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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 182 KB, 912x460, SpaceX Patch (Left); NASA Patch (Right).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12370050 No.12370050 [Reply] [Original]

Vandenberg and RTLS! edition

Livestream: https://youtu.be/aVFPzTDCihQ
Launch window: Saturday November 21 9:17 AM PST / 17:17 UTC (instantaneous)

Probability of violating weather constraints: 20%
Backup launch window: Sunday November 22 9:04 AM PST / 17:04 UTC (instantaneous)
Launch vehicle: SpaceX Falcon 9 with first stage B1063.1 (prior launches: N/A)
Launch pad: SLC-4E, Vandenberg Air Force Base, California
Fairings: New
Fairing recovery: Possible water recovery from NRC Quest
First stage landing: RTLS; At Landing Zone 4 (LZ-4)
Payload: Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich (Jason-CS)
Payload mass & deployment orbit: 1,192 kg; 1,336 km @ 66°

>Upon the re-entry of the vehicle, spectators and local residents from Santa Barbara, Ventura and San Luis Obispo counties can anticipate to hear multiple sonic booms, as the vehicle breaks the sound barrier.
SpaceX twitter: https://twitter.com/SpaceX

Launch stats:
>66th booster landing
>22nd Falcon 9 launch of the year (21st orbital launch)

>> No.12370051
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>> No.12370055
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00:01:01 Max Q (moment of peak mechanical stress on the rocket)
00:02:17 1st stage main engine cutoff (MECO)
00:02:21 1st and 2nd stages separate
00:02:28 2nd stage engine starts (SES-1)
00:02:50 Fairing deployment
00:06:55 1st stage entry burn complete
00:08:18 2nd stage engine cutoff (SECO-1)
00:08:19 1st stage landing
00:53:18 2nd stage engine starts (SES-2)
00:53:28 2nd stage engine cutoff (SECO-2)
00:53:29 Sentinel-6 deployment

>> No.12370068

CA anons, there still may be time to drive down and watch the launch if you're close by
However, many of the viewing spots are closed due to COVID. Hawk's Nest included :(

>> No.12370074
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>The Jason Continuity of Service (Jason-CS) mission on the Sentinel-6 spacecraft is an international partnership between the U.S. and Europe. Jason-CS/Sentinel-6 includes two identical satellites scheduled to launch in 2020 (satellite A) and 2025 (satellite B). In February 2020, Satellite A was renamed Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich to honor of Dr. Michael Freilich, Director of NASA’s Earth Science Division from 2006-2019. Mike passed away in August 2020, leaving a tremendous legacy of service to the agency, Earth science in general, and satellite oceanography in particular.

>Jason-CS/Sentinel-6 will ensure continuity of sea level observations into a fourth decade. Like their predecessors, these satellites will provide ongoing measurements of global sea level rise – one of the most important indicators of human-caused climate change. The data will also support operational oceanography through improved forecasts of ocean currents as well as wind and wave conditions. This data will allow improvements in both short-term forecasting for weather predictions in the two- to four-week range (e.g. hurricane intensity predictions), and long-term forecasting for seasonal conditions (e.g. El Niño, La Niña).

>With a new experiment: Global Navigation Satellite System Radio Occultation (GNSS-RO), Jason-CS/Sentinel-6 will also aid weather prediction. Watching GNSS satellites as they disappear over the horizon will provide detailed information about the layers in the atmosphere. This information will contribute to computer models that predict the weather and enhance forecasting capabilities.

>> No.12370082

I'm at Vandy. As close as they'll let us get anyways, there's hundreds of people out. We'll be seeing it rise over the hills. Should be quite the sight

>> No.12370143

Me on second from the right striking a pose

>> No.12370158

and then this evening, SpaceX is going to put up another batch of StarLink sats from the other coast. Is that the closest two SpaceX launches?

>> No.12370172

that got pushed back a day

>> No.12370206

Thanks for the thread OP.

>> No.12370209


Mission control stream.

>> No.12370245

What are the requirements for becoming a part of the payload integration team?
It's pretty much my dream job outside of becoming an astronaut, since you'd always be close to something new that goes to space

>> No.12370281

Stream is live.

>> No.12370300

LIVE ....
And it’s a NASA stream

>> No.12370308

Well, I'm sure they'll switch to SpaceX for the technical shit.

>> No.12370310

is this SportsCenter lol

>> No.12370314

Lay off the lipstick lady

>> No.12370324

Muh Climate Change

>> No.12370326

RTLS at vandy without fog? AHHHHHHHH can’t wait

>> No.12370327

NASA needs a crash course from Spacex on how to engage your audience and get them excited

>> No.12370328


>> No.12370333

Step 1: insprucker
Step 2:

>> No.12370336
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>> No.12370344

this is so corny, make it stop

>> No.12370348

What in the absolute fuck is this. NASA is so cringe

>> No.12370349
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>> No.12370351

I definitely prefer spacex streams.

