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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11980021 No.11980021 [Reply] [Original]

/med/ - Robotic knee arthroplasty edition

old: >>11956052

Thread for the discussion of evidence-based medicine. We discuss research, we DO NOT offer advice (but the best one is to see your family physician), make fun of premeds and pajeet/chink gunners, discuss the Jewish infiltration of medicine and shitpost.

>> No.11980023
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>> No.11980089

I love it lmao. I mean if indigenous scholarships arent fulfilled why not give it to someone deserving.
What are you struggling with? Im currently studying nervous tissue and the brain. Its reasonably easy to remember everything but thrn i get to the questions and im like ??

>> No.11980182

How far away are we from proper prosthetic limbs like you normally see in movies? What are the major challenges?

>> No.11980196

Not far.See videos on this channel

Biggest hurdle is interfacing your mind,and a computer with the prosthetic limb.
Hopefully Neuralink will fix that.

>> No.11980217
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>Will Cogley
I've been subscribed to him for a little while now, that's why I'm interested. Looking at how smoothly and precisely modern industrial robots move, I started wondering how something like that would fare on a human body. What about being able to feel with it?

>> No.11980235

Nothing is stopping a human to feel through a rbotic extension,just excite the proper regions in the brain.
Again the the job of the interface will be precisely this.
Once Musk does it the doors will be blown open for augmentations almost like in the science fiction movies.

>> No.11980293

Are most doctors atheists? I'm especially interested in psychiatrists, since hyperreligiosity can often be linked to some kind of mental disorder. That is to say, patients who exhibit unusually strong or eccentric beliefs are often considered insane, despite most people believing in God, ergo accepting some kind of supernatural religious phenomena.

>> No.11980295

>just excite the proper regions in the brain
Easier, way way easier said than done.
We'll see them in our lifetime aldoe fuck prosthetic limbs. Give me articular augmentations.

>> No.11980368


>> No.11980384


>> No.11980423

No. It's constrictive pericarditis.

>> No.11980437

I suspected some kind of cardiac infection but it's a topic I'm not familiar with. Good post.

>> No.11980453
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10 y/o kid, no specific symptoms. Dx?

>> No.11980538

Teratoma vs fungal infection.

>> No.11980556

I prefer islamic doctors

>> No.11980558

>Are most doctors atheists?
Only the ones from mixed families.
They usually feel that dont belong anywhere so they dont believe in anything.

>> No.11980630

Where my Christ bros at ??

>> No.11980634

Pancoast tumour

>> No.11980651

Wtf is in that kids lungs!!!? Is that air or fluid???

>> No.11980681

ortodox reporting

>> No.11980866
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What diseases are caused by alcohol that can cause ataxic gait, dysarthria, intermittent tingling in the upper extremities, and areflexia, without cerebellar atrophy or anything visibly wrong on an MRI scan of the brain, that is not thiamine deficiency nor neuropathy?

>> No.11980871


>> No.11980879


>> No.11980909

Any med-anons up-to-date on urological research?

>> No.11980913
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Recently diagnosed with SAPHO-syndrome. What do I have to expect? There's not a lot of clear information to be found on the internet.

>> No.11980978

What's the cutoff date for obsolescence of knowledge?

>> No.11981010

Reminder that manlets are the medically perfect human
When you're not sure about patient metrics, all calculations are done based on 170cm, 70kg

>> No.11981044

Why would this not be hypothyroidism?

>> No.11981119

Depends on the field (some fields of science progress faster than others), but I'd generally say 'up-to-date' means you're familiar with developments made in the last couple years.

>> No.11981125

I hate that shit. Specialist association are a huge circle-jerk that licenses their members based on ultra recent guidelines and experimental bullcrap that isn't even approved by my country. What's the point of being a certified specialist if you can't do half the shit you're supposed to?

>> No.11981142

Why do you ask?

>> No.11981192

fresh recommendations are a cope for newfags who lack experience(like me)
i can talk about all the hottest new shit in medicine, but when shit needs to get done, a 60 y.o. boomer doing 'outdated' things is more efficient

>> No.11981279

Fair enough.

>> No.11981306

I underwent a multistage urethroplasty over the last year for treatment of a stricture and am going back in next month for a cystoscopy because there's signs of a recurrence. I'm hoping it'll just be some minor scarring and a quick one-and-done DVIU fix, but I'm concerned about the long term prognosis if it's not. Urology's not a particularly "fast-paced" field as I understand it, but I'm curious if there's anything new in development apart from variations on existing DVIU and reconstruction techniques on the off chance it might become an option in the future.

>> No.11981313

>I underwent a multistage urethroplasty over the last year for treatment of a stricture
oh damn my dad was about to be sent for the same shit, but he went to a different urologist who called the first one a greedy brainlet and that my dad doesn't need the very traumatic surgery

>> No.11981357

>9hr surgery
can’t feel my legs

>> No.11981371
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>9hr surgery
oof ouch my butt is so sore from sitting in a chair and watching the monitor

>> No.11981384

most of doctors i know are religious, one guy told me “i was atheist when i was young doctor and then life took me to church”

>> No.11981390

is this new resident schizoposter?

>> No.11981396

>medically perfect
>are at risk of most common diseases

>> No.11981400


>> No.11981404

nah fucking anesthesiologist dipped 1 hour before the end because it was getting late and she left her nurse :|

>> No.11981410

what kinda shithole country/hospital is that

>> No.11981421

>tfw you can only get into residency in schizoposting

>> No.11981473

It depends on the severity and cause of the stricture - if it's small enough they'll just do DVIU and that'll usually be the end of it, but the problem with larger or more severe strictures is that repeated DVIU tends to make the problem progressively worse over time, which is why the recommend reconstruction for larger strictures. I had the misfortune of being born with severe hypospadias and had to have a corrective surgery done as a toddler, but the repair seems to have started breaking down over the years and in my mid-to-late 20s I started developing recurring UTIs and eventually signs of a stricture. I had a cystoscopy done about a year and a half ago and the surgeon found that the entire bulbar section of the urethra had completely broken down. I had to have a two-stage buccal graft urethroplasty done, probably ~3-4 cm excised and replaced.

>the very traumatic surgery
As someone who went through it, that's putting it mildly.

>> No.11981494

Read the post again, it was a she-anesthesiologist.

>> No.11981499

nigga how does that matter
i'll ask you again, in what country do they allow the anesthesiologist to just fuck off and leave just the nurse for extubation without even being replaced by another one

>> No.11981545

it is not allowed obviously, but it still happened.

