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12064090 No.12064090 [Reply] [Original]

Toxic chemicals and microplastics are in your food and water. What can be done? Or are we doomed to be chem-eaters for the rest of our pitifully short, cancerous lives?

>“Our children are growing up exposed to a toxic cocktail of weedkillers, insecticides, and fungicides. It’s on their food and in their water, and it’s even doused over their parks and playgrounds. Many governments insist that our standards of protection from these pesticides are strong enough. But as a scientist and a lawyer who specialises in chemicals and their potential impact on people’s fundamental rights, I beg to differ. Last month it was revealed that in recommending that glyphosate – the world’s most widely-used pesticide – was safe, the EU’s food safety watchdog copied and pasted pages of a report directly from Monsanto, the pesticide’s manufacturer. Revelations like these are simply shocking.”

>In her open 19-page letter, ‘Why Don’t Pesticides Feature in the WHO-UNICEF-Lancet Commission?’, she notes in the Costello-led report that there is much talk about greater regulation of marketing of tobacco, alcohol, formula milk and sugar-sweetened beverages but no mention of pesticides.


>> No.12064101
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Yes, and that's a good thing.

>> No.12064119

In order to answer the question of whether or not it's safe to eat food we have to evaluate whether the regulation is thorough enough. I personally think regulation standards are good enough since there hasn't been many cases of toxic chemicals or microplastics in food killing or hurting people to my knowledge. Probably worth evaluating the regulation nonetheless though

>> No.12064122

Ban toxic dihydrogen monoxide!

>> No.12064126
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>> No.12064138

We all knew it for quite some time. I'm fat even thought I eat a pretty healthy diet, it's because of all the xenoestrogens in packaging and HFCS replacing real sugar in our food.

>> No.12064152

sure fatty, it's the world that's wrong, not you

>> No.12064162

>Colin Todhunter
Literally who? Claims to be a scientist yet I can find no published research under his name about toxic chemicals.

>> No.12064172
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My diet is very sugary and I'm not fat.

Go outside.

>> No.12064234

Fatass lardass pig cant stop eating larping to cope

>> No.12064239

Inline multi-stage water filtration on all potable water sources in your house.

>> No.12064274
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>it's the food that's making me fat, not the amount I eat nor the amount of exercise I do regularly

>> No.12065973
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Well, he had a solution

>> No.12066234

To get around the fact that your government is poisoning you.

>> No.12066259
File: 475 KB, 1600x1066, 1586978951890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Testosterone levels in men have steadily declined during the last century. Xenoestrogens in food, water and even in texiles are believed to be responsible. We are becoming beta eunuchs compared to our forefathers and hardly anyone seems to care.

>> No.12066274

We couldn't feed everyone without them.

>> No.12066311

You buy land and grow your own food, you hunt wild animals and eat meat once or twice a week. You filter your water with a good filter, and maybe you filter your air even. You do high intensity exercise and use a sauna. You supplement NAC and Vitamin C. You own a goat that gives you your dairy, and a few chickens for your eggs and protein. You eat a lot of garlic. You make use of sunlight, and of steel.

And then you sit back and watch. Watch what happens. It will be fun to watch. Oh what’s that, your grandchildren all have autism and BPD, surely prenatal and in útero conditions had nothing to do with it Ana you fat fuck. You condemned a child with your dumb little brain, at least it all ends with him, nature did it’s work. Ana.

>> No.12066325

They call you schizo for even pointing it out.

take ur meds!!! teehee xd

>> No.12066346

High testosterone levels are associated with risk taking behaviour. This is a problem for insurance companies

>> No.12066364

Does that mean gamblers are automatically high T? What other factor could push one to gamble?

>> No.12066370

so women don't take risks? Or do women have too much testosterone?

>> No.12066392

women are risk-adverse to a fault. Just look at the professions and lifestylesthey find themselves in. To be fair there is little to gain and much to lose for a woman by exposing herself to risk. It won't make it easier for them to get laid, other women won't be impressed by it, men might think it's kinda cool but no biggie, and they are very weak physically, and also weaker emotionally. They have 1/30th of a man's testosterone levels.

>> No.12066551

The problem is that to do it you first need to have some money, this means that all the damage done during our first years of life and puberty will stay there as you first need to find a job.

>> No.12066572

>To be fair there is little to gain and much to lose for a woman by exposing herself to risk. It won't make it easier for them to get laid, other women won't be impressed by it, men might think it's kinda cool but no biggie
I disagree, I think an ambition and success are very attractive traits. I like a woman who has aspirations and goals much more than one who sits around doing nothing