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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 2.59 MB, 710x400, watson.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11629640 No.11629640 [Reply] [Original]

is science racist?

>> No.11629648


>> No.11629652
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>> No.11629667

Well the statement is true, now we ask ourselves this:

Are we such animals as to let lesser men sit in their own squalor?
As white men, it is our duty to get these wretched people out into the light of creation, it will be difficult, we might fail, but i insist that it is our only way to keep ascending into higher levels of conciousness. If we let this situation go on, we will be the ones going extinct, not them.

>> No.11629669

James Watson unironically has dementia. Anyone who idolizes this guy for his racist bullshit is worshipping views uttered by a dilapidated and amyloid-riddled brain in its last throes of consciousness.

>> No.11629671

God is racist get over it

>> No.11629678

spotted the negroid

>> No.11629686

hello negroid

>> No.11629723

>James Watson
not science or math

>> No.11629736

he is a scientist

>> No.11629738


maybe you wouldn't have to samefag if you got your viewpoints from a dude who isn't chronically demented

>> No.11629752

No nature is. It judges your genes. Science is there to ensure that judgement doesn't destroy the human race.

>> No.11629776
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>> No.11629790

It's likely he's always had those views, only now in old age he has less of an ability to keep them quiet.

>> No.11629800
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>> No.11629803

So i can post a thread about how Anthony Fauci
jerks it to tranny porn, and suddenly tranny porn is science? good to know.

>> No.11629809


>> No.11629811

do you newfags really not have phones?

>> No.11629814


>> No.11629820
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>> No.11629840

>his racist bullshit
Try to look at it objectively, not emotionally. Science is worthless if we filter it through social taboos

>> No.11629851

sounds good, can you provide his published work, and his methodology, behind his stated opinions?

>> No.11629857

seek help adhd kid

>> No.11629865

He didn't direct a study, he's going off of the research that currently exists.

Here's a paper published by others in defense of Watson, though, looking at a wide range of data


>> No.11629870

The studies are just a Google search away

>> No.11629881

No. Social taboos are important to keep science from going too far. If it was up to science, we'd have genocide and eugenics with rednecks and Japanese as the only survivors. This is why the humanities is important. It keeps science from destroying humanity.

>> No.11629888

so you don't have any science, work or even an opinion piece by watson? Why do you keep bringing him up then?

>> No.11629895

This is a ridiculous argument. Acknowledging average differences between racial groups doesn't inherently lead to calls for genocide, and nothing suggests that it would. In fact we already accept racial differences as long as white people aren't the group that looks good. "Black people are more athletic" never lead to calls to genocide white people. Why would "white people have higher IQs on average than blacks but lower IQs on average than east asians" lead to genocide?

>> No.11629901
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>> No.11629906

Because his opinion is supported by science, which I just posted for you. What you're arguing now is like trying to argue that only evolutionary biologists who have published data are allowed to make a statement about natural selection

>> No.11629913

Just breed more and give your genes to other people, Southamericans aren't lactose tolerant but some mestizos are.

>> No.11629921

So if you want a figurehead why not post someone who's responsible for the actual research? I can't even find an example of him even citing any actual research, it's all very strange.

>> No.11629929
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>> No.11629937

you have serious issues and need to seek help

>> No.11629940

He became a figurehead because he's a previously highly esteemed scientists who was harshly maligned for stating what should be an objective statement of fact, or at the very least should have been seen as a respectable opinion that may or may not be accurate. Instead, people interpreted a scientific statement as some sort of baseless personal attack on black people.

>> No.11629943
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There's actual research out there supporting him(IQ tests, FBI stats) why don't you find counter evidence?

>> No.11629944
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Science can't be racist. Only people can be racist. Science, can, however, render results that might make people racialist or racist. Racism claims that one group of people is "superior" to another group, that says nothing about what the basis of judging something as superior is.
So, can a person accept that science shows us that there is a genetic difference between blacks and whites that can account for difference in IQ scores? Yes, it can, and actually seems to.
But automatically correlating IQ with superiority is another, though subtle, step that people make in their judgment here. And this is something we all have to have a conversation about.
Kobe Bryant was superior to me IN REGARD to physical ability, no doubt. But I might ever so slightly be mentally superior to him, if he were still around, and part of this might slightly have to do with the fact of my white genetic makeup compared to his.
Does this automatically mean, AS A PERSON, I am superior? No. We just have different traits.

