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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11985051 No.11985051 [Reply] [Original]

Scientifically speaking, who wins, a Kodiak bear, Silverback Gorilla, or Siberian tiger?

>> No.11985062

My fellow Bear chads, we need to teach Gorilla and Tiger incels a lesson ITT.

>> No.11985090

usually the heavier animal wins in nature

>> No.11985093

in a fair fight. the bear literally cannot lose against against any land animal except maybe elephants, rhinos and such

>> No.11985100

entirely dependent on the situation

>> No.11985129

Real question: is there any animal on Earth that could beat a polar 1 on 1 in an arena? I don't think so.

>> No.11985132

polar *bear*

Also elephants don't count.

>> No.11985138

how convenient that elephants don’t count. did an elephant fuck your wife?

>> No.11985142


>> No.11985152

I don't know much about polar bears. Does it beat a brown bear?

>> No.11985191

>Does it beat a brown bear?
They've actually mated in the wild. Polar Bears are larger, and take down bigger prey. However, Brown Bears are more aggressive due to greater competition, they have more experience with fighting. Grizzlies are known to scare Polar Bears away from kills.

>> No.11985201

how about a walrus lmao

>> No.11985211

poor polar bear, still not as sad as when the linux penguin offed itself

>> No.11985245

Depends on the arena, a Orca ,crocodile or a shark in water would kill a polar bear. Brown bears also win most encounters with polar bears because polar bears are more adapted to water and brown bears have longer and sharper claws they are also much quicker and have better stamina.

>> No.11985280

Didnt realize walrus were that fucking big

>> No.11985292

Yeah bud, they're fucking huge

>> No.11985324

Experiment No. 2:
who wins, a Kodiak bear, Silverback Gorilla, AND Siberian tiger
a pack of angry badgers


>> No.11985334

Us Bear-pilled bros got this...

>> No.11985348

Like fucking gian cesspool on infinite sexually hyperactive huge slimes. How are walrun useful for any ecosystem? Do they eat organic waste?

>> No.11985352

could a really fast, agile, deadly dude theoretically dodge the bear's attack and jump on top of the bear, killing it from the top?

>> No.11985359

No, the bear's skin is too thick. The dude would have to be crazy strong to hurt the bear.

>> No.11985365

Like Achilles? Yeah he was the most badass man on the planet. Probably fucked his own mom for alpha points.

>> No.11985399

A heavywhieght boxer could knock one out with a lucky punch maybe.

>> No.11985427

uh maybe run around a big tree and hope to exhaust the bear

>> No.11985564


>> No.11985578

Hippopotamus are unbeatable, they are huge, fat, have a deadly bite and are angry!

>> No.11985606

god i hate walrus'. dumbest breed in existence.

>> No.11985652
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>> No.11985664

Fuck you nigger walrus are based. Koala bears and sloths are the dumbest breed in existence

>> No.11986794

that thing probably swam away just fine.

>> No.11986853

Well yeah it landed in the water.

>> No.11987354

Bear Chads win again...

>> No.11987387

Well, it floated away...

>> No.11987642
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Kodiak Bear would win that even in a three way fight.
>akshually it depends
No, it does not. Kodiak Bear is arguably the top land predator on the planet.
Note, African lion vs regular brown bear has been done in the real world, during the Gold Rush. Bear wins every time, no contest.

>> No.11987673
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this is why i come to /sci/. thanks anon

>> No.11987681
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>They imported African lions to fight bears because none of the other animals were lasting very long. I would love to see someone try to explain that situation at customs today. The Gold Rushers thought that if there was one creature that could stand up to a bear, it must be the King of the Beasts. Unfortunately, after several attempts, they realized that lions' skulls are actually quite thin and before they could get anywhere near the bear, it would bop it on the head like a Whack-A-Mole and kill it. So if you are ever trapped with a lion, its weak spot is the top of its head. If you are ever trapped with a bear, just give up. It has no weaknesses.

>And of course there are plenty of stories about everything going wrong and the bears escaping and people getting killed, but god love those Gold Rushers, they just kept trying.

>I'm not a scientist or anything, but this might be the reason why women live longer than men.
srsly gud read, short and perfectly sarcastic. praise anon

>> No.11987683

they were spooked by the filming crew

>> No.11987684


>> No.11987720

Based and bearpilled Bro.

>> No.11987867

what a great and creditable source! im a bearfag now!

>> No.11987927

>the bear literally cannot lose against against any land animal except maybe elephants, rhinos and such
I've heard hippos can be quite nasty. They have razor-sharp tusks, even though they're herbivorous.

>> No.11987941
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>they realized that lions' skulls are actually quite thin and before they could get anywhere near the bear, it would bop it on the head like a Whack-A-Mole and kill it
nice fanfic bro

>> No.11988833

extreme Chad energy from the winning bear

>> No.11988877

>the virgin human
>embarrassed by its bodily functions, prefers to not even mention them while around other humans
>willing to go multiple days without shitting if its environment feels unsafe

>the chad bear
>decides to shit in the middle of violent struggle for dominance
>has never even heard of an unsafe environment

>> No.11988941

The bear that shit itself actually lost the fight. I think it shit from the pain of the other bear clamping down on its ear.

>> No.11988951

The funny part too is these bears are just play fighting. Imagine if they actually were trying to kill each other

>> No.11988954

Black bears and most brown bears are terrified of humans though. Polar bear is the only real chad he will eat you for fun

>> No.11988976

Wouldn't that be from lack of exposure? Maybe a lack of food as well. Polar bears tend to be fearful of brown bears, but not vice versa.

