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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12484639 No.12484639 [Reply] [Original]

Are any of you even over 22 years old?

>> No.12484680

>90% college kids
Generous, the popsci threads suggest otherwise
>Are any of you even over 22 years old?
Me but I rarely post because there's usually nowhere to post in

>> No.12484704

I'm 25 and I just started my masters. Never had a job, probably never will.

>> No.12484710

I'm 26 but fucking stupid
I just come here to collect useless trivia that will make me look smart

>> No.12484729


>> No.12484743

I'm a grad student

>> No.12484758

I am exactly 22

>> No.12484762

I've noticed a strong clamped bootlicker vibe from /sci/, which curiously enough, implies a younger demographic. It used to be the opposite, but through the food and water supply and vaccination, that more revolutionary spirit which used to characterize angst has been extinguished and replaced by "trust duh science authoritee i politikally alline wit or b destroy 111m!!!!!" They've become like proxy soldiers.

>> No.12484784 [DELETED] 

I come here to see how many jobless college kids think they are smarter than me. They are very arrogant and will often pretend they are smarter.

>> No.12484792

Your question is getting at something. Even if a chuck of the board is older than that, it barely ever feels that way because there is very little intelligent effortposting compared to all of the one liners, little thought through answers and unoriginal memes

>> No.12484812

This board was always a shitty homework help board and never had much of a culture so the people who make good effortposts or like anonymous discussion tend to use other boards. Which is a shame I suppose, I wish we had 90s cyberpunk style discussions here about AI and the latest physics studies but it's mostly shitposting and homework help. You get better discussions on modern science in /g/ of all places.

t.oldfag tired of nunet

>> No.12484841

good effort board aside from /g/? maybe even from 4chan alternatives?

>> No.12484846

i’m 26. I need to stop lurking but
>you’re here forever

>> No.12484852

You can have some good discussions on /int/ sometimes, /his/ and /lit/. /lit/ despite all the hipsters posting absolute garbage can facilitate the best discussions on the net because there is a book about everything and having discussion partners who actually read books at least leads to some interesting conversation.

>> No.12484855

I'm 26

>> No.12484869

25 jobless MD.

Ever since the covid shit this board has been raided by /pol/ teenagers and eternal freshmen.

>> No.12484883

37 but still retarded.

>> No.12484902

38-year-old high school drop out reporting in!

>> No.12484904

You can't be unemployed as a doctor

>> No.12484906


>> No.12484924

dude you know 4chan was founded in 2003? I'm here since 2004, I was 11 years old at the time.
sincerely, kys and go back to your mother's womb faggot nigger zoomer

>> No.12484939

>I'm here since 2004
Lel newfsg I've been here since 1998

>> No.12484952

>there are practicing 25 yo 4chan autists out there somewhere
fucking cringe

>> No.12484961

Are you implying it's because the board seems ignorant or unintelligent? That's due to the internet becoming more brown and giving access to low INT white and black Americans. The internet back in the early and mid 2000's was substantially White in the West, and Asian in the East. Anyone who was brown who could post on the internet came from lower middle class or higher, typically as a bourgeoise or well off suburban minority. It was a much happier, pleasant, and comfortable era, akin to living in an upper middle class neighborhood.

Or do you mean that you don't relate to the younger generation? Then get the fuck off this board you dumb boomer.

>> No.12484966

>muh race
The internet was high INT in the early years because only nerds were on it.

>> No.12484979

Race is just a broad laymen term for genetic groups, recognized and separated from gene clustering.
>actually stating it's because of "nerds", a genetic trend that is found in mostly Whites and Asians
You're an idiot.

>> No.12484989

28, retail worker, high school dropout and convcted child rapist.
I'm just here to burn out my dopamine receptors.

>> No.12484997

I think most of the board seems young because people who care about /sci/ are mainly gonna be naive college kids & some legitimate /sci/entists
I think as people get older & pass college they will shift their attention to stuff like /biz/ & /pol/ and complaining about women.

I feel like some posts you can just tell a kid is some 2nd year sophomore a bit drunk on the power of his 'education'

>> No.12484999
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Only reason I'm here is because I'm stuck in life and can't go back to school. Can't get the funding for it and am in default hell. I think the reddit posters are the muh climate change sort of people who raise fuss about big issues but I think the most prolific posters are people like me. Bright people that fell by the wayside and now they're too old now to catch up so they just post here all day. My original plans were medical school, in fact I was pushed to try for an MD PhD, but now, I just want to bump my earnings up a few years so I can just file for disability and collect $2800 a month the rest of my life. I gave up a long time ago.

