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12245127 No.12245127 [Reply] [Original]

>still no cure for balding


>> No.12245132

>still get an abscess if you don't brush your teeth
Who do I have to report this critical error in human development to?

>> No.12245134

A razor is the cure.

>> No.12245252
File: 2.58 MB, 640x640, Baldness Treatment.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12245521

My identity is not a disease. We are

>> No.12245552

>human eye has a blind spot and can only see a few nanometers range of an incredibly large electromagnetic spectrum

Where's the anti-based department? I need to return these eyeballs I was given.

>> No.12245569

Still looks like a cuck

>> No.12245660

He looks chad af in the after pics

>> No.12246204

Antigen for dihydrogen testosterone. It must exist, otherwise we wouldn't know how body without it works.

>> No.12246320
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>still no cure for balding

>> No.12246349

Baldness is a sign of high testosterone, virility, and maturity, so wear it with confidence. Cut your hair short on the sides and shave the stray hairs on top of your head, that way it looks cleaner and you come off as a man who takes care of himself instead of coming off as an insecure cuck trying desperately to cling to a past stage of his life. If you don't think you can pull off the patterned baldness look, try just cleanly shaving your whole head instead. Acceptance is key, love yourself and others will love you back.

>> No.12248480

god it must stink like holy hell. imagine going for a run and this guy sweats up a mini puddle through his head and it mixes with the glue and then his date goes near his head and smells that swamp gas.

>> No.12248482

why would anyone waste effort on curing balding when baldies, scientifically speaking, aren't even human

>> No.12248489

just travel back in time and tell your ancestor not to get syfilis.

>> No.12248524
File: 7 KB, 231x250, 1594528104425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Baldness is a sign of high testosterone, virility, and maturity

holy cope batman lmfao

>> No.12248545

It literally is though. Male Pattern Baldness is the result of a gene that makes your body far more sensitive to DHT. This means that if you have low DHT but also have the gene, you will never go bald. DHT levels naturally rise with age, which is why most men start losing hair when they become elderly, while those with the DHT-sensitivity gene lose hair in their 30s. If you start losing hair in your teens or early 20s, it is because your body is producing a crazy amount of DHT and by extension testerone for your age.

That, or you have a shit diet and the lack of nutrients is killing your hair cells.

But this is assuming you are taking care of yourself.

The way finastride and other hair-loss medications work is by artificially destroying your DHT levels. This is also why they have so many negative side effects, as DHT is an important hormone.

>> No.12248598

there is, it's called finasteride

no, it's purely down to your scalp follicles being sensitive to DHT. Most with MPB have normal hormone levels
>DHT levels naturally rise with age
>This is also why they have so many negative side effects, as DHT is an important hormone
only about 2% get side effects and they mostly go away with time

>> No.12248609

>get new hair
>instantly turn into a flaming faggot

>> No.12248613

>.t faggot

>> No.12248653
File: 580 KB, 1200x1189, Pseudohermaphrodite-Body-Composition-Comparison-Of-Brother-With-5-Alpha-Reductase-Deficiency-Vs-Brother-Without-5-Alpha-Reductase-Deficiency.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DHT dosent affect muscles, tits or brain
DHT is important in male genitalia development
the only sides you can get are the sexual ones, but if you have enough test you are ok with that too

>> No.12248802
File: 119 KB, 1792x1080, ca68dc03ea858242ff050fed5de0625a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been balding for years now, I just go with this style. Mustache, sideburns and sunglasses included. I believe its called "the chad embrace".

>> No.12248815


>> No.12248867

Masturbqtion and sexual activity increase the conversion of T to DHT via oxytocinergic signaling and increased 5-alpha reductase expression. I became celibate and my balding reversed. Not going to cure everyone but it made a huge difference for me over 6 months. I try not to masturbate and do run into difficulties at times but I find it superior and I like the feeling of control it gives me. Whereas when I'm a slave to cooming, I can't control when I am going to be aroused and will just have entire days go to waste.

