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12337365 No.12337365 [Reply] [Original]

How do people without inner monologues self-reflect or think about abstract ideas?

>> No.12337369


This woman for example doesn't do any of this, and just does the dishes and other shit. Seems like it really is an NPC thing. These people are animals living off physical impulses.

>> No.12337449

Not even people who do have inner monologue self-reflect and introspect

>> No.12337885

By outer dialogues with people who use inner monologues.

>> No.12337887

They don’t.

>> No.12338076

They think about abstract ideas abstractly.

>> No.12338078

I outgrew the inner monologue thing. It's useful sometimes, but now I mostly think in images and sensations.

>> No.12338098

thinking in images still requires conception of the image and advanced thinking only occurs via language thats why people who never learned a language due to being def back before we learned how to teach them were always retarded

Complex thought requires language to structure it, visualizing something is only useful if you then use language to consider the visualization

>> No.12338105

It just happens.
when I do math I just look at it and write on my paper information that I need to hold and solve it.
it's just there bro.

>> No.12338215

They don't.
A few do. Most don't.

>> No.12338240

How is language even useful for that? Can you describe it in more detail?
That's nonsense. On the contrary, it seems lamguage must greatly limit the range and detail of your thoughts.

>> No.12338256

When I'm thinking about complex stuff like math or how to design a program I can't limit myself by just expressing everything with words, I think about concepts and visualize things. People who only think through internal monologues are brainlets.

>> No.12338259

language is responsible for the development of complex ideas, this is not even something questionable

>> No.12338263

I don't see any reason to believe that.

>> No.12338276

no i dont suppose you would

>> No.12338451 [DELETED] 

What does an internal monologue even sound like?

Mine is more like an internal GUI that I see thoughts memories and things I'm thinking about projected on that allows me to scroll through them and read or see them, I hear letters and words as I read them or type with them one and It's always playing music in my head as well.

IQ 145 via Stanford Binet administered by a Harvard psychologist fwiw

>> No.12338459

What does an internal monologue even sound like?

Mine is more like an internal GUI that I see thoughts memories and things I'm thinking about projected on that allows me to scroll through them and read or see them at will, I also hear letters and words as I read them or type them, and it's always playing music in my head as well.

IQ 145 via Stanford Binet administered by a Harvard psychologist fwiw

>> No.12338465

Wow, anon, you're so cool! Here's your (You)

>> No.12338477

Lmao same, but that “GUI” is not so clear, it’s kinda foggy

>> No.12338487

Post test results with time stamp or kys

>> No.12338499

Same way everyone else does, except they recall it in other ways.

>> No.12338515

That sounds more like synesthesia than just visualization.

>> No.12338521

I read that most people make micro-movements with their tongues when they think to themselves or read to themselves. In fact, suppression of these micro-movements is supposed to help improve one's reading speed. Maybe nobody truly has an internal monologue, but it's just that there is a dramatic variation in peoples' ability to suppress these tongue micro movements.

>> No.12338531

The stanford binet does not have sufficiently hard questions to give meaningful scores over about 132

>> No.12338538

>How do people without inner monologues
They don't exist, it's a retarded media thing

>> No.12338542


Who said that!?

>> No.12338630

You can imagine symbols to represent complex ideas faggot

>> No.12338646
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>> No.12338652

Language is just a tool of communication.
Most new ideas come onto you in the form of a fast sequence of images.
But it's not like you ever had an original thought in your life besides regurgitating what you assimilated from others.

>> No.12338654

ask libtards. They can't think. They just parrot programmed NPC buzzwords. They just do whatever the priests of the clown cult tell them to do.

>> No.12338655

Not everything has to be said some things can be visualized. Do you talk in your dreams? Do you describe everything you visualize in your head through your inner voice? Do you describe to yourself everything you see?

>> No.12338664


They don't have inner monologue or consciousness. When the dick entered their ass for the first time, they became the mindless undead.

>> No.12338731

>>>12337365 (OP)
>What does an internal monologue even sound like?

like your voice; you NPC libtard

>> No.12338780

I imagine microprocessors.

IMO it's more efficient, if your monologue is at rate of speech I basically live 3 your lives in second.

>> No.12338879

Language is extraordinarily limiting.

>> No.12338922

You can access thoughts and ideas that are too complex to be described with words with things like meditation, dreams and hallucinogens. You still know the meaning of those thoughts, but they can't be communicated.

