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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11357315 No.11357315 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11357319

Bullshit. Its normal for men to have a sex drive. Probably not good for them to just watch porn instead of going out etc but it iant an addiction. Gaming addiction is real.

>> No.11357320

People can become psychologically dependent on pretty much anything. That's not really an excuse to ban those things.

>> No.11357343

How can you say gaming addiction is real but not porn addiction? I mean, it fits the addiction model

I see no reason to ban anything.

>> No.11357413

I guess but you can get addicted to playing pool, collecting bugs, or taking pictures of gnomes
the question is how harmful it is

>> No.11357452

Jason M is a perfect example of porn addiction.

>> No.11357461

It's bullshit, incels and poltards use porn and masturbation as a boogey man.

>> No.11357477


Go back to twitter faggot.

>> No.11357479

for the past 200k years the average male would see sub 10 pussies in his life and he had to work really hard to see those. then in the past 600 years you get (renaissance)art and then nudie mags which might bump it slightly. now for the past 10 years weve had unlimited 24/7 access to anal gaping videos from the comfort of our phone.
this isnt normal or healthy

>> No.11357492

It is. It's also virtually impossible to abstain considering how retardedly accessible it is, so people will deny it and make up bullshit excuses.

>> No.11357514

porn compulsion is more accurate iirc
the big peepee juice going to your brain is the addiction

>> No.11357515

The more interesting question is can porn cause people to develop fetishes they might otherwise not find appealing?

>> No.11357517

yeah probably

>> No.11357678

in the past 200k years brothels were legal
If you ask me we should legalise brothels again, which would probably lessen the need for porn

>> No.11357684

Nice reddit spacing

>> No.11357806
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>muh reward seeking behavior
>muh dopamine
>muh addiction
guess what retard, your body rewards you whenever you drink water, eat food, go out in the sun, talk to people, achieve, dominate, have sex, etc.
some refer to excessively doing this habits as natural addictions but being naturally addicted is almost always caused by something else, usually psychologically.
what i mean is that if your insecure schizoid ass wants to live in its fantasy world and eat sugar, jerk off to tranny drawings, post on Manchurian avocado harvesting forum and hate humans then it's not masturbation's fault or glucose's fault or women's fault or evolution's fault or biology's fault or anatomy's fault, it's your fault for being a sheltered manchild with zero willpower

>> No.11357817

I am only addicted to certain type of porn and its also much more of the problem when I am thinking about the girl I like and get a hardon. In fact I think I am not addicted at all, because I can go for weeks without porn

>> No.11357820
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Not really a scientific question but still close enough: how immoral is pornography? Because it's an addiction I find very hard to kick. Hell, it's hard to kick the habit of pretending to be a Chad online and getting pics from sluts.

To reel it back into the scientific sphere: how do you kick the addiction? I just can't stop cooming. Should I downgrade to more softcore stuff like /s/?

>> No.11357958

I'm addicted to masturbating to H-games. Checkmate, atheist.

>> No.11358951

Out of those I would say social anxiety and negative self perception are not caused by masturbation. Everything else I've experienced on some level. Just remember that it takes multiple ejaculations per day over many days to reach depression levels and is easily fixed by not fapping so much.

>> No.11358953


The problem isnt porn. The problems is the laws.

>> No.11359014


>> No.11359017


>> No.11359024

It’s not evolutions fault or biology’s fault. Yeah sure

>> No.11360277

The fuck is that supposed to mean, pedo? We need to lock you up for those illegal thoughts! That's dangerous to the sovereign police state.

>> No.11360313

Self-indulgence is better than no indulgence at all.

>> No.11360318

It fits many of the characteristics of an addiction, such as withdrawal and tolerance. All I know is that I feel terrible after viewing it, so I don't.

>> No.11360505

it is
t. coomer

>> No.11360560
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It's bullshit, the real issues with porn addiction is that it...

>alters standards for what is sexually attractive (often times to a higher or niche standard)
>waste extra minutes, hours and possibly days of your life trying to get a fix thus interfering with any kind of daily routine
>if actually low-IQ or mentally unstable causes the person to waste thousands of dollars on porn subs or cam whore shit. Instead of just getting the shit for free.

All the issues associated in the op picture are generic shit that can be applied to anything. Being an artist can give you negative self-perceptions and social anxiety. Being love sick can make you depressed and have concentration problems. Notice how Artistry and love sickness are not recognized medical disorders. Also Erectile dysfunction can brought on by depression itself not necessarily porn addiction.