What's hard to swallow is the idea that we are superior to other animal life that doesn't match up with our relatively high intelligence as animals. The arguments there are usually "we can eat this, cuz it's dumb", which I actually think is a dumb argument. It's their capacity for suffering that matters, not the pig or lamb's IQ numbers.
Anyways, you get my point. These are hard problems that require hard conversations, but we're nowhere near ready to have them, if we ever will be.
In fact, I'd wager that humans will have sufficiently mixed all of our genes and only retroactively look back at our differences now with the sober lens that I'm trying to use right now.
Sad, but it's just the way it is.

>> No.11629949

"racism" is a purposely ill-defined concept that is used (and was conceived to be used) exclusively to attack and demonize white people, particularly working class white people; I think what you're asking is if science backs the notion that races are biologically distinct in sociologically meaningful ways

>> No.11629955


>> No.11629956

>Med Hypothesis

>> No.11629971

>These are hard problems that require hard conversations, but we're nowhere near ready to have them, if we ever will be.
We were ready to have those discussions 70-100 years ago but instead we got the civil rights movement that used emotional pleading to bypass logical discussion

>> No.11629979

However. There's a difference between saying
>it's possible that the differences are due to genetics
>the difference is genetic
Watson said the 2nd, with no evidence. We don't know if the difference is genetic. We only have correlations that can possibly be explained by social factors, and ones that are definitively causally explained by social factors.

>> No.11629987
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We also had Nazi's and eugenics, which was just as bad, but from the opposite direction.
Nobody wants to look the hard truth in the face and come up with a reasonable account for how we can just get along and find a place for everyone. I mean, in theory Marxism wanted to do this, but obviously that didn't go well either.
People in general just need to be humble and patient and see what we can do without causing pain and suffering in our willingness to figure it all out. Our feelings about what the facts say shouldn't matter. That's part of being mature.
In other words, we all just need to grow up and stop being assholes, while at the same time not be delusional about what the facts are.
It's like walking a tightrope, I think. Most people simply don't want to do it, because it's hard.

>> No.11629994
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>no evidence
Simply untrue. The statistics are there and plain for everyone to see. The differences are actually glaring, not minor.
Check out the Bell Curve book.

>> No.11630000

The Nazis were based you are a moron

>> No.11630006
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>We only have correlations that can possibly be explained by social factors
That's a meme answer, and you know it. They've done studies that show well educated blacks and under-educated whites and there are still noticeable differences. The environment you grow up in is secondary and the genetics are primary in accounting for the difference.

>> No.11630008

>The Nazis were based
See, that's where this conversation ends. I'm Aryan btw. Nazis had shitty taste in art and thought they could foist an iron fist over everyone and get them to think the same way. They were wrong, and they lost. Simple as that.
Nice digits though.

>> No.11630011
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>logical discussion
Does not compute.

>> No.11630012

>Check out the Bell Curve
I have. Here's a quote:
>If the reader is now convinced that either the genetic or environmental explanation has won out to the exclusion of the other, we have not done a sufficiently good job of presenting one side or the other. It seems highly likely to us that both genes and environment have something to do with racial differences. What might the mix be? We are resolutely agnostic on that issue; as far as we can determine, the evidence does not yet justify an estimate.

>> No.11630017

>We don't know if the difference is genetic.
We do know that there are genetic differences in intelligence. The only debate is to what extent do genetics affect it. No honest person believe it's 100% or 0%, but the difference between 20% and 50% is significant and should be studied more

>> No.11630020
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That's both a political answer (so that they wouldn't have to fear as much backlash - but they still got more backlash than they could ever deserve), and also not against my point, which is that there IS a genetic basis. Further studies have shown that the genetic factor is probably more of a factor than the social factor.

>> No.11630025

>logic has left the chat

>> No.11630031
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Quiet, inbred.

>> No.11630033
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you know jack shit about the Nazis and what they did and why you fucking retard stfu. You got one thing right it does go there here, morons talking about things they don't understand, it always go there especially on this stupid af board.