>> No.11981548

alsp forgot to add the patient had another surgery before ours, she had two different cancers so they weren’t gonna wake her up and extubate until morning

>> No.11981724

Nah, those are my symptoms. Seen 3 doctors about it and none of them seem to know what's going on. But spare no "obvious" answer, because I don't doubt they were all 3 retarded. Perhaps I should clarify the ataxic gait is severe, and that I quit drinking 10 months ago, before which I would drink every day about 1.75 liters every 4 days of vodka. Now I can't walk without bracing myself against the wall because otherwise I'll fall.
>inb4 the inevitable nonanswer 'shouldn't have drank, chief'
If I had a time machine...

>> No.11981781

How does it matter? I live in a 3rd world hellhole and allowing the anesthesiologist to leave isn't allowed here either. The only time I've seen it was when the anesthesiologist is a female.
My conclusion is that living in a shithole ain't as much as a risk factor as working with a female.

>> No.11981844
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>tfw the surgeon keeps bantering with his qt surg nurses and bullying the incel anesthesiologist
>i am the incel anesthesiologist

>> No.11981851

Shouldn't we add the video courses shared by Lecturioanon last thread to OP? Finally we have some decent content to put in there, seems like a waste not to

>> No.11981854

Looks like some contained abscesses

>> No.11981863

Tell him you'll put him to sleep for good

>> No.11981953
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>> No.11981969
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56 year old male presents with chest pain and shortness of breath. Devise a plan for management.

>> No.11982011

They are all on piratebay.

>> No.11982027
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>is that air or fluid

>> No.11982028

most fall into the "not religious but don't care enough to start labeling myself", then again I mostly meet intelligent doctors

>> No.11982037

just banter back bro

>> No.11982048

NSAIDs, anti-TNF therapy (e.g. infliximab), bisphosphonates and anakinra are promising candidates for treatment.
I guess you already know the symptoms and signs.

>> No.11982053

Le stupid ass MS strikes again.
Classic ST elevation. Bud also has massive ventricles.
Depending the time of arrival at the facility he's a candidate to fibrinolytic therapy/percutaneous catheterization.

>> No.11982057

I think I underestimated how much time med school takes. Goodbye all my hobbies.

>> No.11982061
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They're hydatid cysts.

Another pic. 21 y/o male, chronic chest pain.

>> No.11982142

Stop changing your doctor. Keep going to just one. Work-up may take some time and multiple visits.

>> No.11982162

Where is the lesion? The man has diffuse ST depression in most leads.

>> No.11982167

Did they check your vitamin B12? Its deficiency can cause a lot of the stuff you have.
Get a CBC w/ diff., B12 level and folate level.

>> No.11982182

This anon is also right. Get a thyroid panel too.

>> No.11982199

B12 deficiency explains all of it

>> No.11982219

A 35 year old caucasian woman presents with worsening fatigue, neuropathy and glossitis. She reports a normal diet, does not drink alcohol and does not take any medications. On physical examination she shows conjunctival pallor and an enlarged red tongue. Her investigations show a macrocytic anaemia and decreased serum vitamin B12 and normal folate levels. Endoscopy with duodenal biopsy reveals a normal mucosa. What is your next step in management?

>> No.11982249

I did visit one of them for multiple visits. Here's how it went: went to emergency room in hindsight a couple months after the symptoms presented, when I was still able to walk for the most part. Nurse asked if I hit my head. Said no. Told about my alcoholism. Immediately asked me to piss for them; I assume they thought because of my movements I was drunk. They took blood. Would they check for b12 levels in standard blood workup as this anon >>11982167 suggests? How about T4 levels? Anyway doc came back and said "Your calcium levels are good," the nurse put me on an electrolyte IV and asked when it finished, 'do you feel better now?' "No, I wasn't hungover to begin with." Stumbled away with discharge that said 'general muscle weakness'.

Found neurologist; went to him for multiple visits. Passed neuropahy test. Got MRI of brain. He apparently didn't look at the results until I was in front of Him again. When he did, he scratched his head in confusion, and said "I'm referring you to this school of medicine so they can hopefully figure out what's wrong."

Third doctor had me draw some shapes and tested memory. Passed both. Called in some colleague who's apparently an expert on motor dysfunction or something. Had me walk back and forth in front of them, then sat down and got reflexes tested and learned I was areflexic, 0 response from the legs. That's it. She didn't so much as order another radiology test or give me advice before sending me on my way. 2 1/2 hour drive.

It was at this point I realized any retard can be a doctor and decided to self-medicate. I snorted 500mgs of thiamine 2 days in a row. No effect. I ordered a box of l-thyroxine off the deep web to test for hypothyroidism. Currently waiting on that. If all else fails, I'm growing mesenchymal stem cells in my $3k incubator that I bought just for this purpose.

This shit almost sounds made-up. It isn't.

>> No.11982252

Serum gastrin
Serum IF IgG

>> No.11982262

No they don't check for B12 in standard blood test. You have ask for it specifically.

DO NOT self-medicate with levothyroxine. It's dangerous.

Regarding thiamine and Wernicke-Korsakoff, I doubt that it was it. But ataxia can persist in a significant percentage of cases even after other WK symptoms have resolved.
Where do you live?
As I said, B12 deficiency really fits your impression.

>> No.11982277

I live in spur, tx.
What am I to do with the 100mcg tablets I already paid for, especially when they may cure me. I was going to start with cutting them in half and starting with a 50mcg dose for a few days to see what happens. Is this for sure a no no?
Ima order b12 capsules and snort 500mgs of them for a couple days in a row as well. Thanks.

>> No.11982282

A 25 year old male presents to emergency after collapsing while playing football, he reports chest pain, shortness of breath and dizziness prior to collapse. He has grown increasingly intolerant of exercise over the past 2 weeks. There is no significant family history. On physical examination he has a raised 3cm JVP and rales in the base of his lungs, he has a BP of 185/120 mmHg and HR of 120 bpm and is diaphoretic. Investigations show cardiomegaly on CXR, a normal ECG. Echocardiogram confirms dilated ventricles. What is your next step in management?

>> No.11982302
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Okay man. If you're gonna do it yourself you have to do it right.
I suggest you hold the levothyroxine and start with B12. Start the levothyroxine if you don't improve with B12. Better yet, get tested.

B12 deficiency dosing is pic related.
Nobody actually uses the nasal. Get syringes and inject it into your deltoid muscle for optimal effects.

>> No.11982309 [DELETED] 

How is b12 deficiency even possible? fyi I take a daily multivitamin with 170%dv b12.

