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12088212 No.12088212 [Reply] [Original]

Hey Tooker, have you tried sending your quantum gravity paper to Sabine Hossenfelder?

>> No.12088471

This midwit wishes she could conceive of a theory of everything.

>> No.12088502


>> No.12088529

Yeah. I too would like to be a midwit who works at CERN

>> No.12088543

nobody has conceived a theory of everything yet dumbass

>> No.12088645 [DELETED] 

Feyman said it better
and I don't think he would have agreed with her. She's too conservative. Feynman worked on unifying quantum mechanics and special relativity, resulting in quantum electrodynamics.

>> No.12088701

She is smarter than you.

>> No.12088707


>> No.12088721

Cope and false.

>> No.12088726

I have a gf who does everything I say, like do anal and swallow my cum, and I KNOW you're an incel.

>> No.12088860


If your only criteria is validation from authority then you are right.

But if you care about truth, even if discovered by a lowly pathetic public school teacher, then I have news for you


>> No.12088881

Are you serious dude? I'm not appealing to authority, I am just being sceptical when you expect me to believe some random high school teacher has somehow discovered something that has eluded the greatest minds in history.

>> No.12088887

>She is smarter than you.
but below average physicist

>> No.12088908

How would you know? You are too stupid to evaluate that. And in fact she's a top physicist.

>> No.12088909
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I think she deleted my comments when I posted it on her blog. Maybe that was just Lubos. From what she writes, I can tell she already saw it.

>> No.12088914

She's a tooker magnet

>> No.12088915
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I like Sabine but I think me and German intelligence agencies are on the outs, and Sabine probably likes them A LOT more than she likes me.

>> No.12089033
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Tooker, I...

>> No.12089064

Damn, so this is why you called yourself Geometric Unity for a while some years ago? I don't give a shit about physics so I never realized. I only knew you for your insanely retarded Riemann Hypothesis argument.

>> No.12089070

Sabine is a troll that likes attention.

>> No.12089082

>wymin bad man good

>> No.12089101

hahaha big gary in the house. You are one of my fav jews Gary

>> No.12089185

She's not a girlfriend if you are paying her by the hour.

>> No.12089195

>Sabine is a troll that likes attention.
That makes her based.

>> No.12089291
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Yes, that is the reason why I called myself that. I see you don't give a shit about physics and never realized, but could you say a little more about you think my RH argument is tarded?

>> No.12089312
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Are you aware that Mochi's "Hodge theater" is just my cosmological model dressed in inaccessible jargon?

>> No.12089548

Academia is such garbage. If you published a book that built your principles from the ground up, I'd be the first to buy it.

>> No.12089553

>but could you say a little more about you think my RH argument is tarded?

Let me be clear and say something that probably no one has ever said on 4chan. Your idea of infinity hat is actually pretty clever. The idea of the numbers at infinity is one that any mathematician has toyed with and many have formalized a system to study them in meaningful ways. Yours is probably one of the most creative/interesting. The retarded part comes when you applied them to solve a long-standing problem that was clearly not meant to involve that stuff.

I am aware and I will not agree that Mochizuki, an actual genius, copied you or even had an idea that you had discovered first.

>> No.12089562

>an actual genius
Mochizuki is a perfect example of academic elitism. He sits in his own room, compiling his shit, refusing to cooperate or share. Then one day, he drops a massive TURD, claiming to have made a grand discovery. And then, when people start asking him questions, he refuses to help then understand, save one workshop where he discussed the paper. And finally, when he receives criticism for his pile of shit, he quickly starts name-calling.

>> No.12089565

Let me ask you a quick question. Yes or no answer or you are retarded.

Do you support the German SS?

>> No.12089573

Why would I support a lost cause?

>> No.12089577

I don't support Scholze and Stix either. I'm glad we could agree that Mochizuki is right.

>> No.12089625
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You mean if I was a proficient enough social networked to get someone else to publish my book? I wrote a book about my physics research program. I published it online and it is available to download for free:
>The General Relevance of the Modified Cosmological Model
I wrote LONG paper about my research program in math, and I guess you call it a short book but really it is a long paper. It's also free online:
>Fractional Distance: The Topology of the Real Number Line with Applications to the Riemann Hypothesis
I wrote a novel, too, which I have for sale:
>The Weather Vane
It is probably free online too but I prefer that you gibmedat for it.

>> No.12089657
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>clearly not meant to involve that stuff.
Pic related comes from Clay's definition of RH:
>Problems of the Millennium: the Riemann Hypothesis
The problem clearly isn't about the negative even integers, and yet they explicitly exclude them in the statement of the problem. If the neighborhood of infinity was an idea that any mathematician has toyed with, and if it is not in scope for RH, then why did they make an explicit statement excluding the negative even integers but not the numbers that every mathematician has toyed with? Please riddle me that, Different Poster.

