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File: 92 KB, 275x271, Screenshot_2020-11-25 emmy robot - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12386082 No.12386082[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Scientifically speaking, how much closer are we to having sex robot girlfriends that can simulate genuine companionship?
I'm sick of real women.

>> No.12386112

Real women are necessary. Look at yourself in mirror and tell me you would fuck yourself.

>> No.12386127

I do just that every night with my palm.

>> No.12386145

>Real women are necessary.
Cucked, unbased and cringe

>> No.12386146
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you have not answered my question. Purpose of women is to keep males in good health. They choose healthy males to procreate with. This is how they also keep genetics in check. Imagine your fat ass cumming into robot waifu with artificial womb. Your children would be same as you. Fat retarded slobs with no motivation and then they would simply choke themselves with spit thus ending whole genetical lineage and perhaps even humanity.

You know im right.

>> No.12386151

I just did.
Women are bane to men's existence and are better off being replaced by artificial ones.

You have no other argument aside from the reptilian juices in your brain telling you otherwise.

>> No.12386157

The only thing necessary about women is their eventual obsolescence.

>> No.12386856


>> No.12387008

Why is that emo thot fit to judge the future of society?

>> No.12388255

Women's fascination with the slave collar is really disgusting.

>> No.12388309

filled to the brim with bullshit as always.

We have robots that walk around like people, still way to big and bulky and expensive. Slimmed down to healthy female proportions, maybe end of decade, sticking them in sex doll realistic coverings maybe end of decade, human level Ai end of decade. Will anyone build that? i doubt it, it would be a lightning rod for dumb people to aim all their anger at

>> No.12388323

It's probably at least 20 years away, depending a bit on what the expectations are. Robotics just aren't there yet and while something like a complex personality simulation could be implemented on somewhat static sex doll human fooling emotion is lot harder. Simply put it's hard to fool yourself that you are interacting with a thing that has feelings when it's living and moving in real world. On the robot side there's still lot to be done to create even over sized "humanform" robot that is on par with humans regarding mobility and abilities with it's hands. A pure sex bot wouldn't be too difficult but if you want it to be a robot wife then there's lot of stuff that just doesn't work yet especially when miniaturized to a qt female size.

That being said positive news is that the demand is absolutely massive on both the AI and the robotics fronts so they are basically inevitable unless society collapses before they arrive. Humanform robots will be incredibly useful on many applications (including stuff like a maidbot) while complex AI is also just money printing machine and as such they are being worked on relentlessly. There are technical challenges ahead but they will inevitably get solved, it's just hard to say when that happens.

>> No.12388420

>blah blah blah blah I will spout my stupid idiotic opinion here that has no basis in either technological knowledge or fact.

>> No.12388866

What did he say wrong?

>> No.12388871

enraged, irrational roastie detected.

>> No.12388920

are you fucking retarded? genuine question.
which of his points do you find to be nonfactual and misleading, specifically?

>> No.12389479

Lets break it down:

>Question: how much closer are we to having sex robot girlfriends that can simulate genuine companionship?
Question is the beginning of the scientific method.
Research is the next formulation of the method. We can look at a few domains needed to fulfill the question. Those domains are:
* Mechanical, Material, and electronic engineer
* Computer Science - Artificial Intelligence
Of the first domain, we can be assured that all of the needed physical properties of a robot are in place with todays technology and industry. You can buy a robotic sex doll now. The mechanical limitation in current products would be proper placement of servos, joints, and sensor feedback loops to allow for bipedal movement driven by proper software.
The software limitation of proper bipedal movement and artificial intelligence is the current bottleneck for commercial sex bots fulfilling the question.
Current commercial and prototype sex robots cannot become a suitable companion until commercial advances in Bi Pedal movement and artificial intelligence allows for viability.
>Additional Research and Testing
This would require additional research to see where companies currently are in tackling commercial viability of bi pedal processes and artificial intelligence and then attempting to find a pattern between availability of the technology and the time of adoption by the sex robot industry. These sub questions allow for a fuller response.
Here we would summarize that sex robots currently not viable as companions due to limitation of realistic locomotion and artificial intelligence. The time aspect would be based on projections of current research in those fields independent of the sex industry and the time it takes for sex robot manufactures to adopt new technology. The time is based on commercial viability and technological advancement.