>> No.12338952

you cant think of an abstract concept with out a name for it
and no, you did not just make up the abstract concept that needs a new name, you combined or modified already known concepts to get it, and to know these you needed names. You can not, for example, apply the concept of 'upness' to an abstract arangement untill you name it up, this moves it from the realm of only real things that can be up, into a distinct and seperate quality of upness which can now be carried around and used on things that can not be up.

The idea of 'the thing below me is up' can not be conceptualized with out words because it is contradictory in actual normal experience, what is below you is always down and downness and belowness are the same concept untill you have named them and the names take on different contexts and then these contexts become different entities entirely.

>> No.12338972
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>You still know the meaning of those thoughts, but they can't be communicated.

This and contrary to what OP thinks, this is the best way to generate and conceptualize abstract ideas/concepts

Its just up to you to then decipher that into words, with our limited vocabulary.

You may come up with some concept or idea entirely without inner monologue, and try to find the right words to describe it to others only to find the very same concept/idea exists in another language with its very own word https://hifisamurai.github.io/lexicography/ but nothing in your language

Thus proving that language is not responsible for generating complex abstractions, only for the communicating and sharing of them.

>> No.12338976

>>12338879 #
>you cant think of an abstract concept with out a name for it
Animals do this.

>> No.12338991

No, you're American, so I understand you don't understand. That's not you. That's computer simulation of your voice, you're dictated by trough electromagnetic waves by your phone.

In better case it's you, but that's thinking out loud, in telepathy it's like talking out loud sometimes screaming.

>> No.12338998

>>Most new ideas come onto you in the form of a fast sequence of images.

This but not even images in the visual sense, rather like a series of .zip files with the thoughts already formed and bundled so a single .zip file is a complete package, and you understand it in its entirety in a single moment, faster than words or images can do it.

If like me this is your primary method of thinking, you end up writing a fuck ton whenever describing anything because to stick with that analogy it's like you're unpacking the .zip and converting it to a form thats easier to communicate it with (text/speech)

>> No.12339004

>and converting it to a form that's easier to communicate it with (text/speech) on the spot rather than already knowing the right words/sentences to describe it

post got cut off

>> No.12339035

As someone who has inner monologues, most of my abstract thought occurs without an inner monologue.

>> No.12339074

>you cant think of an abstract concept with out a name for it
That is obviously false.
>The idea of 'the thing below me is up' can not be conceptualized with out words
The reason for that is that it doesn't make sense. In fact it makes perfect sense now: people who think in language think they are special, because they can think about nonsense.

>> No.12339082

It's the zombies who compensate for the lack of consciousness by using language.

>> No.12339093

>I stopped reading and started looking at picture books.

>> No.12339107

>>you cant think of an abstract concept with out a name for it
I've found that not only can I do that but I can refer back to it at a later time.

I just "activate" that formless, wordless, imageless concept if its relevant or related to something I'm thinking about (with an inner monologue or not) or noticing externally, forming new associations with it, etc.

Later I may choose after enough refinement and contemplation to share the concept so that would be the first time its every "symbolized" by words or images, sometimes coining a whole new term or portmanteau for it, this is literally what this website is all about- https://hifisamurai.github.io/lexicography/

>> No.12339109

animals have languages too

>> No.12339121

>I've found that not only can I do that but I can refer back to it at a later time.
You are not understanding what is actually happening when you think. You could not have ever initially obtained the idea with out language, and once the idea is obtained, it is bound to language. When you recall one you recall the other. You do not need to actively summon the idea by naming it, the name and the thing have become inseparable

>> No.12339130

What about solitary animals? Tigers can think of concepts like danger, distance, direction, planning, cammouflaging, etc. without communicating them.

>> No.12339142

how do you know they think of them

>> No.12339154

Because they use them and react to changes in them to accomplish their goals. A tiger that climbs a tree by default understands the concept of "upness". They also know if the next branch is too far away to reach with a leap, and what happens if they fall. These are concepts of distance, height, and action/consequence.

>> No.12339176


>> No.12339179
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>You are not understanding what is actually happening when you think.
Yes clearly you know better about my own meta-cognition than I do even though I've been researching and learning about different methods of cognition years before the "NPC" meme, aphantasia and general awareness of unsymbolized thinking was ever a thing once I noticed I do not think with any inner dialogue like characters in TV shows or books did with their inner monologue sequences.

