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File: 165 KB, 736x854, where are the aliens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12035015 No.12035015 [Reply] [Original]

Where are all the aliens? Why aren't there more scientific studies of UFOs? What's really going on out there?

>> No.12035023

This makes me doubt that sun is just another star and that there are other star systems and planets. This even makes me doubt heliocentrism and scientific cosmology and shape of the earth. This makes me doubt everything.

>> No.12035026

destroyed or be destroyed makes zero sense. we have been spraying RF for years now and havent been destroyed yet.

>> No.12035029

Or everyone near us is hiding, while the galactic predators are coming now.

>> No.12035030

well its true 70% of stars are red dwarves and are not habitual because they are too crazy

>> No.12035035

New research suggests tidally locked planets around red dwarfs may have habitable zones.

>> No.12035039

that doesn't account for red dwarves dump radiation over its habital zones because they are quite chaotic compared to our very calm star.

>> No.12035040

space is too vast seems reasonable. i mean we have only been blasting radio waves around for like a hundred years, and by the time any of those waves get far they will probably lose their coherence or strength

>> No.12035045

earth is a fishbowl explains the UFO sightings, they're basically safaris

>> No.12035048

earth is a fish bowl or life is extremely rare makes the most sense.

>> No.12035051
File: 2.66 MB, 1919x2227, fermiparadox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a non-shit res

>> No.12035054

if you are the galactic predator you already so far ahead you are basically a god compared to them who cares if they improve. also why would they be quiet. we aren't quiet why wouldn't they also not be quiet. how would they know there are galactic predators. this makes zero sense.

>> No.12035057
File: 681 KB, 1200x5448, Why-Havent-We-Found-Aliens-_v2-1200x5448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how would they know there are galactic predators.
Reasoning from first principles.
>who cares if they improve
Relativistic bombs can be fired by any two-bit civilization with primitive spaceflight and they can't be defended against.

>> No.12035062

reasoning from what principles. it makes zero sense there are predators. we are far beyond technology level to be able to emit rf into space and we still have no idea if there are other life. if i had to guess youd cross the technology level to emit rf way before youd know if there is galactic predators

>> No.12035064
File: 214 KB, 1348x1086, The Great Silence.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is a summarized version of the argument. I think it has flaws (notably it doesn't take into account species no longer living on worlds), but it has some good points.

>> No.12035066

this makes no sense at all and is retarded.

>> No.12035075

you dont know a great silence exists before you scream into space you exist. so it doesnt even matter if you do so. you already screamed

>> No.12035078
File: 828 KB, 3850x1925, 731a9db289416295b9ea913631707f84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one actually thinks we're the only sentient life in the universe, right?

>> No.12035088
File: 126 KB, 1200x630, pig-articles-article-specific-boar-sow-mating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are also pigs and bacteriophages.

>> No.12035222

>Why aren't there more scientific studies of UFOs?
There are several ways to explain this:
1) There are no aliens on Earth or anywhere we know of, all sightings are false. I believe in this one.
2) Some governments are aware of alien civilisations, but only from distant signals, they keep it from the public to avoid worry.
3) The aliens are already here, with technology far more advanced than our's, but no one has gotten their hands on any of it, so there is nothing to study. Governments hide it from the public to avoid panic.
4) The aliens are already here, with technology far more advanced than our's, and collected samples of it are being studied in complete secrecy to gain advantage over competitors. Governments hide it from the public to avoid riots.

Conclusion: either there is no nothing to study, or many of world's governments do their best to hide it from us. Draw your own conclusions.

>> No.12035621

People are shitheads.

>> No.12035647

I do. Evolution is a series of random mutations and the removal of a single crucial progenitor would have meant we would have never amounted to anything other than monkeys at best. The absence of other intelligent life at the level of humans on this planet shows intelligence and sentience are extremely rare quirks, not guaranteed consequences of life.

>> No.12035671

I do too. I took ages for sapient species to pop up on Earth. And almost every one of them died out, even humans almost didn't make it. To me it shows that intelligence isn't a very useful trait.

>> No.12035697

Learning that life on Earth took like 1/4 of the age of the universe to gain sentience let alone intelligence was the biggest redpill with regard to aliens. If we assume that's the average time it takes for sentient life to form, and assume that sentient species last a few million year before they're wiped out by a meteor, It's easy to see why we'll never see aliens.

>> No.12036952


It's a really dumb argument because what would an extremely powerful civilization gain from doing anything to humans or other aliens? They can literally grow us in a lab and torture us if they wanted to.