>> No.11982315

How is b12 deficiency even possible? fyi I take a daily multivitamin with 170%dv b12. Following that dosing guideline, how long should I give it to start noticing improvement?

>> No.11982318


>> No.11982320

Septum and inferior leads are the most affected so I'd say the whole Right Hearts got rekd. The coagule is in the right coronary artery.

>> No.11982325
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Is injecting alcohol safe?

>> No.11982326

B12 deficiency doesn't necessarily mean you aren't eating enough. There could be problems in absorption or metabolism of B12. Problems in absorption can occur in autoimmune diseases of the stomach (pernicious anaemia), or problems in your small intestine (ileal disease; e.g. celiac disease, tumors, Crohn's etc.).

>> No.11982334


>> No.11982391

>ST elevation
refer to cardiologist

>> No.11982392

Aspirate for pathologists

>> No.11982418

After I start the b12 snorting (which I'll probably do as I hate needles) how long should I wait before I start noticing that it has or hasn't had an effect?

>> No.11982611


>> No.11982632

Even with injection how long does it take?

>> No.11982651

holy shit

>> No.11982727

Ok, I'll assume based on your pic that if the b12 is working, I should notice -something- within 10 days. btw what are the chances that my ataxic gait will improve? Reading, there's stuff about permanent nerve damage. Mind you, the MRI (showing nothing apparently wrong) was taken in December 2018. Since then I've gone from being able to walk about 1 mile with a cane, to being able to walk about 20 feet without falling down, though I think it would take a practiced eye to discern much of a difference in my gait.

>> No.11982748
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>> No.11982755

why do they keep lying about covid vaccine development?
we're years away yet no politician wants to say that adapting to a world in which Covid is a fact of life like cancer of HIV is what needs to happen

>> No.11982830

Looks like some kids sewed some baseballs into his chest cavity as a prank. Nurse, get the baseball extractor.

>> No.11983079
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I feel ya my dude. I also get the feeling that this is the "one in a million" type of case that doctors never see. I'd look into a more rigorous therapy, like a stroke/ traumatic brain injury center if you're having gait issues.
I drank too much one night and woke up with headaches and vision problems. Went to a neurologist and 2 MRIs, they said they thought it was migraine. Went for a 2nd opinion and that neurologist basically pushed me out the door. The fucking ophthalmologist was more help and recommended some exercises to help with the vision. It's not 100% now but it's ok when I get adequate sleep, etc. Was starting to call therapy centers as a last resort when exercises started to do their thing, didn't want to wind up stuck there.

>> No.11983183

No not at all. IV alcohol is only used in methanol poisoning and to hold over alcoholics in limited cases.

But when you do it be sure to call 911, I'd love to have you in my ambulance.

>> No.11983189

>1.75 liters every 4 days of vodka.

While almost half a litre per day is certainly a lot, it is by no means a record amount, how long did you drink like this? If you are a young man, meaning pre 45 I would say neurological damage in your case is not really likely

>> No.11983212

too much cum in stomach

>> No.11983259

IV nitroglycerin, furosemide

>> No.11983308

>It was at this point I realized any retard can be a doctor
>starts chugging down thiamine and thyroxine and growing fucking stem cells
wow anon you're so smart
maybe this med general full of retards isn't for you

>> No.11983552
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Neuralink seems really interesting but so far I haven't seen any evidence that they've made any progress on the scar tissue problem that puts a limit on the practicality of these kinds of implants. If anyone here has more knowledge about this issue and whether there is progress being made, I'd love to hear it.

>> No.11983589

>spend more than 20 minutes in water, whether cold or hot
>face displays an unhealthily sallow blue-grey tinge, more like bruises than anything
>rest of body is unaffected
What's going on here gents?

>> No.11983693 [DELETED] 

I'm 31.
>neurological damage in your case is not really likely
Well m8 something is fucking up my gait something fierce, and causing general ataxia and dysarthria, such that I sound like I have a sub 70 IQ. Gonna shoot up or snort b12 per the other anon's advice and hope there is indeed no permanent brain damage not directly from drinking, but from prolonged b12 deprivation.
Uh, ya.

>> No.11983736 [DELETED] 

I'm 31. how long did you drink like this?
>how long did you drink like this?
about 10 years
>neurological damage in your case is not really likely
Well m8 something is fucking up my gait something fierce, and causing general ataxia and dysarthria, such that I sound like I have a sub 70 IQ. Gonna shoot up or snort b12 per the other anon's advice and hope there is indeed no permanent brain damage not directly from drinking, but from prolonged b12 deprivation.
Uh, ya.

>> No.11983738

I'm 31.
>how long did you drink like this?
about 10 years
>neurological damage in your case is not really likely
Well m8 something is fucking up my gait something fierce, and causing general ataxia and dysarthria, such that I sound like I have a sub 70 IQ. Gonna shoot up or snort b12 per the other anon's advice and hope there is indeed no permanent brain damage not directly from drinking, but from prolonged b12 deprivation.
Uh, ya.

>> No.11983744

I don't know (more like I don't care). Thing is you shouldn't take multiple medications to treat your shit yourself, the chances of adverse interaction rise up, and in the unlikely case you actually get to feel better you'd never know which one is the one that actually relieved you.
Stop being a retard.

>> No.11983805

Man, there's not much that still makes me squeamish, but anything urology-related does the trick.

>> No.11983922

Idiot, lacking the instrumentation for testing, the absolute best way to test for anything is to take the medication to treat it. I'm also taking them one at a time, with a few days in between, you absolute goddamn moron. If you spend your life feeling like superman by erecting for yourself the most beatable straw men, e.g. assuming that I am self-treating in the most dumbass way possible, then you need to kill yourself, because your continued breath isn't doing anyone any good, med student or not.

>> No.11983943


>> No.11983952

>The best way to confirm a diagnosis without the ability to test directly is to just take a bunch of different pharmaceutical treatments and mix them up every couple of days instead of following one treatment plan all the way through.
You're an idiot.

>> No.11983990 [DELETED] 

Sans instrumentation for testing, the absolute best way to test is to take one medication for the amount of time sufficient for symptoms to improve, and see if I indeed get better. If I don't, it's on to the next medication. The spooky science of medicine doesn't necessitate determining the correct treatment be beyond the guess and check method. Unlike your usual audience, I'm not confusing your baseless judgment with contribution to any conversation, so fuck off m8

>> No.11984002

Sans instrumentation for testing, the absolute best way to test is to take one medication for the amount of time necessary for symptoms to improve, and see if I indeed get better. If I don't, it's on to the next medication. The spooky science of medicine doesn't necessitate determining the correct treatment be beyond the guess and check method. Unlike your usual audience, I'm not confusing your baseless judgment with contribution to any conversation, so fuck off m8

>> No.11984127

Why do you assume the cause is alcohol?

