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12188372 No.12188372[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are sociopaths superior humans? Do you really want me to believe that if a sociopath went up against an empath in some sort of scenario, such as in the workplace, the empath could get ahead?

>> No.12188376

Many empaths are probably severely trauamtized and at best have become collapsed or covert narcissists. Against a sociopath, no, a normie, an empath, a narcissist, etc, will all be trampled. A food chain will be established by the one who lacks an emotive component to their empathy.

>> No.12188389

most sociopaths are too disordered to succeed in society. Only a small percentage of sociopaths are able to succeed due to intelligence, but most of them aren't smart enough. Acting with disregard for your coworkers, or for fellow humans or even animals in general isn't a good way to get ahead, but is a very good way to end up in jail, where many average sociopaths end up.
Sociopaths are arrogant, callous, impulsive, and reckless. Many have serious drug abuse problems, and few friends. While it's popular to think of sociopaths as hannibal lector or patrick bateman, the average sociopath is closer to a minimum wage drug addict who kicks cats. Successful sociopaths are those that are intelligent enough to fit in with society by choosing to act with empathy.

>> No.12188408

interesting, and here I was thinking each sociopath was some mastermind

>> No.12188416

You don't know what that word means. A sociopath is literally a gang nigger. Everyone who ends up in prison is by definition a sociopath.

>> No.12188417

Honestly, I do not think you understand what is important in life, yes sure an sociopath would trample an empath, but if there were more than just those two people the empath might be able to make the other people realize how much of a dick the sociopath is. And eventually the sociopath will be pushed out if the empath has the majority of the people with him. This can of course go the other direction also, depending on the type of people that are present. The most successful sociopaths are the ones who actually act as emphatic people due to that being the majority,

But in the end I think an sociopath will never win as long as there are people who shun upon that behavior and push that type of people out of their lives.

>> No.12188421

Funny how people here shit on psychiatry so much, yet faggots like you come up with non-existent terms like "Empath". Not only that, you associate such "empath" with narcissists who are faggots who won't listen to anybody but themselves.

>> No.12188423

People are stupid, cowardly, and weak. Look at how successful the tactics of the garden variety narcissist are, how could anyone operate on any faith in the human spirit?

I didn't come up with the term empath. And yes, many empaths are probably narcissistic psychopaths in disguise (even to themselves).

>> No.12188433


First time I hear this word, not once has it come up in my psychiatry books. I call it bullshit.

>> No.12188442

Another non-term. Christ, what pop psychology crap do you read?

>> No.12188449

Look you aggressive little fuck, can you stop being a bitch for long enough to apply your brain? I didn't create the term, so-called EMPATHS largely named THEMSELVES as such, then others, explaoin the origina nd basis of their trauma and why others have preyed upon them, adopted the notion as well.

What, you want factor1 and factor 2? Antisocial personality disorder? Psychopathy is descriptive enough.

>> No.12188456
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Empath here, quietly monitoring this thread.
Don't mind me though. This thread is just getting interesting.

>> No.12188467

This is 4chan. What did you expect, experts from around the globe? This place is filled to the brim with idiots who believe they are smart because they read a few papers, and that institutions and organisations are rubbish because they somehow brainwash students into believing the 'global order' at the behest of some shady group (usually Jews.) I, too, am one such idiot, but at least I don't tout my beliefs and hypotheses as fact.

>> No.12188475

Histrionic personality disorder then.

Psychopathy doesn't mean shit. Psychopathy means "mental disease". Any functional condition is a "psychopathy", from schizophrenia to celotypic delusion, to depression to learning disability.

If a person is functioning in society, is not in distress himself and isn't causing distress to others, it's a fucking healthy individual. He may be a dick, but that's called being a dick.

>> No.12188495

No, the core of the empath is the notion that they possess a far greater depth of emotional connection, sensitvity, openness, and experience than the general population. ie, they are special. Not only are they special though, they're in a post-traumatic state, which in all likelihood means greatly dimninished capacity for personal insight and perception of others. There is a decent chance they are projecting their own emotions onto others and convincing themselves it's the truth, which is essentially a fantasy world. If schizotypals and narcs are pathologic, so too is the empath, more than likely. Many proceed to build an identity around it.

>Psychopathy doesn't mean shit.
Relative to what? Shut the fuck up, pedant. Most of the definitions in psychology are net useless or baggage anyway, who cares if the general population ahs some meaning constructed aroludn a word you don't think fits into your formalism.

>> No.12188507

It's the inverse. Non-sociopaths are inherently superior because the net benefit their ethics allow them to contribute to society simply by existing outweighs the centralized benefit a sociopath will always only ever contribute to himself.

No one likes sociopaths and sociopaths like no one but themselves. It is not a sustainable mindset.