You are limiting concepts to languages, this is a mistake. Consider the tip of the tongue phenomenon where the word you want to use to convey a concept is unable to be remembered by you, the concept/idea you want to convey by that word is in your head but the word that describes it, to share it with someone else is temporarily missing. That cannot happen if as you say language comes before thought.

>You could not have ever initially obtained the idea with out language
Trust me I have plenty of times, followed by feelings of instant realization or disappointment, or elation, depending on what the idea was about. Most of my creative ideas happen this way too, be it immediate creative inspiration or an urge to try a different approach to some drawing/thing I'm working on.

But all my most abstract and idiosyncratic ideas and concepts have happened this way, I rarely generate any useful or novel abstract idea or concept via inner monologue, language is simply too limiting, this especially applies for when I'm contemplating on my unsymbolized thinking, in contemplating my own meta-cognition

>> No.12339185

Those people do have inner monologues. What differentiates some from others (this anon included) is that they have control (to a greater extent) over it -- they ruminate when they decide to do so.

>> No.12339192

>Because they use them and react to changes in them to accomplish their goals. A tiger that climbs a tree by default understands the concept of "upness".
No he doesnt, upness is a distinct thing from up, its a quality that does not exist in reality but only in mind. And this shows the importance of language, with out it the only things you have to construct thoughts out of are real things, you lack the ability to extract out of these real things properties and concepts which can be used freely on their own.

You can only think with things you have experience of. If for example you were born with out any senses at all you would never be able to think at all, even if your brain was perfectly fine, because you would have no mental constructs to start thinking with.

Language effectively allows us to invent new things, words, right out of nothing, and to these words we can attach things that do not otherwise exist in any experience way in reality. We can only experience them in mind, and while you certainly can experience these things in mind with out naming them, thats only after you have used language to form them to start with. Language is a hack that bridges the real experienced material things, the only things we can think with otherwise, and lets us rearrange them into new things. These new things, once formed, can exist independent of language. If you suddenly suffered brain damage and lost the ability to use language you may well still hold concepts you created prior to this, but the creation of a new thing, a thing you can not reference by experience, thing needs a name for it - the name becomes the experience.

>> No.12339195

i don't understand how inner-monologists can't imagine thinking without an inner-monologue. are they lower IQ?

what better way to think about abstract ideas, than using raw, abstract thought?

>> No.12339196

>instant realization or disappointment, or elation, depending on what the idea was about.
Its almost as if you dont understand what im even referencing. Perhaps its because you lack it :^)

>> No.12339207

Ah yes when BTFO you just resort to implying some cognitive defect or otherwise lacking the same level of understanding as you are, I've seen this pattern before.

>> No.12339209

an inner monologue comments on it. the monologue is not always what creates an idea, its the you observing your thought

>> No.12339223

Ive described the thing im talking about multiple times, when you come back saying "but i can do x y and z with out language!" and none of those are the thing im describing, then its the only conclusion left.

Its apparent you cant make a distinction between up and upness.

>> No.12339228

i still have feelings about an idea that i'm thinking about, despite not having an inner-monologue about it. i CAN have an inner-monologue, and do while speaking or typing. it's an extra (and unnecessary) step in reasoning, that for me is only useful if i am talking (or typing something).

>> No.12339234

we aren't talking about feelings

>> No.12339252

by feelings, i mean "comments", as you would get with an inner-monologue. unless you mean to tell me that the inner-monologue is supposed devoid of any kind of feeling, opinion or sensation, which would be proof beyond reasonable doubt that inner-monologists are literal NPCs

>> No.12339278

its just your own voice with out speaking conversing with itself

>> No.12339290

schizo cope

>> No.12339309
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>the monologue is not always what creates an idea, its the you observing your thought

Holy shit did you just link the inner monologue to "you"?

That's the most common misconception.

"you" do not cease to exist just because you stop thinking with words and dialogue, you can experience this yourself in meditation, you are not your "inner voice" the inner voice is a tool you can utilize, some like this anon >>12339228 utilizes it some of the time while there are people who utilize it constantly and have come to totally forget they are capable of more subtle though, the inner monologue becomes the "monkey mind" endlessly chattering away

I can notice this sometimes when I have a wordless thought and find my inner dialogue catching up to put it into words, but that process comes like miliseconds after I have already processed the initial thought, so its useless in that sense, it's a habit people can learn to stop or to adopt so completely they forget that they can think in other ways than just with an inner voice, they have to first notice and be aware of that milisecond pause in between getting a thought and instantly verbalizing it internally, which mindfulness helps with as it trains and hones self-awareness, eventually the inner dialogue itself disappears, but the sense and awareness of self and the mental capacities don't, in fact you could say they become more efficient, with useless follow-on inner dialogue eliminated.

