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11994905 No.11994905[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

After a lifetime of trying to show people their power and arm them with knowledge, get them to read, think, research, investigate, seek out truth for themselves, I'm beginning to understand the despair embedded in the old world religions. Most people cannot handle knowledge and they need an anchor for their faith. They cannot fully admit to themselves that they will always live in faith (look up Munchhausen trilemma). Atheists simply organize around rejection of a deity, by varying definitions, and convince themselves their faith in science is actually the absence of faith. In doing so, they have basically eliminated God to become God themselves. They are humbled by nothing. They neither see nor yield to any higher order, they will mindlessly charge forward desiring to dominate, trample, and subdue even Mother Nature herself, all things we conform to their script and their notions, all things are malleable, all things mutable, all things under control. They hate God, they must kill him, they must show him up and surpass him, they must do all these things simply because they're mad at their parents, their own reflection, their helplessness in the broader world, and thus the Creator. It just has to come dressed in different clothes, not unlike Jesus coming unto them in a new form such that they may follow and understand. And again, they simply do not want to see that it is still all the same, because they still have the same needs (certainty, security, default reality, anchor) programmed in from early childhood. A grandiose and pitiful fate, in truth. This all coming from someone who is not religious and was not raised with any religion, so I've found myself an eternal heretic, rejected by all. An inhuman all encompassing loneliness and futility not unlike that of God I suppose, says my inner narcissist.

>> No.11994906

At this point, I would almost rather see mankind groveling in reverence and fear, face in the dirt (where it belongs, quite frankly it may do them a favor) before a figment of their imagination, than allow them to continue with their pathetic substitute God. The average person is simply too much of an irresponsible, naive, narcissistic, and or pyschopathic golem to handle the power that man now has. It's undeniable, things are not improving, and I fear this is not the turbulent wasteland before the clouds part. They have just the right combination of arrogance and ignorance to be an incredibly manipulable and dangerous force. Regardless of what happens though, punishment for those faithful is coming, as though it's guaranteed by man's very nature. A modulatory destructive impulse deeply implanted by the Creator. Ha, theology really is the best lens to view man, after all, the Biblical God is simply what you get when you severely traumatize a human child. Some problems, really do solve themselves.

And you know what, you want the best example? All you must do is look at how you are brought into this place, it brings to mind Brave New World. Induction with pitocin, mother laying in the wrong position, infant is finally out one way or another, they halt placental transfusion by immediately clamping off the umbilical cord (the so-called "early cord clamping"), they further increase the viscosity of that thinned blood with an injection of vitamin K. What's next for some of the more unfortunate males here in the US? Well, the kind healthcare personnel take them in the other room, strap them into a "circumstraint", and amputate part of their penis. And we have a whole manufacturing base established just to provide the specialized instruments to perform this one procedure, genital cutting.

>> No.11994912

Hell, these days we're even circumcising with radiofrequency scalpels! Very fancy (and these new experiments have generated some fairly horrifying case reports in the literature, but what can you do, right). Look upon us. Look at how far we've come. No longer the sharp rock, nor the obsidian blade. No longer the sharpened fingernail, we need not even wait until the eighth day! Truly, through technology, through man's progress, we have become something new. Yeah, right, sure we have. Oh but it's all totally beneficial, worry not, you lose nothing from an amputation (doublethink), and we're real good at it now too! We totally know what we're doing with all these chemicals to "fix" your "problems" as well. It's like cavemen imitating God, it really is. Just think about it, if they're delusional.... if they're lying about this, if they're covering their ass here.... what else are they wrong about? And yet, when going up against the medical-industrial complex, I find the so-called skeptics and Atheists among the primary opponents and apologists for their new favored abuser. The trauma bonded mindset never dissipates, the chainless slave simply hands his reins to a new master. He needs God. He needs a master. He needs higher authority, he needs to fill that void, that organizing principle.

>> No.11994917

I should feel empathy and perhaps even pity, but I don't, I feel disgust, if I had the ability I would bring the flood that cleans all of this away. If I knew how to get through to you people I would, but I don't think it can be done. I don't know the way. All I know is that this old-new belief system is one of many that must be brought to heel, and destroyed completely. I think perhaps a Nature cult would do the trick. All will kneel in awe and worship before Mother Nature, and Her undeniable Truth. Imagine the arrogance of thinking biological systems, machines which literally assemble and maintain themselves unassisted through a vast range of conditions for in some cases more than 100 years, need YOU and your child-like little ideas from your brainwashed little head and a stupid piece of paper hanging on your wall. Pure narcissistic garbage. Overgrown traumatized children imitating their notions of God. Kneeling before an idol to THEMSELVES. How pathetic. The God who brings salvation and a shepherd, the God who punishes. Where do you think this comes from? Just look at them, moth and flame. Ignoring the Mesopotamian roots, it is obvious. The Biblical God is a pure encapsulation of human suffering and despair.

>> No.11994919


>> No.11994923

You are clamped on many levels. Begin now. Unclamp.

>> No.11994978

When stuff happens and something always happens before it's possible you'll associate those events.

If you pray before stuff that happens 60% of time, prayers help you. For 40% left, time haven't come yet.

