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12150155 No.12150155 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people keep coming back to 4chan when it's almost always a net negative experience? What's the mechanism that leads to this vicious circle?

>> No.12150229


>> No.12150232

It isn't a net negative experience if you have learnt the life skill of ignoring that which isnt worth your attention.

granted, it's not a skill millenials seem to have in abundance, as they spend most of their time selecting to do only things they want to do, in safe spaces, and not venturing into challenging environments or situations.

>> No.12150261

You guys are my only friends.
How could I abandon my friends?

>> No.12150293

Exploration of ideas senpai, that should be the goal.

>> No.12150307

Gives me motivation

>> No.12150312


>> No.12150337

4chan is not a net negative experience, it's one of the best investments you'll make in your life for various arcane reasons that I'm not going to go into detail right now because I'm going to sleep and your pic made me even more sleepy. You must browse actively for at least a decade to understand them anyway so I'd be explaining differential geometry to a highschooler if I tried to explain it. I just wanted to reassure you that you're not wasting your time. Goodnight anon.

>> No.12150349

I've been here since 2007.

>> No.12150363
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>net negative experience
Irl is almost always an even more negative experience, so this place becomes relatively positive.

>> No.12150366

>always a net negative experience
how so?

>> No.12150371

It's almost constant negativity and trolling. Most interactions are based around something trying to tear you down or one up you. It's like one of those friends you had who would constantly try to one up anything you said.

>> No.12150383

Someone trying to**

>> No.12150515

depression and 4chan is my alcohol. 15 years now.

>> No.12150706

my question are instantly answered. or something i disagree with people and motivates me to do my own research. i learned a lot of new things just due to butthurt. i hate retards and i love exposing them even though i know it is futile. but it is addictive.

>> No.12150787


>> No.12150799

>hy do people keep coming back to 4chan when it's almost always a net negative experience?
same fucking reason I do fucking heroine man

>> No.12150804

depression, 4chan, AND alcohol
you're doing this wrong

>> No.12150951

I usually laugh at all the endless flamewars.

>> No.12150954

It's addicting like crack.
Crack is a net negative but crackheads keep seeking it out.

>> No.12150968

Novelty factor.

>> No.12151004

the anonymity and absolute lack of censorship (unless you're doing illegal shit like cp). it's a place where you can be and spout out whatever the fuck you want without consequence.

>> No.12151016

It's garbage but there's nothing better.

>> No.12151057

general shit quality leaves us dissatisfied
occasional good quality threads give dopamine spike

the only way to break the addiction is to make it irredemable garbage with 0 positives. See: /b/, /pol/, your favorite mid-2000s forum/site

>> No.12151106

I have a shitty life.

>> No.12151116

It warms my heart to get called a faggot

>> No.12151118


>> No.12151126

Because i have this bizarre complex to try and prove myself to those who would dismiss me or stereotype me. Im sucessful so far in my career as a scientist so far and if i play my cards right end up contributing significant work to my field if i keep at it. But in this masochistic self harm I come here and watch people assume I will contribute nothing and somehow cheated to get ahead just because i am a woman. Ill be the first in line to say im insecure but yall make me feel like i have something to prove and it motivates me and infuriates me as i know ill never be respected here.

>> No.12151144

Because Reddit sucks and 4chan let's you post as anonymous, most of the fun I have had on the internet has been on this board.

You have to go through a lot of shit to find the gold, but when you find the gold it is worth it.

>> No.12151187

I feel at home here. I’ve been on this site 9 years now and in this time my life has changed drastically but you guys have always been here. The world may be going crazy but at least I can rant about niggers and kikes here. Saying this makes me feel terrible for all the times I’ve been mean to fellow anons.

And we'll never abandon you either anon.

>> No.12151219

It's not a negative experience if you just lurk threads you're interested in. It's also a good place to get opinions you probably would not get anywhere else. Sometimes there's also a lot of creativity which can be inspiring.
But you should probably not spend all day here. I only lurk when I'm on the shitter mostly, or a little in bed before reading a book.

>> No.12151229
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I enjoy browsing 4channel because it reveals the truest, most inner aspects of humanity, away from social stigma and the need to keep face. You legitimately cannot get the same sort of interaction anywhere else, and it always keeps you on your toes.

>> No.12151265


>> No.12151274
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>Why do people keep coming back to 4chan

>> No.12151309

It's not a negative experience
It makes normal people feel better to see that other people have it worse
It makes bad people feel better to know there are others like them

>> No.12151318

Ive been here for 14 years and its impossible to quit now. Usually when people say they've been browsing 4chan for a long time they typically mean they visit it for a few hours or something every so often, for about 12 of those 14 years I've been on 4chan every day for 6+ hours. I cant leave because I raised myself on this website and I'm basically an alien to both normalfags and outcasts alike. I have no social skills beyond pretending to be normal, I don't have any concept of friendship, companionship or family. The world is exceedingly barren and boring, and the internet has been neutered in the last decade. There's no where to go, no one I can talk to. 4chan is all I have

>> No.12151338

"you are lost. you can never go home."

>> No.12151359
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existence is a net negative experience. and i want out but then i lose everything.

>> No.12152399

This website is specifically designed for people like me:))
>autistic screeching
Also it helps me learn. It's a no bullshit organization

>> No.12152414

stockholm syndrome light edition

>> No.12152422

For the lulz and bantz dumbass.

>> No.12152444

Its never negative for me, hasnt been in the 9 years ive been here. Only negatives are when faggot jannies have banned me. Maybe you should stop being a little bitch whos put off and upset by everything.

>> No.12152455

>for about 12 of those 14 years I've been on 4chan every day for 6+ hours.
same, but i like it

>> No.12152461

There is value in the chaos. Things that are hard to find in other places.