>> No.12389505

real women are the ultimate sex robot girlfriends

>> No.12389512
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the only thing real women are ultimates are, is ruining the lives of men.

>> No.12389517

Best post I've seen on /sci/ in a long time.

>> No.12389787

thank you for this high quality post anon, take a you.

>> No.12389825

>Scientifically speaking, how much closer are we to having sex robot girlfriends that can simulate genuine companionship?
Much closer.

>> No.12389846

> software limitation of proper ... artificial intelligence is the current bottleneck for commercial sex bots fulfilling the question.
Well there's always progress there. The current winner of the Turing Test can fool most people into thinking it's a 13 year old foreigner. That is, shoddy language skill and little world experience. And "most" is just >50%. Of the general public, not people with a clue.

But I've been with plenty of fleshy meat-bags with tits that simply fail to fulfill that "genuine companionship" requirement. Get a dog.

If you want to chat with your cocksleeve after it rides you ragged, set up ELIZA with some pillow-talk learning sets and a quiet sleepy french text-to-speech engine.

>> No.12391355

Atlas walks around like a person right now, getting Atlas down to the dimensions of a 'sexy' woman, 2029/2030

Human Level Ai 2029

Rigging Up a sex Bot (sexy robot frame with human level AI) that looks like a sexy woman, no one wants to take the heat. Maybe things in 2030 will be different, now, no way. People would go ape shit and say its the end of the world

>> No.12391674
File: 55 KB, 574x598, 6DE7CA2D-CE2A-4A91-9C7E-A3AC8E9FC089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

o fugg 8-DDDD

>> No.12391847

You're asking the right question, but in the wrong website. We don't do that here. There's a much better place for this
>Purpose of women is to keep males in good health
No, it's to keep the species not extinct, just like with men. The fact that they're the reproductive bottleneck of our species is a failure, not an accomplishment, because it limits us. We developed an advanced social order to counteract this. The result into our species' supremacy in our own planet is a side effect women didn't really select for.
If you faggots can't see that men advanced humanity too fast for women's desires and tendencies to keep up then the ones that should go extinct are you.
>real women are necessary
ofc they are, we still need human experimentation for ectogenesis and egg cell creation from the skin

>> No.12393572

It will happen 1 day before they are banned.

>> No.12393729

>Real women are necessary.
Many of us cannot afford one.

>> No.12393743
File: 114 KB, 555x414, 1602346392396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you trying to create a dystopian future even worse than the one we are living in now? We need less technology, not more.

>> No.12394186

>has never read any of his work but posts pictures of him with vague anti-tech sentiments anyway

Good job

>> No.12394257

I'd be more worried about deep fakes and ai mass surveillance than robo-waifus.

>> No.12394261

Which website would that be?

>> No.12394610

do you think he may have approved of sex robots? if so, why?

>> No.12394771

no, nor do i think he would approve of 4chan in general, much less sci. However, he shouldn't be taken as any kind of authority and i personally don't give a fuck what he thinks. I just get annoyed that people go right to him whenever the conversations turns to anti tech stuff.

>> No.12394777

Wouldn't it be easier to just become gay?

>> No.12395035


oh, believe me, the day people see a attractive robot (male or female) strut down a street, all hell will break loose. endless ranting that no one will have babies anymore. They will dust off the religious leaders no one takes seriously right now to get on a high horse, people who have sex with robots will be called some derogatory name, calls to liberate the bots from the perverts.

this will be the 'activism' of the mid 2030s

>> No.12395414

gays are even sluttier, and more unfaithful than women are.

>> No.12395427

We're closer to having sex with robots then the life of Cleopatra was to when the pyramids were built.