All of you who disagree really are the next generation of heath leger joker fans. Fat, without social skills, and "edgy" -- a tale as old as the internet itself.

>> No.12188508

Fuckers like you are the rrason psychology gets shit on so much. God I hate that field, and I feel ashamed every time some midwit tries to relate it to psychiatry in any way.

>> No.12188515

Ah, I see. You're retarded. Never mind then.

>> No.12188520

Sociopaths only succeed in unnatural capitalist societies where it's every man for himself. In a tribal society, sociopaths would be executed

>> No.12188523

Anti-intellectual post.

Psychopaths literally have distinguishable brain-scans from normal people. There have been studies on this.
They are different, sick, and require medication. Not just a "dick".

Are you trying to cope with the fact you think you have psychopathy? Or, like op, do you think its some kind of le magic superpower ?

>> No.12188546

how do they still exist then?

also how would I know if I'm a sociopath?

>> No.12188557
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kinda based

>> No.12188561

>require medication
they require a bullet in their brains

>> No.12188564

>Psychopathy doesn't mean shit. Psychopathy means "mental disease".
Factually incorrect. Their brain physiology differs and they have an underactive amygdala when exposed to emotional content. You're a fucking idiot. Psychopathy is arguably one of the few things psychology is 100% correct on.

>> No.12188572
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Apathic fetishist here, why do you empath's always insist on blocking my view? All I am doing is waiting for a moment of learning to occur that I can distribute to all paths.

>> No.12188584
File: 966 KB, 1920x1080, ssijv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two normal humans will always outperform 2 sociopaths. The sociopaths will find themselves unable to cooperate without screwing each other over.

>> No.12188594

So to a psychiatrist a healthy brain is one that is firing all the time regardless of stimulus?

Who defines what is within acceptable parameters and with what criteria is the diagnosis made?

>> No.12188603

I don't understand you. Can you explain a bit more?

>> No.12188611

>underactive amygdala *when exposed to emotional content*
lrn2reed fag

>> No.12188622

Having a brain defect that renders you incapable of several important social, reasoning, self-regulating and problem solving functions is not a useful adaptation, it's retardation

Yes, if you add a tiger to a tribe of humans the tiger will be better at eating other humans than the humans are and that doesn't make it a successful, valid or useful addition.

>> No.12188625
File: 183 KB, 640x524, 1581732029523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can explain as much as required but I have no awareness of your current knowledge being beyond self-identified as an empath.

An apath is essentially the core worker of the path-sharer types, in that I am on 'all' paths because I'm not allowed to discriminate or specialize in order for entire system to gain awareness of other nodes, languages, or communication styles. I oppose none and allow all to pass or befall me, however if it is ever destined for my by another then it is only ever once and then I simply move 'forward' on the path in the same direction I traveled last time I had to.

I collect more signals on more paths than I could ever hope to process individually, so I dispense excess signals to the related path-processor.

As you are an empath, and to complete my apathic circle, I have to present this particular emotional truth: Attacks on time (attrition vs flow) will no longer be respected OR accepted. It was a message I was supposed to get across to an empath SOONER (as it is actually my first primary message ever given) but none were willing to self-signal up until my replying to the post ITT.

In explaining myself I understand that I was supposed to PROCESS you and not DISMISS you, my apologies. I'll get the hang of this 'all submit to this language' demeanor and truth when, y'know, everyone simply wants to be in position so we can all be perfect instead of fighting for that 1 perfect position (which doesn't actually exist anyway).

>> No.12188627
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>Provides explicit use of the language.
Offer extremely helpful advice to the individual, their inferential culture, and the community at large.

Thanks for teaching me how to 4chan responsibly!

>> No.12188669

Using the term "psychopath" is the same as using the term "race". Of course you can build data from it, but its a misinterpretation from the getgo. Besides, You're only telling me this bullshit, why should I believe you.

>> No.12188671

"Neuroscience" is modern phrenology. You're full of bullshit.

>> No.12188674

If the tiger wins the tiger is better.
Darwinism selects for traits that improve YOUR fitness. Everyone else can go get hit by a bus

>> No.12188679

>Muh tribe

Hunter-gatherers torture animals for fun and fight eachother.

>> No.12188707

>Of course you can build data from it, but its a misinterpretation from the getgo.

Wrong. Race is real.

>> No.12188711

There is a big difference between being apathetic and being a sociopath, and I how do empathic people block your view, sounds like you shouldn't care too much about what people think about you anyway if you are such an Apathic fetishist as you believe you are.

>> No.12188714

I will take your word on it, stranger on the internet, you obviously have a lot of knowledge about hunter-gatherer societies.