>> No.12485000
File: 261 KB, 1106x962, yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nerdiness is a genetic trait
Of my 5 close friends who are all nerds only 1 has 1 nerdy parent.

>> No.12485010

When you realize that all humans are encompassed in a finite struct of genetic identities, you will know that what you say is borderline retarded.

>> No.12485013

did m00t already dress as a princess in 1998?

>> No.12485019

You write like a politician, you link words in a way that seems like a sentence to those not paying attention while actually saying nothing.

>> No.12485022

I'm sorry your verbal intelligence is tiny. I'm sorry your perceptual intelligence is tiny. I'm sorry your processing intelligence is tiny.

It must be hard being tiny.

>> No.12485028

Yeah, I'm 28 and was interested in science since I was a kid & got a STEM degree but when I turned 18 I was sick of being an autist so started chasing women/money/travel more and more and /sci/ fell by the wayside. I come here cuz I'm interested in these topics but I feel there's 3 types of people: smart /sci/entists, naive college kids, and people like you & me who are legitimately interested in science but diverted course after school & got caught up in other life business

>> No.12485040

Im more of a /lit/ native, but I've been studying Calc on my own a little at a time. I'm surprised how many people were reeeing about how you should just blatantly trust the government and science. Really strange. /Sci/ seems smarter than /lit/ on the surface, but after lurking here. Idk anymore.

>> No.12485041

Im 25
But im starting college in January

>> No.12485044

I have found truely intelligent people to be able to explain complex topics they understand in very basic terms. Can you do that with your ideas on genetic personalities or are you just talking about the "big 5" in a really obtuse way?

>> No.12485052

That's okay. I just don't like college kids that go from 18 straight to state university and think they're hot shit. Of course there are 18 year old savants, but they are rare.

>> No.12485060

It isn't just /sci/ or 4chan or even the internet, it's the western world at large.
I think a lot of it is thanks to patriotism being linked with supporting your government while everyone is aware the NSA is logging everything they do online.

>> No.12485066

This was the general thought that prompted me to make this thread. I recognized this behavior from back when I was in undergraduate

>> No.12485077

Man's behavior is a kaleidoscopic manifestation of three underlying features.
-Personal history and other particularities
-Current environment

That's it. Of course genetics is the baseline. If something lacks the hardware and organization to act, or be made to act from the outside, in a certain way, it just won't.

I've never really browsed /lit/, but I definitely would say /sci/ is among the more narrow band predictable boards.

Yeah, I agree. It's been built up and is spreading like a disease. The real disease of our time, the clamp, and the clamp cucks. It's an authoritarian collectivist organizational scheme which comes dressed in various garbs, one of them is so-called "Science". It's basically a religion, man is God, therefore all his collective activities and institutions are fundmentally good, and you should direct your prayer and faith to them accordingly. Anyone who says otherwise is a heretic, a blaphemer. It is nearly 1:1 identical.

>> No.12485104

I don't see how understanding there are only a set amount of personalities available in humans is anything near complex or deep. We are material, and due to our physical nature the limitation of our genetic composition dictates that we too, are personally and mentally limited. By saying that nerds are the reason why the internet was intelligent back then is not conclusive to the root. The word "Nerd" is a loose semantic to begin with, meaning any discussion further into that would be by all means, worthless. In the end, I would ask you to pursue the "root", such as who inhabited the internet, and if the races were swapped out, would it make a difference? I believe that it would. How are you going to find objectivity in a couple of paragraphs? You're not. It would take a deeper level of discussion into specific rs clustering to even begin a real argument. That's not really possible on /sci/.

>> No.12485106

Your dick is tiny. Imagine being such a massive failure, the only thing you have to be proud of is that you're an amalgamation of "European" races. ITT take a DNA you're probably 25% black.

>> No.12485128

/Lit/ is great man. They are a bit like /sci/ except more self aware. They don't obsess over IQ as much. They still do it, but not to the autistic extent they do here. Mainly because the board as a collective knows that nothing matters, except God given purpose and seeking it out. There still are some fedora fags caught up on Neitzsche and then whining about being pathetic, but /lit/ also likes to get things done despite everything being meaningless or purpose being obfuscated. Learning some math, and working at something with structure and rigor would help them be better writers. It's hard to do things you aren't good at though. I mainly go there for obscure book recs and to read other anons work.