>> No.11984187

So a while ago I was just randomly picking pages through medical textbooks by a guy, there was a page listing all different bacteria, Salmonella and its partners, Borrellia, Tubercolosis, e.coli, and all divided by categories like enterobacteria and then at the end in a section called "others", there was one called "Tuberculinum burnetti" but when looking it up it does not seem to be a bacteria but an homeopatic treatment, so what gives? Typo?

>> No.11984189

Can horseshoe kidneys be chopped into two normal kidneys and the middle part donated?

>> No.11984195

because it's reasonable to start there

>> No.11984235

>it's reasonable to start there
Not if you've been sober almost a year.

>> No.11984265 [DELETED] 

It's more* reasonable than assuming the cause is anything or nothing.

>> No.11984273

It's more* reasonable than assuming the cause is anything or nothing, especially since the symptoms arose while I was drinking.

>> No.11984299

Typo or vandalism on part of the publishing/printing staff. The only bacterium I can find named after Burnet is "Coxiella burnetii", which causes Q fever, and is not related to Tuberculosis.

>> No.11984440


>> No.11984534


>> No.11984715


>> No.11984803

I'll tell you after a paid consultation.

>> No.11985022

This is probably the best place to ask. I tried Google first but it just gives me shit results about disorders or exercising. When do a repetitive movement in quick succession, like tapping your foot to the tempo of a song, why do my muscles involved start to lock up making the movement require more effort after a short period of time?

>> No.11985029

looks like yer lung's fucked

>> No.11985032

lung's fucked too
yep, also fucked lungs

>> No.11985038

your neuromuscular junctions run out of acetylcholine juice

>> No.11985040

Thank you

>> No.11985067

Does that mean drummers and whatnot have faster acetylcholine regeneration?

>> No.11985212

Can anyone recommend some good resources for someone who suspects he might have ADHD, but would like to read up about it a bit more before making an appointment with a shrink?

>> No.11985270 [DELETED] 
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Anyone intrested in collaborating to make an anki deck from Nelson's Essentials of Pediatrics (2019)?
Selected chapters (about 2/3 of it I guess).

>> No.11985276
File: 348 KB, 719x1280, 1595265308547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone intrested in collaborating to make an anki deck from Nelson's Essentials of Pediatrics (2019)?
Selected chapters (about 2/3 of it).

>> No.11985297

Haha this is exactly why i asked about this. Good drummers must be genetically predisposed to it unless you can build up reservoirs of the transmitter

>> No.11985307

If you only suspect it, you either don't have it or it's not severe enough to warrant medication.

>> No.11985315

I'm also an aspie that got diagnosed just around the time DSM-V came around, and DSM-IV still said that someone can't have both ADHD and Asperger's.

>> No.11985548

Use the pocket version.

>> No.11985733
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Can't use the pocket manual when taking exams, chief.

>> No.11985778

Sounds like an upper motor neuron defect.
Neuromuscular junction is a lower motor neuron defect.

>> No.11985839

Are there any good alternatives to littman stethoscopes?

>> No.11986049

Ok dumbfucks, redpill me on occupational health as a spec. Does it have any future now that there are barely any jobs that put the worker at risk? (Mines are closing, only construction workers and plumbers are the only jobs I can think of that are at some degree of injury risk)

It looks comfy, just consult, fill some papers, get your money and go home.

>> No.11986050

i am a sexy nurse, ask me anything you fucking virgins :)

>> No.11986052

Speak for yourself tranny faggot.

>> No.11986060

Erka, MDF are the only decent ones. Nothing really beats a Littmann, especially the newer models with super resistant tubing and the special membrane for higher/lower frequency sounds. Get a Cardiology IV if you have the money, if not get a master classic 3.

>> No.11986125

Why won’t you fuck me?

>> No.11986128

Because you’re a nerd :))

>> No.11986209

can you just leave me alonee reeeeeeeee

>> No.11986229

What could I read to get a good grasp about what exactly are the different alpha,beta,theta,gamma,delta waves uses and work in the brain?

For example Delta are between 0.5 and 4 hertz but that's vague, is still hundreds of possible values.
Also these waves seems to be correlated to different functions, well anyway I just would like to get a complete picture or is it asking too much and I should scour between different magazines?

>> No.11986343
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>> No.11986348

>jump over nurse
>put entire adrenaline in my eyes
>fuck nurse till her heart explodes

>> No.11986373
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MDs/GPs on suicide watch

Literally 10 years until most medics/pharmacists are made redundant. AI Dungeon, a literal video game, has reasonable diagnostic capability and that's on $14M worth of compute.

Just fucking imagine what's going to happen when the real money gets thrown at this

>> No.11986389

>On suicide watch
Nope, not in the slightest. The most likely scenario is to use tech in certain specs to help us. Onc, pm&r, FM, neuro and probably IM will be the specs (non-surg) that will benefit from technology advancements in medicine. The thing is that we need something revolutionary like the stethoscope was and every physician would be able to own it without spending so much like the new "prototypes" that come out and cost a ton and have limited use.

>> No.11986411
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>lower back pain for a few months
>decide to go to a doctor since few months might mean something bad
>tell him everything about the pain and that i lift weights
>makes me do a few moves
>tells me everything more than great
>tells me i need a CT scan
>get a ct scan
>don't hear from the doctor for a while
>go back to him again
>uhhh the picture shows your spine is fine
>but my back still hurts
>uhhhh rest and take ibuprofen
th-thanks medfags.

>> No.11986453

Fun fact: computers can already diagnose conditions better than doctors can. That's why whenever I get an ecg it has a suggested diagnosis at the top corner. AI and doctors work together to get a best diagnosis.
Fun fact: diagnosing is like 10% of my job MAX. the other 90% is paper work, signing forms, writing prescriptions, talking to patients and telling them what's going on, emergency resuscitation, and walking. When an AI can do all of that, all jobs will be redundant.

>> No.11986457

That'll be $5999.99 + tip

>> No.11986460

Man, fuck Nelson. I fucking hate children.

>> No.11986492
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>> No.11986513

ecg suggested diagnosis are mostly bullshit

>> No.11986516

to all the AI tards and techcucks: when AI will replace doctors there will be no professions left for humans at all.