>> No.12188716

I researched them a lot a few months ago when I first considered the idea of primitivism.

>> No.12188721


>> No.12188723
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I genuinely don't care about what people think of me, that is why I am fine with voicing my opinion first. Are you simply saying I should kill first and genuinely not care about current cultural modalities or sensibilities? Is everyone just looking for an excuse to die and that is why they beg to meet me every day all so that I may slit their throats?

>Empathic people block my view because they want to experience the feeling without prioritizing who should be dispersing those feelings. Empaths should be short learners and endurance lesson providers, plain and simple. Apathics are the 'too nerdy an empath to follow that path' goth chic I don'treallyspeakclique.

>> No.12188732


The issue with communication is everyone's contextual understanding.

A sociopath is someone who lacks empathy. And and empath is someone with strong empathy.

It's just contextual slang. Just like sus is now a thing. Which I am fairly confident you understand. And I guess the anon in question thinks those who are able to understand many end up becoming full of themselves.

Manslaughter.. there is accidental kill. And then emotionally erratic kills. Like a mother shooting their child's killer. Closer to man slaughter then murder.

And am sure most people agree not every sociopath is a killer nor a narcissist. It's closer to the "I don't give a fuck" and do what's best for them or others or just enjoy messing with people.

D&D. I would say chaotic/neutral, chaotic/good and chaotic/evil. Are probably the majority of socio paths.

Idk this is just my interpretation.

>> No.12188733
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Good example: Then whatever skill I must raise or art of seduction I master, let it be mine and mine alone and none shall ever contend or compete again

>Either my words work or they don't, I don't take any response to my words written or spoken as any genuine reflection on my personal character. It is an expression from a language that is already conjugate-complimentary. As in, yes, in my culture, you are all welcome to come and fuck my sister if it means I get to spend awesome time with people like you! She's a slut, some of you need your 'dick language' drained before you're of any value to me, win-win. I just get that my intelligence doesn't work for other guys unless they've already nutted, because that is the ONLY true male mode of thought that should ever be respected. That way I don't think of MYSELF as just the product of an orgasm that I ultimately have to forgive instead of being the guy that made a cool language culture craft for everyone on 4chan to take part in!


However that was me attempting to use a sociopathic seduction language that intellects would silently accept and utilize responsibly whilst we corral all the stupid into productive thought states instead of all the arguing.

>It's basically me twiddling with the sanity/power ratio to tweak for maximum 'still me, always gonna be me, awesome'.

>> No.12188746
File: 130 KB, 327x430, empath.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being an empath doesnt mean you cant be ruthless when you need to be. An empaths wrath can be rather harsh in fact because they feel like they have been so kind and caring and when they feel like their kindness was mistaken for weakness and they have been taken advantage of they can turn their emotions off like a switch to destroy their enemies.

That being said, being a sociopath gives no significant advantage in most work places, what did you have in mind?

t. empath

>> No.12188747

guys how do I know if I'm a sociopath?

>> No.12188750

what's the point if your large rant if you can't even draw a line between sociopaths and psychopaths

>> No.12188752
File: 53 KB, 470x640, ego.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow this anon knows what's up. I didn't expect anyone on this board to have any insight into this topic. I am impressed anon.

Yes empaths and often times just intelligent people in general are commonly called narcissist by the drooling ego maniacs because they simply do not want to be entangled in their idiocy and chaos so they keep them at arms length and generally dont try to waste time explaining things to them they know they cant understand.

>you think you are better than everyone else
>no I just know I am different than "everyone else" (most people) and am not interested in being dragged into your chaotic idiocy you call your life

>> No.12188754

empath is not a psychiatry term afaik. surprise you are just a moron (not really that much a surprise though now was it)

>> No.12188759

try reading books instead of watching hollywood, socio/psychopaths is outdated term

>> No.12188780

No it isn’t they’re both still used

>> No.12188799
File: 53 KB, 900x330, Difference-between-HSps-and-Empaths2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Highly sensitive person and sensory processing sensitivity is the terminology used to describe empaths. They're basically kinda the same, or synonyms.
Their physical brains do differ from ordinary people. such as increased mirror neuron activity and differences in responses to dopamine to name a few.

>> No.12188804

in case anyone ever wondered what the term NPC describes, it is this massively retarded autistic motherfucker

>I dont understand anything I didnt read in a textbook REEEEEEEEEE
seriously fucking kill yourself you spastic motherfucker

>> No.12188816

are they legit labeled and "empath"? I have read many psychiatry/psychology books and never seen the term. It is mostly reserved for occultists. The first I ever heard of it was from Frank Herbert's Dune novel I am pretty sure. It is used very frequently in scifi/fantasy written by occultists, often times free masons like Asimov etc

>> No.12188837

Sure they could.
The main trick of a sociopath is that people dont know you will screw them over so that they dont have any guard up

>> No.12188848

You are confusing being a bad person with being a sociopath. Sociopaths are self destructive.

