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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 114 KB, 555x414, Theodore_Kaczynski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11934508 No.11934508 [Reply] [Original]

If you pursue STEM you are actively contributing to humanity's destruction. You trust sheltered fund babies should be ashamed.

>> No.11934510

sheltered trust fund*

>> No.11934526

That's true but the alternative is loading trucks for the rest of my life and I can't deal with that.
Honestly, if you participate in society at all you are contributing to the current situation, and not participating in society is only getting harder and harder.
It's unreasonable to place blame for our current situation at the feet of any individual. The forces that currently influence us were set into motion long before we were born.

>> No.11934684

Just do something that doesn't contribute to the system that seeks to destroy you. Don't do anything that involves science, government, media, etc. That's why I'm going to try doing jobs and transactions that are as ancient in principle as possible like buying and selling hand made whether in person or on the internet.

>> No.11935259

The real humanity doesn't exist yet.

>> No.11935268

I'm doing STEM for money so I can one day rule the underclass or to bring my future children closer to doing it themselves

>> No.11935295

>"rule the underclass"
>by being a lab rat
Solid plan right there, buddy.

>> No.11935296

>>by being a lab rat
I'm not going into research loser.

>> No.11935305

Anyone that isn't naming the Jew has no real idea what's going on and can only describe the borders of their goy pen.

>> No.11935311

We already live in a simulation. Are we going to pretend we aren't?

>> No.11935316

just kill yourself then you piece of data.
think about it
what would it matter if we were in a simulation?
if it were that effective odds are even the creators of the simulation don't know about us.

>> No.11935318

>The forces that currently influence us were set into motion long before we were born.

>> No.11935321

Of course they do.

>> No.11935322


> you're actively contributing to humanity's destruction!!!!!!!!


>> No.11935342

>Of course they do.
poor assumption.
if they wrote a program of a universe then it's based off a system of math, it means written there we're alive, dead, and never existed within some code.
so many things exist in it that even if we were there, I doubt we're their intention.
just an inevitable product.

>> No.11935346

if a higher being (or beings) is both clever enough to and also has the computing power to simulate the visible universe down to the particles that make up electrons, it stands to reason that they would also be advanced enough and have enough computing power to make sure the potential inhabitants of their simulation would not be able to become aware that they are living in a simulation, or even be able to entertain the idea

>> No.11935363

why would they care if the "inhabitants" knew?
most of them would be labeled as schizos anyways.
also it wouldn't affect the state or condition of the simulation since if it's simulating an entire universe based on determinism it was only natural he'd think of that idea whether it's true or not.

>> No.11935373

Unless they are themselves living there too.

>> No.11935380

So you going to go on welfare and sell macaroni necklaces on etsy.

>> No.11935400

why wouldn't they care? If they cared enough to create an entirely simulated universe, it can be reasoned that they care at least somewhat about their creation. They created us (or at least created the tools to simulate evolution with us as a result), and considering how much power it would take to actively simulate a universe, they likely aren't creating our existence for fun. Likely it would be for some sort of scientific purpose. If they are creating our universe for a scientific purpose, they would have had to choose to include the tools for evolution of biological organisms. Going back to the computing power of this simulation, they would likely be similar to our computers, and want to reduce their program to the bare necessities to reduce the amount of power needed for this simulation (IE they wouldn't include tools for our evolution unless they specifically wanted biological organisms to evolve). Because these creators would need to create a computer that uses more energy than our universe will ever have, and they likely would have designed this simulation for a scientific observational purpose, it is very logical for a creator to not want their presence be known (if the biological organisms they simulated know of their existence, it would inevitably affect the results of their observation, rendering their experiment, and all of that power, pointless). The only way that I could agree with you is if it could be reasonable assumed that these creators created us to observe like in a zoo, but why simulate our entire universe for that?

>> No.11935405

how shit you're retarded and make such shit assumptions.
tell you what why don't you study the "simulation" and learn more about it.

>> No.11935417
File: 16 KB, 331x499, Better Never To Have Been.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>human extinction
Pick 1

>> No.11935434

simulationfag on suicide watch

>> No.11936118
File: 338 KB, 695x797, 1595548357210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't contribute to anything. After finishing my degree I just became a NEET. Based Ted would be proud of me.

>> No.11937734

no, he would want you to destroy factories

>> No.11937743

Simulation hypothesis (it is not a theory) is low IQ and belongs on >>>/x/

>> No.11937751

He's still alive, and last I checked, he was still allowed to receive written letters

>> No.11937889

At what point have you gone too far? If I make a rock more pointy is that too far? What if I forge iron ore? If forging is ok then is it only ok if I use coal or can I use an arc furnace?
The problem isn't the technology itself, it's the economic and social systems that ensure every time productivity increases the result is more income for the wealthy rather than shorter work hours for the masses.

>> No.11937914


This isn't science related, the OP just summoned "STEM" out of his ass to pretend that.
The person on the picture is an anti-science and anti-technology terrorist who wanted to kill the people on those fields. But the brainlet only killed a store owner and a dude from a marketing company.

/sci/ jannies are allowing threads about people who stand against the purpose of this place, it only degrades and lower the quality of this place, it's against 4chan global rules yet the people responsible for /sci/ are braindead.

When the jannie applications pop up I will apply to this shit, I'm fucking tired of having this board shat by /pol/cels and /x/ schizos.

>> No.11937935

He's a mathematician, and last time I checked the title this board was "science and math".