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11373804 No.11373804 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>ADHD, depression, anxiety disorder
>major attention issue
>had to take a break from uni
>start meds
>severe side effect

What do I do? I need to go back now but the problem is persistent

>> No.11373809

Exercise every day, strict diet, meditation, regular sleep schedule, no drugs (sugar, alcohol etc). Eat a bunch of fat fish.

ADHD meds is Fred Fuchs.

>> No.11373812

Any thoughts on Zoloft? I am on ZOloft though

>> No.11373813

No, dumb, you are on 4chan

>> No.11373815
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You could say feck school and educate yourself before going on to do great things.

>> No.11373817 [DELETED] 

Zoloft is poison.

>> No.11373819


I have no experience with it but I refuse to take anything psychoactive doesn't matter how bad it gets, I keep on keeping on.

>> No.11373820

Try a different medication,
Keep doing that until you tolerate one.
If you don't tolerate any of the many meds on the market, try therapy and second line treatments (treatment resistant meds). If you don't like SSRIs/SNRIs, try Bupropion AKA Wellbutrin, the only DNRI on the market, it won't cause sexual dysfunction. Try to stay away from benzos but if you have really bad anxiety then small doses as needed aren't the worst thing. If you need ADHD meds try Ritalin before Adderall as it's slightly less addictive and less harsh. Talk to a psychiatrist, or family doctor if your symptoms don't warrant a specialist.

t. anxious depressed with adhd, i'm now happy with a career after graduating

>> No.11373822 [DELETED] 

>You're fundamentally broken and your problem is just a medication deficiency
Ignore this guy. Stop drinking the kool aid, see what all the "crazy" and "out there" people are saying.

>> No.11373825

I take 5 medications daily. If I didn't I'd probably be dead. My mental illnesses were tearing my family apart. I'm now very happy and successful.

>> No.11373836

>try Ritalin
Tried it didn't help, I was taking 80mg and still no effect

the doctor has now prescribed Zoloft because he believes my anxiety is the reason behind my attention

>> No.11373839

Have you tried walking or running and working ot and changing your diet?

>> No.11373844

Damn 80 is a lot, taking 54 leaves my resting heartrate at 110 and 74 a day is the max I've ever had a doctor prescribe, and that's in two doses.

The small problem with zoloft is you have to take it for 4-6 weeks for it to start working, and if you're resistant to it then you've wasted that time. If the SSRI doesn't work try an SNRI, they're generally better but normally not prescribed first.

That's not bad advice but what makes depression so hard to treat is that it takes away any motivation to do those things. Depression is generally known as not sadness but a lack of motivation or feeling anything. Regular situational "sadness" is often mistaken for clinical depression and is a major reason for people thinking depression is fake, because sadness and grief are natural parts of life that come and go, while depression is often a pathology.

>> No.11373870

>severe side effect
how long were you on it? side effects often wear off when the meds kick in. also may want to try other meds. honestly, i don't believe in therapy, just meds.

>> No.11373875 [DELETED] 

You're rotting on the inside.

>> No.11373880

ADHD isn't real, you're just getting distracted by stupid shit.

>> No.11373898

I have ADHD, I found out i had it shortly after i graduated university with a degree in physics and a published paper as a first author OP. Through sheer brute force you can accomplish anything, I always wondered why it was so difficult for me to concentrate but at the same time focus, it's a weird ability to have, the point is just do it through force.

I don't take meds btw, i don't like the idea of popping pills to make me better, good thing it isn't on my record officially, I just stormed out of there in rage.

>> No.11373902

I guess I am fucked. I don't eat a lot of junk, I do exercise
Nothing works for me, fml

>> No.11374000

Meditate for atleast 30 minites a day

>> No.11374002

and do it in the morning when there is no light, that way you will have energy throughout the day.

>> No.11374005 [DELETED] 

They clamp.

>> No.11374207


I've no idea why you'd do that, I don't have ADHD and I am planning on getting a prescribed for Dexedrine as soon as I get to the UK.
If you don't like the tolerance build up, buy memantine and take a small dosage. It'll reset it, plus eat Magnesium aswell. Shit is cash for studying, and I sincerely doubt you'll get anywhere without them.

>> No.11375607

What form of magnesium, citrate? How much? Anything else?

>> No.11375671

Glycinate works best according to my google research. Remove all distractions when you pop the pills.

>> No.11377034

200mg a day will do, its sedative and helps with the lock jaw teeth grinding I used to get from Dexamphetamine. Ill suggest ypu consider we are all gonna die and it is better for many reasons to take the drygs thatll allow to access a good paying job than not. Life is suffering either way, but tjis pain is in your control.

>> No.11377309
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ADHD is a fucking joke, your just a dumb zoomer who can't pull your shit together and concentrate.
Just take yourself out of the genepool.

>> No.11377336

You sound like my gf.

So you also cry every goddamn day? Are you also a special snowflake?

>> No.11377372

Having a degree in physics already takes him out of the genepool.

>> No.11377381
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>> No.11378121


You don't sound very happy with your gf, dude

>> No.11378245

Water fasting will cure it + diet/exercise. quit eating carbs for pleasure. only eat carbs for a purpose of burning lots of energy in a quick amount of time or you'll be stuck with a bunch of energy to mindless do dopamine things on the internet.