Just as this anon experienced https://boards.fireden.net/sci/thread/12050903/

>> No.12339314

>so its useless
thats how the thought gets formalized, you dont really know what you are thinking until you do this

>> No.12339317

>you dont really know what you are thinking until you do this
Yes I do because that doesn't happen everytime, some wordless thinking happens without that inner dialogue following up, the thought is formalized upon conception not upon being converted into language, in fact that was how it was before I ever learned inner voice was a THING.

>> No.12339323

Wait, there are people who don't have inner monologues?

>> No.12339597


>> No.12339604
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who says we do?

i thought the only people with ideas are the 200 iq geniuses who are at the top of their field

>> No.12339925

I unironically perform better if I shut off my inner monologue.

>> No.12339979

For me inner monologue is like meditation. Only twice in my life have I thought so deep I felt like I was falling and my concentration broke.

>> No.12340000


>> No.12340050


>You could not have ever initially obtained the idea with out language
Only philosophical zombies are limited to ideas they received from others. People with consciousness can generate their own ideas.

>> No.12340063

I don't know I didn't think of anything when I was writing this it came to me.
though I did read it my head after I wrote it.

>> No.12340074
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Not really. Language is just a tool in your kit. It's normal to think in a mix of language, imagery and abstractions.

>> No.12340094

Thanks to the carelessness of Chomsky, there are many people on /sci/ who confuse language with the formal set of words and letters that constitute communication in that language, forgetting that in the real world, actual languages can be logographic, with ideographic or even pictographic components.

>> No.12340135
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Do these people really have Morgan Freeman narrating their existence in their head? How do they know where they end and where the narrator begins? How can you be you if there's someone else in there with you?

>> No.12340158

>I can only conceptualize things I can describe in words therefore I am conscious
Somehow /sci/ now has worse threads on this topic than /x/

>> No.12340164

No its just an abstract whisper
Like when you think "ah i fucked up" but prolonged when you reflect on more complex stuff
Its a flow of ideas you may or may not find words for but to you it is just easier to label this "inner speech"

>> No.12340351

>explaining inner monologue by refering to inner monologue

>> No.12340565

concepts just strike to me, I just don't think in a language

>> No.12340574
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This is probably how religion came about. Someone mistaking their own internal monologue from an outside source. And being born again, is someone who for whatever reason, didn’t have an internal monologue for most of their life, and then one day, they got one, and they thought it was god or an awakening or whatever.

>> No.12340604

Ultra intelligent Anon here (likely the most intelligent person you will ever interact with).

I have different modes of thought, some of them are non-verbal. Each has its own merit.

High Verbosity state of mind: allows me to index previously wordless thoughts, for easier recall. Allows me to structure very broad, higher level thoughts (for example, invoking various materials that may be necessary to solve a problem). This is the first port of call for a very difficult problem.

Medium Verbosity: Allows for contrasting and comparing thought fragments to set constraints. For example, medium difficulty mathematics problems.

Low Verbosity: Using just raw visualisation is useful for IQ tests and the like, but also any difficulty of problem under time pressure. The catch is that poor indexing means whatever you do in this frame of mind is unlikely to strongly advance you unlike other frames of mind.


The lower the verbosity, the faster my mind is. Higher verbosity allows for better indexing.
Also verbosity for me isn't internal narration. I'm just thinking of the words themselves.

>> No.12340902

/x/ topic.

>> No.12340931

Its called the bicameral mind theory

>> No.12340964

Religion came about because it was evolutionary beneficial.

>> No.12340970

>A few do. Most don't.
Yeah, that's what I meant. Sad

>> No.12340981

>not using both

>> No.12341996

When I have to problem solve or do like quick decision sports or talk to people I dont monologue i just "think". I only talk with my inner voice when im alone and am bored or when im reading text and I just think in images when im going to sleep

>> No.12342492

See how uncurious she is about the whole thing, the guy with the internal monologue is mind boggled and trying to understand her inner experience, and she doesn’t seem to be perplexed or puzzled AT ALL, and not curious about how he experiences the world AT ALL. It’s just like “nope, I don’t really care, it’s just how it is.”

