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File: 147 KB, 748x599, 185A438B-AC8B-4226-B55F-F1BAD1815824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11341041 No.11341041 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11341063

Fucked up HRSI tile, iirc. I have some weord suspicion that that's not what this thread is about, though.

>> No.11341069

A chunk of foam and ice broke off from the Shuttle external tank and struck the graphite leading edge of Colombia's left wing which later resulted in the destruction of the vehicle and loss of the whole crew during reentry.

>> No.11341135

Guess thats what happens when you load the space ship down with diversity

>> No.11341141

What? No. The event had nothing with do with the composition with the crew.

>> No.11341144

NASA could have saved them but they decided that it would be better to die in a reentry than run out of air in the space shuttle and only save some of them. Because it's more heroic I guess. It turned out the space shuttle was fragile as shit, you could break some of the wings with your bare hands if you wanted.
Foam was coming off because mass stopped painting the main engine to save on weight, it's why it's orange instead of white. Reentry protocol was fucked up, not wearing seatbelts etc,
It was an example of how insane and deadly NASA really is.
Like when they filled that cabin with pure oxygen and burned all those astronauts to death.
NASA knows oxygen does that.....
It's the fuel in the fucking rocket.
Why did they fill the cabin with an explosive oxidised?
Why did they attempt reentry with a smashed up wing?
Why was the space shuttle so unbelievably shit and poorly made and the astronauts so poorly trained.
NASA killed those men and women,
It's not a conspiracy or anything, it's a big load of fuckwits covering up a mass murder because of institutionalised incompetence.
It's why they spam with all those CGI earth videos and ISS trash,
NASA needs to be shut down.

>> No.11341147
File: 151 KB, 388x495, 9F20DBA2-8B43-435F-8CFE-F114F495FCCE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> The event had nothing with do with the composition with the crew.

>> No.11341157
File: 1.45 MB, 3273x4108, ChristaMcAuliffe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God hates women with this hairdo

>> No.11341219

All crazy person aside, you need to realise the lack of development over decades was because the shuttle program absorbed almost 100% of NASA'a funding just to operate.

>> No.11341236

This is a good horror read:

>> No.11341243

The crew survivability report is better and more morbid

>> No.11341249

>Israeli flag
I hope he dies most of all.
She looks like an astronaut should retard. What were you expecting?

>> No.11341259

Oh lol, hi did, my bad. Didnt realize this was from 2003.

>> No.11341279
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>t. pic related

>> No.11341347

Lol NASA killing astronauts because they got bills to pay.
A budget on the stuff that keeps the astronauts from dieing? That's dark man, I would rather believe they were just stupid.
Needs Another Seven Astronauts=NASA
Didn't know "O" rings leak when you freeze them?
They didn't have a budget to test the engines before they put astronauts in the challenger?
"We won the space race!"
Hahaha yeah sure, according to who.
It's a phyrric victory at best. If Russia got to the moon first we would have moon bases by now. Shittiest government agency in the world wins first place because the Russians didn't want to send up death trap suicide spaceships and murder all the cosmonauts, NASA rushes it, flukes a minor victory then kills heaps of people and sabotages space travel for fifty years. God damn NASA sucks so bad.

>> No.11341410

Regardless of the validity of your points, you went full retard on your last post with the CGI shit so all (you) get is this

>> No.11341439

owo whats this

>> No.11341466

Man where is this hostility coming from?
What do you think happened?
I only have NASA's official story to go off.
What about the CGI is full retard?
NASA openly admits to using Photoshop to make the composite images. What I mean is all NASA is contributing, or has contributed over the last decades is almost nothing of importance.
It's a cool flex to put probes on asteroids and stuff, but what does it achieve? By "going to the moon" no one meant to a few times and then never go back and just fuck around for 50 years.
We had to let private companies take over just so NASA didn't have to use a Kazakhstani Soyuz capsule to get to the ISS,
Won the space race? But can't get back to space or everyone dies so you gotta hitchhike on a Russian designed and made module?
I don't know what you think NASA has done but popsci is misleading.
It would have been better if Russia won the moon race. Or no one went at all.
One of the reasons I fantasize about the moon landing being faked is it makes our like the government is really smart and clever, instead of the real story, which sounds like they risked human lives for a fluke they couldn't replicate in any appreciable way.
When are we going back to the moon lol. Never?
NASA sucks lol. Where does this patriotism stem from? To fall in love with trash paramilitary government organisations who talk a big game but are actually a worthless money pit.
We could shut NASA down and just spend the money on welfare or something and it would be a better world.
NASA is a flaming trashcan fire.