The Germans knew things you can't even comprehend and could never comprehend without years of study. Everything they did was justified and necessary but you have no idea wtf they did or why but you are stupid enough to think you do. Why don't you actually know wtf you are talking about before you spew diarrhea out of your face

>> No.11630036

It is National Socialist. Nazi is a slur.

>> No.11630038
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>> No.11630040
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>> No.11630042

>We also had Nazi's and eugenics
As far as promoting the proliferation of good genes, that's a good direction. Contrary to popular belief, nazis didn't want to "slaughter all the untermensch"

But either way, you can be honest about reality without using reality as justification for atrocities.

>> No.11630043

>babies first slight about the Reich
stfu cuck

>> No.11630045
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Ok sodomite.

>> No.11630049
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Just so you know, I'm the guy here >>11629944
who is defending the position that the difference is primarily genetic
I'm sorry if that offends you, I know you're not used to a person who has a thoughtful, central position between the usual extremes.

>> No.11630052

You have officially shifted the goalposts. From the beginning I have said this is a reasonable statement:
>it's possible some of the difference is due to genetics
That's still my stance. So now we agree, and can both condemn Watson for saying:
>The difference IS genetic.
Where is the evidence for the 2nd statement? Doesn't exist.

>> No.11630054
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>he positi

>> No.11630056
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>supports the genocide of innocents
Yeah, just right off, you complete niggerfaggot.

>> No.11630061
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>> No.11630063
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>> No.11630068

>innocent people don't die in war
kys you fucking pseud

>> No.11630070
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West African niggers derive 2 to 19% of their genetic ancestry from an archaic population that diverged before the split of Neanderthals and modern humans.


>> No.11630072
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I don't support war either. There wouldn't have had to have been a war if Hitler hadn't started one.
Just give up FFS.

>> No.11630074

It's not that other races aren't different. It's that to eliminate inter-race strife, all races must become a single race. Yes, they'll be ugly, but you've seen enough porn with hot white women. You'll be fine without them. Global harmony is more important than your dick.

>> No.11630076

Is this really the best you have? It's basically an opinion piece which cites extremely tenuous at best evidence.
If you want to actually know the current state of intelligence research

is a good starting point

>> No.11630078
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I'm a white guy, know that whites are probably smarter than blacks on an average scale, and nothing gets me harder than big black booty.
>and BBC, I'm pretty bi sometimes
So, I guess I'm lucky here.

>> No.11630079
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imagine how beautiful the world would have been if hitler won ww2
we would have a pure white utopia with world peace and an end of degeneracy

>> No.11630080

Hitler didnt start the war you stupid nigger stfu, you are way out of your depth here kid try reading some history books before you start spewing some nigger tier retard shit they told you to believe in school when you "studied" it for a few days. Just stfu already

>> No.11630082
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>Yes, they'll be ugly,

Not just ugly but stupid. I live in Brazil and the average mutt IQ here is 82 iirc.

>> No.11630084

>keeps telling anon to "stfu" over and over
>thinks he's smart and worthy of conversation

>> No.11630089
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>> No.11630093
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Nah, genetic differences would have cropped up over time and caused more problems for purists again.
That plus it's a perfectionistic ideology that doesn't hold and Nazi's disagreed on lots of shit, the world problems wouldn't disappear, Hitler was almost assassinated by Nazi's

You can have your romantic utopia of "muh Nazi paradise", the rest of us will live in the real world that will always have real problems.

>> No.11630094
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>> No.11630098

>some of the difference is genetic
>the difference is genetic
You're agreeing with Watson more than you're disagreeing with him.

>> No.11630103

You're misquoting me.

>> No.11630120

no kys

>> No.11630128

You're kidding, right? The reason we'll be going extinct is because we've invited them into our nations en masse.