Here is were I get ~REALLY~ retarded: even if the sum total value of my work is to add a corner case which Clay's "rigorous" statement of the problem neglects to mention, one which forces a clarification, then my result is important enough to appear in the Annals of Mathematics and it is not the trash 30 journals, arXiv, and a dozen trolls have all said it was.

Furthermore, I totally dispute your idea that the neighborhood of infinity is out of scope. The scope relates to the distributions of primes "p", pic related, and numbers of the form (INFHAT-p) have the EXACT same distribution as the regular primes but now we have new arithmetic tools
>Fractional Distance (Section 5)
for analyzing such numbers. Overall, I think your claim "clearly not meant to involve that stuff" is stupid. RH was not "meant" to involve any new technique which might make the problem more plainly tractable, and ultimately the tractability is the only thing that matters. I think my solution says everything about primes that RH is expected to say. Even if it only shows a case that needs to be excluded from the formal statement of the problem, then my result belongs in the Annals.

>> No.12089670
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>The retarded part comes when you applied them to solve a long-standing problem that was clearly not meant to involve that stuff.
pic relevant

>> No.12089674

>Please riddle me that, Different Poster.
When Clay says real they are excluding your numbers at infinity. 99.999999% of people do not count those as real numbers.

>> No.12089684

Do you disagree that [math] \mathbb{R}=(-\infty,\infty)[/math]? Do you think Riemann would have disagreed? Do you see where I am going with that?

>> No.12089686

it's actual feminist shills trying to cultivate a female presence on /sci/. The exact same posters are behind this, the scihub girl, the black hole girl, and all the other variation of their shilling like the "male inferior lol" threads that used to get bumped for a whole week straight a couple of months ago

>> No.12089691

Depends. What is your formal definition for that interval? What do the symbols mean? Full detail. Because in a foundations class by the time you define intervals you already assume that the interval contains real numbers. I hope that you have a definition of an interval that comes even before the reals. Otherwise, you are going in circles.

>> No.12089700

Pretty sure that’s just the black hole girl, and even then it’s obvious bait most of the time. I’m willing to bet Gary is behind this one. As for the sci hub girl, the threads really only started after she put a gif of herself on the site, so it’s probably just organic appreciation.

>> No.12089718

Ok, Different Poster Who Is Rapidly Turning Into Same Poster: [math] \mathbb{R} [/math] is the set of all real numbers. We also have
[eqn] \infty=\lim\limits_{x\to0} \frac{1}{x} [/eqn]
The interval notation (a,b) denotes the set of all elements which satisfy two simulataneous order relations: they are greater than a and less than b. The minus sign, I hope you understand but I can explain it i you prefer.

Do you agree that all of those are the standard definitions? Now: do you disagree that [math] \mathbb{R}=(-\infty,\infty) [/math]

>> No.12089720

>definition of an interval that comes even before the reals.
It's a Hausdorff space of dimension one.

>> No.12089728

No no no, Tooker. You are going in circles. Which comes first. The reals, or the interval?

The definitions for Hausdorff space already require reals. You are again defining reals in circles.

>> No.12089729

Oh YOU CUNT! I can't believe you played me like a fiddle.

>> No.12089747

>The definitions for Hausdorff space already require reals
No it doesn't. A space is Hausdorff if any for two distinct points there exist neighborhoods of each which are disjoint from each other.

>You are going in circles.
I'm not going in a circle. I'm responding to the issues you raised in the order you raised them.

>> No.12089762

>No it doesn't. A space is Hausdorff if any for two distinct points there exist neighborhoods of each which are disjoint from each other.
Indeed, I realized we are getting ahead of ourselves.

>It's a Hausdorff space of dimension one.
As you said it is 'a' Hausdorff space of dimension one. But it is not 'the' Hausdorff space of dimension one as this would not be a sufficient definition. You have yet defined the real numbers.

If your definition of reals is the interval given above, then please give the definition of said intervals.

>> No.12089786

>then please give the definition of said intervals.
an interval (a,b) is the set of objects which satisfy two simultaneous order relations:
greater than a
less than b

>The interval notation (a,b) denotes the set of all elements which satisfy two simultaneous order relations: they are greater than a and less than b.

>> No.12089797

Then define what those order relations mean. What does it mean that b is greater than a?

>> No.12089824

Then define what those order relations mean
Order relation tells you whether (b-a) is positive, negative, or zero.

>What does it mean that b is greater than a?
If b is greater than a, then the alligator mouth of the order symbol opens toward b. Also, if b is greater than a then (b-a) is a positive number.

