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File: 131 KB, 640x480, anti-racism-campaign-blood-bags-small-85286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11628992 No.11628992 [Reply] [Original]

Is this right sci?

are we all the same underneath?

>> No.11629007

Basically yeah. We're all just a bunch of sugars, proteins, some minerals and lipids arranged weirdly with the sole purpose of reproduction.

>> No.11629023

No, certain people can't take certain blood type donations. We are definitely not all the same underneath.

>> No.11629055

>Didn't do a cross match

>> No.11629056


>> No.11629060

What a depressing worldview

>> No.11629074
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>> No.11629085

>not all the same underneath.
You're right theres A, B, AB, O

>> No.11629094

There's also rhesus type, bone density, fast-twitch muscle fiber...

>> No.11629101

It's the one that's the least dented

>> No.11629103

What's yours?

>> No.11629115

There's a lot more:

"A total of 36 human blood group systems and 346 antigens are now recognized by the International Society of Blood Transfusion (ISBT)."

>> No.11629125

hardcore agnosticism

>> No.11629126

Don't worry, they're all o-negative.

>> No.11629159

Whichever one doesn't have sickle-cell or a blood borne STD.

>> No.11629177

How do I know if the blood of a pig, horse, sheep or human?

>> No.11629193

Nah. I'd give my child my own blood. Can't risk it, one-drop rule.

>> No.11629200


>> No.11629216


>> No.11629232

Beats me.
Still despise nigger culture.

>> No.11629241

how can a nobel-prize winning scientist possibly conclude that the difference in average IQ between races is genetic when there are so many other environmental factors involved that aren't properly controlled for?

>> No.11629252

achievements rarely require intelligence. School requires non whatsoever.

>> No.11629264

He and others have argued that its mostly genetic, and that the environmental factors that determine the variation in behavioral phenotype are less substantial than those seen for others like for instance drug induced schizophrenia or type two diabetes where the genetic factors are substantial but simply cannot by themselves result in the disease manifesting without some environmental disturbance.

>> No.11629269

because it would be some miracle if such significantly different genetics just happened to provide the same or highly similar results for one

also conversely, paper thin evidence that environmental factors alone can create such huge disparities

>> No.11629280

this argument can be generalized
>Speciesists, your child needs a pint of blood to live. Pick the human one.

>> No.11629299

>Different species have compatible blood types

>> No.11629303


Need to emphasise this - some blood products could very well cause a severe and potentially life threatening reaction in the recipient. You really cannot just give anyone blood from anyone else (further just to add insult of ignorance to the idiot who did that poster the relative ratio of blood group types varies between ethnicity so chances are you would very much want one from your own ethnicity as there is a higher change of a match - same applies to organ and tissue donations).

>> No.11629312

What a fucking gay earth we live on, where the few with enough gumption to not lie to us are punished and craven liars are rewarded.

>> No.11629313


Also, some medical drugs work better/worse in different ethnic groups and different ethnic groups hare inherently more likely to suffer particular diseases purely on a genetic basis. Treatments could very well vary depending on your ethnic group for sound medical reasons.

>> No.11629317
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>> No.11629324
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>pick the white one

>> No.11629328


>> No.11629329

>chances are you would very much want one from your own ethnicity as there is a higher change of a match
This is only true if you are getting a transfusion when you don't know your own blood type, which is a great way to kill yourself. I'm a white type O, so Hispanics are more likely to have my blood type than other whites

>> No.11629356
File: 63 KB, 878x654, Sickle Cell Anemia distribution in USA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are we all the same underneath?

Even on blood level WE ARE NOT THE SAME.

As of 2015, about 4.4 million people have sickle cell disease, while an additional 43 million have sickle cell trait. About 80% of sickle cell disease cases are believed to occur IN SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA. It also occurs relatively frequently in parts of India, the Arabian Peninsula, and among people of African origin living in other parts of the world.


>> No.11629360


>> No.11629585

Would you be willing to get a blood transfusion from a dog?

>> No.11629834

>she will literally die without a matching donor!!!
>but if there's less chance of a match, don't bother at all!!
Fucking dumb

>> No.11629954

ABO and RhD - the only two blood types in the world.

>> No.11630037

>lets increase the risk of her dying by wasting time screening populations less likely to produce a match
>it's worth it to preserve the myth of inconsequential human divergence
I hope you get murdered by a nigger with the 2-repeat MAOA allele

>> No.11630058


>> No.11630142

not that anon, but the fact that we have no pre-ordaned purpose is kinda awesome. If nobody else tells us what the meaning of life is, than it defaults to us to choose. We call the shots. We're made of the same stuff as this universe, and we're capable of thinking and deciding what's important. WE are the mechanism that decides the meaning of life, each and every one of us.

It's like each one of us is a blank sheet of paper that we get to fill in as we live our lives. Finding our purpose for being alive is one of the few aspects of this universe where objectively what we think becomes actually become reality, because we are literally the only part of the universe that can decide such things.

The fact that some people choose to decide that something as arbitrary as color of skin is what's important for life is what's really depressing. I know some people are REALLY FREAKING hung up about skin color, but it truly is arbitrary when you look at it from far away.