>> No.11341554

>What about the CGI is full retard?
>NASA openly admits to using Photoshop to make the composite images

Of course the highest res images of the Earth are composites from EO satellites, but there are plenty of images of Earth taken from a sufficient distance away that the planet was able to fit into a single frame. I'm just confused as to what fuckery you think is afoot with their images of Earth.

>> No.11341557

They’re making the earth look round in the images

>> No.11341567
File: 1.27 MB, 3869x3095, Challenger_flight_51-l_crew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I love how both failures killed a crew of seven with two women, a black guy, and four white-ish guys. Exactly like Alien. Perfect modern film diversity tokenism.

>> No.11341582

>four white-ish guys
One of these white guys is not rike the others

>> No.11341585


>> No.11341589
File: 120 KB, 820x464, we'll give you a smack in the face whoops no we won't we're fucking ded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What makes it even sweeter is that he was the first Israeli astronaut. Their Beresheet also crashed, and sadly there is a (wrecked) Torah on the Moon, now. Jews really kinda suck at space.

>> No.11341592


hence the -ish. In the film, Ash is literally not a white guy, but a soulless robot with the appearance of a white guy. An asian guy isn't too far off from this. Chick at far right is rocking great Sigourney hair despite the horse-face.

>> No.11341630

Six thousand jews died on that rocket ship, show some damn respect

>> No.11341634
File: 57 KB, 604x483, 1577124493139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All good man, I was referring to those hundreds of videos of them in the ISS just floating around and doing flips, just non stop videos like that lol. It's all NASA is good for. There is a weird .gif from the European space agency where the feed is actually CGI greenscreen because it's layered transparencies of composite images, and the settings are screwed up so it shows the background stars projected onto the earth, and the layer with the continents on it is missing, I don't think the ISS feeds are live. I thinknits pre-recorded, there is also the video that shows the wrong time-lapse feed for the spinning an antenna, I think the real image look terrible and boring, so they force the aesthetics to make it look expensive.
I'm not a flat earther, so these videos are fueling the flat earth debate because NASA is obviously up to something. It's not that the earth is flat, it's that they are incompetent and really stupid. And now they are in to deep to back out of the lie because of the moon landing deniers and flat earthers plugging it so hard.
Maintaining the lie is NASA's only option now.

>> No.11342056
File: 49 KB, 554x554, 312C7145-70D3-4BAF-8CC9-A1EA2C19EF91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be a resident /pol/tard
Decide to take a break and talk about some real shit on /sci/
>pol is already here shitting up threads
God I fucking hate pol.

>> No.11342941

NASA deserves to eat crow about this for the rest of their existence. Send a crew comprised of atleast 50% white men or dont cry about the missions being deadly failures. They got what they deserved

>> No.11342953

Those jackets are fucking aesthetic as fuck. Christ, they need to design something like this for the next few batches of astronauts.

>> No.11343022

Tell the niggers on your homeboard that they arent welcome here.

>> No.11343121

how disrespectful there were many more that died there! kobe bryant (a jew btw) was flying there to help when the racist kkk shot him and prevented him from helping. the world is mourning

>> No.11343521

>Crew injuries are redacted
Will this ever be declassified in my lifetime?

>> No.11343565


>> No.11343587

based brainlet flattard

>> No.11343644
File: 381 KB, 1335x1814, still alive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're still alive you fucking retards.

>> No.11343805

Nothing to do with multiculturalism. Fuck off /pol/tard.

>> No.11343838

>posts a picture of mcnair's brother as proof that mcnair is alive
huh, i guess his mom never realized her son had a body double
retarded and saged

>> No.11343841

>Nothing to do with multiculturalism
You would like that to be the case
>bringing up /pol/ when no one was talking about /pol/
absolutely rent free

>> No.11343871

Have /pol/tards discovered immortality? No one ever actually dies unless they're a Chinese peasant or murdered by the Clintons?