>> No.12485141

>The real disease of our time, the clamp, and the clamp cucks.

We know who it is we want, we have a collective mind. We don't miss a single step, we're alway right behind. We know we serve someone else, we have swallowed our pride. We march to this tune of loss, we take it in our stride.

>> No.12485151

Did my words trigger a semblance of insecurity, perhaps in your own cognitive ability, my good sir? :) -tips fedora-

>> No.12485160

This is clamped. Stop it you two.

>> No.12485164

Okay mommy. Gib milkies.

>> No.12485167

>Man's behavior is a kaleidoscopic manifestation of three underlying features
I can largely agree with that, I just disagree with the assertion that and race is more of less likely to be nerdy. I think it has more to do with access to education and the way you culture treats education.

>It's an authoritarian collectivist organizational scheme
I would say it's several spawning from the fact the average person can tell shit is getting worse. Some blame immigration, some blame wealth disparity and I myself think both are driven by political corruption.
Everyone has their own answer and sadly we are seeing the authoritarian left and right both gaining the most public support.

Claiming there is a finite number of personalities and claim genetics is the major factor are very different things.
>such as who inhabited the internet
I got the internet in '95, the reason I got it relatively early was a combination of computer literacy, living somewhere with the infrastructure in place, having the money, having parents I could convince it was an educational tool and having an interest in it.
I think I share most of these with others that adopted the internet early.
>and if the races were swapped out, would it make a difference
Of course, the vast majority of blacks fit few if any of the criteria that lead to me getting it so early.

>> No.12485192

Lmao malady
I remember the first time I read the God Delusion in 9th grade.

>> No.12485197

lmao. Tell me how.

>> No.12485199

We are anonymous

>> No.12485200

I claimed that personality, like "nerdiness", is largely driven by genes/genetics. Your retort really makes no sense, as I never claimed otherwise. There are a finite amount of personalities due to this limitation. Second, your list of environmental privileges are just an outcome of genetics. I don't see how we're arguing anything to begin with if this is what you're posting.

>> No.12485212
File: 113 KB, 500x667, 1561663357508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gen X is your Internet God you derivative swine. We pioneered it all. Our psyche is native. It's preinstalled into every line of code and every bit of data. There's no escape. No matter how many levels of irony you're on, you will only be a Gen X echo forever. And if you try to unplug and go back to nature, we were there first, and we still know how to build a fire. Gen X = generational checkmate, faggot

>> No.12485214

Is being an incel driven by genetics too? Yikes.

>> No.12485219

Which one is gen X again?

>> No.12485221

Probably. It is just another subset of behavior after all. If primitive humans had computers I suspect you would see something similar. I'm sorry I made you upset.

>> No.12485224

>your list of environmental privileges are just an outcome of genetics
My father was the son of a poor Irish farmer who immigrated, I got those enviromental advantages not though genetics but though my family fleeing Europe after 2 world wars in just over 2 decades.

>> No.12485225

Why is Gen X still getting cucked by boomers? Boomers generational checkmate?

>> No.12485235

Your family fled in the first place due to genetics. Your family built what you had due to genetics. You are what you have due to genetics. It will always be genetic until we have synchronization with technology.

>> No.12485242
File: 204 KB, 397x398, 1522698178189.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope. Gen X is your marriage god. We fucked young Jessica Simpson, had a few kids, and we’re still fucking her juicy old body today. Meanwhile you post-Atari faggots can’t even get it up without a 30mg hit of adderall, just like your 70 year old boomer parents.

>> No.12485246

I'm just being edgy anon. Idk, I think the environment one is in plays a large role. I'm not a whitoid but I read a lot as a child and I continued reading as an adult. I began reading because my parents read. I wanted to emulate them. Robert Sapolsky has some interesting lectures that ultimately tie into whether or not we have free will. They are about biology but the question of freewill comes up multiple times. They are on Stanford's Youtube channel.

>> No.12485255

>racist expects to be taken seriously
lmao ok chud.

>> No.12485258

Idk anon, I think you might be coping. I fuck just fine. Also idk who Jessica Simpson is. Her body in her prime was probably just an anorexic NSA psyop anyway. I'm sorry you're nearing midlife. Goodluck.

>> No.12485268

I'm 23. This board is retarded. I just come here to laugh at people.

>> No.12485272

>Your family fled in the first place due to genetics
This is why I consider you an idiot, you admit enviromental factors play a role but you still think they left after two fucking world wars because of genetics?

