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File: 495 KB, 1813x1240, 0599F852-DEC5-4229-84D9-CCFC6528D817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12543926 No.12543926 [Reply] [Original]

Scientifically speaking: why do some presuppose the axiom of a negation of human biodiversity?

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, remember?

>> No.12543935

Pic related is bullshit. Most africa was iron to middle ages agriculturalists and it never had that much resources to begin with. Iron might have been invented in Africa and spread northwards to replace bronze.

>> No.12544002

I'm as racist as the next guy but we were all about as primitively barbaric as each other until 100 years ago when we became the first world by inventing electricity and medicine. We didn't have sails either for 99% as long as they didn't.

>> No.12544078

Lies..... list all great African mathematicians....and don't try and pass off middle eastern ones as African

>> No.12544110
File: 238 KB, 720x452, absence_of_evidence.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absence of evidence is evidence of absence. Pic related.

Regardless though, evolution affects humans too.

>> No.12544175

>we were all about as primitively barbaric as each other until 100 years ago
no, wrong
significant difference, the state of development is well known due to colonization

>> No.12544191

shitty proof with circular reasoning. Kim should be really embarrassed

>> No.12544205

they are brainwashed

>> No.12544295

AFAIK it's valid, it's just not useful.

>> No.12544327

Except most of this is false. You'd have to ignore most of the history of northern Africa to claim that there were never any great civilizations, but even if subsaharian Africa is what's meant, you would still be ignoring many civilizations like Axum or Ghana. It cant also refer to South Africa either, when we have evidence of many polities such as Great Zimbabwe, with technology way past the Iron Age by the 16th century, when European colonialism arrived. No, what this claims is that there were no civilizations in the Equatorial parts of Africa, a much smaller part of the continent. The reason is simple: before modern medicine, sustaining population growth in the illness-infested equatorial jungle was basically impossible, which relegated most human settlement, even hardy locals, to tribes and small cities. With the continent divided in many difficult terrains, trade between the regions was minimal, and except for northern Africa they didn't have the benefit of inner-sea trade routes like the civilized parts of Europe and Asia did.
They did trade with gold and diamonds though. Like, the best well known story about an african king is about his extreme wealth in gold. In the very paragraph mentioning that "he never dreamed a harness or plough" you can see the damn cows behind the text. The "land of stone and timber", he says, while he shows clay shrubland. Did you know that there were still tribal societies in Europe while colonialism spread its wings? (And to a point, you could say they werent removed until the industrial revolution) Can you guess where, and why they didnt develop beyond? Its almost like societies are conditioned by the material realities of their enviroment, not the shape of their skull. Fuck off