>> No.11986519

Is it really outperforming 1st contact practitioners? My main concern is matching a patient's history with textbook symptoms. You have to translate the patient's language into clinic argot and then match them with disease criteria that isn't even reliable by itself.
As someone who's pursuing a sub spec in algology and terminal care I dread the fact that nobody experiences pain/illness the same way so there's a great room for error.

Thread theme:

>> No.11986543

>You have to translate the patient's language into clinic argot and then match them with disease criteria that isn't even reliable by itself.
create a standard scale and tell people that if they exaggerate their pain they might be misdiagnosed. btw english is shit at describing pain, other languages have much deeper wider description of pains (burning pain is a different word than shocking pain, deep pain is different the surface pain, etc) and they are common words, not obscure scientific terms.
anyway anglos deserve nothing but pain and suffering

>> No.11986553


>I'm avin a bit of argy bargy with my 'ooter, proppa erts it does, prolly cos i cant get off da bottle guv


Hand holder cope

>> No.11986600

Your take is also great, english is simply not a language suited for science which makes the programming even harder.
>other languages have much deeper description of pain
Exactly. And even in those cases errors happen because of cultural limitations.
A couple years ago I had an amerindian patient that suffered from chronic burning pain in her lower limbs, she was treated for HZV and other shit when in reality she was 10+ years diabetic that was experiencing neuropathy.
Asked her if it felt as an electric shock to which she agreed which a joyous smile.
The point is, common language is a difficulty by itself that can be mislead into something waaaay different because of cultural limitations.
I doubt some borderline autistic nerd addicted to tranny porn can translate this deep level of subjectivity into a computer and then into a diagnosis.

>> No.11986618
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>Asked her if it felt as an electric shock to which she agreed which a joyous smile.

Yeah she likely would have smiled at anything you said, once again this is just another example of perceiver bias, demand characteristics, self-flattery and ego protection.

This process will be automated

>Press on the body where it hurts
>Press the symbol for type of pain (display words/symbols)

>> No.11986663

Medical imaging is cool as fuck. CT. MRI, ultrasound, I'm honestly in awe at some of the stuff humanity has come up with.

>> No.11986684

>ooga booga dagger pain
Idk fäm I've never been stabbed to know how that feels.
Anglo*ids are the negros of medicine.

>> No.11986886 [DELETED] 

>I'm honestly in awe at some of the stuff humanity has come up with.
Then you sound like a dimwitted retard.

>> No.11986892

>I'm honestly in awe at some of the stuff humanity has come up with.
Then you sound like a dimwitted retard.

>> No.11987339


>coming up with novel words to describe all variables rather than more efficiently just using a modifier

Yeah that's why you didn't create the industrial revolution, also you can thank us later for inventing the web and DeepMind when it's doing your job for you.

>> No.11987350

is it too difficult to say crushing/stabbing/etc

>> No.11988084

Anyone? At least tell me if it's a good part-time job for fucks sake.

>> No.11988267

>the patient is a chad
>expose patient penis
>nurse jumps over to suck it
>ez adrenaline

>> No.11988286

summerfaggot fingers wrote this post.

>> No.11988291

it is indeed summer right now, my friend

>> No.11988543
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What do I have to do to validate my MD licence in the US? or any developed country really. I chose this career because I loved to help people but t.b.h this country is trash.
Drug cartels literally Kidnapped half of my class to treat wounds and infections made by bullets in pic rel.

>> No.11988546

summerfaggot fingers wrote this post.

>> No.11988562
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>> No.11989109

Why are all doctors greedy

>> No.11989238

What are the doctors like that frequent this general?

>patient walks in and out of nowhere calls you a newfag

>> No.11989259

Turn 360 degrees and walk away

>> No.11989656

doctors from cali how do you feel about bill AB 890 passing? -sincerely, dentist gang

>> No.11989692

tell him to go back to r*ddit hospital

>> No.11989701

What's the long term prognosis like for patients who come in with broken backs (one/two major fractures without nerve damage)?
When is surgery appropriate and when's it better to just deal with the aches and mildly shaking limbs?

>> No.11989801

If you can’t look it up yourself, you ain’t going to make it.

>> No.11989803

you just take everything as given >>11987339

>> No.11989807

I’ll lurk moar in the hospital vents

>> No.11989812

The future is bright, ergonomics bro.

>> No.11989823

Humans are greedy

>> No.11989854

i know a physio who went into OH&S/occupational health. he gets paid $120k to walk around and show guys how to pick up a box with correct form.

>> No.11989856

bros i dont get and have never had precum when i fap is something wrong with me

>> No.11989865

>I mean if indigenous scholarships arent fulfilled why not give it to someone deserving.

in those cases, theyre handed to people who barely qualify and do it to avoid having to face failure with GAMSAT. Rural kids aim for like 65 and then pick whatever school they want because 2ezpz meanwhile metro students have to basically fight to the death for an interview spot.

hated the whole process

>> No.11990100

Orthopedics is glorified physiotherapy. No self respecting /med/ chad would go into orthopedics.

>> No.11990253

>physiotherapy with knives, mallets, saws and drills

>> No.11990269

I mean an MD with an Occupational Medicine(Health) spec.

>> No.11990486
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>> No.11990493

I've asked every doctor with 5+ years of experience I know and everyone answers basically with "It's hard so I won't bother telling you"
I'm done with my basic MD(equivalent) training, I'm going to choose a speciality but wanted to do it in some US University.
All the results Google threw me where "how to revalidate your Medical licence to practice in the US"; I don't want to practice it right away, I just want to keep studying to practice it later.
It shouldn't be that hard, I went to the best med school in my country(mehicou) and pretty much Aced most of my classes.

>> No.11990535

Bros. Where do I find a lactating mommy gf?

>> No.11990597

Get a gf and impregnate her.

>> No.11990660
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you have to go back.

>> No.11990877

Hey any medical anons from england know if uni grades matter for specialties later on??
Like do I have to be gunning from year one??
t.thirst year med.

>> No.11990988


>> No.11991101

How come vitamin D is said to require sunlight for it's development?
Is there some kind of photosynthesis happening in my skin?

>> No.11991108

What if im robotnik

>> No.11991194

Nephrology is just mental masturbation.

>> No.11991211


>> No.11991510 [DELETED] 

>How come vitamin D is said to require light for its synthesis?
>Is there some kind of synthesis by light happening in my skin?
Do you see why this is a stupid question?

>> No.11991534

Do you even triforce, bro?
¿Al menos tienes certificación de idioma?

>> No.11991555
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You are given $500k to allocate towards researching a medical question of your choice. Can be literally anything.