>> No.12089826

Who cares what Sabine hossenfelder says she is retarded and acts like the only use for the FCC is to prove and disprove super symmetry. If you actually look it up. Just at the face of it if it was just for super symmetry(it’s not) then just the construction will have huge benefits not taking account for any scientific discoveries from using the FCC directly. There was a cost analysis paper on this. It’s kind of like Apollo missions in this remark. It probably won’t be as revolutionary as the Apollo missions which basically revolutionize aero space but the point still stands. Large bleeding edge projects like this give a lot of good just in the design and creation. If she cared or wasn’t so retarded she’d know this. She’d also know of the other discoveries the FCC will allow. There are shit tons of papers on this she could read if she cared or wasn’t retarded. Mostly in the realm of anti matter and dark matter.

>> No.12089827

>(b-a) is positive, negative, or zero.
So b and a are already real numbers? Then how come you can define the reals in terms of intervals?

>> No.12089846

>So b and a are already real numbers?
a and b are "minus infinity" and "infinity," you stupid person. They are not real numbers. The interval I use is [math] \mathbb{R}=(-\infty,\infty) [/math]. In turn, the Cauchy definition of a limit is such that
is defined with rationals. You guys must really be stupid if you thought you were going to catch me in a circle with this stupid approach.

If you want to see all the little details, then look in my paper:
>Fractional Distance: The Topology of the Real Number Line with Applications to the Riemann Hypothesis

I can see your strategy is to ask me about things, and then when I answer you in the order you ask, you will try to cite a circle that you have constructed with the order in which you asked your questions. If you look at my paper and cite the article numbers, e.g.: Axiom.7.6.2. then I will entertain your inquiry.

Here is me paraphrasing you:

>> No.12089853
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>> No.12089854
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>> No.12089858

your definition of real numbers is "numbers larger than minus infinity and lesser than infinity". how should I understand this? does this mean all rational numbers?

>> No.12089861

>how should I understand this?
read the paper. cite the article number if you don't understand something.

>> No.12090050
File: 286 KB, 601x431, animuWaifu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you an aight jew too tooker. God bless little bro if you and Gary survive the race war I will vouch for you in the ethnostate we build afterwards

>> No.12090067

>. Your idea of infinity hat is actually pretty clever. The idea of the numbers at infinity is one that any mathematician has toyed with and many have formalized a system to study them in meaningful ways. Yours is probably one of the most creative/interesting

I'm hooked, is there a link to this?

>> No.12090071
File: 157 KB, 1024x683, TRINITY___Forever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since you have addressed me in a way that displeases me, anything you might vouch for me in will be totally destroyed. If my authorities are to come from you, then they are worthless.

>> No.12090073
File: 425 KB, 2816x1704, TIMESAND___2occatlnet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, I am Jon Tooker: the inventor of the time circuit...

Mundane events related to time travel.

John Titor, the Montauk Project, the e-Cat and Geometric Unity

I am the anonymous physicist featured in the black hole article yesterday.

>> No.12090077


>> No.12090198

Tooker, when was the last time you inserted your penis inside a woman?

>> No.12090212


>> No.12090217

i would have preferred not to have to imagine that

>> No.12090228

I'm just worried that when Tooker dies from his anal infections we'll have no one to carry that legacy.

>> No.12090431

traps arent women

>> No.12090435

You renounce Judaism? Even better you crazy bastard, We will build a new die glocke where the reich left off and go to other dimensions in the new ethno state

>> No.12091390

I renounce the Synagogue of Satan which claims to be Jewish but is not. When I kill all of those people, and their children, it will be a masterclass in what Judaism really is.

>> No.12091493
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And let me say something else about that as well. If I kill all of the Jews except for myself, and not just all of the Israelis, then everything will be totally kosher and licit. Since I am David's heir, as long one from my line is always king, my covenant with David will be fulfilled. As long as my own descendants become more numerous than the stars, my covenant with Abraham will be fulfilled. As I told told Abraham that he will be reckoned through his son Isaac, now the reckoning is through me. Those other people who misuse my name J.W. to call themselves Jews have no part in it and if I kill them all, it will be a hollow cost. As the history of those people shows, they cannot go five minutes without forgetting what the Lord did for their ancestors and turning to false gods, and now they have turned to the so-called queen of heaven, who is not queen at all, and they say, "We do right in your eyes Lord, because that woman is related to you." They do not do right in my eyes and I will kill all of them who had Helene as their god before me: the Sovereign Lord. I reject them and I will make a mightier people.

>> No.12093368


>> No.12093975
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>Johnson added. "I want to be absolutely clear that, as we have said right from the start, that would be a good outcome for the U.K. As a government we are preparing, at our borders and at our ports, to be ready for it."

>> No.12094223
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