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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12501303 No.12501303 [Reply] [Original]

What's the proof that atoms even exist?

>> No.12501313

Scientists say so. If you believe them of course.

>> No.12501330

They don't, atoms are just the evolution of quantum mechanical mathematics!

>> No.12501333

So an argument from authority?

>> No.12501336

I think Leibniz proved it using analytic reasoning

>> No.12501339

and the bonds between atoms are just the coupling of x quantum mechanical systems

>> No.12501341
File: 38 KB, 296x185, IBM_in_atoms[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12501345

X-ray detraction, atomic force microscopy, law of multiple proportions, tunneling electron microscopy

>> No.12501351
File: 37 KB, 381x303, atoms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12501356


>> No.12501359

but has op studied the mathematical way of describing this x-ray diffraction? In my EE course I'm currently taking we are using differential equations to model these phenomena. Computers can run all these calculations quickly using software like lammps that is difficult to compile but rewarding when you learn to code in it.

>> No.12501375
File: 28 KB, 400x400, scan1-36_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can't trust /sci/, better to make your own home-built stm and verify them yourself, just to be sure

>> No.12501378
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>> No.12501379

Are there any other arguments?

>> No.12501395

mathematical description of atoms?

>> No.12501402

Could you splice an atom off with surgical tools meant for atoms? Like skinning a chicken or cutting off cosmetic angles on a nose like plastic surgery?

>> No.12501409

no, but you can collide atoms together at speeds near the speed of light which will release particles that have very short half-lives

>> No.12501413

new particles, with new characteristics in weight, mass, spin, and charge but energy is and always will be conserved

>> No.12501422

but what I'm trying to tell u is it's more intelligent to think of atoms as just wavefunctions with evolutional properties.

>> No.12501423

retard, electronic microscopes dont even go on the atomic level

>> No.12501431

if u collide them together doesnt that mean u successfully broke them down into smaller pieces? could those released particles be collided again into smaller pieces?

>> No.12501437

theoretically yes, but the amount of energy needed to do that would almost be equivalent to the energy that was released during the big bang

>> No.12501442

and the likelihood that 2 particles of that size collide together is 1 in 1 sextillion

>> No.12501446

how do you take an individual atom? more precisely, what was the process of taking one individual atom out of some material and placing it in the LHC and colliding it near the speed of light?

>> No.12501449

an electric field strips hydrogen atoms (consisting of one proton and one electron) of their electrons. Electric fields along the accelerator switch from positive to negative at a given frequency, pulling charged particles forwards along the accelerator to then be collided at another part of the particle accelerator

>> No.12501451

"Atoms", IONS, are loci of turnover
which can overwhelm other ions depriving them of their turnover intake.
Anions are just prey fat with excess "electrons" PIECES OF ETHER for hungry hunter cations.
The stronger L ion gets the fatter prey.
The illusion of these particles all being the same size is due to stealing thresholds:
They can only take them once they have the power to do so along stairstep threshold intervals.
It drives them from their prey anions, and "molecules" change arrangement.
All objects eat this way and non-objects don't exist.
Balloons can't eat like the big dogs, so they get pushed away from their potential meal(s).

>> No.12501457

and another thing you should keep in mind when studying the collision of protons in a particle accelerator is that it is known that protons are made up of more fundamental parts called quarks and depending on the orientation of these 2 up quarks and 1 down quark. The behavior of how quarks evolve in time is still not understood but this is all modeled using the evolution of a perfectly tuned quantum mechanical model on a super computer. What I mean by tuned is adjusted until the probabilities that the particles release the waveform that is seen in reality. Which is how we knew the Higgs boson was real before we even observed it!

>> No.12501491

Nuclear bombs (both fission and fusion) and nuclear reactors wouldn't work if atoms weren't real.
Your smartphone, and anything else with semiconductors in it wouldn't exist, including the computer you're shitposting on right now, and the entire Internet.
Hell, even vacuum tube technology wouldn't work if there was no such thing as atoms, because if there are no atoms then there are no electrons, protons, or neutrons. *Electricity* wouldn't exist, *lightning*, which is a purely natural phenomenon, wouldn't exist. *Your BRAIN* wouldn't exist.

>> No.12501512

have you ever seen a nuclear bomb?

>> No.12501514

have you ever seen a nuclear fission?

>> No.12501525

have u ever heard of radiation left over from decades ago because of the physics of nuclear bombs?

>> No.12501528

>if there are no atoms then there are no electrons, protons, or neutrons. *Electricity* wouldn't exist
the electronic wavefunctions are spread out in a metal. you imagine the current is carried by a classical gas of electrons and that's just not so, foolish child

>> No.12501532

Investigations on the Theory of the Brownian Movement
A. Einstein, Annalen der Physik, 17, 1905, p549
On the Theory of the Brownian Movement
A. Einstein, Annalen der Physik, (4),19,1906, pp378-381

>> No.12501535

>*Your BRAIN* wouldn't exist.
explained perfectly well by diffusing charge and change in chemical concentrations to fire and recharge the axon, no atoms required, molecules maybe

>> No.12501562
File: 7 KB, 200x200, not even bait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he tries to make us believe that chemistry can exist without an understanding of physics, which can't explain chemical reactions unless they can quantify the properties matter at the ATOMIC LEVEL
See pic related for what I think of your weak effort in this thread

>> No.12501584

Nice citation.

>> No.12501630

>with my single bait image I ignore thine thruths
the whole thread is laughing at you, anon

>> No.12501660

hiya tooker, what happened to 2occatl.net? Can you rehost it or provide an offline copy? I'd like to archive

>> No.12501667

brownian motion for one

>> No.12501705

Lol what? You don't need to be able to solve the mathematics to appreciate that that x rays after tiny and so to diffract then you need soothing equally tiny

>> No.12501737
File: 425 KB, 2816x1704, TIMESAND___2occatlnet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12501751

correct, those are obviously hamsters
ty anon for blessing us with your wisdom

>> No.12501900

okay but zoom in further retard and you will see they aren't real.

>> No.12501927


Unless you think that shit is doctored then I don't think anything will convince you.

>> No.12501959

Lmao, you can clearly see the atoms (that look like little balls, lol) but the background is completely flat and featureless. Obviously fake.

>> No.12501971

this is far inferior to the site, is it a money thing? do you have an offline copy anywhere?

>> No.12501975

>t. Faggot, esq.

>> No.12502393

Most atoms are too small to see with light (photons) so you have to feel them instead like a blind person. The background is featureless because they filtered it out or didn't touch with their atomic cane.

>> No.12502424

It follows from the Axiom of Foundation that atoms don't exist.

>> No.12502449

None. Atoms are a model that fits our experiments. Whether they are real or not is strictly philosophical. Basically there is no other model for matter that fits the experiments as good as atoms do. Best current fit, that is all.

>> No.12503681

the nuclear bomb

>> No.12503698

>no atoms required, molecules maybe

>> No.12503709

maybe do the slightest amount of research

>> No.12504915

I've only used Vim, but I know that Atom is available for download at:

>> No.12504960

>"""believes""" in molecules
>doesn't """believe""" molecules are made of up ATOMS
/b/rainlets /b/elong in >>>/b/