What do you pick and why?

>> No.11991622

Safe, effective, reliable penis enlargement.
A 4 billion demand market to tap into.

>> No.11991645

Have you even gotten a needle stick injury bros?
I'm very scared of contracting HIV from some fag through it.

>> No.11991701

Birth control targeted for african and asian countries.

>> No.11991967

When dealing with hemorrhoids, should I try to shit everything out with one push or many smaller/milder pushes?

>> No.11991995

same question if you're pregnant?

>> No.11992039

OKay so I don't know if the thread will die soon but I need an answer
I hit my head on ice slipped pretty hard
left side was in excruciating pain
fast forward some years later and the cent of my left palm feels like theres this sharp pain everytime I clench my fist did I damage a nerve

>> No.11992042

brain healing research
scares me that most brain injuries are permanent

>> No.11992052

What happens when I get pepper sprayed by an irresistible woman, and there's no milk around, and I just sit there ashamed, and after a while the pain just subsides on its own? Are there tiny robotic antibodies that carry the capsaicin away or am I getting used to it such that I'm becoming invulnerable to this particular defense?

>> No.11992315
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Got a nasty bone bruise on my shin friday night from walking in the dark and banging my shin onto a heavy low wood cabinet. Is it safe for me to do my standard 1x5 trapbar deads and 2x(30 feet) trapbar farmer walks tomorrow/Monday morning (both of them w/ 115 lbs, yes I'm a total dyel noob, I know)? Or do I risk taking a trip to Snap City and fucking my shit up, turning my shin bone bruise (most likely a subperiosteal hematoma) into a complete shin bone break/fracture?

>With a bone fracture, all of the trabeculae in a region of bone have broken. But with a bone bruise, an injury only damages some of these trabeculae. It's also called a microfracture. An injury might cause blood to build up in the area beneath the periosteum. This causes a subperiosteal hematoma, a type of bone bruise. An injury might also cause bleeding and swelling in the area between your cartilage and the bone beneath it. This causes a subchondral bone bruise. Or bleeding and swelling can happen in the medulla of your bone. This is called an interosseous bone bruise.

>> No.11992470

>>11992315 (me)
Should I go down to TJ for a stem cell injection into my shin bone? Will that help it heal faster/stronger?

>> No.11992471

The adrenaline kicks in do you feel less pain. Also, pain receptors are easy to overwhelm.
No way in hell anyone can get hurt with that baby weight.

>> No.11992487 [DELETED] 

I mean the pain eventually stops completely though the capsaicin is definitely still there. Same thing as when you ingest a really hot sauce. You're tongue could be on fire but for no more than like 5 minutes.

>> No.11992491

I mean the pain eventually stops completely though the capsaicin is definitely still there. Same thing as when you ingest a really hot sauce. Your tongue could be on fire but for no more than like 5 minutes.

>> No.11992503

depends on where you decide to do it. Mesenchymal stem cells, which is what they'll be, from different places turn into different things. So first find out which are best for your purpose: umbilical, adipose, or bone marrow. Different clinics use any one of these. And don't listen to anything the receptionist has to say about anything.

>> No.11992553

RCT of a cum based diet on physical and mental health

>> No.11992900

wait till you get blood squirted all over your face and into your eyes during surgery, it is beyond me why every hospital does not have necessary plastic glasses or something similar for surgeries.

>> No.11992943

ER bros, what's the worst shit you've seen?

>> No.11993051

Not an ER doc but on ER rotation. 18y/o , F , victim of a hit and run, rushed to the ER, unconscious. After one hour they managed to finally stabilize her. Send her to a CAT scan, she enters cardiac arrest during CT, PEA so only chest compressions and adrenaline for 45 minutes, she dies at around 3 a.m. No phone, no info, no nothing on her, she probably went out to the local store to buy something fast. The way she died was not tragic. The tragic thing is that her parents and/or boyfriend had no idea what happened to her. Just imagine getting a call in the middle of the night saying your kid is dead, holy shit I can't.

>> No.11993072

>18y/o , F , victim of a hit and run, rushed to the ER, unconscious. After one hour they managed to finally stabilize her. Send her to a CAT scan, she enters cardiac arrest during CT, PEA so only chest compressions
did they not have her on oxygen?

>> No.11993078

Is it possible for a stab wound to the spine between the shoulder blades to paralyze the legs without affecting the body above the waist?

>> No.11993081

No. Not unless your blade is really narrow and long.

>> No.11993137

lots of shit back when i worked there but from the top of my head:
one shotgun wound straight to the area between thorax and left flank still remember his spleen hanging out we tried to resusciate him on the way to OR but he was dead already all was in vain, i remember there was no more place in elevator so some of us had to run up there by stairs and i had so much adrenaline i ran up on ninth floor faster then the elevator.
Another one was a chink construction worker crushed by badly parked truck, still remember smell of his cheap rubber chinese tiger shoes.
one guy who got run over foot by huge transit truck because it was trying to sneak out somewhere and didnt have his front lights on so guy didnt see it coming.
a really cute wholesome girl who would start yawning and then her heart would stop happened at least three times that night she had arythmia, had shitty life on top of that, raped when she was a kid had hep c and etc. Found out few days later she died. was only 26 or 27. pretty sad.
and many more... guess who had to deliver all the bodies from ER to morgue, yep.

>> No.11993175

What medical TV shows do you guys recommend for someone who wants them to be accurate?

>> No.11993213

The resident

>> No.11993218

Grey's Anatomy

>> No.11993219

Had a six month child come in with an upper respiratory infection and while I was doing an examination the baby did a poopy in his diaper and I was right there.

>> No.11993226

>tfw no sticky like meconium gf

>> No.11993255


There are multiple ways to use different leg muscles to depress the pedal

t. drummer

>> No.11993342

My based bio teacher taught me the proper crainal nerve mnemonic but i feel its less useful that the old opie one

>> No.11993359

>tfw taught a mnemonic but just fucking hard memorized it anyway
And now I don't remember the cranial nerves properly anymore. Yes I know spoilers don't work here.

>> No.11993384

I like old opie because it give you the first few letters
Old opie occasionally tries trigonometry and feels something or rather. At least it beats other mnemonics like socrates and is path warm

>> No.11993407

My dad has had like 8 knee surgies, destroyed his back from military/flying cargo and can now barely sleep. He is fine when sititng/standing but when he lays down about 40 minutes later a nerve in his leg flares up extremly bad and wont go away.

I tried helping him but as far as I can tell his literal skeleton has finally had enough abuse

>> No.11993448

Tell your dad the ZOGvernment thanks him for his service. Good goy.