>> No.12188877 [DELETED] 

I'm going to play the role of armchair psychologist, but I'm not even a student of psycology. Just someone who's been trying to figure this shit out, so I take it with a grain of salt...

>It is mostly reserved for occultists
emapths are highly sensitive people that are naturally talented at the cold reading skill used by psychics.
Cold reading is kinda what Sherlock Holmes does, carefully observing every minute detail about a person, much like pic describes. >>12188746
I think sometimes it can come to them so naturally that they can't explain it or understand themselves, and it was often attributed to magic or occultism. They're just careful observers, often observing more than they're consciously aware of and processing every minute detail on an unconscious level, and then the information that's process on an unconscious level gets channeled to conscious mind, in the form of feelings, intuitions, gut instincts and empathy of others, except because all the information is being sent to the conscious mind as emotions, it often gets confused for their own personal emotions.
In this way, they really do feel what others are feelings, except they're the ones making themselves feel that way due to this quirk in how they process information from the unconscious mind as deeply intelligent emotions. I'd go so far as to say I think their emotions are encoded with information from the unconscious mind. But this is just all personal thoughts on it.

>> No.12188886

I'm going to play the role of armchair psychologist, but I'm not even a student of psycology. Just someone who's been trying to figure this shit out, so I take it with a grain of salt...

>It is mostly reserved for occultists
emapths are highly sensitive people that are naturally talented at the cold reading skill used by psychics.
Cold reading is kinda what Sherlock Holmes does, carefully observing every minute detail about a person, much like pic describes. >>12188746
I think sometimes it can come to them so naturally that they can't explain it or understand themselves, and it was often attributed to magic or occultism. They're just careful observers, often observing more than they're consciously aware of and processing every minute detail on an unconscious level, and then the information that's process on an unconscious level gets channeled to conscious mind, in the form of feelings, intuitions, gut instincts and empathy of others, except because all the information is being sent to the conscious mind as emotions, it often gets confused for their own personal emotions.
In this way, they really do feel what others are feelings, except they're the ones making themselves feel that way due to this quirk in how they process information from the unconscious mind as deeply intelligent emotions. I'd go so far as to say I think their emotions are encoded with information from the unconscious mind and the level of detailed information that glean from the unconscious mind is limited only by themselves. But this is just all personal thoughts on it.

>> No.12188895 [DELETED] 

That is not how it works. Sociopaths do win against anyone, but turn out worse off that others because they spend too much effort on fighting.

>> No.12188900

That is not how it works. Sociopaths do win against every single individual, but end up worse off than others because they spend too much effort on fighting.

>> No.12188918
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I actually often use the Sherlock Holmes example when trying to explain it to people, very nice anon I will say this is about 90% correct.

Do you think women are more emotional than men? I don't understand how this is just a given in literally everyone alive's mind yet you have retards like in this thread that think a man couldn't possibly be born more "emotional" and in tune with other people;s emotions.Strict autists like this dipshit >>12188421 would look for the reason in hormones most likely, if he was actually smart enough to even get that far, which I doubt he would be.

My point is he would look for something tangible he could quantify and measure. However just like intelligence you cant just cut someone open and find intelligence in their brain, you can only test for and measure the results.

Yes I do think empaths are very observant by nature, very fine details etc but I dont think it is necessarily 100 percent where this ability comes from, in fact it could be backlwars and being an empath makes one more observant, more alert, more conscious. I would wager they are more often in gamma and beta brain wave patterns.

I would wager empaths are not able to be hypnotized (I know I am not susceptible to being hypnotized) due to this hyper state of awareness. There are other more occult abilities (clairvoyance, psychic etc) and explanations as well, ones you arent likely to understand without understanding the occult sciences. I would be glad to offer you sources however if you are interested

>> No.12189750 [DELETED] 


>> No.12189971

>occult sciences
Is this legit science or pseudo science?
I have my own hypothetical ideas about how the physics of this might make it possible, and I'd kinda like to see how they compare.

>> No.12190658

Could empathy be described as "A Priori"?

>> No.12191452 [DELETED] 

Pretty much everyone else in this thread is totally off base.

Human beings are meant to live in societies in which empathy and compassion for others often trumps selfish interests. We would not have evolved beyond the level of crocodiles or sharks if this were not the case.

Therefore, sociopaths and psychopaths are a form of aberrant deviation from the norm and actually a massive burden on the species as a whole - not unlike the severely mentally disabled or those with down syndrome.