>> No.12370352

WTF is happening

>> No.12370353

This is only the beginning bros. Brace for NASA to dial this to 11

>> No.12370357

At least on the east coast, NASA SpaceX launches are nice because then we get to see footage from NASA’s nice tracking telephoto lenses

>> No.12370358
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Kids singing? In MY launch stream? This is normieplex.
How much more cringe in the remaining ten minutes?

>> No.12370359

Ah yes science, where we worship the seas as a cult

>> No.12370366

Nice sneaks Jessie

>> No.12370368

well, at least they got Jessie

>> No.12370373

The commercial crew program and commercial launch contracts have resulted in NASA becoming nothing more than a woke marketing agency.

These launches are just sharing social media posts of wahmens and browns larping as astronauts and scientists.

>> No.12370387

3 minutes!

>> No.12370388

>What's wrong anon? You don't like science?

>> No.12370392

Dicks out for SpaceX

>> No.12370393

>NASA becomes NAA in the next few years

>> No.12370401

I wish they had a sound suppression system for the announcers too

>> No.12370403


>> No.12370405
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>> No.12370408
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>> No.12370410
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those cars in the background are parked awfully close?

>> No.12370415

Their car insurance covers rocket related accidents now

>> No.12370416

reminder that the Air Force charges SpaceX millions to land a stage at Vandy. The days of SpaceX at VAFB are numbered.

>> No.12370417

Amazing view of S1 separation

>> No.12370419

Its why they were building one in Texas

>> No.12370420

Yeah, full view of the flip around.

>> No.12370421

get pics of the stage coming back down!

>> No.12370423

>explains what nominal means

>> No.12370424

>reminder that the Air Force charges SpaceX millions to land a stage at Vandy
Any particular reason why or are they just jewing SpaceX?

>> No.12370428


>> No.12370430

Its cali, there is probably a lot of regulations making it expensive

>> No.12370433

>Sentinel 6 determines that ocean levels are actually lowering

How would NASA react?

>> No.12370434

probably just purely the fact that it's located in California

>> No.12370436

More sensationalism, more money so we can stop the lowering. Global panic

>> No.12370439

is there a stream without those imbeciles babbling?

>> No.12370442
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>> No.12370443

l a n d e d

>> No.12370444


>> No.12370445

>That'll be $10 million for that landing, Elon

>> No.12370446

It was great to see how it was aiming to sea and adjusted trajectory when the engine lit.

>> No.12370447

Jesus the vandenberg team is useless

>> No.12370450

How big is the landing blast zone?

>> No.12370451

Yep a great trajectory in case the engine doesn't work like that one time it lost control and spun out.

>> No.12370456

They completely butchered the coverage of the booster landing. Is this what happens when you give the JV team control of the media production for a day?

>> No.12370458
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Kino landing. It's always nice seeming them land in an area that isn't just ocean for miles

>> No.12370462

something needs to be done about Cancerfornia
also, nailed the paint again, this is why they stopped repainting the X on the ASDS ships
That was the grid fin hydraulics that failed. They added redundancy after that.

>> No.12370464

This was strange. This was a NASA team hosting the launch instead of SpaceX hosting and having NASA members join. I guess NASA wanted to "own" this launch coverage but they haven't launched anything themselves in years so they are clueless

>> No.12370465

>Elon had to calculate whether it would be cheaper to land on land at Vandy or on the droneship

>> No.12370466

it's 2020, why does NASA do everything in 720p aaahhhhhh

>> No.12370467

God the production quality

>> No.12370470

NASA production quality is so shoddy lmao

>> No.12370471

Should have landed in on LA instead.

>> No.12370473

>The Virgin Sentinel launch vs THE CHAD STARLINK LAUNCH

>> No.12370474

Must be interns doing the coverage

>> No.12370475

The best argument for the moon landing conspiracy is that NASA cannot even manage to run a fucking live stream.

>> No.12370478

And that they are using NOAA to cover up that the Earth is flat

>> No.12370479

why is swedish chef here deport him

>> No.12370482

>stream starts 10min before launch, no extra fluff
>crisp 1080p
>dual camera stage footage, has priority over hosts
>comfy intro and coast music
>allows control room audio priority


>> No.12370483

He's cooking up some roast beef rn

>> No.12370488

NASA is run by tasteless boomers thinking they're making these streams for families or something

>> No.12370489


>> No.12370492

Why is ESA allowed to even speak on this stream when they just botched their Vega launch so badly

>> No.12370494


>> No.12370496

makes you appreciate the production quality from spacex, it's easy to take it for granted until you see boomers fucking it up

>> No.12370501

They should tie a sacrificial Californian to the center of the pad to help the rocket aim for the center.

>> No.12370502

haha the snout on that guy

>> No.12370503

The satellite is there to scan the oceans for gold

>> No.12370508
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I don't mind those noses as much as I mind the metrosexual millennial sitting at the table. Look at me, I may look like Clark Kent but that means I'm really Superman!
It would avoid it out of disgust.