>> No.11993554


>> No.11993693

Oh yeah you do a more stomping motion hey

>> No.11993719

my father is an orthopaedic focused on knee surgeries. He says the robots they brought in are a fucking chore to use and slows down any proficient doctor, only helps the newbs. just 2 cents.

>> No.11993884

Boomer cope.

>> No.11994282
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Is hair loss medication worth it? I don't want to give up on my hair. Should I try to cope or just go full custodian ascend?

>> No.11994296

The same happens with robots in abdominal surgery. As the saying goes, the best technique is the one mastered by the surgeon.

>> No.11994299

Giving a shit in the first place is beta. Go with the chad doesn't give a fuck.

>> No.11994307

Cracks me up every time.

>> No.11994330

Finasteride worked for me. No side effects and ive got all my hair. Actually one side affect, when i stop taking it i get headaches. Anyone know why that is?

>> No.11994342

DHT inhibitors do not bring your hair back. they slow the loss. "is it worth it?" if you wait too long you will lose the chance to find out. how much do you value your hair?

>> No.11994348

Seconding, i waited too lomg. Now my hair thickness is just normal, not the ridiculously lucious hair i used to have

>> No.11994891

like sex provoking kind of

>> No.11994956

Yes yes of course six-pack six-pack (c1)

>> No.11995154

Why is it that abusing asthma medication results in extremely shaky limbs when it's just supposed to open airways? The two seem unrelated

>> No.11995368

First line asthma medication is agonists of the Beta-2 receptor. The beta-2 receptor is not just found in the lungs, but also other parts of the body.


In the lungs, beta-2 activation causes bronchodilation. In the muscles, it causes vasodilation. Back in the day before we had beta-2 medications for asthma, we used to give non-specific beta agonist medications that also affected beta-1 receptors in the heart, which caused tachycardia, arrhythmia and sudden death via cardiac arrest.

>> No.11995419
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My patient asked are corsets safe what do I say?

>> No.11995631

Traumatic hemipelvectomy and left leg amputation from a collision between a motorcycle and a 12-wheeler. Guy on the bike didn't make it but orthopedics tried their damned best to save him.
Finding out the seemingly perfectly fine 22 year old you just admitted to IM for vomiting and a drop seizure was just diagnosed with GBM and has 15 months to live isn't a nice feeling either
Also had a 18 year old come in after a firework exploded in his hand, which was right by his face. He lost an eye, a lot of face, and a few fingers.

>> No.11995756
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Pic rel, ever since I'm a child I regularly get these toe cramps. From my observations they usually occur when my feet are cold (not very cold, but like compared to the temperature before, so when I take off my socks and walk barefoot on a cold floor) or when I stand weirdly and cause the cramp myself, by squeezing my toes or sth.
Is there a name for this? I never could find this condition on Google and I know that some other people have it, when swimming etc.

>> No.11995779

Also I usually don't drink coffee, but I think I get them a lot more often when I have a period when I drink coffee. I only drink one coffee daily, but I feel its effect, so maybe I'm sensitive. Could it be potassium?

>> No.11995796

Not sure, but sometimes I get those and they're terrible, but if I stand up and put weight on my foot it subsides almost instantly.

>> No.11995832

How can I learn a bit of ACLS on my own?
Corona-chan delayed our training program.

>> No.11995864
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>more gay fish things

>> No.11995876

For algorithms: http://distribute.cmetoronto.ca.s3.amazonaws.com/ANS1805/Pre-Course-Material-ACLS-Algorithms-2015.pdf
For learning ECG interpretation: https://www.skillstat.com/tools/ecg-simulator/
Also try going to heart.org/eccstudent, use code acls15 where it says enter manual code to test yourself.

>> No.11996186


>> No.11996326

embrace it chad

>> No.11996330

I see, thank you anon

>> No.11996333
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>> No.11996369

I have lymphedema

>> No.11996410
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Fellas, is this it

>> No.11996452

What? A nasty unwelcome surprise? Probably.

>> No.11996722

Constrictive pericarditis causing heart failure. Notice the outline at the cardiac apex indicating thickened tissue/calcification, layering of pleural fluid in the dependent portions of lung with hazy hilar opacities.

>> No.11996878

How are you fags coping with being utterly btfo by Russia developing the vaccine before zogmerica or the jewnited kingdom?

>> No.11997022

>x-ray tech, doing lung CT to some coughing guy
>in HRCT looks like literal holes in the lungs surronded by thick wall of inflamation
what was it?
both me and him had masks should I be worried about it?

>> No.11997175

How should I interpret the diagnosis of "Organic personality disorder"? Wastebasket nonsense?

>> No.11997311


>> No.11997451

Its idiopathic

>> No.11997491

its normal for ur organs to get mushed

>> No.11997808

I thought organic as in it being connected to brain anomalies. I have epilepsy if that helps, I'm just not sure what the personality disorder is supposed to entail. I figured it could be Geschwind Syndrome but that's questionable.

>> No.11997920

2 related questions for med
a) Can girls with breast implants breast feed babies
b) What about girls with nipple piercings does it squirt out the sides

t.1st year med

>> No.11998004

1 yes but complications can arise
2 what? Learn how mammaries work. Also a cure for inverted nipples

>> No.11998102
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Does anyone else get imposter syndrome?

>> No.11998157

No one in med doesnt

>> No.11998459

Very nondescript. However a short differential would include metastatic lesions, septic emboli, staph aureus/pseudomonal pneumonia, TB, or an auto immune disease like Wegner (granulomatosis with polyangiitis).

Unlikely to be something like COVID and really only TB would be worrisome as contagious.

>> No.11998511

>cure for inverted nipples

>> No.11998584
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>father's family known for being talented doctors and surgeons
>barely got into nursing school because of grades
he doesn't say anything to me about it but i always feel that it is something that is just there like the elephant in the room. anyway it's his problem that he got a retarded son lol

>> No.11998608

pajeet takeover

>> No.11998679

Jews, chinks and pajeets ruined medicine.

>> No.11998696
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used my masterfull paint skills to recreate image I've seen
size of abnormality roughly to scale
I'll be at work tommorow so I'll se radiologist interpretation
in case it is tb how worried should I be?
I heard it's not really that contagious and not too dangerous to healthy well nutrished people is that right?

>> No.11998718


The previous differential stands. Again, unlikely to be COVID, but could be TB which only becomes chronic in <10% of untreated people.

