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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12116883 No.12116883 [Reply] [Original]

Two allegories:

Vaccinations are given during pregnancy, despite maternal immune activation being correlated with malformations and neurological abnormalities in offspring.
They halt placental transfusion by clamping off the umbilical cord immediately.
They inject vitamin K (increasing blood viscosity).
They strap the newborn into a "circumstraint" and amputate part of their penis. We have an entire manufacturing and supply chain apparatus devoted to making the tools to do this available.
The child is denied the breast, fed glyphosate laced onions formula instead.
The child is subjected to yet another of the medical-chemical religion's initiation rituals and is penetrated by a syringe, ie, they are vaccinated. Many other injections will follow. This is the cost of being accepted as a Fellow Citizen.
Halides are added to the food and water. Water is fluoridated and chlorinated (or chlorimated). Flour is brominated. One primary avenue of toxicity of halides is via blocking effective absorption, trafficking, and use of iodine. Thyroid function and iodine levels are involved in many processes, particularly the immune system and neurological development.
The food is full of junk additives, onions, metals, herbicides and pesticides (eg glyphosate and atrazine, the former of which is used to dessicate wheat).
The child is further microwave irradiated, compounding the developmental damage done by exposure in utero.
The child is subjected to needless xrays and cone beam CT at the dentist office.
The child is sent to be "educated" with compartmentalized trivia, much of which largely false, in windowless rooms under fluorescent lights, surrounded by wireless toys which will soon be used to build psychological profiles on them, in buildings which look like prisons. Often, fence, security, and all.
The child is programmed by the media, growing up with an iPad as a surrogate parent.

>> No.12116899
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>> No.12116900
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>> No.12116903

STFU you're a P-Zombie anyways

>> No.12116922
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Or more simply put, if you ask why and try to keep asking why you'll arrive at one of the following:
-Axiomatic (simply is, irreducible)
-Circular (logic forms closed loops which refer to themselves)
-Infinite (endless chain of whys)

"Consciousness", empirically, is the second. You cannot prove the mind (senses) without using the mind. In self or other.

>> No.12116936

The shit has a shit ton of blood though coming out from the other side though.So what, should we press the placental juice into the kid until we cut the shit? How long should we cut it?

>> No.12116943

You wait until all pulsations have ceased and it lies flat. Look up cord milking and holding the infant lower than the mother (gravity feed essentially) for other cases. Look up "placental transfusion", a number of reviews should come up.

>> No.12116946

What is the official music theme of clamp?

>> No.12116970

What's a good song about schizophrenia?

>> No.12117010

Is this the only word you know? I remember when it was all about autism.

>> No.12117028


>> No.12117038


>> No.12117045
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>> No.12117047


>> No.12117053


>> No.12117548
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You have now begun to unclamp.

>> No.12117579

The pulsations come from the kid, retard. From the moment the shit is torn from the mother bacteria start to colonize the corionic vellosities. You're risking sepsis for some vague condition nobody suffers from.

>> No.12117597

>holding the infant lower than the mother (gravity feed essentially)
This is too hard to make happen since it's more important to put the kid in the incubator or the li'l fucker will start losing hit and get spoiled, besides you need to make the mother hug him or she'll stop giving a fuck and kill the kid in her sleep. Yes, post partum women are like that.

>> No.12117603

All this emotion and mental gymnastics to justify clamping the umbilical cord arbitrarily. Would you like anything else with that? Could we perhaps turn all the trees purple, or whatever color your want for that matter, and rearrange the stars more to your liking?

Foolish demands in disguise. Placental transfusion must take place, there are consequences for halting it prematurely. That's how it works. Accept it.

>> No.12117714

This makes sense if you just think about our history. I can't imagine there are many other primates scrambling to find clothespins post-partum. How does clamping the cord immediately make any sense, if that's not an in-built system?

Dude, remember when the first human baby was born, went to the hospital and got their umbilical cords clamped? Bro, thank fuck they did dude, or else humans would have all died of sepsis before we ever existed, haha wow, what a save.

>> No.12117735

Yep. The anthropic principle can (and should) be applied on many levels. People are so used to all these systems that they assume we require them for our very existence, so they blanket accept anything it proposes, purports, and wants to do to them.

>> No.12117770

Can you elaborate a touch? I'd not heard about the anthropic principle until literally just now. It's a really good point, we can't know shit (through experience) about universes not designed to support human evolution. How else can you apply that principle?