>> No.11343899

Why is this board so obsessed with /pol/ ? Weird

>> No.11344277
File: 1.11 MB, 1836x3264, xuo7msjt1gk31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>"And, do we leave our visors down, though?"

>"Oh, no. I'm just saying, just check your suits, pressure. That's good enough for, I'm going to check one other thing."

The pilot must've figured they weren't making it back. The final audio/video seems like him keeping the others distracted/thinking happy thoughts :(

>> No.11344302
File: 1.43 MB, 2464x1648, Impact-test.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NASA refused to accept that foam at speed would do pic related damage.

NASA dragged their feet in doing this test.

NASA was blown the fuck out by the results.

1min 35sec

>> No.11344311
File: 599 KB, 896x644, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Compare this to their expectation with the simulation that only shows material stress with no hole!

>> No.11344319

But the israeli died and that's what's important.

>> No.11344327

One of the things that defined how the Shuttle was managed was the gradual acceptance of potential failure in the face of continued flights. That was what caused the Challenger incident to happened, and what most likely motivated NASA dragging it's feet about Columbia.

>> No.11344333

And they continue it again with their horrible space helmet design that is going to cause an astronaut to break their neck.

>> No.11344338

What? Source on that? That's the first I've heard of that.

>> No.11344345
File: 31 KB, 850x478, 103417-nasa-pictwitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically because of the mass of the helmet and the fact that there is a giant space around the head any minor impact can cause severe neck injury and may kill them if harder of a hit.

It needs to be like a motorcycle helmet.

>> No.11344368

They were alerted to the hole in the wing.
They were doing mach 25 on reentry, no one who knows about aerodynamics thinks you can travel that fast with a problem like that,

It makes sense that they knew it was a suicide mission, a blaze of glory if there ever was one

>> No.11344469


To be fair it was completely the fault of the ground crew, not the astronauts, so taking your approach it's a good thing that (either) crew wasn't exclusively white male, because if it had been, that would have been another 3-4 white men dead in either case, which is of course a bad thing. So your basic conceit is correct, but the logic is inverted.

>> No.11344503

If Russia got to the moon first we'd have moon bases, lol. They haven't successfully left earth orbit in 20 years and they've tried five times.
For a system as large and complex as the space shuttle, with its known issues and foibles, pulling off 135 launches with only 2 total failures is actually pretty impressive. No way would Buran Energia bin able to match that record. Remember the payload weight of the shuttle is equal to the mass of two Soyuz craft, and both Soyuz could pretty nearly fit into the cargo bay together if you took off the escape towers and shrouds. Most people don't realize how huge the shuttle stack was, look up some scale drawings.

>> No.11344505

Global rising

>> No.11344537

Man I love all aspects of astrophysics and space travel, I guess my main theme is NASA doesn't seem to be getting anything done. Yes, what they have done is incredible, but the technology hasn't really improved since the 80s, it's more or less the same. Russia doesn't do much space exploration because there is no point really, it's super expensive for very little reward and they have had ICBM technology worked out for a really long time. I think we need to approach the problem differently, or create a global space foundation where everyone chips in, it's not like it's classified technology to just have a practical space research operation, and working on a better ISS, it's basically just a big load of shipping containers stuck together, together, covered in solar panels, they haven't worked out how to grow algae to make oxygen and food with light or anything, it's all just 1980s tech, like apparently the government has all this secret military technology and NASA gets none of it?
They mostly use technology you can buy, I just think it's a pointless endeavour and needs to be changed

>> No.11344617
File: 149 KB, 1200x944, 1200px-Venturestar1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NASA is still a welfare program for the MI Complex. At least when the Germans were in charge. They could get something done.

X-33 / Venture Star would have revolutionized launch capabilities. Yet it was canned and all technology scrapped. As it proved to be too good. Threatening the pork from NASA to defense aerospace.

>> No.11344659
File: 136 KB, 1141x1600, facepalming hitler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They just allocated another $1.7billion to JWST