That being said porn addiction itself is real and something that should be avoided. But the average person can function in a normal manner with such an addiction. As do people with smoking and alcohol. They just pay a somewhat steep price later on.

>> No.11360576

>something happened
>ban everything
liberal logic has no logic

>> No.11360588

You can be addicted to anything that induces good brain chemicals.

>> No.11360590

>Prostitution didn’t exist until very recently

The delusion of prudes.

>> No.11360593

>alters standards for what is sexually attractive (often times to a higher or niche standard)

Bald pussies are attractive only to pedophiles.

>> No.11360731

All addiction is real and psychiatry is not science it is a bunch of garbage. Mental illness is not real but bad habbits, horrible emotions, experiences, trauma all that is real but the categoried are a social construct designed to control people.

>> No.11360732

You really aren't being very intelligent right now.

>> No.11360736

It's all bullshit, like psychology. Real or not, what matters is how much it damages your life and body. Meth spikes dopamine by 10 times, which is not possible in any other way. This fucks up and ruins your brain. Porn can't possibly raise dopamine levels any more than sex, meaning that, addicting or not, there is no way that porn can cause significant damage to your brain. In addition, there is no way it can be as addicting as actual drugs because it just doesn't cause dopamine surges of the same level.

>> No.11360745

You were almost there when you attacked psychology but you fell for the neuroscience meme.

Yes porn is absolutely damaging it is nott normal or healthy at all. You don't need science you just need your own experience to understand this. Stop overvaluing science.

>> No.11360848

take it easy

>> No.11360861

Porn addiction is real in the sense that any dopamine-releasing activity is addictive, and overdoing it can have problems for your social life/health

Don't believe any of the weird nofap bullshit, though. Looking at porn/masturbating isn't inherently bad for you. I can verify from firsthand experience that my motivation, focus, and social aptitude did not change after 2 weeks of not jacking off vs. jacking off every day.

>> No.11360874


>it's not normal or healthy

And yet you will defend these jobs, fields and people while bitching at porn addicts who aren't exposed to nothing as dangerous.


>> No.11360880

You were pretty much stuck with your local brothel if you were an average peasant. Fucking 10 women is something a minority of men manage to do even in modern times.

>> No.11361074
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I've been jerking off to porn 3-4 times a day for the past 10 years, and the only reason I've slowed down is because I now have a girlfriend who loves it when I save up so I can fill her with cum when we bang.

The "addiction" is entirely psychological. If you are genetically prone to addiction, that's your problem, but an addiction is ONLY a real issue when it gets in the way of your daily life activities. If you can schedule around your habits, then there's no issue whatsoever.

>> No.11361212


From my personal experience, every aspect of the OP except for 'erectile dysfunction' are symptoms of frequently masturbating to porn (at least daily).

>> No.11361224

>have insane stimuli that you can call up within seconds for free

>> No.11361259

2 weeks is nothing

>> No.11361262

Fuck off back to plebbit

>> No.11361273

but why would it be in (((their))) interest
i dont get the correlation

>> No.11361358

One would say that it's a way to distract or otherwise pacify the population, if they believed in that stuff.

>> No.11361361

destroy the family unit, by destroying motivation of young men to start families with their sexual drive. it'll disproprotionatly affect whites since they tend to family plan more

>> No.11361381

anything which yields a positive response can be cause for addiction theoretically. given how orgasm affects the brain, it wouldn't surprise me.

>> No.11361392
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>> No.11361393

I managed to quit smoking, I didn't manage to reduce porn usage to a normal amount. I think it's more difficult to kick a porn addiction, compared to smoking.

>> No.11361439

Yeah but is that because of the strength of the addiction or simply the availability of porn?
Cigarrettes you have to go out and buy them for a load of cash, porn is never more than a click away. You can be exposed to pornographic content even without deliberately searching for it these days.
It would be a lot harder to kick cigarettes if they were always right in front of you available completely for free, and if there were cigarette adverts playing all over the media to boot.