They are essentially a form of retard, albeit substantially more dangerous because they're capable of blending in and appearing to lead "successful" lives, all chipping away on the foundations which keep society and the species functioning to sustain themselves.

Humanity's inability to deal with the proliferation of these creatures will be it's downfall.

>> No.12191463

>>12188372 (OP)
Pretty much everyone else in this thread is totally off base, except for >>12188584

Human beings are meant to live in societies in which empathy and compassion for others often trumps selfish interests. We would not have evolved beyond the level of crocodiles or sharks if this were not the case.

Therefore, sociopaths and psychopaths are a form of aberrant deviation from the norm and actually a massive burden on the species as a whole - not unlike the severely mentally disabled or those with down syndrome.

They are essentially a form of retard, albeit substantially more dangerous because they're capable of blending in and appearing to lead "successful" lives, all the while selfishly chipping away at the foundations which keep society and the species functioning to sustain themselves.

Humanity's inability to deal with the proliferation of these creatures will be one of the biggest causes of it's downfall.

>> No.12191577

you are a retard

>> No.12191587

you seem very intolerant of people's differences

>> No.12191695

and you seem like a psychopath


>> No.12191702

Anyone who disagrees with me must be a psychopath. it's the only POSSIBLE explanation.
Anyway I read through the thread more thoroughly and changed my mind - not everyone is totally off base.

>> No.12191705

Uhhhhh well OK sweetie, but it's 2020. You're not allowed to change your mind. Once you say something you need to defend it to the death.

>> No.12191724

how about instead of that i just deny that i ever said anything stupid, and then promptly bring up all the stupid shit YOU said.

>> No.12191733

Uhh, look sweetie, like, uh, I'm not even who you think you're talking to? OK. So like, yeah, this is 2020 and it's SSSOOOO way passed when you should ever be admitting you're wrong. Admitting imperfection might as well be committing suicide.

k? k. You need to man up, and double down.

>> No.12191792
File: 93 KB, 1369x1057, Europeans the only inventors.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decent answer in regards to pitfalls and why they are dangerous but the people that protect and stick up for them are just as bad. "Successful" sociopaths and psychopaths are group destructive but, they are great weapons against your enemies when put in their camp. Royal families often sent their sociopaths and psychopaths off to lead battles for a reason or a pilgrimage thousands of miles away.

Racism and Prejudice however are also society building traits it creates societal borders because it ensures group cohesion to such a high extent sociopaths and psychopaths are tolerated while keeping them busy hence why jews, blacks ,asians and browns always stick up for their worst or praise them in White Nations. While White People are the only group who has been chastising and killing their sociopaths and psychopaths for the past 400 years , Prussia hanged so many criminals it caused the peasant wars. Which is why now the moral compass of White People is so prevalent in their daily lives and has led to their altruism being abused by non-whites. So either White People praise their sociopaths and psychopaths again or they kill every non-white sociopaths and psychopaths with collateral. Both options lead to White People embracing sociopaths and psychopaths to survive against non-white sociopaths and psychopaths hordes.
World Destroying weapons are on the line now not a Army you can just wait out. And if White People keep getting attacked and invaded, even more unimaginable Weapons will come to fruition, the ones who wield them will not even have capacity of mercy for those they consider inferior. White People created everything from the fruits you think have been here forever because they were always present in your life time cross breeding all sorts modern life even the concepts of what people consider good, human even what the basic traits of sociopaths and psychopaths are.
So when non-whites start killing their sociopaths and psychopaths you can have peace.

>> No.12191796

Well put, at least everyone isn't a idiot on this board.

>> No.12191837


you have no idea what are you talking about

sociopath does not feel, he is free to fuck up everything around and it turns him on

>> No.12191838

He does feel, he just doesn't feel in the body. Hence, there is no emotive aspect of his feeling, only detached and analytical.

>> No.12191850

Don't you mean "psychopath"?

>> No.12191851


perhaps, he wins anyway and turning the other cheek makes him even more cheerful

>> No.12191853

you think whites have less sociopaths/psychopaths than the other races??
That's ridiculous. Urbanization doesn't weed them out as well and whites have been living that way longer, so I'd think there'd be more, A LOT MORE per capita.

>> No.12191867

most likely sociopath is a new normal, if you won't become one you are bound to 300mg and a therapy or death

>> No.12191876

in urban areas where people mix with other there is literally no penaly for fucking over the others but there is a big bonus on being dominant

money bears no signs your deeds

>> No.12191885

and the more powerful you become the more harm you can exert and so on

you turn the other cheek, support, carry the others crosses and they rape you - it is just not a viable strategy nowadays. In fact, society does not exist

>> No.12191895

if sociopathy were superior then everyone would be a sociopath

>> No.12192310

Jesus Christ, this thread should be on /x/

>> No.12192363

It never was a viable strategy. Jesus taught it to people so that evil could win and become powerful, and he could return later as a savior, saving us from what he caused with his lies.

