which is also logical, because after a homicidal gassing and the clearing of corpses, the room will neither look nor smell fine enough to continue to pass for a harmless shower room, which is the deception required to get the next batch of victims into it. Evidence of hosing down gas chambers during cleanup from witnesses:

“The water tap was in the corridor and a rubber hose was run from it to wash the floor of the gas chamber...” (Henryk Tauber, p.484 Pressac, Auschwitz: Technique and Operation of the Gas Chambers)

>> No.12576318

“The Sonderkommando squad, outfitted with large rubber boots, lined up around the hill of bodies and flooded it with powerful jets of water. This was necessary because the final act of those who die by drowning or by gas is an involuntary defecation....” (Miklos Nyszili, p-52, "Auschwitz")

"Once the gas chamber had been cleared, it must be hosed free of all traces of blood and excrement-but mainly blood-and then it must be whitewashed with a quickdrying paint. This step is crucial and it is done each time the gas chamber is emptied, for the dying have scratched and gouged the walls in their death throes. The walls are embedded with blood and bits of flesh, and none of the next transport must suspect that he is walking into anything other than a shower. This takes two or three hours.”
(p.46, Holocaust Odyssey of Daniel Bennahmias, Sonderkommando)

So what have we established so far? We have established that the walls of the homicidal gas chambers were subjected to a different treatment (regularly washing down with water to get rid of stains, even repainting) compared to the walls of the delousing chambers where none of this was necessary.

>> No.12576321

Next, we need to look at the time factor within which a high concentration of HCN was present: A typical delousing cycle lasted for many HOURS while a typical homicidal gassing took approx. 20 minutes (followed by ventilation and several hours of clearing bodies during which HCN levels would have dropped considerably). So we're left with the fact that walls being exposed at best 20 minutes at a time to high concentrations of HCN before ventilation and subsequently washed, compared to walls being exposed to HCN for many hours (delousing) would obviously, over time, react differently. THIS is why you'll find visible cyanide residue on delousing chamber walls and none visible (yet trace amounts still existing as per samples taken) on the walls of the homicidal gas chambers. There is no equation known to chemists with which anyone can independently calculate that "X amount of cyanide residue should permanently form for Y hours of exposure to HCN gas".
Therefore, holocaust deniers using the amount of cyanide residue present on brick walls as proof of how much HCN was ever present in this chamber, is not science at all.

>> No.12576324

Deniers have one more argument left: "Well, what about the small homicidal gas chambers at Stutthof or Majdanek? They display visible PB staining. If relatively few people were gassed here in comparison to Birkenau, why has so much PB formed? HUH?????" The answer, again, is simple: historiography points out to these chambers being dual-purpose ones: Homicidal gassings happened here, AS WELL AS delousing. This is the position holocaust historians hold. But holocaust historians do not ever claim the homicidal gas chambers at Birkenau or Mauthausen were also used for delousing. We move on with what Dr. Green has to say:

"Rudolf was unable to create Prussian blue with brick and cyanide in his own experiments. The presence of Prussian blue in at least some of the delousing chambers is interesting, but the current arguments presented by Rudolf continue to assume that HCN concentration is the sole variable that caused this, which is clearly not any kind of consensus among chemists worldwide. It needs to be established beyond doubt that Prussian blue would ALWAYS form beyond a certain concentration under specified conditions.

Concluding that the lack of Prussian blue in the homicide chambers means that cyanide gas was not used in them at lethal concentrations requires concrete proof that Prussian blue would have 100% had to have formed under operating conditions, including not just concentration, but also duration, temperature, humidity and pH. I do not see that enough has been done to establish this. In this matter, the burden of proof is on the "activist" to demonstrate this precondition." - Dr. Richard Green, in his essay

It is also not the cyanide which alone causes the pigmentation - it is the reaction with wall compounds which must be present in certain conditions. For instance, Rudolf did not find visible PB in the delousing chambers of Dachau.

So once again, to summarize, Germar Rudolf and revisionist "scientists" need to prove to the world that:

>> No.12576328

1) It is Hydrogen Cyanide gas ALONE that forms Prussian Blue residue on concrete walls in the first place
2) Even low concentrations of HCN, e.g. 300ppm will, over 2 years, lead to its formation
3) Even low exposure times (< 1 hour) will, over 2 years, lead to its formation
4) Even at temperatures and humidities present in the homicidal gas chambers, PB will form over 2 years
5) Cleaning the walls will not prevent PB from forming. Or if it prevents the PB from forming, that cleaning the walls after the bodies had been cleared would be too late to prevent the PB from forming.
6) Relating to point 5), that enough HCN was still present in the room after the ventilation system had begun doing its job to still contribute to the PB formation process as the bodies were being cleared.
7) Their research meets the standards of the scientific method, i.e. is nicely protocoled, reproducible, and peer reviewed (I am sure they can think of ways to camouflage the intent of their paper so that third party chemists from e.g. developing nations can independently review their paper and judge the accuracy of the methods and conclusions without being informed of any underlying motives)

Until they can present these results - and being barred from Auschwitz is not an excuse because they can recreate these conditions in any lab or even a shed - their findings so far, are meaningless to science.

>> No.12576329
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Believe propaganda lies if you want.

>> No.12576332
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>> No.12576333

The burden of proof is unto you, when you accuse someone of doing something.
Your walls of texts are nothing more than walls of lies.
Israel has stolen millions from Germany, and they will pay.

>> No.12576338

Show me or draw me a picture of a Nazi gaz chamber.

>> No.12576341

Again, look here: >>12576237

>> No.12576352
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Ironically, I wonder how furious the Nazis would be, were they to realize their future admirers would one day be trivializing the most long-lasting achievement they managed to accomplish in their reign of terror that lasted 12 years and plunged the world into a war that cost some 60 million lives: the (largely successful) eradication of European Jewry and "other undesirables", culminating in the gruesome death of some 6 million Jews, millions of other defenseless civilians and the reduction of 2/3rds of the European Jewish population.

>> No.12576353
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>> No.12576359
File: 329 KB, 960x1238, 111111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder that both doors of the homicidal gas chamber at Mauthausen open OUTWARD, both have PEEPHOLES, and locking handles on the OUTSIDE. Let that sink in.

David Cole once pointed out the outer handles can be turned today by grabbing the knob inside and turning it with your palm. He truly was the most talented revisionist kid in the 90s. Looking up the word 'rust' in an encyclopedia and how it messes up a door's locking mechanism after half a century might have been helpful.

Given that esteemed revisionist scholars keep insisting the Mauthausen gas chamber was but a mere shower room, I kindly ask them why this supposed shower room was equipped with two reinforced gas tight doors, and why both these doors had peep holes unless of course the Nazis were some kind of perverts.

Well they were, but of the sadistic, murderous sort.

>> No.12576365
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>t. lazy Neo-Nazi

>> No.12576367
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>> No.12576370

They are cremating a corpse, not gassing someone.
The gazing of clothes was a good way to prevent the spread of Typhus.
Your picture does not prove anything, you only tell me to use my imagination and to imagine someone being gassed. That is not proof.

>> No.12576373

Those chambers lack the equipment to gaz anything.
You cannot gaz a single person using those.

>> No.12576376

Sure I could take a picture of my shower and call it a gaz chamber, that proves nothing.

>> No.12576380

Such a device capable of gazing 6 millions people ought to be more than just an open door. You have no evidence.