I'm not totally against trying to help, but we should help them in their own nations and be careful not to:
-brain drain their best people away
-prop up population levels they can't support on their own
-enable any kind of population explosion while pollution and diminishing resources (fish stocks, soil quality, desertification, etc.) remain problems
-hamstring our own progress due to pathological empathy and/or naive utopian ideals

>> No.11630136

hahahaa roasty got toastied
based chink

>> No.11630153

>asian people are smarter than white people
"Why of course. And might I applaud you for stating that? In fact, here's a gold medal, keep up the good work"
>white people are smarter than black people
"You absolutely DISGUSTING racist BIGOT. LIES! Damned LIES! Give me any awards you've ever earned for anything! You should be ASHAMED!"

The only time people don't accept racial differences is when white people have a leg up on anyone else. Any situation where another racial group is better than white people, you're a racist if you DON'T accept the difference.

>> No.11630154

Theres proof of IQ differences but no suggestion of whether the difference is genetic or by how much. Should also note that race may not be a good way to compare IQs. Theres more genetic variatiob in Africa than the rest of the world combined so a white vs black comparison is inherently distorting of the link between IQ and ancestry. It also distorts much of the variation within these groups. For instance, in the UK, many white immigrant groups along with Caribbeans do quite poorly at school while i believe some African groups actually do better than white students of uk descent.

>> No.11630159


>> No.11630172

finally unbanned fren

>> No.11630200
File: 184 KB, 1000x765, youvotedforthis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cites academic frauds
From the clown brigade that pieced together your pdf of lies:
>We review new findings and new theoretical developments in the field of intelligence. New findings include the following: (a) Heritability of IQ varies significantly by social class.
Turkheimers' research on this failed to be replicated by other researchers. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17279339
https://philpapers.org/rec/NAGSSD "in contrast to the findings of Turkheimer et al. (2003), there was no evidence in these data that familiarity for cognitive abilities was lower in the lower as opposed to upper levels of socioeconomic status. These results were consistent across measures, ethnicity and sex of offspring."
>(b) Almost no genetic polymorphisms have been discovered that are consistently associated with variation in IQ in the normal range.
Wow. Almost?
Would be a darn shame if these genes turned out to differ on average in various population groups... So we just won't look at Piffer and his racist research from 2015 that did compare these averages. Seriously, don't. It's really terrifying. Also I can't find the link right now.
>(e) The importance of the environment for IQ is established by the 12-point to 18-point increase in IQ when children are adopted from working-class to middle-class homes.
Why not mention that this IQ difference goes away as the kids grow into adults? Would be quite pertinent to point out in light of stuff like the Wilson effect. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23919982
This comment is to long. Like the academic lifespan of professional liars like Nisbett and Turkheimer.

tl;dr: Your link is a great starting point for anyone who wants to start researching fraud academics and their lies.

>> No.11630210

>Theres more genetic variatiob in Africa than the rest of the world combined so a white vs black comparison is inherently distorting of the link between IQ and ancestry
Is there any particular black ethnicity noted for its high IQ?

>> No.11630256

>no replies

>> No.11630271

Remember to report /pol/- incels like this as many times as you can.

>> No.11630277

>russian right-wing think tank has something to say
into the trash it goes

>> No.11630285

No think there's fundamentally different about the human brain that cuts them above animals and puts them all on a more equal playing field because they all have this special quality. But then there's people like Terrence Tao and that theory no longer holds any water. So I guess I just have to accept scientific racism.

>> No.11630311

Define racist. If you go by the definition that racism is the belief that some races are superior to others, then science could be considered racist. It really depends on what criteria you select for something to be considered superior. By most contemporary criteria of what is desirable, science does produce results that are indeed racist since it can demonstrate that some races are superior at conforming to these desirable criteria.

>> No.11630337

>turkheimer fraud

you sound like a child. why dont you go read the paper, its good.

>Why not mention that this IQ difference goes away as the kids grow into adults?

Yeah but you can't tell why it goes away. It could still be for environmental reasons.

>fraud academics and their lies.

Like Pfiffer. He cant even get his work published. Is he even a proper academic?

>> No.11630347
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>Remember to report /pol/- incels like this as many times as you can.

Oh, the irony.