>> No.12117818

Like you said, was early man maimed or killed in droves because they couldn't jump in their automobile and rush to a hospital to have a man in garb do the complex ritual required to expell the child from the mother? If all of this is needed, induction with pitocin, forceps and vacuums, immediate clamping, vitamin K, circumcision, silver nitrate in the eyes, why do we exist to even discuss it? How did sucha flawed pitiful species ever make it to this point? Chicken or egg? You see the delusion embedded even in our cultural use of language, you go to the hospital so that "the doctor can deliver the baby". How does a doctor deliver a baby? The mother's body delivers the baby. The doctor assists, if needed. Whether the hospital environment and psychosocial and cultural factors play a role in needing C-sections and so forth is another matter.

You see the same with vaccination. People act like if a child is not injected with some multinational corporation's product, they and everyone they love will literally die, and all of society will go up in flames overnight. It's religious behavior in a new disguise. Like Catholics with baptism, Jews fearing the wrath of God if the child is not circumcised, and so forth. Anthropic principle. If the child will die if it is not injected, why are we here?

The only major and necessary development in pregnancy management I can think of off the top of my head is with Rh factor. Historically when these groups started mixing the Rh+ fetus in the Rh- mother would probably end up severely anemic and brain damaged.

>> No.12117827

The anthropic principle can be applied at any level of organization, any scale. It's often applied to the fundamental logic of the universe, but it can be applied to the natural world as well.

>> No.12117911

Beautiful breakdown, thank you. In applying the principle to vaccines, I'd imagine that modern problems (pandemics, disease ridden cities, etc.) result in modern solutions (vaccinations at birth).

I'd agree that vaccination could be seen as a luxury in less populated societies, but with the risks compounded by modern living, it seems like a good choice.

I have a friend who went through a traumatic birth experience, due to outright medical negligence. Safe to say, I'll be minding the quacks when I have kids.

>> No.12117998

I don't think conditions have changed such that routine injections to possibly stave off childhood illness, is necessary. If anything through sanitation, city planning, refrigeration, and so forth, the situation is much improved in cities.

>> No.12118044
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>> No.12118063

That's aluminum foil, momo.

>> No.12118113

seems a myopic view of things to take. You're accusing him of blind faith in his tinfoil ideas, while failing to recognize that same blind faith in modern ideals you carry.

Are you right?

>> No.12118331
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And we're currently seeing what happens when kids grow up in that environment

>> No.12119010

Hollow virtue signaling narcissists.

>> No.12119072

Women have to much fucking freedom in our society. They're never held accountable for anything and we end up with shit like this.
I hope this nigger fucking bitches get beaten to death by their ape friends.

>> No.12120220
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All this time later, and still being clamped by Enlil.

>> No.12121527

Its so the (>youssss) can sell the cord blood to people who had their cords clamped prematurely and now suffer greatly later in life due to it
>or you are given the option to pay to keep it in a cold place for decades in case your kid gets sick because they didnt get their cord blood

>> No.12121608

This is the epitome of pseudoscientific horseshit as one would expect in a place like /x/. Please clamp your carotid.

>> No.12122009

What was the point of this post? Epitome of shitposting.

>> No.12122022

So is true that clamping, circumcision, and vaccination causes inceldom? Why do they still cut our penises?

>> No.12122093

That’s not Enlil, that’s Shamash

>> No.12122137

>Expecting Garrett to know what the fuck he's talking about
You're only setting yourself up for disappointment

>> No.12122139

Yeah, I realized that recently. I haven't sought out a good depiction of Enlil yet.

The story behind why one of them is hold8ing an arm is interesting. I wonder if it relates with the "silver hand" in Celtic mythology.

>> No.12122147

(Although it's hard to tell if it's attached here, it doesn't appear to be)

>> No.12122179

Why IS he holding an arm? Is it the arm of the guy behind him? Is that the king?

>> No.12122322


I don't really remember, unfortunately. Bringing an arm was mentioned in a story, and I made a connection with the silver hand and that scene Where it really does look like he's carrying an arm, and the middle one has their hands together), but didn't retain much overall. Might have been one of those about the transfer or theft of the tablet of destines.

>> No.12122350

>People act like if a child is not injected with some multinational corporation's product, they and everyone they love will literally die
No, but the kid will definitely die before they reach age 2. That's how it worked in the stone age.

>> No.12122357

Wow, how did we lose the ability to reproduce at 1 year old? Incredible.

>> No.12123768
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I know these are dark and unwanted truths, but these are the problems of our time. Accept it.

>> No.12123812

Please keep yourself from dragging onions into this in the future. Onions have done nothing wrong.

>> No.12123850

S-0-y is wordfiltered too. Yes, you're right, onions are good. Good source of sulfur.