>> No.12395445
File: 652 KB, 735x551, Screenshot_2020-11-28 toonami sara - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would it be easier to just make an A.I like JOI from Blade Runner or SARA from Toonami that just projected an avatar of some kind

>> No.12395607

i dont want a robot i want a real person

>> No.12395610

You have my pity

>> No.12396318

>hey guys look sex is for pleasure and we can all fuck no consequences!!!!
>wait no don't just replace every single sexual partner with a robot :(

>> No.12396887

lol faggot, with artificial womb and crispr tech you can have genetics however you like.

>> No.12396892

lol this guy has never lived with a fefail.

>> No.12396948

>Purpose of women is
to generate new humans
>They choose healthy males to procreate with
They choose morally bankrupt males to procreate with*
>Fat retarded slobs with no motivation
All sorts of types like that with women and having sex
>thus ending whole genetical lineage
Women dont give a shit if the guy they are fucking murders them before she can give birth to their child so take this muh ending lineage stuff somewhere else.

>> No.12397164
File: 230 KB, 1225x975, f23.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based robo-GF lover

Ever since seeing sex dolls and more recently Emmy the robot I've been toying with the idea. Specifically looking at this I've decided a few design choices which may make the process simpler.

1.the use of artificial muscles based on surgical tubing filled with a liquid (propylene glycol-water) driven by a central diaphragm pump and a solenoid valve cluster.
2. Bend sensors, temperature sensors, and compression sensors for touch and noocioception
3. A thermoregulation system that circulates the working fluid through the tissue via tubular vessels to regulate the temperature at exactly 40C at all times.
4. 3D printed and dissolved pla cast components of which I have started accumulating sketches
5.remotely "piloting" it from a central PC for computational simplicity.
6.training the ai off linguistic rules and behavioral rules before passing it to VR chat for optimization and controlling balance separately from behavior.

I've yet to solve other issues like realism vs anthropomorphism, how to get it to walk or talk (although the API is probably a solution), long term power, and secretions-lubrication so it's self cleaning. This is tech that is years away but if I can build it for under 1M I'll certainly try.

>> No.12397166

Won't happen in our lifetimes.

>> No.12397177

Please don't say that.

>> No.12397180
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Stay strong brothers

>> No.12397319

It's not about whether some woman exists out there who would spread her legs for me but the time/effort/frustration of finding them not being worth the payoff 99% of the time.

>> No.12397331

is this an anus prototype

>> No.12397727

I think that genetically modified uberwaifus are more realistic. The only issue is getting someone to fund you and overcoming the inevitable massive outrage that such a project would produce. Though I bet China is working on something like this right now.

>> No.12397742
File: 31 KB, 474x266, external-content.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think one of the largest challenges in creating a robot gf is overcoming the uncanny valley. Another might be battery technology. No one wants to plug their robowife in every 2 hours.

>> No.12397804

I agree. I would rather fuck some genetically modified being who is genetically programmed to love rather then a machine. Could you imagine getting your cock caught in a wire or some other machinery.

>> No.12397880

Imagine >>12397180 clamping down on your dick and not letting go.

>> No.12398669

Chances are, china has been working on this for the past several years.

I would not be surprised if some filthy rich oil prince has made generous donations to such a project just so he could have perfect CRISPR waifu.

She's probably literally a toddler right now, though.

>> No.12398916

Men advanced civilization for women blah blah blah

Your mind on incel ideology

>> No.12399110

There is plenty of outrage of the mere prospect of sex bots for men. Somehow sex toys for females are exempt from any criticism.

>> No.12399127

>sexless marriages
>divorce rape
we have VERY different defitions of ultimate.

>> No.12399993

For awhile I was strictly against genetically modified people, but I've recently opened up to more. We are the first species to bypass natural evolution and force our genome to bend to our will. Hopefully modification doesn't cause health issues.

>> No.12400114

When I read Jerk Off Instruction, I realized I was coomer.

>> No.12400197


Okay. Dolly the sheep. Was recorded as a successful clone in 1996.

There is a 99.999999% chance that it wasn't the first attempt. So how many years/decades have people been working on it. 10-20years for a vaccine.

And there are advertisements about cloning your pet. For a fee. Every pet cloned. Is just more data to refine the cloning process.