>> No.12192774 [DELETED] 

exactly, in high population / population densities psychopaths can just keep moving on the their next victim for ever. In low population / population densities word spreads about their deeds and they also run out of victims.

Cities are psychopaths dream - the bigger the city the better. You can actually see this when you compare the people in a city of 1 million people to a city of 2 million people.

No wonder psychopaths constantly push for "economic/population" growth.

>> No.12192782

exactly, in high population / population densities psychopaths can just keep moving on to their next victim for ever. In low population / population densities word spreads about their deeds and they also run out of victims.

Cities are a dream playground for psychopaths - the bigger the city the better. You can actually see this in people's faces when you compare the people in a city of 1 million people to a city of 2 million people.

No wonder psychopaths constantly push for "economic/population" growth.

>> No.12192826

Go to 4, Repeated tournament

You'll find that the success of sociopaths hinges on the fact that they are the only ones cheating the system.

>> No.12192858

If everyone was taking advantage of the system it would collapse - too many parasites will kill the host.

>> No.12192987


> implying

>> No.12193248

It has to be a balance. Empaths within the ingroup sociopaths within the outgroup.

>> No.12193253 [DELETED] 

You shouldn't conflicted aryanism with "whiteness"

>> No.12193255 [DELETED] 


>> No.12193265

You shouldn't conflate whiteness with aryanism

>> No.12194074

von neumann and jewish people invented the atomic bomb though
sorry to break it to you but if the race war happens the jews will win...

>> No.12194100 [DELETED] 

Why does this sound like some alien communicating with humans for the first time from beyond the veil?

>Attacks on time (attrition vs flow) will no longer be respected OR accepted.
WTF does that even mean?

>> No.12194107

Why does this sound like some alien communicating with humans for the first time from beyond the veil?

>Attacks on time (attrition vs flow) will no longer be respected OR accepted.
WTF does that even mean? Are you even human, anon? Plz explain a little more

>> No.12194146

It a closed venn diagram

Sociopaths so often can end up fat in someway, like some caner cell. Sure they can eat up and eat up by money or power or some shit, but it becomes pointless as it so often is just done to sow chaos or just get shit without meaning.

Its shallow. Sure they can do shit, but lacking in meaning or purpose beyond growth itself, it becomes hollow, cancerous.

>> No.12194151

Anon, you spend too much time alone with the emotionally stunted spergs

>> No.12194152

Yes. I'm a sociopath, and I'm superior to all of you maggots.

>> No.12194161

What is an empath?

>> No.12194451

The sociopath might have an advantage in a single scenario, but life isn't a single scenario it's a series of scenarios where people in the social group around you pay attention and treat you based on how you behaved in the past. Life is also a place where groups compete against groups, so even if a sociopath is smart enough to defect against his peers and get away with it, too many sociopaths in a group will cause it to collapse and be outcompeted by groups with more social members

>> No.12194465

Most groups are basically composed of a herd of retards who follow the lead of their sociopath alpha.

>> No.12194474

Actual psychopath here. Ask me anything

>> No.12194488

How long can you hide it from people before they find out? How do you react once they know who you really are?

>> No.12194494

Only the smart ones. The others burn out or make so many enemies that they get lynched.

>> No.12194537

hermeticism is most certainly legit science, it is the real science (((they))) hide from the plebs. I wrote this article start here. No matter what you read do not judge until you do the research, all the sources are there

>> No.12194548

>A Priori"
Good question. I would say yes but also a mix. I will give an example. "Occultists" mainly Buddhists and hindu, practice something called mindfulness. What mindfulness is is stripping away all of your conditioning to your most base nature of humanity. To do it requires years of practice. You are practicing awareness of everything you do. Things you do unconsciously such as just things as simple as breathing, you now take conscious control over. Every emotion you feel or desire you have you intimately explore it to its root until you find out what causes it.

An example would be something I call the why drill. Imagine something that makes you angry like sitting in traffic, I dont know if this works for you but imagine your cause. Ask yourself why it makes you angry but dont stop with a single response like because it makes me late or something. When you have your response to the first question ask yourself again, why does this make me angry. Generally with pretty much any emotion or cause you can ask yourself this three or four times until you get to the actual root of what about this trigger actually makes you angry and find your reason is pretty absurd. Once you do this you can stop being angry about this ridiculous thing and stop letting it control you. Believe it or not on website like this full of trolls it is great practice for something like this.

