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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12438809 No.12438809[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Redpill me on god

>> No.12438814

Doesnt exist
Smart people say stupid shit all the time. For example, Newton was an alchemist so if you use the laws of gravity you must also believe in alchemy?? i don't think so.

>> No.12438815

Brainlet here thinks alchemy excludes gravity, what a spaz

>> No.12438821

Fake quote.

>> No.12438825

how did this ever become a meme?

>> No.12438831

where did i say alchemy excludes gravity huh? does being a godtard make you not understand english

>> No.12438832
File: 229 KB, 1280x720, A138AB87-6F5B-4AF7-8B12-DAD33C10D41D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The universe doesn’t need a beginning middle or end. The big bang is natural cycle and I can conceive of a universe of endless fireworks worth of Big Bangs.
A “prime mover” god? Why would that be the case? How would that be the case?
If we have immortal souls, they still aren’t apparent to us. But I can imagine a science that can forestall death indefinitely, achieving near immortality. But centuries of one being living would change a person, wouldn’t it?
Maybe such creatures founded us. It’s a story. Ala 2001 A Space Odyssey.

We don’t need a god. Likely isn’t any. Certainly none of the worshiped ones are real

>> No.12438834

You're the scientist, you tell me

>> No.12438836

Yeah, read jung and get back to me when you finish grade 11

>> No.12438838


>> No.12438839
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>read jung

>> No.12438859

What exactly does he say to address this?

>> No.12438873

In his books

>> No.12438879

Unless.. one is

>> No.12438881
File: 64 KB, 500x319, Jesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on him should not perish, but have eternal life" Prophesies in the Book of Revelations are being fulfilled and Isreal is turning to the New Testament! https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwj7oOXE-b_tAhWk8sAKHWgNA4EYABAAGgJpbQ&ae=2&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAASEuRo3S7NHo1lv4rwLRyr-Wh06Q&sig=AOD64_2hcIRTTm0trNlhIvUek_hG-TlwYQ&q&adurl&ved=2ahUKEwinztrE-b_tAhWQKM0KHZo5ADcQ0Qx6BAgGEAE

>> No.12438899
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Provably wrong. Unless you want to light a candle for Spinoza’s idea of god. Might as well say “may the force be with you”

Poor dodge

>> No.12438903

"For I so loved your mother, that I gave her my only begotten dick"
The truth commas make it so

>> No.12438907

Jung posits that most divine experiences are had in the form of psychological archetypes, which have been taken as gods.

>> No.12438926

“Most”? I’d say all of them are psychological manifestations

>> No.12438928

Religions are believed by the masses, ignored by the educated, and used by the powerful.

Santa is believed by the children, ignored by the adults, and used by the merchants.

>> No.12438942
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"god" has a lot of synonyms

>> No.12439004
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"Freud's psychoanalytic perspective viewed religion as the unconscious mind's need for wish fulfillment. Because people need to feel secure and absolve themselves of their own guilt, Freud believed that they choose to believe in God, who represents a powerful father-figure."
that about covers it. consider yourself redpilled by one of the most significant, influential and insightful thinkers in our history

>> No.12439006

My answer: God is at the bottom of the glass because life is too fucking bizarre without an overarching deity. Too many coincidences, everything works too well. God is real, and He has developed some gorgeous science

>> No.12439024

he isn't real

also fake quote

>> No.12439063
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>> No.12439183
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the physical universe is the only candidate for god

>> No.12439217

Only low IQs believe in God

>> No.12439220

>all these midwits who think saying "god doesn't exist" makes them smart
shave your necks

>> No.12439233

Some proof of god could be found I'm sure, within the deepest understanding of the laws of physics and answering key metaphysical questions like where do energy and mass come from.

It only takes a few causal inferences to define a means to an answer in that scenario.

>> No.12439291

the existence of god is literally outside the realm of empiricism and reason. this has been known for ages now.

>> No.12439304

All physical answers only lead to tautology in the end and the beginning of their answer, so, as such, it's important to think outside of the box.

Metaphysics will be answered, mostly, if it exists within the subset of the physical universe. It is causally mechanistic as well, and deserves rational explanation and experimentation.

You'll be surprised to think that God is outside of reason but you're wrong. There are ways of detecting the presence of a "created" or "designed" universe inherently within the construct of the universe itself.

Answering "the first mover" question for example would be your most direct route through physical experimentation to derive the evidence. This is invariably, hard, but I am sure with evidence generated through gravitational wave detectors and other useful technologies we can extrapolate the most reasonable answers.

We can apply different types of models to determine reasonable outcomes even without known information, leading to invariable conclusions.

>> No.12439314
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Goddess *

>> No.12439362


>> No.12439411


The central limit theorem is literal proof of intelligent design. You simply can't make that shit up and there is no way around it

>> No.12439414

Please butterfly go back to shitting up /lit/

>> No.12439465

Agreed, autistic fedoras on this board think they are way smarter than they are. /lit/ is better.

>> No.12439491
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>> No.12439496

get the fuck off this board you fucking pseud retard. Didnt I tell you to lick your wounds after I pwned your ass the other day?

>> No.12439555

Alchemy was literally just the old name for chemistry.

>> No.12439563


>> No.12439576

Is that Bjørk using TempleOS? Fucking BASED.

>> No.12439581
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God is what created time, matter and the universe. Every person wants to know the origins of these things. Nobody knows what God is.

>> No.12439608

how was the first life on earth started?