>> No.11630375

Igbo Jews

>> No.11630392

>fucking up the speech bubble
you had one job retard

>> No.11630395

work on your reading comprehension

>> No.11630397

> you sound like a child. why dont you go read the paper, its good.
It's not good. Its findings can't be replicated. How on earth can you consider that good?
Also: Turkheimer is a fraud. These are not my words. He himself has stated that any inquiry into this topic that could possibly lead to anyone coming to the conclusion that innate differences between human population groups can exist is morally indefensible. Citing his work as valid in any empirical sense after he has made such statements is malicious at worst, ignorant at best. He has a ideological belief he seeks to promote through the veneer of 'science'. He has demonstrated this with his 'research' that can't be replicated. You are promoting academic frauds.

> Yeah but you can't tell why it goes away. It could still be for environmental reasons.
Your brain grows. Just like your height only starts to resemble the parents height when the child has finished growing into an adult, so to does the brain.
Applying your own logic to height, we should have short children grow up with tall children, so the short children can grow like the tall children. Retard science giving manlets hope.

>Like Pfiffer. He cant even get his work published. Is he even a proper academic?
lol. The "proper academics" like Turkheimer and Nisbett? I guess David doesn't fit that group given he doesn't lie. Though his work is published, and stands up to replication. :)

>> No.11630399
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>dilapidated and amyloid-riddled
are you compensating for something, nigger?

>> No.11630407

when did this board become ruined? Last I was here it was a slow board with most people communicating in educated paragraphs. that was maybe 2 years ago? now it seems like it’s borderline retarded racist incels like the other boards. how long has it been shit? holy fuck this site is bad now. called it years ago they needed to delete pol and just permaban anyone from there with 1 warning max.

>> No.11630408

I agree, but some of the big reasons they are leaving are situations that "we" (us govt, Sykes picot, rusya) created. I think however we should address this in ways that do not require mass migration

>> No.11630415
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Ok inbred.

>> No.11630417

you shouldn't have greentexted it then, work on your shitposting

>> No.11630424

it’s not as if it’s subjective that pol on a board eventually lowers its average intelligence by 30 to 40 points. your only damage control is to squawk about jews, which is all you do anyway. you’re the type of person whose own parents hate them

>> No.11630429

eugenics wasnt a nazi concept

>> No.11630432
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same fag fuck off

>> No.11630433

he was quoting the person directly above him, the only reason you thought it was fucked up is because you cant read

>> No.11630435

They (/pol/) started spamming this board routinely probably around two years ago actually. There’s been a steady outflow of smart people since then, and simultaneously a steady influx of stupid people. I think the problem is they get instantly banned from every other forum that actually regulates for intelligence so they come here.

>> No.11630436

>hey wait, this isn't like reddit at all!
Where else do you intent to find discussions on a scientific topic that is verboten? It's not pretty but at least it's there.
And just in case you were wondering, this website has never been highbrow.

>> No.11630441

unfortunately it'll never happen as low IQ /pol/ posters are most of the site's traffic at this point, and consist of most of the site's revenue, as they aren't smart enough to adblock, and also tend to buy passes as they struggle with captchas.

>> No.11630442

it gets worse every year. the usual boards ive browsed for years have been ruined (/lit/, /his/, /sci/). Ironically the only boards that seem untouched are the anime boards. /m/ is still a chill board,

>> No.11630443

wtf do you know about the Nazis and what they did you fucking retard

>> No.11630447

> They (/pol/) started spamming this board routinely probably around two years ago actually
This doesn't smell like your own asshole at all.
> I think the problem is they get instantly banned from every other forum that actually regulates for intelligence so they come here.
Please do inform me of some of these forums that regulate for intelligence.

>> No.11630450

meanwhile with a bigger study:
>Accurate understanding of environmental moderation of genetic influences is vital to advancing the science of cognitive development as well as for designing interventions. One widely reported idea is increasing genetic influence on cognition for children raised in higher socioeconomic status (SES) families, including recent proposals that the pattern is a particularly US phenomenon. We used matched birth and school records from Florida siblings and twins born in 1994–2002 to provide the largest, most population-diverse consideration of this hypothesis to date. We found no evidence of SES moderation of genetic influence on test scores, suggesting that articulating gene-environment interactions for cognition is more complex and elusive than previously supposed.

>We found no evidence of SES moderation of genetic influence on test scores, suggesting that articulating gene-environment interactions for cognition is more complex and elusive than previously supposed.

