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12453265 No.12453265[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do we keep identity politics and race out of science?

>> No.12453278

With meritocracy

>> No.12453307

Now I really don't trust it

>> No.12453317

>like normies care about who did what.

Face it nerds people barely remembers the pop draws and the genociders.

>> No.12453439

Which is worse: black people changing their opinion of something all because one black queen is tied to it, or a white guy thinking that will work on them?

>> No.12453457

Bud the identity you approach a subject with reflects the expression, the language, and even what you're able to see

>> No.12453469

Thats how it started. But now talking about race is how you signal being the top of the food chain.

>> No.12453482

Impossible. Women and most minorities are inherently inferior when it comes to STEM breaktroughs, so within current social paradigm this leads to irreconcilable situation where that has to be fault of a certain group (leading to identity politics)

>> No.12453615

Somehow I don't like this Fauci guy, but until know it's just been because people where like "Fauci says this" and "Fauci says that"

>> No.12453626

You can't. Universities are now just drive thru diploma mills with little to no standards. Just look at this fucking board, the people here are a perfect microcosm and most of them are stupider than a box of rocks,

>> No.12453629

Science isn’t subjective you braindead nigger.

>> No.12453648

politics has invaded

>> No.12453689

>Dr. Anthony Fauci is urging Black Americans hesitant to take the Covid-19 vaccine to trust the process -- in part because one of the scientists at the forefront of the vaccine's development is a Black woman.
How exactly is this bad?

>> No.12453723
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>Gender isn’t real, it’s a spectrum. Race isn’t real we are all humans. The human race.


>> No.12453768
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Simply, scientific facts aren't equal to political ideologies. You can't base your poltical/philoshopical system in a scientific method as do the positivism.You don't see Newton's equations on reality, you only see objects that move, chaining to interpretations.
This guy has demostrated this, but they never learn

>> No.12453771

more importantly plebbit has invaded too

>> No.12453776

Nothing wrong with identity politics. We should politics in science. I enjoy it because we control science already. Nazis can cope and seethe.

>> No.12453777
File: 44 KB, 332x499, 51ekZGmxSlL._SX330_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go ahead and hit me with that stats science chief

whats objective is the trending behavior of our reality relative to perception
it first takes a perceiver to make a comment
so i'm supposed to believe that we're all perceiving fundamentally completely the same?
sure there is large commonality in many areas, but a lot of "objective science" is so because the perceivers have been conditioned similarly while using the same language to understand and express

objective science is more like a set of conditioning and perception thats had a lot of energy and resources applied to it
if you gave humans one extra sensory perception, the entirety of science would change

the hub science is building isn't wrong, but it's more like "scienceTM". it's its own brand of understanding and expressing reality.
it has its own understandings and its own borders
the more that one accepts and conditions within whats established, the more one houses within those borders

its a shame theres so much elitism in the sciences. it stifles genuine empty enquiry.

>> No.12453807

in short, the perceiver is the subjective
and if the perceiver and the expresser is subjective, how can we claim objective science

it's the trending behavior relative to our perception and our conditioning

having different backgrounds that are able to form more intimate bonds with that which they are studying will allow us to make discoveries that certain background conditioning could not

>> No.12453809

Not until they see that they are undermining their own ideology by acting like their accomplishments aren't the status quo by glorifying them as such. i hope something this holiday can bring us together a bit and mature some. i sure something happens that will lead us to somewhere better.

>> No.12453841

It's always funny when the strawman you've been arguing isn't real.

>> No.12453892

I really don't think this is the standard case of
"look at this black person who graduated college, checkmate racists"
Its more
"we promise this isn't like the tuskagee experiment"

>> No.12453904

>how do we keep science out of science

>> No.12453942

Yes, it's literally right there in the lead. If only people could read beyond the headline before they rage.

>> No.12453955

honestly, great for her. I really don't see what the problem is. at the end of the day, she's just doing a job.

>> No.12454966

That woman is really black. She must be Nigerian or Sudanese. Pure black. Not very related to African Americans

>> No.12454970

We kill every nigger and kike in the world

>> No.12454988

Build a time machine, go back to 1917 and stop the British from using the Balfour declaration to leverage Zionists into getting Woodrow Wilson to enter the war.

>> No.12454996

Decolonize science.

>> No.12455001

No, but people are. People's language/expression/perception can be changed that easily. This means science, as conveyed by people are subjective.

>> No.12455088

identity politics is the greatest thing the jews ever gave us

>> No.12455094

You can’t.

>> No.12455124

I'm used to get angry at this shit, but I now understand what they are doing
they are giving blacks SOMEBODY to look up to other than a bunch of gangbanger rappers
I don't think it will work miracles, but it can't hurt either I suppose

>> No.12455353

Its the worst thing humans ever invented. Everyone should read Buddhism and go away with identity politics.

>> No.12455361
File: 60 KB, 419x505, C6A74949-72CF-467D-9A6A-E3C5D81BDFFA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This means science, as conveyed by people are subjective.
>Science are subjective

Based illiterate retard anon!

>> No.12455386
File: 40 KB, 447x640, Good_Come_Back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do we keep identity politics and race out of science?

It is foremost on the minds of all feminist liberal progressives. It is impossible for them to think of humans interacting WITHOUT identity politics and race being considered.

>> No.12455402

>how to make people not want the vaccine

>> No.12455420

Interesting how the "you're fired" guy couldn't get rid of fauci even though he really wanted to and his base hated the guy.