>> No.12342516

Some people think abstractly and other people think in words, but I don't think that has anything to do with having an inner voice or not. My inner voice is extremely faint, and I wouldn't even call it a voice, but I still "feel" the words I think about anyway, in the same way that I have very little imagination but I can still feel the things I imagine, in a sort of "vicarious" way

>> No.12342517
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>This is probably how religion came about. Someone mistaking their own internal monologue from an outside source.
Pre-modern people had pre-Kantian minds and experienced the world in terms of mytho-poetics rather than through categories of internal thought vs external sense. See Ernst Cassier and pic:

>> No.12342533
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mate the scientific consensus is that language is a precursor for consciousness and human-level intelligence. Not "just a tool". read chomsky

>> No.12342534

I can think both with an inner monologue and without it. I can switch it on off. So I can understand what it might be like to not have it. I can also switch it between English and nihongo.

>> No.12342652

Chomsky is a hack. Almost nobody takes him seriously anymore, not even in linguistics.

>> No.12342653

>These people are animals living off physical impulses.

The thing that makes me think it’s more complicated than that is that she’s a fast reader and seems to process information more efficiently.

> 3:55 We can have a 100 question test and she’s done when I’m on question 12 I’m not even kidding. It’s superhuman.

What if she’s actually more evolved? The more primative version is the bi-cameral mind where you literally experience an auditory hallucination of a voice telling you what to do. Then a little more evolved is identifying that voice as “you” and being able to control it. Then even more evolved is doing away with that voice entirely and thinking entirely in abstract concepts. I can kind of relate to what she’s saying when she’s talking about writing an essay and “knowing” what you want it to say but not having it verbalized in your head. That’s exactly what I’m doing with this comment right now. The whole thing already exists in the form of a concept and I’m just translating it.

>> No.12342672

Also she says at night she “sees” lists of things she needs to do. So she has almost like a computer like interface with a HUD that stores infomation as lists. She makes analogies to “files”.

This is NOT someone living off of impulses and instinct.

>> No.12342702

When you conceptualize that phrase are you really conceptualizing it or just trying to conceptualize separate valid concepts that the phrase might have been intended to convey?

>> No.12342714

>What if she’s actually more evolved?
Eh. Different skills for different tasks. She said she doesn't like to read, I'm going out on a limb, but I wonder how creative she is? I would expect most writers to have strong internal voices, artists to be visualizers, etc. Our minds may shape what we're meant for more than we realize, because it's becoming clear that humans are capable of very different thought patterns.

>> No.12342723

I agree, she doesn’t strike me as very creative or curious. But if I needed someone to analyze many pages of legal documents or something I’d probably pick her over the spazzy emotional internal monologue guy.

>> No.12342740

In speedreading (maybe pseudoscience) they try to train people to eliminate subvocalizing. I wonder if that plays a role in her fast reading skills.

>> No.12344238

That's literally not true

>> No.12344796

It is. Virtually everything he wrote has been disproven or abandoned.

>> No.12344845

Look in mirror
>think about abstract ideas
in pictures, sounds. Like TV.

>> No.12348059

You know how you can think of things while keeping your mouth shut? Just do the same, but keep your mind's mouth shut. You just stop routing your thoughts through the language part of your brain, but everything else works the same way.

>> No.12348194

The chinese have a higher IQ yet they have no creativity. The next step in human evolution will by all means be considered irrational.

>> No.12349199

abstract thought does not use inner monologues

>> No.12349209

They ask /sci/ to explain it to them like they were a child.

>> No.12349218

Inner monologue is an audiobook at best.

>> No.12349257

When she pauses to think of her upcoming word selection as she keeps doing, what is she doing if not using an inner monologue?

>> No.12349267

If it is the same as me it is probably a process of staging the thoughts you want to say, ordering the ideas. I do have an internal monologue tho but it is not constant. I don't use it all the time.

>> No.12349270

thinking of a word or sequence of words and looking at them and deciding whether they convey the intended meaning

>> No.12349273

>staging the thoughts you want to say
That is called an inner monologue.

>> No.12349275

>think in sensations
>believes this is superior
Grats on becoming retarded.

>> No.12349276

So by utilizing her inner monologue?

>> No.12349277

a monologue is something you could say out loud and it would be words
thinking about words does not map to speech directly

>> No.12349278

>think in sensations
So you are saying you don't think of the word hot, you just start to get flushed and sweat when the abstract concept of hot comes to mind?