>> No.11630178

>weak, rambling attempt to link finding purpose with the myths of equalism and tabula rasa
>says we get to decide what's important then shits on others for exercising that prerogative in a way he doesn't like
>HBD is just skin colour

The prevalence of this kind of abject stupidity is what's really depressing.

>> No.11630197

You're going to screen no matter what. If they have trouble finding donors, why the fuck would they refuse?

>> No.11630220

Where did they refuse?

>> No.11630250
File: 106 KB, 1280x720, hoh5j4k35kt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shits on others for exercising that prerogative in a way he doesn't like
shitting on people is a long standing human tradition. everyone poops anon
What's important is the intent behind it. It can be done with purely spiteful or malicious intent, or with blind rage and confusion, or out of tough love.

old chanfags will tell you we'd shit on the newfags pretty hard for if they didn't understanding this distinction. It was harsh very but done with love. There are no oldfags left on 4chan. They have been replaced by /stormfront/ nazi army. all trolling is done mostly out of pure spite these days because it's been normalized by racists. There's nobody left on 4chan to teach people this distinction.
You seem pretty indoctrinated in their ways so I'm not sure if you're just regurgitating what you've been reading on the new /stormfront/chan or if you're officially part of their club but everybody should know that 4chan isn't for racists. It's explicitly against the rules.

Don't mistake /stormfront/'s ability to evade bans as acceptance of this shit as normal behavior for 4chan.

>> No.11630252
File: 63 KB, 754x721, 1568046542781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you really believe that the cognitive differences between humans and niggers are due to socioeconomic factors?

>> No.11630253

>muh old 4chan
lmao i have no idea what you guys were talking about but I just saw this and wanted to let you know that you are a retard

>> No.11630257

largely, yes. there are plenty of dumb whiteoids and plenty of respectable african americans. this is not to say that racist policies like affirmative action should exist.

>> No.11630261


>> No.11630263

>Lets collect blood that goes bad after a few weeks from 1000 asians instead of 10 blacks!

>> No.11630265

Cringe but you’ll get there

>> No.11630281
File: 613 KB, 551x820, chip_sheep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Low IQ genetics make low IQ people who make low IQ environments which make lower IQ people. High IQ genetics make high IQ people who make high IQ environments which make higher IQ people.

Everything is genetic.

>> No.11630302

That is almost like the belief that the Earth is flat to me.

>> No.11630306
File: 127 KB, 323x266, 1582571777058.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeing as statistically speaking only white people donate blood I'm gonna go with all of them.

>> No.11630319

How do Injuns have the second highest rate of sickle cell disease? Do some tribes of chugs have significant nigger admixture?

>> No.11630326

>is retarded
sorry that you also seem to suffer from low IQ nigger genes.

>> No.11630333
File: 331 KB, 536x553, EZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no need to be upset about your low IQ environment, it's where you belong.

>> No.11630344
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>> No.11630346

smug anime girls don't make you right, pedo.

>> No.11630352
File: 46 KB, 426x412, 1583068653036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not an argument

>> No.11630361

>impying you had an argument either
that hrt is giving you brain fog

>> No.11630364


>> No.11630390
File: 55 KB, 480x479, csb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Racism is also a long standing human tradition... Can't avoid double standards, can you?

>anyone who thinks HBD is consequential or opposes mass unilateral non-white immigration to white nations is ebil nahzee rayciss consumed with blinding hate
>you're indocrinated

Projecting hard anon. If oldchan was full of feminized worms like you, then it has changed for the better.

>> No.11630404
File: 42 KB, 1024x768, 1576870022450.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are in the wrong place.

>> No.11630411

>Tribalism is also a long standing human tradition

It's a biologically embedded survival mechanism from when resources were scares among a group of people. It happens both large groups and small ones too.
It's as simple as force the group to divide into a smaller group, where there is enough resources to go around. Then make sure you're part of the group that has all the resources. Racists are thinking with neanderthal their brain. Worst part is there's plenty of resources for everybody to share. It's literally a vestigial survival mechanism.

>> No.11630422

what does that have to do with my post? you are allowed to post anime, you just aren't allowed to use smug anime girls as a substitute for an argument just because its an "anime website" (its not, this is the science board, hence why you can't discuss your cartoons here but you can in /a/)

>> No.11630752

Well, you must be thinking with your austrolopithecine brain, because everything you say is beyond retarded.

>> No.11630819

>Which is the white one
They're fucking red

>> No.11630941

H-huh I'll p-pick umm ... um....







>> No.11630962
File: 9 KB, 250x208, 1572536934754s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smug anime girl pics are above arguments and inference rules (e.g. modus ponens) in the epistemic hierarchy.

>> No.11631441

The state of this board...we used to discuss more science and now it is all 'iq iq iq'....wtf is wrong with /pol/ superiority/inferiority complex?

>> No.11631799

Yes. If you remove everything from it that could cause inflammation

>> No.11633268

I just donate my blood duh

>> No.11633303
File: 338 KB, 750x671, BePatient.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know about RH- and blood types

>> No.11635222

maybe we should let the woke think they can?
only problem is we then have to setup a two tier health system