>turkheimer fraud
p much. he just cherry picks his data to fit his preconception.

>> No.11630456

>boo hoo I just want to bury my head in the sand and pretend the world isnt on fire and our civilization isnt under attack
kys you fucking cuck you will be the first to be eaten when the famine starts

>> No.11630457

>forum that actually regulates for intelligence
are you arguing for eugenics now?

>> No.11630459

all ideology. do yourself a favor and shoot yourself. you are beyond saving.

>> No.11630460

you can't read dumbass, I just said that he shouldn't have greentexted it

>> No.11630464

/his/ I noticed still has some intelligent population. /pol/ virgins try shilling there 24/7 and they get btfo in every thread. It’s a hilarious reminder that this site is basically a subhuman echo chamber outside of the few smart pockets.

>> No.11630468

yes /his/ is one of the better boards and has a better good post to shit post ratio but nonetheless it is still garbo.

>> No.11630469 [DELETED] 
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>forum that actually regulates for intelligence
eugichan when?

>> No.11630470

do you know how greentext works?

>> No.11630472

>blacks are more athletic than other races
>Nobody bats an eye

>blacks are somewhat less intelligent than other racist

>> No.11630475
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>> No.11630478

it might not have been high brow but before it was sentient. I’ve never seen dumber people than /pol/ on this site anywhere. You’ll find higher intelligence in any special ed class than here.

>> No.11630479
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>forum that actually regulates for intelligence
eugenichan when?

>> No.11630486

what i don’t get about /pol/ is how even with their animal intelligence they want to have the same thread all day every day. no legit thoughts go through their heads, just racist obsessions. it’s like their skulls are empty except for some incel nazi dogma bouncing around

>> No.11630500

you sound more obsessed with /pol/ than you claim they are about race shit desu.

>> No.11630503

>running fast

>> No.11630506

Im sure you can fit in more buzzwords in the next post, also you are part of the problem.

>> No.11630512

there’s no such thing as being obsessed with /pol/ if you’re here. they literally ruin this site with their animal IQ. It’s like saying someone is obsessed with the splinter in their foot. you should have your brain studied, and not while it’s attached to your overweight body. you are not a person.

>> No.11630515
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>Dear diary, today my browsing experience was ruined by someone who posted a picture of Adolf Hitler. I never thought I would see such a thing on 4chan. I feel so depressed. I don't know where to go on the internet where I can be kept safe from these monsters. I wish there was somewhere I could go that mercilessly banned any dissenting thought and kept my Netflix generated sensibilities safe...

>> No.11630517

>summarizing a constant effort to destroy every single thread on this site as “someone posting a of Hitler”
it doesn’t even qualify as disingenuous. it’s a lie that only someone who is functionally retarded would tell. A lie only someone from /pol/ would tell.

>> No.11630518

Reality is racist and nothing can stop it, the harder you fight it the harder it fights back.

>> No.11630520

it's just a thread, you don't have to pay any attention to it if you don't choose to unlike a splinter in the foot. also iq? isn't that pseudoscience according to your team? kinda odd you would be using it in a legitimate way here while saying i need my head studied. i think you're more fascinating rn desu. also fat shaming? yikes, but desu i couldn't be more of a sticc.

>> No.11630524

imagine talking shit about Reddit given the state of this site kek. I would take any amount of moderation to have my forum populated by smart people instead of creatures

>> No.11630527

This site is pretty much the only place you can still openly discuss racial differences, if you don't like it you are free to leave.

>> No.11630529

literally this lmao.

>> No.11630530

And yet you are here.

>> No.11630536

It's literally against the rules

>> No.11630544

>implying discussion of race is always racism

>> No.11630548

imagine calling the propaganda spam that happens here “race discussion.” If it were discussion you wouldn’t find over 1 million instances of the word “Jew” in the archive. Neo-nazis aren’t smart enough to do anything that could be called discussion.

>> No.11630549


>> No.11630552

here it definitely is kek what are you brain dead

>> No.11630561
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>> No.11630562

not really, you ppl call everything racism.