>> No.12370510

I literally do not give a fuck about this. So more rocket and talk more about the satellite

>> No.12370516

Cars and power plants bad

>> No.12370518
File: 137 KB, 1000x1000, 1*fNLHr2N0lMPloeEwRFsnUg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah here it is - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/lt-gen-steve-kwast-usaf-ret-friday-11-6-20/id73799424?i=1000497503414
AF charges SpaceX $13,000,000 to land at Vandenberg. This is from the based lt gen who was forced into retiring because of his saucy comments on space politics


>> No.12370524

Holy fuck I was just joking about $10m but the bastards actually did it

It might actually be cheaper to land on the droneship

>> No.12370527

On top of this, California put additional new rocket launch tax.

>> No.12370528

Damn. How does that compare to landing at Canaveral? That is also an air force base.

>> No.12370529

both are on the east coast because VAFB launches are few and far between now that Iridium NEXT is all up.

>> No.12370531

Has anyone confirmed this beyond that podcast?

>> No.12370535

These boomer experiments are LIT

>> No.12370536

nope, so take it how you will. what people do know is now that the polar corridor is available from Florida, SpaceX @ VAFB is going to shut down sometime soon

>> No.12370542


>> No.12370544

The whole demonstration felt like satire

>> No.12370552

iirc it was something that SpaceX supported and wasn't really a tax

>> No.12370553


They want ~6% of the launch value as tax.

>> No.12370554

When I realized the stream would be pozzed as fuck I checked out except for the in-flight

>> No.12370564

thats a good way to scare away a potential new industry for your state.

>> No.12370567

For fuck sake I get it.
You want to look at sea level.

NASA should seriously give the broadcasting back to spacex

>> No.12370572

How is the booster stage returned to it's processing facility in Florida? Is it moved by land or sea?

Would it be more cost effective to fly the booster under its own power from Vandy to Florida lol

>> No.12370576

You would not be allowed to fly a first stage rocket over the entire land of the USA. Too many risks. This is why all launches are done over the ocean.

Boosters moved between facilities are driven on trucks across highways. They are designed to legally fit the roads

>> No.12370577

>Would it be more cost effective to fly the booster under its own power from Vandy to Florida lol
trucks are very cheap

>> No.12370581
File: 148 KB, 602x353, Falcon9_transport.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's moved by land, and there are probably many safety regulations over flying rockets over land.

>> No.12370584

How long do it take to orbit back to the same area to scan?

>> No.12370586

F9 is as large as you can get and still transport on the road.

>> No.12370591

LEO is typically around 90 min. The time to fly over the same area depends on the orbit inclination and height

>> No.12370592

a year

>> No.12370594

Why is this stream still fucking going who gives a fuck??

>> No.12370597


>> No.12370599

wait shit this isn't a sun synchronous orbit. so idk for Sentinel6

>> No.12370601


>> No.12370602

The second stage is on a 45 minute coast phase until the next burn. SpaceX will show that burn again soon

>> No.12370605

>Implying it will ever end

>> No.12370607


>> No.12370609
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Why not transport it by rail? That is how Soyuz travels.

>> No.12370612

Search your feelings anon, you know it to be true.

>> No.12370613

10 days for 10cm coverage
1 year for mm coverage

>> No.12370615

America has a more developed truck transport industry than rail transport industry.

>> No.12370621

>american rail infrastructure

also funny boing story, one of their airframes I forget which is as big as it is because of a single curve in a train tunnel. This train tunnel is used to transport the fuselages to a different processing facility where the wings etc are added. If the plane was any longer, each fuselage wouldn't be able to fit through the train tunnel. lol.

>> No.12370624


That is a fair awnser I guess.

>> No.12370626

"We don't care, we don't have to, we're CALIFORNIA!" (paraphrasing of Ernestine the Telephone Operator)
I miss the Test Shot Starfish music, fuck these sois and boomers.
At least I have a Mogra stream to drown them out.

>> No.12370628

american trans-continental railroads are pretty shit
they're only ever used by old people who are afraid of flying and take twice as long as just driving takes

>> No.12370630

The drive from Vandenberg to Florida (or even Texas for that matter) is almost entirely on interstate highways (i-10) and so being built to a standard it is much easier to move these rockets by truck on the road when you know 99% of the route will be safe and without obstructions.

>> No.12370632

To get this taste out of your mouth, Starlink launch tomorrow!

>> No.12370636

Let me know when they get back to the rocket

>> No.12370638


>> No.12370644

Thank god. I hated the presentation today. So amateur like.

>> No.12370670

Wouldn't the noise blow out all of the windows?

>> No.12370672

I'm pretty sure that's tonight (2217 EST/1917 PST) if you're west of the Atlantic. I don't want any of us burgers missing it because some yuropoor said "tomorrow".

>> No.12370676

Satellite deployed!

>> No.12370686

it got moved back

>> No.12370726
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what's this stuff?

>> No.12370731


>> No.12370732

A space rat

>> No.12370733

Rats, or cgi, depends on my mood

>> No.12370735

Launch time: 0256 GMT on 23rd (9:56 p.m. EST on 22nd)

>> No.12370740

oxygen snow

>> No.12370773

Frozen cum

>> No.12370872

a scar

>> No.12370928

nerve gas

>> No.12371066

Missed it. Pre-Commercial Crew, didn't NASA and SpaceX host completely independent streams for their launches? Why not do that?