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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11373881 No.11373881 [Reply] [Original]

Scientifically, what explains the high number of schizos on this board?

>> No.11373882

Poltards and faggots from /x/ keep coming to this board thinking "smart" people will provide proof for their retarded ideas.

>> No.11373884

their mama's pussy

>> No.11373885

It's all in your head

>> No.11373888

leave tooker alone. leaver him alone.

>> No.11373917

religion poisons everything

>> No.11373919

essentially, there is no peer review

>> No.11373923

Mentally ill people who society has thrown away but are intelligent post here and another party are retards from other boards who don't treat this as a serious board

>> No.11373937

(((Einstein))) is the cause of all the schizos in science.

>> No.11374140

just look at the list of boards and ask yourself. if you wanted to larp as intellectual, where would you go? it's this or >>>/his/

>> No.11374143

what a weird looking puppy

>> No.11374267
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>> No.11374364

Schizos are very prideful, and get angry when you suggest that they might not actually the star of their own Truman Show.

>> No.11374373
File: 33 KB, 600x600, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schizos tongue my anus

>> No.11374378

That's obvious, you're the star of it.

>> No.11374382
File: 2.59 MB, 710x400, 1562249495439.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Evolution in humans is a retarded idea
Ok buddy.

>> No.11374579


>> No.11374583

People with their life together generally don't end up on 4chan.
People with problems post here.

>> No.11374590

This, can confirm

>> No.11374606

Id kick that senile old faggot in the teeth lmao

>> No.11374609

How do you know that we are not all the same schizo?

>> No.11374638

Because your fragile mind can not take the possiblity that differences between human subspecies in G factor are partialy caused by genetic factors?

>> No.11374646

Schizos think they are entirely rational and scientific.

>> No.11374650

Science is often indistinguishable from magic, to those who don't understand it

>> No.11374668

Because conspiratards believe that all of modern science is some hivemind which is out to get their conspiracy theories. They see the "science and math" board and assume that this place is also part of the science hivemind and thus needs to hear "duh troof!".

>> No.11374674

Congratulations on making a thread more nonsensical than any schizo could have. They contribute more math, science and interesting questions and opinions than any poster here.

>> No.11374694

Where did I say that, schizo faggot?

>> No.11374703
File: 97 KB, 768x256, 1575126934802.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what kind of dumb mother fucker are you?

>> No.11374722

This is funny because this guy's son has schizophrenia. I wouldn't be suprised if he himself developed it or is at least a schizoid or schizotypal.

>> No.11374773

Time travel and teleportation by government psyops

>> No.11374778

Schizos are more likely to believe they're geniuses than ordinary people.

>> No.11374782

Because /sci/ is unironically the most inclusive science discussion place in the world.
Try schizoposting on reddit and see how it turns out.

>> No.11374785

High correlation with high intelligence and mental illness.

>> No.11374819

Intelligence itself is a kind of mental disorder. Non-sentients don't have mental illnesses.

>> No.11374822

Don't pay attention to these stupid squares.

>> No.11374824

Schizotypal is a personality trait, not a mental illness or even a disorder
Loose though association isn't a bad thing until you literally can't follow your own thoughts (i.e. schizophrenia)

>> No.11374830

My >>11374822 apologies.
Your posts weren't loaded for some reason. Maybe because I'm bouncing, drunk, off the walls.

>> No.11374872

It's still on the schizophrenia/psychotic spectrum though. And people who have it have a higher chance of having a full-blown schizo child, or vice versa.

>> No.11374882

There's a very thing line between genius and madness

>> No.11374894

There is not such thing as the 'psychotic spectrum'
You are either psychotic or you aren't, and that guy is definitely not psychotic

>> No.11374902

sure there is, schizoid and schizotypal are milder forms of full blown schizophrenia. it's a good theory as to how those genes are maintained in the population: the mild version is associated with reproductive success, where the extreme trait is detrimental

>> No.11374903

>There is not such thing as the 'psychotic spectrum'
Yes there is.

>> No.11374929

I am wrong, thank you

>> No.11374938

do you honestly think he deserves the echos given what he said about judaism?

>> No.11374956

>muh retards are actually geniuses

Reminder severe schizos have low mathematical IQ and can't visualize shit. They should stay in /lit/, or more preferably /x/.

>> No.11374973

Not always correct but anecdotally it does seem common. My problem solving abilities get noticably better during manic episodes.

>> No.11374974

I can think of four whack jobs here that blow this theory out of the water.

>> No.11375003

there's only a few, they just post a lot.

>> No.11375193 [DELETED] 

Clamped, vaccinated, circumcised, fluoridated, brominated, chlorimated, irradiated, pitocin'd, vitamin K'd, ultraounded, glyphosate and atrazine'd, given antibiotics and poison fever reducers, brainwashed everyday in windowless rooms under fluorescent lights which cause brain damage, adenoids and tonsils cut out. Subjugated, dominated, vaccinated. Cattle on an assemblyline, a replaceable part. The deepest rape.

>> No.11375213

Don't forget /lit/.
Would you really do that? Go on the internet and be dishonest for the sake of it?

>> No.11375223

>Scientifically, what explains the high number of schizos on this board?
Well first off if we want to be scientific wouldn't we have to verify that there are a high number of schizophrenics on this board?

Can you provide evidence which supports this claim?

>> No.11375239

>tonsils cut out.
(And that's a good thing)
Seriously they're trash

>> No.11375825

I pride myself on honesty. ?????