>> No.11630566

don't come back and tell the others not to come to this place

>> No.11630573

all of the dumb people on this site are virulent, delusional racists. Not the SJW version of “rayciss.” The people here are like scum of the earth parasites.

>> No.11630574

oops sorry was meant for this whiny faggot >>11630524

>> No.11630578

so why are you still here? what attracts you to this place if it's so full of the boogeyman you so despise?

>> No.11630579


>> No.11630589

because last I browsed this site it wasn’t on average literally retarded. this board especially was usable and had smart people who were actually interested in science.

>> No.11630592

You talk like a crazy person.
> ITS ///THEM///
Do tell what they are doing. Other than posting things you don't like. Did you expect every single poster to post things that conform to your values?

>> No.11630600

And psychometrics isn't "scientific"?

>> No.11630601

>had smart people who were actually interested in science.
Yeah and this includes racial differences.

>> No.11630604

people don’t have to conform to values, but evil and stupid people need to be banned from discussion. the whole of /pol/ is both of those things.

>> No.11630605

>who were actually interested in science.
do you mind explaining what this even means? i don't see how /pol/ being interested in the genetic underpinnings of intelligence and how there may be differences in distributions of alleles across various groups isn't taking an interest in science exactly. sure you can say they are biased but so are the blank slatists, yet you give them a pass.

>> No.11630608

But you would be instantly banned...

>> No.11630610
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>get rid of these dumb trumptard racists and make 4chan great again
>meanwhile 4chan back in the day

>> No.11630615

>but so are the blank slatists, yet you give them a pass
They don't exist here and wouldn't get a pass if they did.

>> No.11630616

>but evil and stupid people need to be banned from discussion
And yet you are here.

>> No.11630623

i saw someone post turkheimer and nesbitt a few posts above.

>> No.11630628

/pol/ is only interested in science when they’re trying to push a racist agenda. they are textbook anti-science. anon are you actually retarded? the people who call science and logic Jooish because it debunks all of their beliefs are pro science?

>> No.11630643

> people don’t have to conform to values but we need to ban those who are evil
'Evil' people are by definition the kinds of people whose values differ from yours to such a degree that you find their existence abhorrent. I mean.... are you stupid?

>> No.11630644

dumb strawman, you dont have to be a /pol/tard to understand that negros are inferior

>> No.11630645

>/pol/ is only interested in science when they’re trying to push a racist agenda.
so why are you interested in science?
>they are textbook anti-science.
by that logic so are all the blank slatists because they are only interested in science when it is to push their egalitarian agenda.
>the people who call science and logic Jooish because it debunks all of their beliefs are pro science?
ok yeah anyone espousing deutsche physik logic is anti-scientific and anti-intellectual but many are called /pol/ who do not fit into this description.

>> No.11630646

If you're not a genetic determinist it doesn't mean you're a blank slatist. Your mind only knows how to think in extremes. Stop it.

>> No.11630647

you’re talking about people who commit more logical fallacies than even religious people. they hate science, they just pretend otherwise when they think it can be used for politics/evil.

>> No.11630653

You could not be more dishonest if you tried

>> No.11630656

they are environmental determinists tho. i have never seen them work with genetics in any sense other than to downplay its role. and often quite badly but they do not get the same scrutiny that those who are labeled genetic determinists get. the problem i find is there is an unfair bias in academia towards minimizing the importance of genes.

>> No.11630657

I have come to the conclusion that you are just really stupid and can't help project your stupidity to protect your cognitive dissonance from acing the fact that you are a retarded pseud

>> No.11630658

sounds like sjws/libtards to me

>> No.11630663

it bothers me that sjws are given the credit of being called liberal. they are anything but. that said yeah that does sound like sjws.

>> No.11630672

there is always going to be a personal bias against genes for the everyday person but i think psychology is more accepting of genes than ever. its just that the people who are interested in genes and race just happen to be racists and eugenicists. not sure why.