>> No.11998719
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I was blocked by a prominent canadian antivaxxer for saying that it was a bad idea to avoid the vaccine. Should I be worried about her going crazy and trying to retaliate against me or did she just get frustrated?

>> No.11998723
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>> No.11998728

>barely got into nursing school because of grades

You fell for the grades meme. There are other ways to get into med school, the most reliable being going into a postbacc program that takes you into the program if you pass with a B average. It is reliant on grades still, but it's shit you have to know anyway rather than bullshit undergrad classes.

>> No.11998730

>nursing school
??? Is There a typo in here.

>> No.11998737

>I was blocked by a prominent canadian antivaxxer for saying that it was a bad idea to avoid the vaccine

Not an antivaxxer but you'd have to be an idiot to rush to get the COVID vaccine after minimal testing and them rushing it out the door.

>> No.11998756
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>male nursoid

>> No.11998764

yea but is she retarded? the r0 of this virus pretty much means it will be endemic. humans wont be the only reservoirs.
she touts her 'research' but it was poor. are any of you really content on risking endemic sarscov2?

>> No.11998766

sup Jeffrey

>> No.11999334

Nice blogpost retard. How do I unsubscribe.

>> No.11999557

How do I convince my mother to get medical treatment bros
She's 53 and has all sorts of shit but doesn't want to go to the doctor because she has this retarded notion that the only doctor she could possibly visit is her GP whom she thinks is "useless".
I'm genuinely worried for her.

>> No.11999602

medbros im a bit worried

I was eating a meal (sriracha salmon and asparagus) and all of a sudden i noticed decreased feeling of my tongue. not tingling or pins, but rather it feels like it has lost some sensation and isn't a "part" of me. like when your hand is numb and you touch it, it feels like you're touching someone elses hand. but my tongue isn't tingly or pins and needles. I just noticed all of a sudden that my tongue was different. i've had this meal many times so I don't know if its the spice or what.. but im fucking scared i'm losing my mind or something.

i know this sounds highly autistic but i have anxiety and i'm worried its schizophrenia or some shit

>> No.11999603

i'm falling behiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiind

>> No.11999605

Those post bacc programs are more selective than nursing school 100%. Idk about the DO ones though

>> No.11999688

This proves retards can medicine too. Why would anyone oppose to vaccination in the middle of a fucking pandemia? Isn't she aware of the costs and mortality associated with the chinkflu?
This level of mental retardation must come from America.

>> No.11999707

antivax people hurl money to get "truth tellers" to speak because they know it's better to have a tinfoil hat doctor than a tinfoil hat uneducated person saying it. she probably does it for the money

>> No.11999911


>> No.11999922

they ruined entire world son

>> No.12000162

>your spec or the spec you desire
>favourite music genre
>do you fear the surgical sentinel?


>> No.12000195

Lads, I had a head MRI done and it came out with no abnormalities except a benign arachnoid cyst which I knew about and was told not to mind, and "maxilo-etmoidal sinusitis". Is that a big deal? And if there's nothing wrong with my brain, why does the right side of my head hurt to the touch? I also often feel a throbbing, humming kind of sound in my right ear in the process. What kind of doctor do I even see for that?

>> No.12000304

maxillo facial

>> No.12000310

Why do you interact with schizos

>> No.12000376

Shit, I don't think there's any in my area. Anything ENT could do for me?

>> No.12000448

gen surg
big range of music
i invented it

>> No.12000485

>big range
You fucker, georgianbro, choose one!

>> No.12000549

>Black Metal

>> No.12000553

To get contact schizophrenia

>> No.12000787

Rural shamanism
Gregorian chants

>> No.12000816

ENTs usually deal with sinusitis and asociated medical or surgical therapy

see your GP

>> No.12000862

what's her presenting complaint?
more likely to be IX or XII nerve palsy. see a neurologist.
Intensive Care
Sinusitis isn't a big deal. Take your meds.

>> No.12001047

i shouldn't have...

>> No.12001142

>Take your meds
Funny how this web completely screwed me the meaning of this sentence.

>> No.12001197

can hepatitis c be cured on its own without any treatments?

>> No.12001372

>Take your meds.
I don't know what meds I'm supposed to take because I just found out kek. I'll check with my GP.
Anyway, my mother has bad, persistent headaches and backaches which have something to do with her vertebrae being fucked up if I'm not mistaken, also feels full and bloated all the time and vomits quite a bit. I tried to get her to the doctor but she said she's gonna be fine.

>> No.12001378

We're on autosage, can one of you premeds who don't have any real obligations make a new thread?
>I don't know what meds I'm supposed to take because I just found out kek. I'll check with my GP.
You... you were diagnosed with sinusitis and weren't given a prescription? What third world shithole do you live in?
> bad, persistent headaches and backaches which have something to do with her vertebrae being fucked up if I'm not mistaken, also feels full and bloated all the time and vomits quite a bit.
If its chronic back problems she probably needs surgery. The longer it goes untreated the worse it'll be.

>> No.12001383

rooms been 30c and I've not left it in days, I've been confused, struggling with memory and if I lay down the room spins - what's going on and how do I fix it? body temp is only 36.4c

>> No.12001393

go to your doctor

>> No.12001395

only doing phone appointments, booked one for friday

>> No.12001400

could be a lot of things honestly. I think electrolyte imbalance or neurological problems. You need a blood test and a proper neurological exam.

>> No.12001402

Romania. I didn't get to consult with any doctor. I had my MRI done by a technician, and I returned to the clinic today to pick up my results from the reception; just got a piece of paper saying everything is normal except the cyst and the sinusitis.

>> No.12001411

Ah that doesn't sound good, not likely it's just cause my rooms been hot for a while then?

>> No.12001415

My condolences.
Excessive sweating and heatstroke can result in electrolyte imbalance.

>> No.12001419

It's not that bad. The investigation itself went smoothly. I went to a fancy private clinic. I guess that's just how they handle things.

>> No.12001494

>neurology, EM, or general IM
>anime music
>Yes, but I often pull it down off of my nose

>> No.12001510 [DELETED] 

>thread for the discussion of evidence based medicine
It used to be allopathic. Did a DO get salty lol

>> No.12001616

is your hydration adequate?

>> No.12001617

make me

>> No.12001652

Does anyone know where I can find a video of an abortion procedure?

Normally if I want to see surgery or something, I can just youtube it, but for some reason it's difficult to find a video showing an abortion.

>> No.12002338

Everyone in med always talking about imposter syndrome, I just don't feel it bro. Like yeah, sometimes I'm behind, but this idea of 'not belonging' seems silly to me. Idk