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11421768 No.11421768 [Reply] [Original]

The complexity and nuance of the human experience is a computationally intractable problem and not even a super intelligence will be capable of optimizing human society.
Even the concept of reverse engineering an individual human brain is not possible for a super intelligence, as the neuronal firing is an encrypted data signature with trillions of data points that are all completely unique, so any fantasy of a "machine god" being able to scan your neurons and copy or construct a simulation for you is a childish fantasy that ignores all understanding of the limits of computability. A super intelligence the size of the galaxy still would not even come close to being capable of reverse engineering a single human brain.
The best we can hope for is a super intelligence that very well organizing labor and distribution of goods so that all people can have their base needs met while they go for their own individual dreams and goals. Anything greater than this is sci fi incel trash that shouldn't be seriously considered on a science board.

>> No.11421798

You're not wrong but redditors are going to seethe and cope over this

>> No.11421859

Why would anything seethe over this?

>> No.11422970

I can tell you're a fan of Colossus, the Forbin project. But of course he, sorry it, only tried to prevent humanity from blowing itself up.

>> No.11423392


Are you sure you know what you're talking about?

Simulating a human brain on silicone can't be that hard, can it? Getting an accurate reading of a brain without destroying it, however. But just approximating a human mind? You imagine we create som superhuman AI but it cannot do much better at organizing society than we can? You're not being very clear.

>> No.11423401


You think we'll be able to create superhuman intelligence, but it won't be much smarter than us? All it will do is be able to organize human labor and distribute goods well? Won't it be better than us at most if not all things? Also at simulating intelligence? So why the fuck wouldn't it be able to simulate us, when we created the fucking thing.

>> No.11423403


We create superhuman intelligence.

Superhuman intelligence is not smart enough to simulate human minds.

Maybe you got it the wrong way around

>> No.11423535


>humans are special snowflakes
>superhuman intelligence cannot understand humans

then humans can't understand humans
then you cannot understand yourself
which means that you are a retard

>> No.11423544

The point of the OP is that computational complexity of reverse engineering the human brain is intractable regardless of how powerful a machine you build.
It's not a matter of intelligence, it's a matter of the fundamental limits of computation.

>> No.11423579


OP just mashes together a lot of sci-fi sounding non-sense and pretends to refute/debunk it.

A superhuman intelligence would by definition be better than us at organizing and optimizing society. It would be better than humans at understanding people's psychology and predicting our behavior.

Op say's first "superintelligence will not be capable of optimizing human society", but then ends on "the best we can hope for is a super intelligence that organizes our society well". Well, which ones is it?

>> No.11423674
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Citation needed

>> No.11423693

>we figured it out
>$299, needs pcie4 though

>> No.11423720

>It would be better than humans at understanding people's psychology
>predicting our behavior
This is true, but reducing psychology to behavior alone seems like throwing the baby out with the bathwater. You could probably optimize for a certain behavioral pattern associated with security and prosperity but also make everyone simultaneously completely miserable, forever.

>> No.11423743 [DELETED] 

Also known as optimal time translation prioritizarion and process engineering.


>> No.11423748

If you ever feel miserable, it’s your own fault.

>> No.11423760 [DELETED] 
File: 61 KB, 408x751, images - 2020-02-06T165209.519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why me?
Why not me?
Why wasn't I, or this moment of self-inspection, remembered sooner?

>> No.11423768

Just make yourself not miserable dumbass

>> No.11423802 [DELETED] 

I'm not. It is the first thing I learned years ago. Some people just aren't used to a persistent/consistent personality.

>> No.11423828

I used to feel terrible all the time until I realized I could actively control my mood by simply exposing myself to encouraging and optimistic experiences. Seems like some people do the opposite and surround themselves with shitty experiences and think about shitty things for no real reason.

>> No.11423847 [DELETED] 

I surround myself with shitty everything and just internally generate my translation filter to smooth out any harsh squaring functions.

It's like being in a perpetual dojo of ego for my soul. Why bother let others unless they are as inclusive as you, OR a big moment fucker?


>> No.11423946

Again, like the mods deleting my posts. Like a frustrated pregnant turtle I must clear out this sand and lay my clutch for future generations!

>Shits out an endless stream of retards

>> No.11424072

Is that true if you're a brainlet like me? Ifnit is true then how can some people not believe in the Gods?

>> No.11424082

All do, they just have their personalized browser porn history. Which is just my way of saying synonyms and semantics, we all want to be with those that want to build those stories with us.

KumKum the Kookaburra.

>> No.11424094

Sounds like a cope. It's funny that us humans jump to a sense of grandiosity for ourselves. So we assume we are unique and complex but my belief is that we aren't as unique and complex as we perceive ourselves to be. Given time and research we would prove ourselves of that. While we can agree the human mind is complex and hard to retrace I don't think it's impossible or unreachable. Rather we should allow the mathematical tools to help sort how our brain works so it can be reduced to a simpler form.

>> No.11424103

Given focus and resources you can prove anything to yourself and others.

>Patience & Integrity maintained.

>> No.11424405

actually QML, once developed, will make this objective tractable.

>> No.11424412

The entire field of complexity theory.

>> No.11424416

There is nothing grandios about this. This has nothing to do with intelligence it's simply a matter of the fundamental limits of computability.
I guess this anon >>11421798 was right. Seething and coping and crying all over.

>> No.11424421

Quantum computing will not help whatsoever if it even ever gets developed.

>> No.11424434

"organizing well" and "optimizing" are not the same thing.

>> No.11424458

Human brain is just cells and atoms and shit, how hard can it be to replicate?

>> No.11425203

Heuristics exist you know, theres no need to descend into the nitty gritty of our brains to exploit it.
Hell, psychology and marketing already do shit like this right now, a super AI would juggle us single handedly

>> No.11425978

>a super intelligence that very well organizing labor and distribution of goods so that all people can have their base needs met
Even this is asking far too much, for the same reasons you listed above.

>> No.11426002

Penrose likes this post.

Whatever goes on in the human brain is uncomputable and likely connected to quantum mechanics in a hidden way.

>> No.11426827

Why is neuron firing an encrypted data signature?

>> No.11426862

>e the size of the galaxy still would not even come close to being capable of reverse engineering a single human brain.
fake and gay. We're already half way there. I guarantee I can predict a ton of what you will do based off some psychometrics and other models. You sound narcisstic and low IQ

>> No.11426882

Humans are just inferential stochastic word applicators. We associate event/outcome to a word and map it to a ratio of how others used it, within some granularity of if it worked for others.

Anything beyond this is simply a plant and dance tactic.

>> No.11428963

Hypothetically, using a massive energy source like a star (which is impossible but hypothetically) would give a machine more than enough power to simulate the complexity of a human brain if we have every function and path mapped out

>> No.11428997

If evolution can produce the human brain why not a super intelligence?

>> No.11429526


press x to doubt

>> No.11429544


>"organizing well" and "optimizing" are not the same thing.

illustrate the difference in this context then

why would a superhuman intelligence be worse at organizing our society than we are?

if one doubts the possibility of a superhuman intelligence based on silicon and computer code, then we could always create superhumans through genetic modification or selective breeding. This new breed of human could organize society better than us

superhuman intelligences can organize society better than us and they can be created