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12301023 No.12301023 [Reply] [Original]

what is meant by a "cure for cancer" and why doesn't cutting it out/chemo count?

>> No.12301030

Chemo doesn't always work and is too destructive. Cutting it out is risky, because you can cause it to spread. A "cure" should at least target cancer specifically and not damage nearby cells.

>> No.12301094

it means give us more fucking grants so we can jack off while we look at things in a microscope some more

>> No.12301103

go back

>> No.12301121

Stage IV is curable?

>> No.12301304

Chemotherapy is basically a shotgun blast: you're feeding the patient poison in the hopes that you'll kill the cancer cells before you kill the patient.
Surgery isn't always possible because there are things you can't just cut out. There are also things you can't get to, like deep in the brain.
Also it's not always some tumor that's all one piece. If the cancer metasticizes, then it's all over the body -- and usualy it's all over for the patient, too.

>> No.12301307

Why are you booing him? He’s right

>> No.12301320

The root problem isn't any one cancerous tumor. It's the way your cells have become prone to producing new cancerous tumors. Cutting one out or using chemo to suppress it isn't going to address that root problem in most cases unless one part of your body had cells that became cancer-prone but the entire rest of your body is still doing fine. More likely once one part starts turning cancerous you have a problem that'll keep manifesting with new cancerous growths.

>> No.12301324

femanon here, stfu

>> No.12301325

A cure for cancer is a PR phrase. Cancer is a diverse range of diseases with different pathologies and symptoms, there is no one magic bullet for cancer. We have gotten much, much better at treating many forms of cancer in the last 50 years. For some cancers we've gotten to the point where the chances of you dying from it before something else kills you are less than 1%.

>> No.12301345

The word "he" isn't even in the post your replied to.

>> No.12301351

How about you post your tits and cunt

>> No.12301352
File: 41 KB, 961x112, (him).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would you go and post lies like that?

>> No.12301447

chill out I meant >>12301307 stfu and leave me to my knob creek