But who in their right mind would just say.
There are no clones. The sci/pop. Not possible.

There is a law that prohibits human cloning for ethical reasons.

But advertisements pointing out. "Choose your child's traits" who's children have they been testing it on?

There laws that prohibit murder and espionage. But do the military personnel just stop before a person dies?

And if a human was cloned within 4 years of dolly the sheep. That clone could be around their 20's.

Everyone we cloned a sheep. But we promise none of this research will be used for human cloning.

World governments/rich people/the Kabul: Of course no one will do that. It is immoral and unethical. *everyone shakes hands and agrees*

>> No.12400219


>> No.12400224

>Atlas walks around like a person right now
No it doesn't

>> No.12400231

Genetically modified amazon big titty thick women who are genetically predisposed to get off to being motherly and loving you.

>> No.12400233
File: 562 KB, 800x541, cum cave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>man invents AI
>AI invents everything to control humans, including robot waifus
if you want your waifu, get to programming.

>> No.12400250

The first sex bots aren’t going to be self contained. They’re going to be tied, wireless or with a tether, to a central computer server that controls everything. She’d be installed in your house like an air conditioner would be. The avatar would be just that, a mechanical husk with a polymer veneer. You gotta remember that even at a height of 5’0” the thing is going to weight almost 600 lbs if you try to jam all the parts inside of it. That’d crush your pelvis.

>> No.12400267

This is an interesting point. They are not bound by the laws of biology. Nothing says their body and their brain has to be in the same place. Imagine Superintelligent AI becomes a thing (I know it's a meme, just humor me for the sake of argument). Such an AI could puppeteer waifubots via WiFi to keep the dumb meatbags happy while it sets about administrating the world.

Honestly though. By the time sex robots become practical, convincing, and (most importantly) affordable we'll either be dead or too old to remember what they're for.

>> No.12400285

>But advertisements pointing out
What advertisments?
Also, I'm 200% sure that there's at least one human clone hanging out living the good life in the PRC. Maybe even the west.

>> No.12400294

>via WiFi
Why not 5g? Then your waifu could come with you wherever you wanted, like in Chobits.

>> No.12400309

I think you are wrong. People don't have to be fooled into having feelings for a robot. I own a roomba. Very primitive. But when it tries to do something and gets thwarted, but keeps trying, I feel sorry for it. I talk to it. So does my girlfriend. I'm not fooled into thinking it is actually alive or has feelings. But we tend to treat things that act alive as if they were alive.

When Boston Dynamics posted the video of an engineer kicking one of their robots to demonstrate its stability, people complained that it was mean to do that. Humans will very easily project feelings and personalities on robots as they exist today. And it will only get easier as tech advances.

It will be a long time before humans are fooled by humanoid robots, but that is not necessary for humans to have an emotional bond with a robot.

>> No.12400868

The robots should have some cute yet non human feature like >>1239774 . Maybe this would bypass the uncanny valley and let people become emotionally attached easier.

>> No.12400871

I meant >>12397742

>> No.12401140
File: 54 KB, 700x520, Human_Augmentation.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic. related is what the US was working on back in 2008. China, having no inhibitions, is probably wanting the same, plus even more. Especially obedience.

>> No.12401663

>bleeding out
>army nurse gives you an estrogen shot

>> No.12401677

im not gay

>> No.12401688

At this point you may as well scientifically create a mindbreaking rape dungeon.
Far less effort. And you might even get willing volunteers.

>> No.12401845

You would just end up with a psychologically broken wreck. Look at mkultra and other such projects. Extremely unethical and downright evil.

>> No.12401920
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>simulate genuine companionship

if you're already unsatisfied with the genuine companionship that genuine humans offer than simulated genuine companionship isn't going to be satisfying for you. i don't think that what you're after is simulated genuine companionship, you probably want something else.

>> No.12401987

The problem is not men/women. Its fucking losers like you v everyone else. Dont worry tho, when genetic editing comes to be mass market available, people like you will be extinct, for the good of the human race. Its not women being removed....its whatever shitty genes you have.

