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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11769371 No.11769371 [Reply] [Original]

I started learning math to have a better understanding of life but so far I've only learnt formulas to solve specific problems.

I heard someone say that with practice comes fluency and with fluency comes understanding.

You promise I will understand all of it when I become mathematic fluent, /sci/?

>> No.11769377

Math is anti-life. Sort of. It's a world of its own, detached from the physical world, detached from Life. Math is a path to emptiness and death.

>> No.11769378

If you wanna understand life mate, I reckon philosophy is where you wanna go not mathematics.

>> No.11769389
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Abstraction is a skill that can be sharpened with mathematical understanding. It can be used to draw solutions for different problem using solutions from specific problems.

>> No.11769396

If you want to understand life better, study electricity: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwOAYhBuU3Uezszg4ug5jtm1p26bqb8qd

>> No.11769398

How can it be detached from life? Life is basically plurality. It seems to be the very syntax of our reality and understanding. I came to this conclusion from philosophy and thats why I dived into math.

>> No.11769401

Fuck off schizo

>> No.11769410

Personally I feel that fields of math and science help us to understand the world around us, but I don't equate that to understanding "life". The term life in and of itself isn't well defined and can mean different things depending on the person. In order to better answer your question I'd like to know what "life" means to you OP.

>> No.11769420

> t. Cohen Goldblatt

>> No.11769424

The universe isn't based on numbers and math isn't real. The universe isn't mathematical, it's physical. This can be very difficult to understand for some people who are very deep into the "math explains everything, the universe is mathematical" belief, though...

Math is simply a tool invented by humans.

>> No.11769430

This, to become fluent at a language you got to understand all of what you are actually saying.

>> No.11769440
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RH is false. Consider a number [math]z_0\in\mathbb{C}[/math] such that
z_0=-(\aleph_\mathcal{X}+b)+iy~~,\quad\text{where}\qquad b,y\in\mathbb{R}_0~~.

Observe that the Euler product form of [math]\zeta[/math]takes [math]z_0[/math] as
\qquad= \left(\cfrac{1}{1-P^{(\mathcal{X}\aleph_1+b)-iy}} \right) \prod_{p\neq P}\cfrac{1}{1-p^{(\aleph_\mathcal{X}+b)-iy}} \nonumber\\
\qquad=\left(\cfrac{1}{1-\cfrac{\vphantom{\hat1}1}{P^b}\big(P^{\mathcal{X}}\big)^{\!\widehat\infty}\left[ \cos(y\ln P)-i\sin(y\ln P)\right]} \right) \prod_{p\neq P}\cfrac{1}{1-p^{(\aleph_\mathcal{X}+b)-iy}} \nonumber~~.

Let [math]y\ln P=2n\pi[/math] for some prime [math]P[/math] and [math]n\in\mathbb{N}[/math] or [math]n=0[/math]. Then
\zeta(z_0)=\cfrac{1}{\infty} \prod_{p\neq P}\cfrac{1}{1-p^{(\aleph_\mathcal{X}+b)-iy}}=0~~.

>> No.11769454
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RH is false proofs aren't real. They can't hurt you...

>> No.11769548
File: 11 KB, 250x223, 69A1CA4F-5CD4-4D14-BF27-1BC7960F057F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reported for nazi propaganda outside of /pol/

>> No.11769589

Learning maths to understand life is like reading the source code of a game to try and understand what it is like to play it. You will always experience life from a distinctly human perspective and seeking to understand what life is is not attainable through maths. You can understand the underlying mechanics, but life as a whole for you is an experience. A state of being in other words.

>> No.11769628

Yet, one can live a lifetime in the space of a minute.

>> No.11769702

With those formula, make a universe. Make a program that creates the geometry for a lens, then draw it on a canvas or visualizer it by putting a gdb breakpoint with an attached python script in a c program that dumps the lens profile into an array.

Then, cast rays through the lens and draw the results (put the approximated points into an array).

Then, start generating lenses all over the place. Maybe put them in a circle or in an infinity symbol. It doesn't need to be realistic.

You'll quickly become hooked.

Maybe I'll make some Bob Ross videos on this one day.

Later on, when you progress past algebra, you can replace your hand-invented riemann summation with differential equations. Or complex numbers. Or strange discrete phenomena and random interactions you come up with. Each time, you would modify maybe 5 lines of code to get totally different visual results. Maybe turn what you see into music: continuously vary the shape and placement of the lenses -> get picture -> convert picture into argh i forgot i think it is called a fourier transform -> contrive of a way to convert the transform into one sample of an audio file -> create an audio file from the many snapshots of your continually evolving simulated world.

>> No.11769799

>to solve specific problems
Yes that is how math helps you understand life. It's fucking math not philosophy.

>> No.11769868

>I started learning math to have a better understanding of life
You want physics for that m8, studying maths gives you a better understanding of maths

>> No.11770451
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life is easy to understand, you just think too much

>> No.11770485

>I started learning math to have a better understanding of life
Noble pursuit.
>You promise I will understand all of it when I become mathematic fluent, /sci/?
All of "it"? If "it" is known mathematics, then I don't see why not. If you truly are "mathematically fluent", then of course you can understand mathematical arguments. Math isn't sorcery. If you can follow sequential logic, you can understand math. It's no more complex than anything else in that regard. There's just a lot of it and a lot of simultaneous moving parts.

>> No.11772571

>The universe isn't mathematical, it's physical
Math builds the foundation for Physics

>> No.11772704

>Math is a path to emptiness and death.
This. It took me way too long to figure that out.

>> No.11772712 [DELETED] 

>I started learning math to have a better understanding of life

>> No.11772752

Could you elaborate on that?

>> No.11772865

I'm not the guy that you responded to, but I'll give you my take. Learning math and getting better at solving math problems leads to a far more objective and detached worldview. Now don't get me wrong, I think its a good thing to detach yourself from certain situations in order to look at them without emotional interference, but I don't think this is a good perspective to have when it comes to living everyday life.

>> No.11772872

Why the fuck would calculus help with every day life?

>> No.11772873

Funny way of saying study psychology and philosophy

>> No.11772938

Op read the next:
On teaching mathematics
by V.I. Arnold
it will be usefull

>> No.11772972

>with practice comes fluency and with fluency comes understanding
one does not understand shit by doing it 1000000 times

>> No.11773016

So, get good at geometry, apply mathematics to physics and imagine real world systems?