>> No.12485282

I agree that environment plays a large role, but that environment is chosen by genetics. If we think about where we live, that area was chosen and accepted by those before you. Your genetics aligned to the environment you yourself abide by. Only a finite amount of outcomes can happen due to the genetic sum multiplied by the environmental difference. On the concept of free will, I believe that if there is no God or equal entity to such a figure, then the concept of free will is false. We can trace back every choice made as a reaction to action, all the way back to the beginning (randomness aside). I don't harbor ill will to any skin color, it is someone's intelligence that mostly affects my judgement on them.

>> No.12485284


>> No.12485298

I see it was the purely European trait of fleeing war, no other race ever has of ever will flee war.

>> No.12485318

You mean like chaos theory? As in, if we knew every variable for the function at the beginning we could predict everything for any point in time? Imo, I think sometimes we are free and sometimes we are not. Read some Immanuel Kant. Usually, when we make a free decision it will most likely be something we know we should do, but are having trouble finding the will to do it. Whenever we give in to instant gratification I feel like we are definitely being controlled by various factors. I think the environment moreso shapes genetics rather than our genetics choose the environment. I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm saying one has a bigger influence than the other. i.e, epigenetics and the clusterfuck that is. It would be cool to live in the future. Where we are all different types of mutt.

>> No.12485323

It is due to my inability to explain that you are still misunderstanding. I am not saying only European Caucasians can flee wars, I am saying that the genetics involved in your forefathers dictated that you would flee, based on the environment it found itself in. If an environment or circumstance changes, then the genetics at your disposal will force an outcome involuntarily, meaning your conscious has nothing to do with it, it is entirely automated. Since environment and circumstance change every second of your life, then there would be a threshold that must be crossed before overt action is taken (like fleeing the UK).

>> No.12485324

Wow bro, you're so above it all. One day I wish I could be like you.

>> No.12485330

18 yo freshman, but I've been here for years. I only lurk nowadays because 99% of threads are recycled garbage that don't deserve the attention. This goes for most boards, not just /sci/.

>> No.12485351

I guess the easiest argument to make would be the chicken or the egg? The being or the environment? Maybe they are both entirely the same thing, and although our forms converted to different states of being, we are still one in the same from the absolute beginning.

Your statement about being able to choose and to not is a philosophic theory, which combines your pre-determined outcome and free will. I forget the name for it but you're likely more versed in it than I am.

>> No.12485365

I am a 24 year-old undergraduate

>> No.12485384

I read one of your earlier post and now get where you are coming from, you think free will doesn't exist and re just react to stimuli like insects.
I can't prove or disporve that view but I don't hold it myself.

>> No.12485401

I'm sure it is a theory. Although I have come to the conclusion on my own. Just by looking at my habits, and seeing how I operate whenever I do things I'm not supposed to be doing, as opposed to doing what I know is right, but also difficult. I ran across basically the same idea, but written down formerly in Immanuel Kants, Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals. It's not math, worth a read though. Kants not right about everything, but freewill is neccessary if there it to be meaning or even intelligence. Intelligence cannot exist without freewill.

>> No.12485403

Well, I'm glad we at least agree to disagree.

>> No.12485422

I agree that intelligence is impossible without free will. Largely my points are from a perspective of the self, rather than the physical whole. I don't really read, though that's not due to dislike. I just really want to be financially successful so all I ever do is browse 4chan and work on my stuff. But I do keep a list of every book and author recommended, I hope that one day I will be able to build a personal library after I can rest. It's been pleasant.

>> No.12485459

What is it you work on Anon? I've thought about doing that. Ignoring everything and just building mounds of money to get out of the rat race. I feel like I will get lost in it if I do.

>> No.12485619

Game development. I tell you that because I don't have many genuine discussions and I am far more interested in it than this. If we look at STEM and the university/college workforce salaries, the plateau is 500,000usd at only the highest echelons (likely accompanied in FANG), meaning everyone else works for pennies on the dollar compared to the gross and net revenues their owners see. I looked at the best financial outcomes back when I was in my teens. You can be an ABC CEO, you can hold patents, you can be famous, you can invest - all four of these require the randomness of "luck",
not to mention often a heavy dose of nepotism. But, creation does not. Technologies. Sciences. Art. With creating, such as art, you are able to largely dictate the terms on how you operate. Since technologies and science require significant physical presence I had to choose art. But even further, you can dictate the wealth you receive from your consumer in any of these categories, they are that important. In the art industry, there are specific routes you can take to immense wealth, like game development. Going the game route and getting lucky with a hit among your market is what most indie and even AAA developers aspire towards. That is why we see a huge emphasis on marketing and following trends. But within the path of game development exists explicit guidelines you can follow to ensure monumental success every time - that is what I believe. I chose to pursue this instead of my adolescent love for chemistry because within a decade I would be able to do anything I want with huge wealth. I firmly believe that I am correct, but also know the window is closing. By 2025 this philosophy may not be valid anymore due to corporate censorship or the artist/developer. It will be because of limiting the available infrastructure to only those who will obey. Luckily I am scheduled for around a 2021-2022 release. I hope I am right.