>> No.12402192

All I care about is having a robowaif.

I don't worry about such primitive things as breeding and passing on my "genes" like some deluded animal think they are of some kind of higher importance.

>> No.12402233
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>> No.12402275

>simulate genuine companionship?
Define genuine companionship. Depending on what you mean, it can range from already possible to never ever going to happen
This also isn't really a question of science, it's at best an engineering question

>> No.12402849

The higher pitched version of the more manly "lol", right? Right?

>> No.12403641

Exactly. Due to the abruptly elevated levels of estrogen.
The issue is that a lot of men (and some women) can't find genuine companionship due to either their own flaws or how our social world has been warped by the internet/society at large.

>> No.12403730
File: 79 KB, 537x1024, 1600457328433m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I wanted biocunts I'd have sex with one. I'm not an incel I just dislike women and want a harrem of robotic QTs for my enjoyment.

>> No.12403760

If you can't afford taking someone out for a nice dinner, you can't afford a humanoid robot

>> No.12404255

>I'm not an incel
Stopped reading right there
Could you be any more obvious?

>> No.12404270
File: 587 KB, 1921x1495, b3f66b4641084a73bfe208b5b97b124f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to get a cute daughterwifebot like Roll in my lifetime.

>> No.12404704

Hopefully the bot is not as high maintenance.

>> No.12404793

excuse me?

>> No.12405281

I want to impregnate Roll so much

>> No.12405329

I'd fuck me. I'd fuck me so hard.

>> No.12405421



It looks like the only trait being picked is the eye colour right now.

It is between the genetic code of the two biological parents.

But through their research they can increase the chances of the preferred eye colour.

>> No.12405468

>year 2020 of our lord Jesus
>idealize natural selection

>> No.12405550

Think about it from a commercial perspective. Why sell a complete standalone robo waifu? Think of it more like how cell phone price structuring works or how online games work. You’d buy the physical husk and then shell out additional dollars for your waifus “personality” subscription which would receive regular updates or you’d have an online store where you could buy features ala carte. This is also an insidious form of personal data collection because there is no doubt your robo waifu is going to be harvesting your every interaction for salable data.

The main purpose of having a cable tether is power. You’d blow your entire weight budget on batteries if you went full wireless. Although a battery pack could be sold as an accessory for short trips around town.

>> No.12405570

Remove her wifi/bluetooth access day one.

>> No.12405578

You know damn well that would violate the service warranty and probably render her inoperable.

>yfw black market waifu servers for degenerate anons into perverse shit.

>> No.12405653

Literally the first thing anyone will do upon the development of fembots will be to jailbreak them so you can run linux

>> No.12405694
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running to a robot gf is a cowards move
not based at all

>> No.12405721

The point of Robo Waifu’s isn’t to out and out replace women. It’s to completely undermine women’s sexual market value. Their mere existence is a threat to female values and is a counter punch to feminisms dismantling of the nuclear family.

>> No.12405804
File: 132 KB, 720x962, 1604315049895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

women dont have any self worth until men give it to them
u just got memed on idiot with all this feminist bs
youre already in control
women are the og incels and they always will be
all they talk about is how they want men, hate men, and want men some more
robo gf pushing is just attacking the pawns of the shitty culture
there was a twitter post full on feminazi that i cant find that was like
>wait stop anons, w-w-whos gonna cook and clean for you
>a robot cant do the things I can do
>please wait uhhh ur a (emasculating word here) please pick me please please please
it works insanely well but it isnt the true solution

>> No.12405851

Bro, if pussy was a stock it would be considered overbought and overvalued. Yeah, it’s men driving that value but that doesn’t change the fact that the bubble needs to be popped. I can’t think of any other way to reset every females expectations in one fell swoop that doesn’t involve a global war.

>> No.12406137
File: 62 KB, 850x400, hero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shame campaigns for hedonism and unlady like behaviours
full sincere (unironic) promotion of good virtues.
ol hitler boy succeeded when prostitution was on every street corner

>> No.12406254


Dude, way too hard.

find a way to make Atlas very very very cheap/ slimmed down. Stick that in sex bot coverings, then rig that with the top of the line Ai of 2030.



it does

The only thing holding this up is the will of the right people to do it. They dont want to take the heat.