>> No.12349282

it is more like you are standing next to a conveyorbelt and deciding which words to place on the belt in which order
you can evaluate which words to use without using words in your evaluation of them

>> No.12349285

Speech is words that can be spoken, thinking about words to speak is the definition of inner monologue.

>> No.12349288

>thinking about words to speak is the definition of inner monologue.
haha no
inner monologue is more like having a discussion with yourself

>> No.12349289

>you can evaluate which words to use
How can you evaluate words without using words?

>> No.12349293

No its like thinking of and evaluating words and sentences without saying them out loud.

>> No.12349307

by having associated the word with memories and images and ideas I guess?
the conversion from the ideas back to the words is a bit slow for me at times and I have to do an extra pass of sorts where I read the sentence to see whether it is valid
or if I have already said the words I have to add filler words or subclauses and so on (this process is basically automatic).

the point being they are not "words" until they have already been decided on through the idea they try to convey

>> No.12349310

My internal monologue's "voice" sounds different from my spoken voice.

>> No.12349316

>associated the word with memories and images
If you can freely associate memories and images with words in your mind, how can you not just do that with an internal monologue?

>> No.12349323

For me. I have to move my tongue and slightly my lips. While I think or type. Other then that nothing. Unless I am dreaming at night. But no sound in my dreams.

Best thing I can think of is tapping your fingers to a rhythm. I am not thinking about the rhythm. I hear or feel the rhythm and adjust to the rhythm I would prefer. It's not that I have a rhythm in mind. I just go for it and adjust on the fly.

I rarely second guess myself. Because I trust that my brain retains pertinent information.

Example wise. Is I rather know 3-6 out of the seven seas. Or the 7 continents. Rather then all the states and countries.

>> No.12349354

how do i turn off my brain voice anons? I literally can't read without my inner monologue reading for me unless i read out loud.

>> No.12349360

>google says to say "stop"
>it actually fucking works

>> No.12349363

Just go LALALALALALALAALALALALA in your head like how you would block Jedi Masters from listening in to your thoughts.

>> No.12349366

also I can change my inner monologue into any voice.

>> No.12349378

What about CCH Pounder from The Shield?

>> No.12349382

send link with voice.
also I tried to do mc ride's voice, bit of a challenge

>> No.12349388


>> No.12349392

pretty easy lel, of course, I have no way to prove this.
I'm pretty sure this what people mean when they say "read this in his voice".

>> No.12349397

Wait, most of us here are capable of thinking in both language and visuals, right?
I'm capable of switching between the two at ease.

>> No.12349406

yeah i can think of and in images
its how I enjoy so much literotica

>> No.12349411

I think strictly in terms of n-dimensional Fractals and Manifolds.

>> No.12350420

I think aloud when i'm alone

>> No.12350691

inner monologue is just a monkey distracting you rself.
>self-reflect or think about abstract ideas?
you silent brain do this then tell to you monkey brain by 'inner monologue'

>> No.12350707
File: 1.07 MB, 2000x1333, 1590062922490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Had a complex inner monologue as kid
>Would narrate everything inside my head as if I were going through a story
>Can barely do this as an adult and mostly think in abstractions and image sequences
Is this a bad thing bros?

>> No.12350708

Chad cerebration

>> No.12353266

that's because she's a literal NPC, her brain is just following the script of whoever wrote her in, we're in a simulation and most of us are playable characters

>> No.12353431
File: 17 KB, 340x257, 340[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good news everyone, even people without inner monologues read this in my voice.

>> No.12353526

its like being more of a collective, 2 heads are better than one. my inner monologue is a conversation between 2 me's. Wait does that mean there are 3 me's if my inner monologue is 2 voices?

>> No.12353532

It also doesn't sound like morgan freeman, it sounds like me but with a deeper voice, or should i say it sounds like how i think i should sound. Ive heard recordings of my voice and it doesn't sound anything like that.

>> No.12353547


>> No.12353548

>I stopped reading books and gradually succumbed to autism due to using imageboards

>> No.12353716

Simple. Create a habit of only speaking when talking out loud. That's probably why you notice it stop while reading out loud.

The book probably doesn't help only because your reading something out loud. Suppressing your thoughts. But not expressing your thoughts.

So be alone in the car. Or a walk through nature, alone at home. And just rant about things out loud. But take breaks to just sit quietly and stare a wall. Listen to music. But try not to think about anything. Experience relaxing. Or experience music.
Or just a simple exercise routine. Like jumping rope. Don't count just jump feel your muscles.