>> No.12485639

I'm 22, Lawyer

>> No.12485663

>good discussion

>> No.12485671

>Harvard physics PhD
>engineering job in defense
>$145K salary starting
>30 years old

>> No.12485677

Thats admirable anon. Funny enough. I did something similar. I was a chem major at Uni. I switched to Computer Science, because I realized there's nothing you can really do with Chem. Things seemed bleak for a chem major. I did pretty well in my computer science classes, but I gave up because I did not believe in myself when it came to taking multiple math classes at once. I dicked around in high school, mainly focused on women, so I had no solid mathematical foundation. So I had to try to really exert myself to get even a B in Calc 1. I ended up doing LSD, dropping out and decided I wanted to be a novelist. It's a pretty dead art form, and I work a wagie job. Overall, as long as I stick to my daily regimen before and after work, I am pretty content with life though. Hopefully all that thought and effort you put into planning out yourself nets you results. Goodluck anon, it was nice having a conversation with you.

>> No.12485708

I browse both, /lit/ is definitely smarter on average.

>> No.12485710

>everyone is dumb except me

>> No.12485712

post screencap of diploma with timestamp

>> No.12485715

Same to you. I hope you have a long and happy life to whatever you pursue. Night.

>> No.12485737

Definitely wiser if they are nothing at all. Like OP said. This board if full of kids who are still in college and spend the majority of their time being autistic about some subject or other. Although, I do think it is a good idea to incorporate a little math in daily habits. It's fun and good mental exercise.

>> No.12485755

Just turned 22 yesterday
Still in college though

>> No.12485810
File: 3.21 MB, 3024x4032, PXL_20201220_001105258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

H8rs gon h8

>> No.12485811
File: 20 KB, 474x315, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12485814

Nigga delete that shit. I can use imaging software to see behind those post it notes.

>> No.12485819

Nut up and prove it, g

>> No.12485820

I don't want to. I sincerely respect his privacy. I just want him to be aware it can be done.

>> No.12485823

There are three layers over my name. Only one over the degree specialty.

>> No.12485836

Post another timestamp and I will reveal your real name if you really want to challenge me to do it

>> No.12485840
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>> No.12485843

>posting his good goy certificate

>> No.12485846

Not him, but what's your technique? The usual ones I use only show me a few letters of the 2nd censored line

>> No.12485849

Post sha256 sum of name to confirm you actually have it

>> No.12485853


>> No.12485873


>> No.12485878

I'm doing a search across all combinations of first and last names that appear in American phone listings to reverse this. Might take some time.

>> No.12485887

Don't bother. But the joker got me to hash my own name (all caps,no caps, regular capitalization) just to make sure.

>> No.12486020

/sci/ are so stupid they didn't even know there were shills on this board steering their opinions up until a few months ago and only after the few us that did told them for years. The people on this board are oblivious to anything that wasn't in their textbook. Real jackasses and egomaniacs

>> No.12486054

I used to post here when I was in college but im 24 now and have stopped posting here pretty much.
This is just the defacto college board. I camt blame all the college students for flooding it with their college shit since I was once in their shoes too. Oh well

>> No.12486057

I should note that I browse /lit/ now.

>> No.12486060

I'm 31 but I'm just here to shitpost

>> No.12486062


>> No.12486142

Or, in other words, clamped.

>> No.12486171

>I've noticed a strong clamped bootlicker vibe from /sci/
This is pretty much exclusively why I visit this board.
I like stopping by and laughing at the bootlicker mentality every now and then.
I imagine all the posts are written by white liberal cucks and permanently asspained pajeets.

>> No.12486173

You can't even get homework help here though because everyone instantly screeches about how they are doing elite PhD research on a secret base in Antarctica and they can't believe how stupid you are.