>> No.12406275

Nah, the main thing is a legitimate synthetic analogue to human muscle. It’s going to need to be a light weight polymer or meta material. Current actuators suck. They’re far too unwieldy and rather dangerous to put in something designed for you to stick your dick in or have ride on top of you. The other two problems are immediately worked around with tethers and server side computation.

>> No.12406290


Atlas is the best humanoid bot in the world. it just needs to be slimmed down into the proportions of a sexy slim woman. That will happen anyways over the next 10 years. But it would be nice if someone would just read between the lines and work on it from where it is right now, and try to get it to that point by 2025. Hell, build a team of people to do it. And, i wouldnt even bother with the Ai.

Build the internal robot/skeleton, take that to the porn industry, they'd take it from there

>> No.12406305

Bro, you didn’t listen to what I just told you. All those actuators and steel, even if you slimmed it down, would still be to heavy. Not to mention the control isn’t precise enough to keep it from ripping your dick off or crushing your rib cage. Your weight budget for safety is like 200 lbs max. A sexbot needs better linear actuators, ideally something close to if not identical to human muscle.

>> No.12406444

One of the problems with Atlas is the fact that it's not commercial, it is being designed purely for the US military. Agility Robotics is more promising in that sense.

>> No.12406477

The difference between atlas and a waifu bot is that altas is designed to jump around and carry heavy things, while a waifubot simpliy needs to be able to move around and maybe carry light objects. What I'm saying is that it probably wouldn't be too hard to scale down altas's armature to our desired size.

>> No.12406485

>What I'm saying is that it probably wouldn't be too hard to scale down altas's armature to our desired size.

It is hard. Actuators that small suck absolute donkey balls and are jerky as shit. She’d rip your balls off trying to play with them.

>> No.12406495

I guess we need to get going on finding a viable artificial muscle solution.

>> No.12406507

The rub with that is the only reason to create a synthetic muscle for non implant use is to make a robot you can fuck. Worker bots are totally okay with the current technology.

It’s a bummer.

>> No.12406531

It could be used for all sorts of things. From food handling to geriatric care. Silent, light, agile, scalable actuators would have thousands of regular uses that don't involve sex. Whoever invents something like that will be instantly wealthy.

>> No.12406540

Not saying it wouldn’t have other applications, just that there is no immediate push to develop something like that because what we have is “good enough”

>> No.12406547

Then those of us who desire a robot wife will have to figure this one out on our own. Any ideas?

>> No.12407149

Don't give them any ideas

>> No.12407163

>thinking men wouldn't pay to get their pelvi crushed by a mecha waifu

>> No.12407686


yes, definitely want a sex robot

that walks like a horse.



>> No.12407831

Please give us ideas.

>> No.12408142

I don't know much about robotics, but are dielectric elastonomers a good alternative to standard mechanical actuators right now?

>> No.12408381

From the reactions so far it looks like sexbots will cause a global war.
Funny thing is, most on 4ch would rather have a comfy GF-bot that also could do the cooking etc. Sex is overhyped.

>> No.12408417

A military sex bot?
What could possibly go wrong?

>> No.12408442

Halodi makes robots that don't seem too shabby either: https://www.halodi.com/media

>> No.12408480
File: 159 KB, 1039x1200, Wow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12408622

You extremely overestimate the ability of these machines and what will happen over the next decade.

>> No.12408624

You should be ashamed. Nandroids must not be brought up in a conversation about whorebots, and your familiarity with them must not exceed being platonic.

>> No.12408635

Every engineer on this site would

>> No.12408648

>not wanting to release all your pent up sexual frustration on your maidbot after a long hard day of wageslaving

>> No.12408665 [DELETED] 

Telling her to make you a drink would be both psychologically and physiologically healthier for both parties.

>> No.12408674

Telling her to make you a drink would be both psychologically and physiologically healthier for both parties.