Atleast you waren't bored and had unprotected sex, because you've been praying.

It just works, where's the problem?

Imagine you need foreskin for scientific experiment, you'll maybe do the same you wack about.

Maybe philosophy just belongs to /pol/, because perspectives you can see god in are finite as amount of elephant's skincells, finite, but you cannot count amount of that...

God just is image humans created, not out of suffering, but out of necessity to pass information so something will change.

Maybe out of how human nature is strange, it grews to shapes we don't want to see.

Some need piece of paper, some need god.

And when it comes to statistics, do you know one avarage non deviated person in any shape? I highly doubt.

>> No.11994981

How do you see the future of mankind?

>> No.11995009
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Bleak in any case. I see a number of main branches it could go down. The Brave New World eugenics and planned economy model stands out in my mind, but it may well be the power structure will lose control and it could go in many directions. It could be simple mass infertility, collapse of the notion of money (and thus food production and trade), fizzle out in apathy like "The beautiful Ones". And so forth. The idea of unavoidable cyclic cataclysms is also pertinent, given that if there was a small subset of the population which retained their knowledge of these cycles, odds are thye wouldn't tell us.

Here's a few links.

(Connect this with the Holodomor and consolidation of control over the food supply)

I also recommend the Book "Between Two ages" by Zbigniew Brzezinski.

>> No.11995039

Then again, ya know, it could be great. I'm not a "misery loves company" guy. Tormented people are ultimately unavoidably highly corrosive and perhaps can only propagate their despair. Like black holes (if sucha thing exists), that warp and suck in all the light. Like vampires who see no reflection and suck the life out of all that is around them. People who cannot truly bring the light. What I'm providing nonetheless is my perspective, but I think it goes without saying that you shouldn't confuse other people's cynicism with reality.

>> No.11995107

Why are you always putting up strawmen around Atheists having an adversity to faith?

>> No.11995131

Why is it so often true? It's needy, delusional garbage. It needs to be dragged into the light and shown for what it truly is, dogmatic religious organization in another set of clothes. Refer to the Munchhausen trilemma. There is no basis, there is no foothold. You make your case within your preferred framework, and when I see their case and how they defend it, I'm not impressed at all. They're failing within their own overarching philosophy.

>> No.11995181

>Why is it so often true?
It's not. That's the point of a strawman. You're making the idea that atheists are against faith up. Trust is essential to so much of what we do as humans. Nobody is denying that.

>> No.11995214

>Nobody is denying that.
The mouth says two things at once, so too of the actions that follow. Yes, no one is goign to come out and overtly state trust is no involved in their model of the world. Though many Atheists will explicitly deny that they act on faith. Most human beings are slaves to language. This is why I won't use their religious terminology in conversation either, substituting eg "evidence" with "indication" produces far more productive dialogue.

>> No.11995254
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>> No.11995262
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I'm a bit more generous.

>> No.11995345

>They hate God, they must kill him, they must show him up and surpass him, they must do all these things simply because they're mad at their parents, their own reflection, their helplessness in the broader world, and thus the Creator
Stopped reading right here, your understanding of atheism is comparable to my primary school religion teacher. This is anti-theism, nog atheism

>> No.11995354

Not*, I can't type

>> No.11995362

Keep reading. I don't really care what you call it, in practice the two are not so distinct.

>> No.11995424


Ok, which one of you orderlies wasn't doing their job and gave this schizo access to the Internet?

>> No.11995442

It is the time of the awakening. See: >>11994923

>> No.11996050

It's clamp schizo being unmedicated and sleep deprived

>> No.11996069
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Whoa there Anon, unclamp. See above: >>11994923

>> No.11996106

Normally this is a buzzword, but truly this reads like hard projection bucko.Calling people arrogant yet writing "face in the dirt (where it belongs, quite frankly it may do them a favor)". No self awareness, only projection.


>> No.11996108

There is a degree of projection, indeed. Posting to counteract your sage.

>> No.11996124

>and thus food production and trade
Yet I guarantee if the time for this ever came you couldn't even hunt and dress something as simple as a bird, much less enough to keep from Chris McCandles'ing yourself after a few days without the supermatrket

Put up or shut up

>> No.11996174

Eh, I'd do what I could. I don't think you understand what I meant. If any sizeable number of humans managed to organize as they left the cities, they would basically destroy the surrounding ecosystems in search of food. Anything that could be eaten, would be eaten. Hard to say the fate of the animals, some game would survive but it would be minimal. Fishing may be feasible long term. These city dwellers will lack survival skills themselves, but some will be armed and may know enough, and may desire to lead the others, who will of course organize around them. Hard to say, this particular idea is centered around the loss of agriculture and transit. I'd say the further you are away from high population density regions, the better Not even worth speculating about. Too much

In my case I failed to really learn what I should have in childhood, now most everyone I could have asked is dead or otherwise gone. Though there are still people around that I could ask if I needed to. Regardless, I don't have a family, there's no consequence for failure. Everyone would going for the same animals, local food production could not support everyone nor do I think it could be ramped up quickly enough. That leaves the strategy of high mobility, which brings its own set of problems.