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11336846 No.11336846[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can someone familiar with the genetics behind phenotypes explain to me why Ashkenazi Jews are pasty white despite clustering near Sicilians?

>> No.11337384

not sure why pasty white is disctint from white, but im pretty sure its because of all that blood, money and foreskin they are sucking from countries in the middle east, europe, and america.

>> No.11337407

Ashkenazi jews are basically white people with 0.00001% jewish blood larping as jews.

>> No.11337462

why are the overweight retards on this site literally obsessed with Jews it’s weird as fuck

>> No.11337475

huh? I thought they were ukranians

>> No.11337477

They dominate the world with their carefully selected genetics. I find them genuinely scary and I am not an overweight retard.

>> No.11337481

smartest people tend to have extremely pale skin in general

>> No.11337483

I used to passively dislike Jews because I grew up hearing "those money-grubbing Jew-boy bankers and lawyers". Then one day, I looked in the mirror, actually looked at my nose.... And realized. Sure enough, my mum is Rh negative, Jew heritage down one line.

By this point I'd also realized the Jew way of thinking was uncannily relateable, and naturally from there I became more interested in Jews. And the pre-Abrahamic, old world religions.

Aside from that, anyone trying to determine how we got here, what this place actually is, and the why of our global trajectory, necessarily must consider Zionism and Jews. It's that simple.

>> No.11337490

White is just a skin color. Jews are "white" but they are not Native European (obviously).

>> No.11337500

Scary, really? I get how a small child could find them scary, but I just feel disgust/repulsion.

>> No.11337510

Jewish bankers is basically a lie, almost all the top banks are dominated by white Christian and Chinese

>> No.11337515

Elaborate somewhat.

>> No.11337519

Yarly. Don't forget that outside 4chan virtually everybody supports them without question, and they also are vastly overrepresented in power positions. Given the resentment they feel towards goyim I do not feel safe around them.

>> No.11337534

>resentment towards goyim
>78% of American Jews marry “goyim”
You are literally a brainwashed incel

>> No.11338041

They have been abducting and trafficking white women and children for centuries.
They steal their genes.

>> No.11338082

It's not that elaborate, it's pretty simple.

>> No.11338084

They have camflauge genes in their DNA that allows them to immitate the physical appearance of their hosts. Normally dominant traits win, but for Jews, as long as they mix with any pigment, that pigment will takeover regardless of whether or not it ia recessive/dominant.

This helps keep their survival rates up when others try to exterminate them out of existence.

>> No.11338086

Get ready for some subtyping, where most Jews aren't Jews.

>> No.11338271

Idk if this post is for legitimate discussion but I find it interesting. It can't be had without talking about migration. I'm a dummy on the subject but as I understand, jews ran around all over and ended up where they started out, as enemies of the same people who never left. Im sure there was humping along the way.

>> No.11338314

>t. ashkenazi jew

>> No.11338319

Because Jews are diligent people who support each other, poltards mistake that with Jews being out to get them.

>> No.11338324
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Because they are the original Aryan whites.

>> No.11338326

Poltard OP is gonna kill himself when he learns that the genetic differences between him and a Jew are as big or even smaller than between him and someone of his own "race".

>> No.11338333 [DELETED] 
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He is actually right

No they aren't but closely related how closely depends on what esoteric source you use

>> No.11338335

Yeah but, replace "Jews" with "Whites" and see how messed up that sounds. I'd like to here some serious stuff in here but that won't happen I guess. Same as >>11338271 fag.
>pre-Abrahamic. Like what? I know it has been a while. I just lazily asked alexa when Zoraster lived and she told me, 300 BC-2006 AD. Ha! I think that she is wrong on both ends.

>> No.11338338

Clustering near Sicilians doesn't mean that their genes/phenotypes should be parallel; the reason why they cluster near Sicilians is due to very different reasons.
The Sicilian population today is the result of medieval conquests which lead to huge immigration/emigration waves and many religious conversions while the Ashkenazi population is the result of Jewish Levantine people settling in Europe while always maintaining the tradition of matrilineal kinship. With present understanding of population genetics, it's probably easier to just study medieval Ashkenazi immigration to get your answer.

>> No.11338340

How would we know if those European genes. Came from or went to Europe?

>> No.11338348

We fucked lots of North Italian, German and Slavic women as well.