>> No.12408717
File: 167 KB, 900x1165, cyber_party_by_elianeck_d91zght.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then of course you have the companion bots, small cuddly bots that children grow up with and also are upgraded in size and functionalities over the years. Something like pic. related.

>> No.12408720

Jesus Christ how horrifying

>> No.12408815

I was talking about nandroids (the cartoon in the OP pic). You shouldn't subject sapient beings to mental torture, and since there's no avoiding the coomer plague, I guess dedicated whorebots with modified goals/desires have to be made.
In my opinion, artificial sapience shouldn't be made at all - but there's no preventing it.

>> No.12408865

Erm, why?

>I was talking about nandroids (the cartoon in the OP pic).
Sure, I am just continuing an interesting tangent.
>You shouldn't subject sapient beings to mental torture,
>and since there's no avoiding the coomer plague, I guess dedicated whorebots with modified goals/desires have to be made.
Girls already have all sorts of sex toys, expect the companion bots to get suitable peripherals.
>In my opinion, artificial sapience shouldn't be made at all - but there's no preventing it.
Why not? Dogs and cats have some intelligence.

>> No.12408926

I'm not comfortable with making robots entirely functional replications of humans, so servitors should remain servitors only and have the mind just to raise children or cook etc., and sexbots should do just that. I think we agree on that, though.
As for the second point - dogs and cats obviously aren't as 'conscious' about their surroundings, and robots would form a significantly bigger threat if aggregated. This connects to my first point, that they should have the mind to do one thing well. Of course, you have the discussion concerning the morality of doing such thing, and if it's fair for us to make robots suffer and what not, but that's an entirely different conversation.
I apologize I didn't proof-read, as I'm going to sleep now. Hopefully the thread is up for us to talk tomorrow. Good night anon

>> No.12408930

Blame that on transsexuals ruining the femine essence.

>> No.12409176

nice bait coomer

>> No.12409268

yes anon the slut on your pic should be gatekeeper of future generations

>> No.12409330
File: 44 KB, 640x640, ComfyDogBlanket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not comfortable with making robots entirely functional replications of humans, so servitors should remain servitors only and have the mind just to raise children or cook etc., and sexbots should do just that. I think we agree on that, though.
I agree and I note also that most humans have enough empathy to feel uncomfortable about the video showing robots that were kicked for testing their stability. I hear people even care enough for their Roombas to want them repaired rather than replaced.
>As for the second point - dogs and cats obviously aren't as 'conscious' about their surroundings, and robots would form a significantly bigger threat if aggregated. This connects to my first point, that they should have the mind to do one thing well. Of course, you have the discussion concerning the morality of doing such thing, and if it's fair for us to make robots suffer and what not, but that's an entirely different conversation.
There is a huge forest of terminology such as sentient, sapient, conscious and more, I don't really have a proper overview of this yet. And people also discuss "uplifting" dogs.
>I apologize I didn't proof-read, as I'm going to sleep now. Hopefully the thread is up for us to talk tomorrow. Good night anon
Yes, the topic is interesting, hope it will survive the night. Stay comfy.

>> No.12410035

i want robotic perfect copies of humans

dont be a pussy

>> No.12410349

In my blood stirs the overwhelming desire to fuck a maid, for that is the ideal sexual encounter. This truth is demonstrated by the Franco-Japanese cultural obsession with this ideal, as they are the undisputed masters of erotica in the West and East respectively. Anything less, anything resembling restraint given the opportunity to lewd a human or machine in a maid dress, is homosexuality.

>> No.12411085

The problem with robot GFs is that the only people who want robot GFs are the ones who know how they'd work, which takes all the magic out of it. An AI wouldn't love you in a way that humans do.
research TCP muscles. It's not likely to replace motors but it's pretty cool nonetheless. It's also a lot less messy than hydraulic muscles when they fail.

>> No.12411971

ive had a really hot submissive woman love me before. i gotta say lads, its about the chase. i cant love something that doesnt make it hard.