>> No.11988989

Depends on the environment

>> No.11988995

>Polar bears tend to be fearful of brown bears

They dont really interact in the wild. If a polar bears encounters a brown bear they hed be outside his natural environment so hes probably scared of everything

>> No.11988997

I-is he ok? :(

>> No.11988998

Hes fine anon

>> No.11989007

It's happening more frequently due to the changing environment, unfortunately.


>> No.11989053

Big Cats have lighter and thinner bones you idiot, they are also made for ambushes thats why they can jump and run faster. Bears are made to rush and tear.

>> No.11989220

>is there any animal on Earth that could beat a polar 1 on 1 in an arena?

mosquito with a bear killing germ in it

>> No.11989224


Bear pussy must be awesome if these two males are willing to fight this hard for it.

>> No.11989229

the bear obviously. an hippo would destroy all of them. and an elephant would destroy all of them, including the hippo.

>> No.11989255


>> No.11989438

why isn't animal fights a thing?
surely some rich saudis could set this up and stream in 4k and say it was a game simulation with insane graphics

>> No.11989476

>why isn't animal fights a thing?

Literally had them for thousands of years
(see Roman Empire Colosseum )

>> No.11989529

whale confirmed best animale

>> No.11989588

>Kodiak Bear is arguably the top land predator on the planet.
Don't you mean polar bears? Polar bears are bigger than Kodiaks.

>> No.11990177

Some brown bears can get bigger then polar bears

>> No.11990188

Scientifically speaking, everyone loses, they're endangered species

>> No.11990196

>and an elephant would destroy all of them, including the hippo.
I remember seeing a story where juvenile elephants were killing white rhinos (a big fucking animal) due to lack of alpha role models. Full-grown elephants would be terrifying if they were a predator.

>> No.11990203

Elephant, rhino and hippo can't be beat by a bear

>> No.11990260


>> No.11990894

All big cats except lions are very dangerous with their slash type mauling and one good hit at the throat is game over for a lot of animals including your precious bear and they can also run the fuck away after slashing and lmao if you think bears can catch up to big cat speeds

>> No.11990899

Bear CHADS win again..

>> No.11991095

african megafauna aside, no animal can defeat a full grown brown bear in combat

>> No.11991284

atomic bomb

>> No.11991346

Bear always wins, the ultimate land predator.

>> No.11991365

Me. Because Im a sick f*ck.

>> No.11991369

Ohonono, how can we COPE Tiger and Gorilla bros??

>> No.11991455
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Roman centurions for the amusement of the nobles, sometimes fought animals. A single man was able to fell several lions and two bears. Pilumchads win. Get rekt hippies.

>> No.11991471

Romans never used Kodiaks.

>> No.11991475

Not without a spear he didn't you fucking twit.

>> No.11991477

Is "scientifically speaking" the "any kino about ___?" of /sci/?

>> No.11991682

>bear vs lion

>lion with prep time

>> No.11991688

Gorillas can't actually fight. They are only good intimidation and talking shit in hopes it can scare you away

>> No.11991780


>> No.11991798

>talking shit
In sign language

>> No.11992507

Polar bears are technically a marine mammal. Brown bears generally, and Kodiaks particularly, are much more social so they also fight much more against their own kind.
That or their doing it for the delicious sashimi.
>thinking a 500 lb lion has any chance against a pissed off 1200 lb brown bear
Anon, I...

>> No.11992595

Gorillas are pound for pound the strongest mammal. I believe a properly trained gorilla could clean a bear easily off the ground and throw it.

>> No.11992604
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>nooo you cannot use spears!
get rekt. Evolution gave us better hands and a bigger brain for a reason.

a single pilum throw killed a regular bear. A single fucking throw.

>> No.11992605

>avg gorrila weight
>483 lbs
>avg brown bear weight
900-1200 lbs

Yeah no.

>> No.11992614

Where is the theoretical fight taking place?
If in one of the animal's natural habitat I would assume that animal.
If none, like a plain, I assume possibly the bear? it's heavier.

>> No.11992666
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lion can only prep to accept his death

>> No.11992670

no dude no. You are just underestimating bears and big cats. Tigers have limbs that propel them(260kg of mass) 15 feet in the air vertically do you think it isn't strong as a gorilla

>> No.11992710

A human weighing less than 300lbs is capable of lifting over 500 pounds over his head. A gorilla is intelligent enough to train, and possesses stronger muscle fibres than other mammals.

>> No.11992784

Holy shit walruses are big, never thought I'd see a polar bear get cucked like that

how the fuck did it even get up there lmao


>> No.11992801

A man in Alaska killed a brown bear by biting its neck. You might be able to choke it out too

>> No.11993160
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I think the only thing interesting for a beat to fight would be a large Tiger.
Tiger is smaller, but has bigger teeth, stronger bite, still crazy ass claws and is way faster and limber

>> No.11993283


Scientifically speaking, they all win, because they are top dogs in their respective realms and do not need to fight

>> No.11993982
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>> No.11995970

It's not an MMA fighter you moron, even if it manages to throw the bear it would just get up and fuck the gorilla. The bear has claws and is larger with a thicker hide, plus being a carnivore. Bears have similar intelligence to the great apes anyway.