>> No.11338364 [DELETED] 

Well that is the question it requires investigation work and educated inferences I plan on writing an article in the near future explaining it all on Esoteric Awakening but I can't here because it would require a novella size explanation. Let's say of you want to use the Bible as a source, which I rarely would because it has been so doctored from jump not to mention changed numerous times over the aeons as well.... fuck nvm here is a link to an explanation I gave on this topic already on /his/ a little while back pretty sure you should be follow who I am since I got all the morons to stfu once they knew I was the only one that knew what they were talking about


anyhow I was gonna post this map but can't find it in my folder (it is the biblical interp)

>> No.11338369 [DELETED] 
File: 1.17 MB, 1223x722, RacialTimeline.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aryans are basically Asian (Mongolian) + Atlantean bloodline. After Atlantis sank it appears Noah (Manu in the Vedas) had the Caucasoid bloodline which later became the Aryans, Arabs and Jews far as I can tell these distinct bloodlines already existed before the flood or perhaps just the Arabs and Aryans then post flood the Jews were a mix of these two, impossible to know for sure

>> No.11338373

Noted. This is inline with my suspicions (with a grain of salt, also) but I am not as clever as you. I will keep an eye on your flavor of anonymous. I stopped going to /his/ because I get kicked out for innocent behavior. Maybe I'll come around and keep it zipped.

>> No.11338376
File: 450 KB, 2000x1000, fertile white enclave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Final redpill: Non-white white wannabe armchair Nazis mirin how white and therefore superior Ashkenazi Jews they are. That's why they want to kill them all out of self-hate and envy.
Also this: >>11338348

>> No.11338383 [DELETED] 

Feel free to stop by my website anytime if you want, you can piece together yourself I am sure if you want to spend the time doing it (it wasn't fast or easy however took me years to find good sources and cross check/verify the data and there are psyops and misinfo on every level)


as you can see in that thread as soon I got the donkeys to stop squealing and started dropping the hard red pills the (((jannie))) deleted the thread. The Vedas are the best source but comparing to it others like the Bible and Sumerian stuff (there is a jewtube channel called ViperTV great for this and I have some books on the website as well) you can get a good picture to cross check things for accuracy.

And yah /his/ is the most infected shill board so I rarely go there as well. This is my video archive as well if you want to veg out on vetted sources/material

>> No.11338385 [DELETED] 

No actually is just that decent people like living amongst rats literally every race of people on the Planet hates jews which is why they expelled them from their nations 350+ times

>> No.11338389 [DELETED] 

*don't like

>> No.11338471

Oh thank you. Funny. I am watching viper TV as i read this.

>> No.11338472

This isn’t how genes work wtf

>> No.11338512 [DELETED] 


>> No.11338522


Why are Jews so ugly, holy shit

>> No.11338525 [DELETED] 
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the outside matches the inside

>> No.11338623

Seems to me if you removed the weird religious clothing/haircut they’d be better looking than anyone on /pol/. I hypothesize that you were so triggered by their lack of hooked nose shape (subconsciously reminds you that literally everything you read on your incel hugbox board is bullshit) that your mind snapped.

>> No.11338650

What is the general consensus on their ethnic origins?

I hear the Khazarian theory is largely ignored now and instead people believe them to be closely related to Italians?

How much of their dna is European in origin?

>> No.11338655

middleeast>italy>central europe

took european wives in italy, then a few more instances of this in central europe with minimal gene flow outside these brief periods. still heard like 50%

>> No.11338670

Interesting that the men took gentile wives when Judaism is passed down matrilineally...

>> No.11338674

i thought the same thing honestly but the european genetics stems from european women not males so go figure

>> No.11338705

You have a retard gene that makes you a stupid faggot.

>> No.11338747

Their skin is lighter than most greeks. But greeks are european and jews are not?

>> No.11338750


You sound like an ugly Jew, I can tell by bloviate argumentation level of absolute C.O.P.E

>> No.11338776


>> No.11338810

I mean anyone can look at the photo and tell these guys are completely average looking at worst. You’re literally an asshurt containment board incel. I think it’s true you had a subconscious meltdown over their non-aquiline nose shapes. This is exactly why nonhumans like neo-nazis stock to hug boxes... no risk of getting triggered by reality.

>> No.11338825

Based schizo shill

>> No.11338844 [DELETED] 

What exactly I am shilling? I don't think that word means you think it does based donkey wet brain

>> No.11338861


You can always spot the Jew by their urge to type a lot and say little of meaning. Semantics, buzzwords, strawmen. You bore me

>> No.11338977

Lol, /pol/ incels are the personification of the movie Idiocracy. Why are you on a science board?

>> No.11338986


>If I just keep going maybe It'll work this time

>> No.11339027


>> No.11339075

wtf is he coping?