>> No.12411973

You're probably sick of them due to the "genuine companionship" aspect, so robots wouldn't help you

>> No.12411977

>for that is the ideal sexual encounter
Just why?

>its about the chase
Do you also chase your dinner around the house before you eat?

>> No.12412001
File: 245 KB, 1440x960, chappie-review-richard-lawson-robot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

roll was made out of spare vacuum parts. just put your dick in a vac, turn it to suck, and be done with it

>> No.12412024

>i cant love something that doesnt make it hard.
You're not really the target demographic. Normal relationships are becoming unattainable for an increasingly large group of people who nevertheless still want a relationship (or at least sex). The appeal is potential companionship for those who have already resigned themselves to a life of loneliness. I can't imagine robotic companions will be viewed as socially acceptable or a viable alternative to human relationships anytime soon.

>> No.12412031
File: 26 KB, 258x386, Chi_from_Chobits_8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12412047

So what you're trying to say is that you live in this world with all of the humans that exist and you haven't been about to find satisfactorally genuine companionship and its all everyone else's fault so you need a robot which is unlike any human that you'v ever met to satisfy your companionship requirements?
Have you ever considered the possibility that you're repulsive and that satisfactory companionship does exist, but its just not interested in being your companion? Have you ever considered the possibility that you've got unrealistic standards for companionship. Have you ever though that your perfect dream companion, who you clearly feel entitled to, might also have their own high standards which you don't meet? Maybe its not that they're not good enough for you, maybe its that you're too inferior?

>> No.12412073

If he's such a vapid and repulsive social reject, why are you opposed to him having a robotic companion and leaving every one else alone? Do you just want him to be eternally miserable because he couldn't figure out how to play he social game?

>> No.12412161
File: 55 KB, 668x950, Wife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12412164

I had ONE job to do, and I fucked it up.
Here is the correct link:

>> No.12412196

looks interesting ill add it to my bookmarks

>> No.12412205
File: 150 KB, 1000x1421, 24-afa1137932db947698074c706afed18ab0037818385761bd745a71b49e3acf29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looks interesting ill add it to my bookmarks

It actually is pretty good.

>> No.12412412 [DELETED] 
File: 52 KB, 594x582, q7jom4rn5i431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who you quoting?

>> No.12412466

>So what you're trying to say is that you live in this world with all of the humans that exist and you haven't been about to find satisfactorally genuine companionship and its all everyone else's fault so you need a robot which is unlike any human that you'v ever met to satisfy your companionship requirements?
That is not what he said.
>Have you ever considered the possibility that you're repulsive and that satisfactory companionship does exist, but its just not interested in being your companion?
For my part, sure. In fact I went to a dating consultant and was immediately informed there was no hope for me unless I aimed for a girl with poor eyesight and a desperate need for permanent residence permit. I was received with the revulsion you expect when you drive your wreck of a car to a second hand salesman who has made excessive promises of what wrecks he can successfully shift. Especially the kind where he realises your wreck is the last thing he wants to soil his lot with.
>Have you ever considered the possibility that you've got unrealistic standards for companionship.
To the contrary, my standards have been beaten into the ground.
>Have you ever though that your perfect dream companion, who you clearly feel entitled to, might also have their own high standards which you don't meet?
That is the essence of it though I never felt entitled.
>Maybe its not that they're not good enough for you, maybe its that you're too inferior?
At least I can buy potted plants.

>> No.12412488

You can already buy one that "simulates companionship." you'll have to be more specific

>> No.12412909


>> No.12412927

it's called a dog

>> No.12412940

doges aren't robots nor waifu material try again.

>> No.12412950

Retarded point, men and women have completely different sexual grading systems. To understand a woman's sexual grading system imagine if only model tier females were seen as attractive and thats it ONLY them are attractive every other Becky is an ugly hideous freak who should die.

>> No.12413017

>way to big and bulky

>> No.12413024
File: 152 KB, 369x854, turret.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey, stop right-
>oh it's you anon!
>welcome home, i missed you

>> No.12413040

>talking to eliza
>ask do you want to kill me
>"oh, i want to kill you"
they warned us about ai