>> No.11361447
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Frequent masturbation lowers testosterone utilization https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Alonso_Fernandez-Guasti/publication/6536830_Relationship_between_Sexual_Satiety_and_Brain_Androgen_Receptors/links/54b6c2970cf2e68eb27f0321/Relationship-between-Sexual-Satiety-and-Brain-Androgen-Receptors.pdf

Three weeks of abstinence increases testostorone levels https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11760788

Masturbation is associated with lower psychological health and reproductive well-being https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/14681994.2019.1677883
Men who are sexually active in their 20s and 30s are more likely to develop prostate cancer https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/j.1464-410X.2008.08030.x

Masturbation decreases dopamine levels https://sites.tufts.edu/emotiononthebrain/2014/11/18/postcoital-neurochemistry-the-blues-and-the-highs/

Watching porn reduces gray matter in prefrontal cortex https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapsychiatry/fullarticle/1874574

Porn addiction has similar mechanism with substance addiction https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4600144/

Making sperm shortens lifespan of male worms https://www.nytimes.com/1992/12/03/us/in-worm-at-least-making-sperm-is-found-to-shorten-a-male-s-life.html

Masturbating 3 days in a row decreases sperm count by 20% https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2054949

Increasing ejaculation frequency decreases sperm count significantly https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15497706

Prevalence of erectile dysfunction doubled between 2004 and 2013 http://cir.usc.edu/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Genital-Image-Sexual-Anxiety-and-Erectile-Dysfunction-Among-Young-Male-Military-Personnel.pdf

Pornography consumption is associated with mental health issues https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6327603/
>the merchant's faces when I reveal the truth

>> No.11361454

are you two willfully ignoring the social taboos and potential shunning that would occur with those practices? Never mind that is till only keeping you at that 10 sub pussy level unless you were a millionaire. and that requires you to be a serious degenerate going out daily for it. Right now you can wake up, load up a porn site and just watch 10+ hours of porn without ever leaving your home or even exposing those around you to said porn habits.

>> No.11361461

You can't kick the addiction. You must work through it slowly. First off, you must start by watching less porn, and also try to go more vanilla (no gangbangs, BDSM, rough fucking, stuff like that). If you watch porn more than once a day, take it down to one time a day first. Also try to reduce the time you spend on it. Don't waste tens of minutes (or hours) watching people have sex in front of a camera.
Something very important to do when fighting any sort of addiction is to keep yourself busy. Addiction preys on idleness. Try to spend time outside, maybe on the gym, or just hanging around somewhere. Don't spend time in your room doing nothing. I think reading can be a very nice way to fight your addiction too, since you can spend hours without noticing when reading a book you're immersed in.
As you feel more in control, spend a few days without watching porn. Don't fall for the NoFap meme immediately, it doesn't work for people who are really addicted. Go for 3 or 4 days without porn, and then watch some when you really feel like it (don't forget the previous rule of not spending too much time on it nor watching anything far from vanilla).
With time, you'll feel less and less invested in porn, and before you notice it, you're free

>> No.11361468

>within seconds
Go see a doctor

>> No.11361470

That's definitely true, the availability does hinder attempts to quit. Although it should be mentioned that it's quite easy to just buy a pack when you're already at the store. It should also be noted that quitting smoking has about a 5% success rate, so even with the limited availability the addiction is still _really_ strong.

>> No.11361511

How is this board /sci/ and not just /pol/ with a different ideology? Literally the only one who even brought up data and studies is this guy >>11361447 everyone else just said "durrrrr porn addiction isn't real because of my highly speculative mental gymnastics justifying it"

>> No.11361672

Everyone has their own morality, but generally porn was very immoral until 20th century. I think this all dates back to christianity and Bible which tought our great grandparents not to have sex before marriage and abstain from lust. These rules are slowly becoming old fashioned now, so it's normal to talk about sex and porn in public places and even here we don't consider this discussion immoral. I think it's caused by feminism but I don't want to be political here.

If you want to become less addicted from porn do nofap. This is just the matter of how disciplined you are.

>> No.11361691

You are raising dopamine levels more frequently and paying less price if you masturbate.

>> No.11361694

You could learn new languages, travel, become successful at something but instead you have been masturbating till you got a gf who is just as much addicted as you are.

>> No.11361987

I'm talking about the availability of porn, retard

>> No.11361993

Porn addict detected.

Ask yourself, is it normal to hide in the bushes and jerk off to other people having sex? Is it normal to jerk off to sexy paintings all day? Hypersexuality I think correlates with circumcision.

>> No.11361996

>You could learn new languages, travel, become successful at something but instead you have been masturbating till you got a gf who is just as much addicted as you are.

“You could have maybe possibly done something I personally think is important instead of something you personally think is important”

No one gives one fuck.

