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12112869 No.12112869 [Reply] [Original]

>ecofags constantly crying that we’re pumping out too much co2
>shill solar and wind to no end
>wildly inefficient
>take up a shit ton of space
>if ecofags are so scared about carbon emmissions and the world ending in 12 years then why don’t they advocate something proven and crazy efficient?
>what’s some waste and a nuke accident every 2 decades compared to the world dying?
I really don’t get it and I’m fed up with all the crying and outrage

>> No.12112879

uh because it isnt green dipshit and creates toxic fuckin waste.

>> No.12112958

Honestly with the global shut down.. it shows how fast the environment changed.. why not just make factories shut down for the summer in their region. And places are already changing the 24hrs open policies. It is heading in the right direction. Wether people like it or not. The earth is an employee that hasn't gotten a rest since the start of the industrial revolution.

>> No.12112965

nukenuke scawy

>> No.12112968

I knew you Great Reset fucks would start playing this angle

>> No.12112980

The high grade waste that can't be reused wouldn't fill a football field. The world's nuclear powers could pick an uninhabited volcanic island, dig a deep hole, and safely dispose of their wastes for centuries in it.

>> No.12113050
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Thorium and modular reactor fag here. Nuclear as 'not-green' is geopolitical propaganda. It got in the way of transitioning from Bretton woods to fiat frenzy, endearing the world to the fossil fuels bought and sold in USD and kicked back into margin trading interest products as the underlying asset, the eurodollar recycling scheme. Think tanks such as the Aspen institute cooked up a wave of 'muh environment' propaganda, and rushed the creation FEMA ahead of schedule to manage 3 mile island,(1) which i dare say, smells like a false flag.

Today the motive is less clear global petrodollar recycling is a smaller weight as the USD dominates the much, much larger FOREX market, being the middleman of not just oil, but all global trade.

(1) src deblooming the nuclear rose, Century of War: Anglo-american geopolitics and the new world order

>> No.12113076

Retard here, redpill me a bit more on the differences between liquid Fleuride-Thorium Reactors and Uranium reactors + their waste output please. Also, would it be reasonable to just throw the waste into space?

>> No.12113085


It is not about resetting it is about comprising with the environment. I am not saying stop factory work.. and stop buisness. For decades.. hell no.

But wouldn't it be nice not to work in hot factories during the summer and spend more time with your family.
Or you a dumb shit?

UwU daddy government. Work my ass daily for the rest of my miserable life. So that I have no time for friends or family. Except to say hi... and then be ina nursing home being tosken care of a random person that is only there for a pay check. And have no friends... because you never had time outside of work.

Damn is it hard to take pavlov's training out of people.

>> No.12113165

The industrial revolution was evil. It should be ended.

>> No.12113174
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Hmm, its been attested that the flouride reactor has short-lived waste, and that it has less transuranic elements, those ones that simply travel to weapons applications. But i suppose the red pill is that, waste recycling is a well known science, and could be done for fuel, but this means access to a whole array of chemical isotopes that are dangerous and hazardous in the wrong/negligent hands

>> No.12113179

Capitalist governments are owned part and parcel by Capitalist interest groups so there's a lack of political will to do so

>> No.12113187

they're more expensive than solar/wind
but you will likely see an uptick in positive nuclear talk

>> No.12113196

Solar and wind cheapness is from government backing and being accepted as intermittent.

Take away the government cheese and other power plants. Then it gets expensive. As you have to build several times the required generation capacity, massive batteries everywhere, and huge grid upgrades.

>> No.12113276

I'm not in favor of daddy government forcing you to work in a factory all summer, as I'm a believer in free enterprise and not in a planned economy. In fact that's exactly why I'm not in favor of asking daddy government to shut down all business every summer.
The reason I said "you Great Reset fucks" is because that's the name of the billionaire globalists' movement making the same points as you

>> No.12113323

Uranium fuel rod
U-235 5%
U-238 95%

when rod is used
U-235 breaks up
U-238 --> U-239 --> Np-239 --> Pu-239

after U-235 portion drops to 0.3%
the rod is used up

waste storage: 10,000 years

Pu-239 can be used to build nuclear weapons

Th-232 --> Th-233 --> Pa-233 --> U-233

U-233 is then used to make pellets

when pellets are used
no U-238 in pellets => no Pu-239 is created
U-233 --> U-232 --> Tl-208

waste storage: 300 years

U-233 can be used to build nuclear weapons,
but only after the U-232 is separated from the mix

>> No.12113335

>and could be done for fuel
very expensive because the decay chain of 232-U quickly yields strong gamma radiation emitters

>> No.12113340

>implying nuclear isn't

>> No.12113348

The batteries are the most expensive part

Wind plants are the cheapest and solar is very close to catching up.
Nuclear requires expensive fuel and large, complex engineering projects to produce plants. The plants require specialized knowledge of nuclear reactions to manage.
They also have strictly limited lifetimes due to the inability to properly service them because of radiation.
The decommissioning of the plants are also expensive which is why nobody wants to invest in them.

i would still invest in it because its a vital carbon neutral energy source and has large amounts of interesting/innovative plant designs that havent been commercially proven but have been proven in universities or research labs

>> No.12113364
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page 8

>> No.12113382

The fuel is cheap. Since you need so little.

The navy now builds reactors that never need refueling. They last the life of the ship. Which is 50 years at least. Reactors run by people with just 2 years of intensive nuclear power education.