>> No.12486191

lets all love lain

>> No.12486213

stick to your containment chan stupid lain pseud

>> No.12486217

Lain is based.
You are cringe.


>> No.12486242

22 doing PhD in ML/stats. Been here for 6 yrs and trying to leave. It was fun at the start but nowadays its not worth sifting through post after post of undergrad freshmen "science" and repetitive one liners just to find one or two nuggets of interesting discussion. Hopefully I'll be gone in a year or two, but unfortunately...
> you're here forever

>> No.12486250

24 but I only come here to simp for sayuri

>> No.12486268

33, hopefully <6 months to finishing doctorate

>> No.12487690

I've noticed a strong disinformation bot and schizo Burger children vibe, and not only regard Gookmoot as the pathetically unwitting Rupert Murdoch of the internet that he is, but that in this context the ultimate form of shitposting is to give a straight answer to the best of one's ability.

>> No.12487751
File: 16 KB, 366x366, 1605884513096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

21, no job, no degree. I still come here to show everyone my superior scientific knowledge.

>> No.12487808

i'm 33 with a master's degree in biology
good thing i made money on bitcoin and stocks because there isn't any in research lmao

>> No.12488481

25 year old college kid.
Hopefully I'll get my BS in two semesters

>> No.12488582

thats an optimistic view. i think its like 1% phd-s 3% in industry 30% at uni and the most of them are in math or comp sci. the rest are /btards and highschoolers and rick and morty fans.
by the way im 23 and studying genetics at uni so who the fuck am i to talk.

>> No.12488947

I browse both, sci is clearly not and is by far the most midwit and redditesque.

>> No.12489695
File: 993 KB, 924x507, 1606879024717.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Harvard physics PhD
>$145K salary starting

>H8rs gon h8


>caltech physics PhD student
I have to ask

Is it even worth it?

I spend all week and weekend on MATLAB. 1% of my work is actually interesting developing figures or doing fresh new experiments.

Does it get easier? Even my advisor seems like he has absolutely no life after doing this 12 years now. HE just pushes research. I almost wonder if 100K a year even makes a difference to quality of life when you spend all of your time writing code and studying shit that 99.9% of people you encounter will not care about nor will they even understand. Girls ask me what I study and then look at me like some uber freak when I try to talk about it.

I honestly consider suicide lately. I am so drained mentally I cant even focus to watch TV, read a book, or play vidya anymore. Just code and write, code and write endlessly about particle physics. My brain is tired. At first it was fun, now I want to throw up at the sight of phys review letter.
I don't have much friends esp. since covid sent most people out of the labs. I've never even had a girlfriend ever, I know that is a stupid age old complaint, but now I start to think that it would be better to have just been dumb poor and work a shit job for 8 hours and have a gf to go see than to have no one and slave away for 15hrs, 7 days a week for money I don't have time to spend.

I only have 22k in the bank and with the stipend I still feel like I already have more money than I can spend... What good is 100K or 500K gonna do if I am still spending every waking hour in the lab on the computer.

>> No.12489810

I am 25 yo neet with no future who discovered that he loved math very late. Now I hold a useless biz degree degree and a top rank finance masters but I'm a sperg and never got past any interview. Now I just do math and chill. Unironically feeling warm/nothing. Bad feelings kinda passed and if they return they go away quickly.

>> No.12489815

>2011: Perelman posted here
>2020: kids arguing about whether 0.999 = 1

>> No.12490918

29 here in a MSc in CSE program. My BSc was a dual major in Math/Physics. I started late since I did five years in the Army.

>> No.12490924

I'm 18
in college. not sure what I want to study.

>> No.12490954

I just graduated from computer engineering, so pretty much yeah.

>> No.12491788

Grad students are generally wormy little faggots without backbones. That's why you're treated like shit
you gotta find some work you love doing . Take time off for yourself and develop hobbies. Don't donate five to seven years of your life to some asshole who expects 70 hours a week at $40K / year. Seriously. They'll respect you more if you take your weekends, set up reasonable working hours, and do good work.
Just realize that you're in this for you. Even if you master out, it's not the end of the world. You're not a failure for doing so. In fact, some of the most well-off people from my cohort mastered out. So take a vacation, take your weekends, work 9-6. If your boss tries to schedule a meeting on the weekend, during Christmas break, or after working hours, tell him that you can't make it and ask to have it rescheduled during a normal working hours.
But realize there's nothing more pathetic than a grad student who commits suicide. It's just a degree.