>> No.11630676

don't do this. it only convinces people that jews are "untouchable"

>> No.11630679

>they are environmental determinists tho
>i have never seen them work with genetics in any sense other than to downplay its role.
You did it yet again. Those aren't the same thing. Here is the crux of their view:
>Almost no genetic polymorphisms have been discovered that are consistently associated with variation
in IQ in the normal range.
This is just true. There is no arguing this. Yes, they are downplaying the idea of genetic determinism because there is a severe lack of evidence. In fact, almost the same thing is stated in The Bell Curve. They basically say "we don't actually know for sure, so don't assume a genetic solution, or an environmental one."

>> No.11630682

defending /pol/ is any way whatsoever means you are disqualified from using the word stupid except in self description. you deserve to be beaten within a half-inch of your life you parasitic sexless weasel. there is no one more anti-science than /pol/. these are the same people who call psychology “JOUISH LIEZ” except IQ, which they conveniently like... except when it proves atheists are superior. Then IQ is back to being fedora JOUISH. /pol/ is too stupid to be called hypocritical. Like can you call a dog hypocritical? No, they simply aren’t smart enough to understand or spot contradictions.

>> No.11630689

kek, mark zuckerberg is one of the most shit-talked people on the planet and he’s a jooish billionaire. Jooish is an appropriate mockery of the Jew-obsessed permavirgin failures on this site.

>> No.11630695

SJWs are like genius paragons of logic compared to /pol/. If SJWs have monkey intelligence, /pol/ has insect. There’s no comparison.

>> No.11630698

>implying he isnt trying

>> No.11630699

zuckerberg is not a banker or media CEO but a random nerd that got rich

>> No.11630700

You are coming across as a schizo that doesn't belong.
> you deserve to be beaten within a half-inch of your life you parasitic sexless weasel. there is no one more anti-science than /pol/. these are the same people who call psychology “JOUISH LIEZ” except IQ, which they conveniently like... except when it proves atheists are superior. Then IQ is back to being fedora JOUISH.
No one talks like this. What is wrong with you? "fedora JOUISH"?
what the fuck dude...

>> No.11630701

Humanities does not imply science can't study iq and difference. Just that humans have some sort of intrinsic worth by being human not by iq.

>> No.11630703
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>triggered inbred.

>> No.11630704

why are you so obssessed with sex?

>> No.11630706

so steve hsu is a racist eugenicist? but suppose everyone who has this interest is as you say, should they just be dismissed on that basis? by that logic operation paperclip should've never happened.

>>Almost no genetic polymorphisms have been discovered that are consistently associated with variation in IQ in the normal range.
>This is just true. There is no arguing this. Yes, they are downplaying the idea of genetic determinism because there is a severe lack of evidence.
maybe back in 2012 when that was published. i've seen a lot of gwas and polygeneic score studies since then show a number of loci that influence iq.
> They basically say "we don't actually know for sure, so don't assume a genetic solution, or an environmental one."
if you say so, i just remember from back in they day they were squarely in the environmental solution side of things. been a while since i looked at this.

>> No.11630709

Really? We’re talking about holocaust deniers. They are as anti-science as flat earthers. All of their beliefs are based on feelings and politics. Just because once in a blue moon their feelings and politics coincide with science doesn’t make them pro-science. Are astrologists pro-science because stars exist? Moron.

>> No.11630711

One of the most based posts I have seen.

>> No.11630713

sorry the link for the nature article is broken, here it is from ncbi:

>> No.11630716

Really you're bringing up the holocaust as evidence of anti-science? At least bring up some tranny studies because they're losing ground there

>> No.11630718

it’s a lie that Jews run banks.
In the top 50 only 6 and 33 have juu execs. Comedy gold red pill that proves single handedly how stupid of an echo chamber 4chan is. There’s simply a lack of honest and smart people on this site to say the least.

>> No.11630719

i dont know who that is but its clear that race and intelligence reserch is driven by eugenecists and racists. its just a fact, regardless of the truth about race and iq.

>> No.11630722

/pol/ is also holocaust deniers and their arguments are worse than flat earth arguments. hell one of their most common forms of shilling is literally citing a fake book with masturbation machines. or talking about wooden doors. holocaust deniers are universally mentally deficient and everyone on /pol/ is one, which closes the case all by itself.

>> No.11630728
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The Left is the anti-science faction. You simply cannot deny this fact.

>> No.11630729

This thread was moved to >>>/pol/255988041