>> No.12248886


>> No.12248889
File: 26 KB, 500x500, Matthew-McConaughey-Hairstyles-for-Balding-Men.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking about trying this look as well. It looks really cool です. This combined with good clothing and a good body is key

>> No.12248990

if you masturbate you increase DHT
if you decrease DHT you can't masturbate


>> No.12249229

Good news, OP. The cure has been found. Don't go bitching about side effects.

>> No.12249237

chad embrace is to go bald.

>> No.12249252

Who cares, you faggots are so obsessed with testosterone like it's the fucking elixir of life.
I started balding in my early 20s so according to your theory I must be a HIGH T BIG DICK CHAD but in reality I weigh 130 lbs soaking wet, have a pencil neck, and no fucking jaw/chin.
you're a fucking retard

>> No.12249253
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t. Virgin

>> No.12249297

I hate that this shit happened. I've had a shaved head and beard since like 2009 and now it's some basedboy meme and I fucking hate it.

>> No.12249425

Don't worry about it dude its just a meme

>> No.12249939

"Aight what kind of look dyou want bro?"

"You know that modern hip inner city look that is both clean and playful?"

"A faggot?"

"Yeah that's it"

>> No.12250733
File: 476 KB, 200x200, 1557879889951.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still no cure for balding
welcome to the future

>> No.12250747
File: 45 KB, 633x645, TRINITY___GOKU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12251050

Also, if you do.
This is what the faggots of society have brainwashed you into. You should be more like
I do cut mine very short and there is nothing to deal with for a couple months.

>> No.12251095

Post pics

>> No.12252403

Why would there ever be a cure for baldness when the companies make more money from treatments?

Come on anon, are you really this stupid?

>> No.12252454

there's only two treatments that work and they're both generic
follicle cloning however will make shit tons of money, it will be out in less than ten years and they plan to charge $100k per person

>> No.12252531

I hope they never cure balding so that it eternally continues to separate men from people who are incapable of dealing with change. Why is balding even seen as embarrassing, you don't have to do any work to have a full head of hair. The only answer I can think of is that it reminds men of their body aging, but since it presents no problem in itself, it only works as insult to injury of th ego, like if you're out of shape and balding you're double old, if you're in great shape but balding, why even care? I think the real solution to balding is to use it as motivation to keep lifting.

>> No.12254119

my body has been saturated with dutasteride for past 3 years and i fuckin love it

>> No.12254143

Crude oil on scalp, it works

>> No.12254611

I refuse to accept that we can go to space before we find a cure to baldness. Apparently we have 4 years until a spaceship goes to Mars. Hair cloning is the next step. Get to work, filthy plebs.

>> No.12254751

>testosterone like it's the fucking elixir of life
it is
In my 20s I had so much desire I got hard at bitches by visual. Less depression prone
Now (30) it takes me a lot to get hard manual stimuli

>> No.12254829

>only about 2% get side effects and they mostly go away with time
lmao imagine believing this

>> No.12254857

I'm 31 and had the same problem as you. Here's how I fixed it: Stop watching porn and cut down masturbation to only when you feel horny enough to do it using only your imagination. Without the porn you'll probably naturally masturbate only once every 1-2 weeks. Within 2 months you'll get hard from seeing a bit of cleavage again. Your problem isn't low testosterone, it's porn poisoning your mind and wrecking your dopamine and serotonin receptors.
Working out will also help a lot. If you both give up porn and work out regularly you'll start feeling like a 20 year old again.

>> No.12255821

It's pretty annoying how finasteride users accuse people with strong negative reactions of lying or the nocebo effect just because they're hedging their own bets on fin and any threat to that savior is a personal insult

>> No.12255906

uh, that Kevin Mann vid was pretty uncomfortable huh?

>> No.12256027

there is a cure for balding, actually. a small pill of lead. rapidly injected through the temple using a pistol

>> No.12256116

>DHT dosent affect muscles, tits or brain
it gets converted to neurosteroids. I am most worried about the potential brain fog/brain damage

>> No.12256366

it's funny how most people who take this drug are men in their 60s with enlarged prostates and yet it's only healthy young men in their 20s who spend all day reading internet forums who get side effects

>> No.12256576

Old men get it too, you just only spend time on young people forums

Also 60 year old cancer victims probably don't give give a shit about loss of libido if they even had any

>> No.12257960


Holy shit why didn't I think of this? If I just slit my wrists then I'll die and won't have to worry about balding anymore

>> No.12258123

Also a main sign of heart disease

>> No.12258127

No way it's that expensive

>> No.12258334

>$100k per person
Well, there goes any hope I had left.