>> No.12113396

What about the lower grades of radioactive waste?

>> No.12113404

Vitrified and buried in normal landfills.

>> No.12113409

Because they're economically infesible, have a massive carbon foot print thanks to the way they're built and would require another century of heavy investment and research to do anything with.

Wind and solar might be "inefficient" but they manage to pay for themselves and have made enormous strides over the past 20 years tech wise in generation and storage. Nuclear has been around for 60 years and not one commercially independent reactor exists.

Plus, if you're giving renewables to a shitstain developing country to solve their energy issues they're not likely to turn it into a dirty bomb are they?

You're fed up with the crying. I'm fed up with faggots like you that don't actually know shit about either technology.

>> No.12113422
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>> No.12113429

If ecofags were smart they wouldn’t be ecofags.

>> No.12113448

Sorry I didn't know.

But I was just pointing out people work in factories during the winter. Means employees will be warm as they work. And during the summer they can choose to work some where else. Or stay with family.

It is the same thing the rich were doing during the summer... and that is why kids have summer vacation.. based on rich people taking their kids some where more bearable. So.... it is justified for one group over the other.. for no real reason.

And in other countries.. they don't have a summer break. But they do split you between work force and education around middle school and high school.

And idk your position you may be barely paying Bill's. And just dabbling around the net. Or a rich person dabbling around the net.

But it definitely feels like things aren't equal to how people are treated... and yes.. I know "life is not fair" then what is the point of the justice system... ?

>> No.12113455
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>> No.12113487

We're talking electric generation. Not all energy.

>> No.12113495

Currently, nuclear power is too expensive to make it worthwhile over other sources of green energy.

>> No.12113504

The U.S. spends $26 billion annually subsidizing fossil fuels.

... on top of that, the trillions of dollars wasted and thousands of lives lost in Iraq Wars I & II.

>> No.12113796

Tards main argument against nuclear power is the waste. Yet they forget that coal creates radioactive waste that's more harmful. Sure, most of it is caught by filters but there's still waste that can't be reused.
Nuclear power will never be a thing. If you cant convince people to wear a mask or allow for 5G towers to be built, how can nuclear be a thing.

>> No.12113817

Why is nuclear still so expensive?

Everything is getting cheaper, but nuclear keeps going up.

>> No.12113881

The plants are all past their designed life or approaching that point. Also a hostile regulation environment designed to make nuclear fail.

>> No.12113892

>Why aren’t we building a shit ton of nuke plants?
Everyone keeps crying and whining about how we're supposed to get rid of the waste but no one wants to be bothered with trying to solve the problem they all just want to litter the Earth with solar panels and wind generators regardless of them never being truly adequate.

>> No.12113897

>Why aren't we building a shit ton of nuke plants
Cowardice, evil, anti-human elements within our empire. They need to be eliminated.

>> No.12113910

Natural gas is cheap and building natural gas power plants as fast and cheap.

>> No.12113917

Because it's a big fucking stove that needs to be built on important sources of water. Do you think water is easy to find, nigger? The shit heat will fuck up a lot of crops.

>> No.12113940

>thousands of lives lost
who cares, just a bunch of suckers and losers

>> No.12113969

But their economic impact shouldn’t matter when ecofags only care about co2 emissions. If you’re so convinced the world is gonna end in 12 years unless we lower emissions then nuclear is the fastest way to go carbon neutral. And obv you wouldn’t give this tech to 3rd world countries just the first world ones that produce most of the co2 anyways.

>> No.12113998
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Planning a nuclear plant and getting permissions takes at least a decade. Building a nuclear plant takes another decade. It will cost you at least $10 billion, probably even more. Your project might be stopped or delayed if there is a nuclear accident or just a different administration.
Building solar, wind or natural gas got none of these problems. There are just 3 years from idea to finished plant.

>> No.12114001

solar and wind are mass produced, this makes everything dirt cheap

>> No.12114007
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>> No.12114010
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>> No.12114038

Just look at all those quality jobs.
Meanwhile. A small nuclear plant has hundreds of high paying career employees.

>> No.12114069

It's too expensive to get them running to the point where they start turning a profit.

In other words, the snail-paced return on investment makes them not economically viable compared to other options.

Further innovations in the industry, such as small modular thorium reactors, will likely change this drastically since they can be built to scale safely and quickly.

I hate to be that guy, but...
Since this is the best possible answer.

>> No.12114091

Nationalized nuclear power? So it can take the long view and build and run power plants with no concern for profit

>> No.12114133


Because the decision-makers who hold that kind of capital required are too greedy and short-sighted. They have no argument against nuclear that cannot also be applied to defend fossil fuel use against any form of green energy.

>> No.12114337

this person has the same number for both their bmi and their iq

>> No.12114363

Nuclear power is dead and no amount of paid spam here will change that.

>> No.12114416


This is what they're doing in China, India, Russia, and other countries that are serious about replacing fossil fuels

>> No.12115367

>A small nuclear plant has hundreds of high paying career employees.

that's a main reason why it's expensive and almost no new plant is being build for decades

>> No.12115916

fracking can destroy water tables

>> No.12116942

There isn't a financial benefit to not destroying them, so of course it will.

>> No.12116972

I find it ironic that people forget how carcinogenic oil and coal is too, yet complain about the nonexistent cancer nuclear power gives people