>> No.12455535
File: 2 KB, 60x60, D2BD1DEA-7D25-44CF-8E38-3CB8C21F6994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just ordered one of these bad boys on Amazon waiting for it to arrive Monday.

>> No.12455552

I wouldnt call that an extreme example of identity politics but...>>12453278
She cute btw

>> No.12455575

>she cute
Yes she has distinctly white facial characteristics.

>> No.12455581
File: 135 KB, 1045x529, granted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nazis got humans to the Moon. Blacks got hundreds of millions to famine. Be careful what you wish for with your identity politics. You just might end up getting it.

>> No.12455606

>Somehow I don't like this Fauci guy

He has an impressive track record as a scientist and researcher but now that he has to play the political fiddle due to his position in government it was inevitable he'd have to express certain sentiments that are increasingly becoming prevalent in our times.

>> No.12455611

genocide all woketards

>> No.12455616

Yep. That's libtards for you.

>> No.12455620


It encourages tribalistic identity based decision making in an already susceptible and dumb demographic. It does nothing to promote the good science or collaborative aspects of it between scientists but instead highlights division and appealing to the most base and immature aspects of democracy - emotion.

The fact you cannot see this is pitiful and why your country is going down the shitter.

>> No.12455624


>> No.12455625

Hollywood has been doing that for half a century and there's very little to show for it. You're dumping truck loads of resources down the drain in hopes that 0.0001% of it will do something useful.

>> No.12455628

simply stay focused on your science project and never venture into these delinquent areas. this goes for everybody starting now. okay great.

>> No.12455643

>SCIENCE *clap* MUST *clap* FALL *clap*

>> No.12455646

nice thumbnail retard

>> No.12455704

>If I ignore the army that invaded my country, they'll leave me alone.
Burying your head in the sand just makes you an easy defenseless target. I understand the desire to not get involved. You didn't want this war, you just wanted to do science. But others have created the war and will bring it to you whether you want it or not.

>> No.12455723
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>> No.12455725

Why is it wrong to try and give black youth heroes to aspire to?

>> No.12455732
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more importantly, how do we keep /pol/tards like you out of this board?

>> No.12455734

Now imagine the article read
“Trump encourages white americas to trust the the antivirus because a white man developed it”

>> No.12455742

Oh simple by going back to lereddit.

>> No.12455759

Try to look at it from his viewpoint. You have a minority group that's so beyond fucking retarded that they can't stay out of each other's crackhouse parties during a time when people are supposed to stay home. This leads to said retarded group feeling like a fucking virus is racist. Then when a vaccine comes out, they think its made to kill off black people or turn them white. If you were in his shoes and you wanted them to take the vaccine, maybe, just maybe, telling them a black person worked on it will help them trust it.
But it won't
It never will
They have herd immunity from intelligence.

>> No.12455760
File: 526 KB, 2465x795, Zimbabwe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Look at Africa. Western world for over 60 years has been literally giving free food, clothing, and helping them set up everything they need for a thriving civilization.
NOTHING to show for it.
A few thousand white farmers and Zimbabwe was the bread basket of Africa. They got rid of the ;racist' whites and now Zimbabwe imports food.

>> No.12455765

no resource inequality, no crime... sounds like utopia to me

>> No.12455779

then go there. please.
fucking idiot

>> No.12455785

>no resource inequality, no crime... sounds like utopia to me

No jobs, nothing to steal, and everyone is hungry...
a utopia for the liberal socialist progressives

>> No.12455790

whites don't own those features

>> No.12455794
File: 34 KB, 477x720, 1603770445145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So all this thread is about is to bitch and complain about non-whites?

>> No.12455820
File: 72 KB, 750x1000, A1522EC9-D98F-4D42-A218-7EDF35304CDA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright in you go little guy.

>> No.12455892
File: 54 KB, 500x375, tumblr_inline_ms445hIpoy1qz4rgp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not my fault you want to see the so much and race bait on an fingerboard where it will ultimately accomplish nothing.

>> No.12455910

>reading comprehension

>> No.12455922

Yeah but there's nothing really wrong about the OP's article.

>> No.12455947

Well yeah there is you retard.

>> No.12455953

No there isn't. Having people be aware of the members on a team isn't a cause for concern unless you make it one.

>> No.12456041

Learn sarcasm, fucking idiot.

>> No.12456047

I'm seriously fucking pissed right now

>> No.12456049

By ignoring it

>> No.12456499

Please list the race and sex of all members of the team. If you cannot do so, ask yourself why you know that a black woman was one of them but don't know the race and sex of the other team members.

>> No.12456500

Is that normally how cancer is cured?

>> No.12456600

Are you retarded by any chance?

>> No.12456686
File: 1.79 MB, 355x343, joker6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>diversity hire thinks he "controls" science

>> No.12456781

Don't evade the question. Why are you unable to list the race and sex of the other members of the team?

>> No.12456798


>> No.12456800

Stop being cancerophobic. All cells are equal.

>> No.12456954

At this point, I'm afraid it's too late.
>look, the science is valid because a black woman worked on it
I cannot even

>> No.12456968

Its not.

4chan is an internet shithole.

>> No.12456971

That's literally not what occured here dipshit.

>> No.12456983

You don't come here often do you?

>> No.12457013

This election is so much worse than the last because both halves of the american shitbird apparatus were shilling here. So now we have T_D boomers and leftyniggers. It's god damn chaos.

>> No.12457099

>take the vaccine little n. a black women made it!
Thats even more patronizing than usual hegemonic media.