>> No.11361999

>These rules are slowly becoming old fashioned now

Thank God. Fuck your old prude bullshit.

>> No.11362021

Porn is definitely a lot more dangerous than people realize. Anecdotal evidence suggests that withdrawal from it is more difficult then withdrawal from alcohol.
I don't believe it should be banned but I believe people should be educated about its effects, something the industry has repeatedly tried to prevent.

>> No.11362022

>Anecdotal evidence suggests


>> No.11362066

By this logic all addicts have only themselves to blame.

It is a sin against yourself. If you've ever masturbated without porn, you'll know that it's not as bad. If spiritualists from all caultures traditions (even sex-positive ones) have acknowledged the negative effects of excessive masturbation, what do you think they would say about porn?
How much it turns you off is in proportion to your sense of self worth and spiritual maturity. Unfortunately, the more masturbate, the worse your sense of self worth and the more you regress.

As for quitting, I would agree with >>11361461 and add that if afterwards you find yourself stuck needing visual stimulus of any kind (even /s/), you might need to stop masturbating altogether. If you choose to do this, you will need to redouble your efforts of sublimating and redirecting the surge of sexual energies you begin to feel into productive and creative activities.
Also look into doing a dopamine fast: https://i2.yuki.la/8/d3/947d67183fd1a3247bc2bf3076f8319d1d6b65b017c9d8a94b9354c699fafd38.png

I have a lot more to say on this topic but I think I've said enough for now.

>> No.11362086

I assumed he was referring to prostitutes and brothels, yours is the mind that went straight to cp, imo more likely to be someone who has a large stash of cp

>> No.11362088

t. 16 y. o. who doesn't see bigger picture yet

>> No.11362089

I quoted hearsay while trying to sound authoritative. The contrast of the two made me look like a total tool. I'm sorry for cutting intellectual corners, it's just that I feel quite strongly on this issue.

I looked at some review articles in the area. Here they are: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4600144/

>> No.11362128

Here’s the bigger picture: Porn and sex are good. More of it is therefore good.
Abrahamic morals are evil and dying out. You lose.

>> No.11362158


>> No.11362222
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I have a serious pornography dependency problem. I have jerked off to porn a minimum of nine or ten times a week for years.

I suffer no erectile dysfunction though, and still get full erections with my wife when we have sex. But I wonder if it's effecting my motivation and willpower.

When I try to quit I lapse into some other vice, usually eating.

I feel in a fog all the time. The world seems less interesting to me. I have a dull headache all the time. Is that just being a working adult?


>> No.11362233

When you mean fog, do you mean brainfog? where your memory is all fucked up and your concentration is bad?

>> No.11362242

Porn is bad. More of it is therefore bad.
Abrahamic sexual morals are good and growing. You lose.

>> No.11362243

would it kill you to find a higher res picture?

>> No.11362246
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Yes. Though this seems to happen on a cycle.
I'll have one week where I can actually study and read and engage intellectually with the world. And then the rest of the month all I can think do is jerk off, watch anime, and browse the vapid and easily digestible corners of the 'net.

On my "off" days, I can't even read for more than ten minutes at a time.

So... I can't even say for sure if the relationship is causal, or which way the causality goes. Maybe I watch porn BECAUSE I'm retarded, and it's an easy available source of pleasure, rather than the other way around.

>> No.11362254

It's definitely porn. I never had brainfog growing up and it's when I started watching and fapping, that's when I started getting brainfog.

>> No.11362321

It's not really banning those things that works, but more of discourage them of doing that stuff or even replacing it with something else. I used to be addicted to jerking off because of my stress and because I couldn't sleep, but in the end your mind just fucks you over by making you dependent on masturbating in order to sleep. I replaced that aspect by working out instead and it's been working really well

>> No.11362341

Sexual Liberation = Political Control. You rely on your emotions and instincts instead of thinking logically whenever certain policies come into power. You can see this with the pussy hat marches where they're totally okay with the idea of a newborn human being getting slaughtered before it is able to come out of the womb

>> No.11362363

I don't see coomer threads on /pol/. If anything, it's a bunch of r*ddit bugs on /b/ p*rn threads masquerading as intellectuals.

>> No.11362375

>When I try to quit I lapse into some other vice, usually eating.