I think it's more likely that intelligence tends to develop in species that are cooperative and having similar value systems (the golden rule) tend to become the norm. Just looking at all our animals, lone species tend to be less intelligent than social species. In fact, intelligence is theorized to develop directly because humans are so social.

Please don't do the whole "but but look how evil humans are." Humans are evil, on average, when they're stressed out. If humans were evil we wouldn't be able to build the society we had and most of our religions wouldn't preach the golden rule.

There is no reason other than pure sadism (which is unrealistic) for why an alien species would want to intentionally cause us harm. Not even for our resources. There are so many minerals in space that they don't need to kill a species to get to.

>> No.12036958


You need to run the numbers again silly goose.

I thought 4chan was supposed to be better than reddit? I just see a bunch of posers who aren't getting sense knocked into them with collective downvotes.

>> No.12038271

Space is too vast + Life is extremely rare

Plus the universe is relatively young and frankly we just don't know how big life's filters in earth might have been, especially for abiogenesis

>> No.12038280

Humans are the ancient precursors that will be talked about in future legend. We had to brave an unknown and lonely universe before finding complex life on another planet. Considering the billions of years of evolution and half dozen extinction level events that had to occur before a single instance of intelligent life was even possible to emerge it's obviously not an evolutionary advantage that occurs frequently. The human population once dipped to a few thousand and could have been easily wiped out. The only thing that could completely wipe us out at this point would be something smarter like AI.

>> No.12038335

No. the space is so vast and traveling at light speed is practically impossible. also laws of thermodynamics and propulsion make it impossible to have endless travel. even if you had endless energy, endless travel would still be impossible since you need matter to propel

>> No.12038404

They’re here and this is a slave planet

T. Abductee

>> No.12039326

Asapiogenesis is infinitely rare. We're alone and we'll never meet aliens.

Rarity is calculated by looking at the number of Cases, and dividing by the number of Attempts. Conceivably, there can be any number of Attempts, and there can be any number of Cases between 0 and the number of Attempts.

Cases can't be 0, since we exist. Cases can't be the same as Attempts since failed attempts exist.

So if we pick a random number of Attempts, and a random number of Cases between 0 and the number of Attempts, we get 1 Case out of infinite Attempts!

This fact proves that we're alone and aliens don't exist. This isn't just us never meeting aliens, but that aliens can't even conceivably exist!

>> No.12039532

Mutually assured destruction means that if an aggressor is to survive an attack on the target, they would have to be aware of all other observers that would immediately retaliate, and take them out simultaneously.

>> No.12039550

Life is simply extremely improbable.

>> No.12039919


classic 4chan argument.

Dude, we can know anything without data. We don't have the data, so we can't make any kind of real prediction.

Life happened pretty early on Earth. If it was "infinitely rare" (lol), then why did it happen so early on Earth?

>> No.12040207

My pet theory is the phase when intelligent life thrive and able to receive/decode radio signals is very insignificant in geological time.

Consider that there is only a 49-years gap from Marconi's first public radio transmission and end of WW2. Then we enter Cold War and there were many nuclear close calls during that time. Assuming humankind had been unlucky, it might be only a short 50-100 years period when we first discovered radio to total nuclear annihilation. Thus, my half-baked assumption for now is there were many intelligent species and there will be many in the future. The reason we can't contact each other is once a species get radio, it's only a short matter of time before they get nuclear technology as well, then all hell breaks loose.

>> No.12040419

Scientit's already constructed anti gravity engine... I just wonder where you've been.

>> No.12040927

Are you a moron? I'm not talking about life, but intelligence. Life has been here for 4 billion years, and would have died out in 300 million years because the Sun will heat up and kill all life on earth by then. We evolved at the end of Earth's habitability period.
You need to understand how close we cut it.

>> No.12040939

there is probably no where else in the entire universe where life can be allowed to evolve for even a billion years before being wiped out by a solar flare, or asteroid collision.
You need to understand that other "earthlike" planets aren't as nurturing as Earth.

>> No.12043135

The kid that smears his shit everywhere asks why nobody came to his party.

>> No.12043161

There exists a hard upper bound on what is actually possible to engineer and build and being a space faring civilization is beyond this bound.
All life forms hit an "upper limit" for how technologically sophisticated they can become and no further progress can be made beyond this point because the solutions to the problems that are required to advance beyond this point are intractable.
"Artificial Super Intelligence" does not help solve these problems, as it is still bound by the laws of physics and computation and it isn't powerful enough to solve computationally intractable problems.