Ok now to continue. Once you are able to master this and know all these conditioned cause and effects that produce these emotions in you, you can now strip them all away to be a "beta" unit let's call it. Basically an unconditioned human. The reason humans have such horrific confirmation bias is because they are not able to shed their conditioning to see things clearly. If you cant even see things from your own perspective how you can see things clearly from someone else's empathically? You can't.


>> No.12194550

So someone who has practiced mindfulness can shed their conditioning to get rid of the bias of seeing things only from their perspective and conditioning to now be bale to step outside of themselves to see it from someone else's. Not only that they are able to use their observations about this person to actually "step into their conditioning" if that makes sense. Like you know how they will react to something completely unrelated just based on their history and how you have seen them react to things from your observations.

The best detectives I imagine are highly emphatic, such as Sherlock Holmes as anon mentioned above but there is another movie starring Johnny Depp called "From Hell" about Jack the Ripper that really does a great job of showcasing this.

If I didn't answer you completely feel free to probe more if you all want I can get more precise in what I am describing for those that are interested and understanding what I am saying


>> No.12194566

Not necessarily. Two reasons:

1) A lot of sociopaths are actually easily spotted as weirdos, only a small %, is intelligent enough to go completely unnoticed, you are thinking of very high iq sociopaths, the average sociopath is relatively easily spotted and ousted in social settings. They can end up getting fired or divorced when they push the envelope too much or end up in prison.

2) You have to also think bigger scale, not looking at a single individual. A group of sociopaths will end up killing each other versus a group of empaths who will share resources and thrive, so empaths are genetically superior as a group

>> No.12194896 [DELETED] 

You got it the other way round; whites are where the sociopaths won.

>> No.12194928 [DELETED] 

Whites are all socioaths (while everyone will think they are one in hundred, they all are) they ostracize and frame, kill, NEET, or otherwise elliminate honest people, because they are unwilling to hurt others so they are useless to them, or they may interfere with their wrongdoings. (You can see the typical white has absolutely no emotion of their own, they either copy yhe facial expressions of others, or try to use fake emotions to manipulate you. )
It isn't density, it's because christians banbed taking revenge, which allowed psychopaths to do as you say.

>> No.12194932

>so empaths are genetically superior as a group

>> No.12194936

Whites are all socioaths (while everyone will think they are one in hundred, they all are) they ostracize and frame, kill, NEET, or otherwise elliminate honest people, because they are unwilling to hurt others so they are useless to them, or they may interfere with their wrongdoings. You can see the typical white has absolutely no emotion of their own, or they either copy the facial expressions of others, or try to use fake emotions to manipulate you. Alsotheir pseudo morals are more like a criminal gangs honor code, than anything to do with real morality. (Or actual honor
It isn't density, it's because christians banned taking revenge, which allowed psychopaths to do as you say.
Not really, since sociopaths will help each other to hurt their enemies, so a single group is not self destructive, at least not until they run out of targets to feed on.

>> No.12194944

Yes read some Kropotkin pseud

>> No.12194952

>Whites are all socioaths
There is no other greater force for good on this entire planet than white people. No one has given more in charity to the 3rd world or given more life saving and life convenience inventions to the world than western white nations. Quit seething nigger, you're race is absolutely fucking worthless and has done nothing but be a burden on the entire planet.

>> No.12194956


they are riding the tiger while you "try to get rid the conditioning"

now, who is more effective?

>> No.12194969

whites and Japanese are the only true humans, being an overly emotional wreck makes you animalistic tyrone.

>> No.12194976

jews arent white jerome, you are decringing jews not whites

>> No.12195050

A bunch of experts in this thread.

>> No.12195100

>There is no other greater force for good on this entire planet than white people.
They are the force of evil.
>No one has given more in charity to the 3rd world
Whites only help to show off or in a way they know us going to hurt others. Or they outright help criminals and other outcasts, who then wreak havoc on the rest of the country.
Japanese are not like whites, unless you mean Yakuza.
Christians are not Jews.

>> No.12195120
File: 1.14 MB, 1070x603, therapy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are unstable and need meds and therapy bud. You are the same psyco from the BPD thread I sent this pic too. Still relevant

>> No.12195123

Nobody needs therapy for not being a psychopath.

>> No.12195127

Will you admit it is still relevant and you need meds and therapy?

>> No.12195138

Why should I need therapy and meds for not being a psycho?

>> No.12195143

Psycopaths are retards reagardless of intelligence, somewhere between down and severe autism. Same with antisocial.

Sociopath is a meaningless category; there isn't anything a normal human couldn't do that a "sociopath" does.

>> No.12195149

Will you admit you need meds and therapy?

>> No.12195152

No, I don't need any. This is why you hate BPD so much, you are faced with somebody who is in some ways clearly superior to you, because you are a sociopath and they are not.