This is normal. The trick is to realize that porn and eating do not fill a gap which is "missing",
but rather serve as an outlet for your energy. Flip to an enlightened interpretation and willfully channel that energy into activities of your choice.
Go to gen.lib.rus.ec and get the enlightened sex manual by David Deida

>> No.11362381

When you get urges, immediately do some kind of exercise. You don't need to wait till you get horny, you can start practicing right now by visualizing your sexual energies being activated and then redirected through exercise.

>> No.11362619

Only people who think its unhealthy are people that are virgins, enjoy premature ejaculation or nocturnal emissions. If you go and try to bang a chick and it's ben a while youll be forever known as the guy who cant even last as long as an 8 second bull rider

>> No.11362677

You could be learning lock picking instead of writing that post. Why aren't you spending every single second learning lock picking you fucking retard? Get a load of this idiot.

>> No.11362683


>> No.11362716

No, Mr. Hansen, you're gonna have to look elsewhere. Everyone who has ever looked at historical civilizations understands that AOC is a byproduct of an overreaching government. Limiting sexuality is just another way to sculpt the minds of the people.

>> No.11362731

Many fetishes CAN arise from porn simply providing fuel for them.
Most porn-based fetishes (really weird ones like nipple insertion or vore) are simply a chimera-like stimulus for different parts of the brain related to sexual arousal/attraction (+nearby non-sexual areas), that normally wouldn't get activated together by anything in reality. It's literally hacking the brain into activating the most boner-y response possible, even if it doesn't make sense. Different fetishes fit different brains too, so some people don't respond to any fetish-y things, but some people get hit HARD by certain ones, and they can't really help their reaction to it, since it was literally designed to hit all the arousal areas of their brain.
Porn is the only thing that could provide any of these visually-activated "arousal hacks" that most others could only conceive of in a wild drug-induced dream. Yet here we are, able to stare at hundreds of different visual examples in high definition and full-color, many even animated or three-dimensional, fueling fetishes that shouldn't even exist to the point that they become the only thing that truly "hits the spot".
Hard to complain about it, too. Considering how sexual selection has changed after the advent of everyday global communication (internet socialization), it seems that "average" is no longer good enough when anyone can see and contact any person in their prime ages, filtering for everybody with a movie star face and a porn star body, with a vast majority of most individuals (ranging from below-average to above) seeking only the same minority of highly desirable ones. For those who are left out, and find that even fish at the bottom of the barrel are aiming straight past them, they at least have some kind of sexual fulfillment that would otherwise be completely absent from their lives. It's the same thing with ASMR girlfriend simulators - Can you really blame them, when for some people it's the closest they'll ever get?

>> No.11362907
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I'm basically doing a dopamine fast by accident now... this stuff really works. I've been writing on average about 1, 1/2 hours a day on a project and have been trying no fap for 3-4 days at a time. I can feel more motivation and more distaste for simple, instant gratification stuff (including music). Now I get annoyed at the prospect of lying on my bed, it feels to idle, I feel like I need to be doing something (producing something or learning something) instead.

>> No.11362980
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> Cut off contact with people you love

I could never do this to my wife for a week.
But I like the idea of putting my thinkpad away for a week and doing nothing but reading and lifting in my free time.

>> No.11362995

>it normal to hide in the bushes and jerk off to other people having sex? Is it normal to jerk off to sexy paintings all day?

>> No.11362999

Fairly based and underrated post.

>> No.11363031

well you probably have enough discipline anyway if you're able to do nothing but read and lift. My consoomer brain isn't satisfied with anything less than 2-4 hours of video games a night, and its tough to lower those hours.

>> No.11363157

looks like you're both losers

>> No.11363729

both its over-represented/exaggerated

>> No.11363732

Nigger what

>> No.11363810

>cant think

>> No.11363840

I don't get how people can get addicted to porn.
When I look at porn a lot, I'll get tired of it after a few days, and won't look at any (or fap) for 2 weeks or so.

Actually, that's true for me for most supposedly "addictive" things, video games, alcohol, etc.
What am I doing wrong? How do I get an addiction?

>> No.11364279

>By this logic all addicts have only themselves to blame.
Yes and natural addictions =/= narcotics addiction.
the entire 7 billion people on earth are getting dopamine from consuming sugar, fat and ejaculating (both self and with a partner) but only a very very very tiny percentage of those is doing these habits in excess to offset the lack of reward in their lives

>> No.11364283

What, pedophile?
Pubic hair is a biological indicator of sexual maturity. You ought to find it attractive, all else held constant, and I sure do.
Stop watching porn.