>> No.12258434

We know the cause for androgenic balding is, as it says, androgens. All we need to do is to stop them from binding to scalp follicles or gene edit babies so that they aren't born with androgen-sensitive scalps. The first one is definitely in the realm of plausibility, it's just that money isn't poured into it and the finasteride/minoxidil companies are doing everything they can to prevent it from becoming reality. Big Pharma makes more money constantly selling drugs and wouldn't lose that cash cow for a cure. There's also the problem that many people only see balding as a cosmetic issue and not a diseass. It's not taken seriously enough. At this pace a cure will not be available in anyone alive today's lifetime. And when the cure does eventually come out it will only be available to the richest bastards for decades.
>expensive wig
>have to replace this shit every year
>the equivalent of wearing a mask
This is a cucked cope that definitely has negative mental health outcomes

>> No.12258441

>nofappers claim that masturbation reduces testosterone and other male sex hormones
>nofappers simultaneously claim that masturbation causes balding by increasing the production of DHT, the strongest form of testosterone
nofap is complete pseudoscience garbage
the only people who benefit from nofap are those addicted to masturbation/porn

>> No.12258451

Because there's no positive financial incentive for companies to develop a cure. When it does come out if ever like >>12258434 said, it'll be prohibitively expensive on purpose so that the general populace will still be forced to buy finasteride/minoxidil while they make even more from rich guys shelling out tens of thousands for their cure.

>> No.12258519

>the only people who benefit from nofap are those addicted to masturbation/porn
Even those people don't benefit from nofap because it just causes build up of sexual frustration until they relapse way worse than before. Quitting porn is the only really important thing, completely denying your sexuality is foolish.

>> No.12258949

lmao the equivalent of putting a mask on to hide your ugly
thats a myth
>there is, it's called finasteride
>there is, it's called HRT
>turn off your balls
except he's not bald
SUPER based Tooker
>t. tranny

>> No.12259016

think about it, it saves you time not looking at the mirror.

>> No.12259131

I failed to make this connection
it really is over for us dhtbros

>> No.12259281

I've had quite the luck with peppermint oil extract mixed in my shampoo, took around 3 months to kick in. My head hairs after I drain the tub have gone from a couple hundred to about 10 at most. Whether this is because I have stopped thining naturally or the oil is having an effect I don't know. Not seen my hair rethicken yet so I will probably make an update in a year.

>> No.12259309

bladfags literally shave their heads
even women shave their pubes less frequently

>> No.12259311

rub sperm on your head.

>> No.12259692

>still no cure for death


>> No.12259716

A reporter once asked the creator why there still isn't a cure for baldness in the future and he said something like "in the 24th century, nobody will care."

>> No.12259894

Anon, it's almost 2021.

>> No.12260008
File: 26 KB, 500x300, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cure is finasteride+hair transplant
all the faggot politicians and rich dudes are using this solution
there is like a %1 chance of it fucking you over though

>> No.12260132

DTH makes you lose hair, but only because it produces scarification in oxygen-poor tissue, and the energy poverty in anoxic tissue also causes calcification. Just reduce stress as much as viable, eat more calcium (calcification is paradoxical due to calciums energy boosting effects), drink baking soda to increase the bodys carrying capacity of carbon dioxide and oxygenation (carboxytherapy is proven to help hair loss), rub magnesium oil on the scalp to loosen up calcification and provide energy, do dermarolling to increase scar remodeling, maybe you could also apply urea since it helps reduce scars, and finish with red light therapy since it's also a proven metabolism booster.

Possibly other methods: b vitamins for metabolism, oysters for copper, posture training to reduce scalp tension (scalp tension pattern correlate to androgenic alopecia patterns), intense massage (detumescence) to help break up the calcification and scarring, more collagen in your food for the anti inflammatory effects, and just stop eating seed oils since they're pure cancer

>> No.12260233

It worked, thanks.