>> No.12195244
File: 417 KB, 1846x867, the absolute state of sci.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>118 replies in a fucking >>>/x/ tier thread

>> No.12195496

why is it an /x/ tier thread?

>> No.12195572

Electioniggers took up permanent residence in pretty much every board unfortunately

>> No.12195703

ITT: People do not know the distinction between sociopathy and psychopathy

If you don't know what you are talking about just shut the fuck up man. Why the fuck do you sons of bitches always ruin every board and every thread with your not even surface level knowledge, you are fucking clueless, just shut up or ask a question.

>> No.12195949
File: 105 KB, 238x243, lolz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw anon just realized most the people on this board are idiots that never have the first clue what they are talking about

>> No.12195977


There is no definition that would distinguist the two. They are the same thing, like adrenaline/epinephrine.

>> No.12195988

well depends on the task I suppose. you know you can score too high on an IQ test to become a cop? like the posters on this board are perfect automotons, they are shit tier scientists but to be automotoms at some uni or big pharma they will be perfect techs that won't ask too many questions but be fairly skilled because they can memorize and repeat well. (((science))) loves memorize and repeaters, actual science despises these hacks. actual science wants people that ask questions and can think out of the box and ask questions and come up with creative solutions and move forward no matter how many spastic automoton hacks screech schizo at them.

so my question is more effective at what? they have tests called kolbe that employers have come in to specifically test people for this kind of thing so their managers know how to properly utilize their skills. good companies get these tests done on their employees, I took one as am adjunct professor 15 years ago or so and the results were quite spoopy how accurate they were. automotons are great for most (((science))) jobs, assembly line npc, computer science which is my field requires much more creative types

>> No.12195996
File: 14 KB, 220x74, 8CA1CAC0-1F51-4561-BFAE-119FE721611D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>race isn't real because there's gray area
Continuum fallacy, you can't tell the difference between small amounts of colors but can tell the difference between big jumps

>> No.12196035

change "psychopath" to jew here and you are getting real warm anon to the way the world works and understanding why everything is so fucked up right now

>> No.12196104

sociopath isn't a term used or endorsed by an widely established research focused psychologist or mental health professionals. It's kind of a meme term now like "hysterical" or "melancholy"

>> No.12196115
File: 132 KB, 640x820, tacitus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is actually a provable fact just in numbers alone let alone per capita. Whites have always had more advanced civilizations with more advanced law punishing murders and violent criminals keeping them out of the breeding pool. Niggers actually cheered in 1993 when OJ simpson got off for murdering two people just because he was a nigger. Jews actually reward and promote these people in their culture. The most psychopathic Jews wrecking the societies they live in are considered to be doing holy acts in their minds. Judaism is some sick shit read the talmud. They literally get off on doing evil shit and tricking people. Their religion is literally conditioning their people to be sociopaths to non Jews

>> No.12196149

False, Psychopathy is a medical term, Sociopathy is not, but even then there is a distinction. Psychopathy for starters is complete emotion disattachment, while sociopaths can be quite emotionally attached to individuals and groups. Nationalists are often sociopaths, but never psychopaths unless they use the ideology as a tool to gain personal power.

>> No.12196200

>Nationalists are sociopaths
Uh yah citation needed. Nationalists are people that aren't morons and know what the (((globalists))) are really doing and why. The best government is government closest level to the people they represent. The God emperor of the UN residing in a mountain retreat some in the Alps have no consequences for posining the water in some rural town in Arkansas to build rockets whereas the local politician would be string up and hung by the locals. Not to mention he also lives there and has a connection to the people and a vested interest in the welfare of the area where he and his family also inhabit.

Also a nation is an extended family, you have customs based on your social contract. We don't have arranged marriages with child brides but this is perfectly normal in Muslim cultures. Mixing these cultures is not going to work, there will inevitably be a power struggle to determines whose cultural and religious norms will be forced on the others under law.

You don't seem to be able to understand very simple concepts and basic human behavior because you either a sociopath yourself or an autist or a communist shill trying to do subtle suggestive braineashing. shoo (((tranny)))

>> No.12196227

>valuing sovereignty and self determination makes you a sociopath
wew lad, nice inversion. Wanted to be a tyrant to obstruct people's sovereignty and force your will on them is what makes you a sociopath, resisting it makes you a patriot you massively retarded tranny

>> No.12196243

calling a communist a communist a sociopath is redundant

>> No.12196249

rofl wtf? I did not type communist twice and when I hit post my phone freezed for like 5 seconds after saying 100 percent on the button. that was weird

>> No.12196401

Psychopaths banned revenge murder because they cannot understand it and fear it. (Rightfully so, since they are the most common victims)