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11313014 No.11313014[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's the skinny on vaccines /sci/?

>> No.11313016

big pharma isn't properly accountable.

>> No.11313034

Vaccines are in theory okay. I wish American researchers would test them on animals first before giving them to people, but that's just me. Plus Thymosin Alpha 1 seems to be a better option than flu shots.

The autism that anti-vacciners scream about is likely caused by antibiotics and fluoridated water when given to children at a young age or during pregnancy. But who cares? Certainly not the average parent.
https://pastebin.com/NZPgFWtg (4chan thought the links were spam)

>> No.11313056
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I unbanned myself to perform my civic duty and warn about the dangers of vaccination.

Mercury and aluminum injected into children repeatedly ain't too grand, but there's also an immunogenic brain damage component. Look up microglial priming by Blaylock in particular. There are a number of mechanisms.

Nonlinear dose response of aluminum.



Hepatitis B vaccine induced brain dysfunction.

You have the well reported alteration of antigen presentation in the gut, massive inflammation. That's against a background of other environmental factors which destroy proper gut flora.

>> No.11313062

Section 13 of every vaccine insert, as its sole content, contains a variant of the following:
"[Vaccine] has not been tested for mutagenic potential, carcinogenic potential, or impairment of fertility."
Look up immunocastration. A variant of this was tested on girls in Kenya.

Inserts are here:

Purported vaccine content is here:

Notably some independent testing found various "contaminants" in human vaccines, but not veterinary.
Naturally they respond "conspiracy theory, junk science!" But for what purpose? Who are you really going to believe.

Flu shot has been shown to be largely ineffective, completely ineffective over 65.

Historical data on disease rates indicates vaccines are introduced only after other measures have reduced rates of disease. Actual treatments and prevention have been suppressed in favor of vaccination, simply things like vitamin C and vitamin A for measles. Polio was successfully treated and aprtially reversed in its flaccid paralysis staged with injections of sodium ascorbate and iirc a small amount of copper salicylate. Polio itself only became an issue after other vaccines, indicating immune disruption and inability to handle organochloride pesticide bombardment, diethylstilbestrol, etc.

Contamination with the old polio vaccine with SV40 gave many people cancer. Think about those in your family who are dying of cancer in their 50's and 60's,

Vaccination is a house of cards. What's gone on here is a crime. Vaccination is a component of a broader religion, it has no basis in actual science.

Refer also to Dissolving Illusions, Suzanne Humphries MD

>> No.11313066

how do i know if my iq was retarded by evil vaccines and if that's why i'm a loser? i got a flu shot recently!

>> No.11313070

Sodium ascorbate, NAC, clean up your diet. Stop getting flu shots. Odds are you'll be fine.

Way in retrospect now, I'm wondering if my CRPS didn't begin after a flu shot. The only time I've ever had the flu was when I was 13 and let them give me a flu shot, never before, never since. I can't recall now if certain things began around that time as well.

>> No.11313074

And when I say "CRPS" I mean it fairly loosely, it was a broad whole body thing. I only found the gist of it had been defined and given a name until recently though.

>> No.11313079

>organochloride pesticide bombardment, diethylstilbestrol
Polio was already a huge problem in the US before the invention of either of those things

>> No.11313082

Do you know who you're responding to?

>> No.11313086

I don't actually, let me give this a read. I don't come to 4chan very much anymore.

>> No.11313095


Polio was at its peak when the total toxic load was also peaking. People were gargling with Mercurochrome and putting it on open wounds, DDT everywhere, mercury contamination of groundwater, air pollution, many factors. The trigger seems to be earlier vaccinations altering immune competence alongside all this.

It's his fantasy ultimately. Many of the posts are me, many aren't. It's about what makes for building up an interesting story though, more than accuracy. I've been over this previously, naturally he doesn't add it to his "dossier".

It's interesting to see the character being created.

>> No.11313102

My bad, DDT was discovered by then but it didn't reach any amount of use until the late 30s
Authorities were already declaring epidemics by the late 10s and it looks like it got worse as young children got less exposure to the virus due to better sanitation
Face it, you're looking for external excuses for why you are the way you are when in reality you're just a genetic failure

>> No.11313107

>Authorities were already declaring epidemics by the late 10s

>Face it, you're looking for external excuses for why you are the way you are when in reality you're just a genetic failure
You don't even know the topic. Dumb avenue to go down.

>> No.11313112

1916 New York City polio epidemic
I don't think you know what you're talking about either

>> No.11313129
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>Arguing with clampposter

>> No.11313143

Interesting. I'll look into it further.

Shouldn't you be trawling the archives right now? Who knows what you might find! ;^)

>> No.11313145

grown-up idiots trying to rationalize their fear of the sting
just pathetic

>> No.11313585
File: 40 KB, 500x341, vaccines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vaccines are a scam.
Unvaccinated children are proven healthier by nearly every study.

>> No.11313594
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>your unvaccinated child must be kept away from my child so that my child does not get the disease he is supposedly now immune to!

>> No.11313599
File: 69 KB, 720x535, dr toni bark md.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is a study:
>Vaccinated children more than 3x more likely to have autism and at greater risk of all childhood diseases, 30x more likely to have allergies

>> No.11313605

>“It’s not a rational thing to think that we can just give an ever-increasing number of vaccines without causing damage,” Sutton explains. “There’s a tipping point for many people in terms of the toxins that they can handle.”
~Kelly Sutton, MD

>> No.11313612
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also I need you people to think about how this study was deleted from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/..
gee, could there be a cover up to destroy dissenting information anywhere it appears? because this isn't the first time.

>> No.11313646
File: 17 KB, 321x400, Dr_Mayer_Eisenstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now my most important post:

The famous outspoken Dr Mayer Eisenstein (specializing in autism) made videos showing studies that prove unvaccinated children are healthier. He went on an bold anti-vaccination campaign across the media.
YouTube deleted the videos (as with all vaccination truth videos).
He was then sued into oblivion and had to close down his autism center.
Nine months later he was DEAD.

There is an active purge of anti-vaccination info everywhere, even if a medical doctor is the one putting it out. maybe you should ask yourself why.

Here is another M.D stripped of his license for daring to claim vaccines could have harmful effects: https://www.pbs.org/wnet/need-to-know/health/british-doctor-behind-autism-vaccine-scare-banned/983/

"Gee, why would nearly all doctors support vaccines?" Uh, maybe because they know at BEST they'll be stripped of their license or sued into oblivion until their lives are destroyed.

>> No.11314694
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We had enough vaccines 40 years ago. Now big pharma is just milking the money cow injecting kids with as much shit as they can get away with while getting redditors to defend them for free

>> No.11315269

Vaccines really clamp my cords if you know what I mean.

>> No.11315442

Anyone have infographics with sources?

>> No.11315451


>> No.11315456

Doctors are always telling me about research done in Africa or Asia. Bayer had to recall some stuff so, they marked it down and gave it to Africans. Is this a dirty little secret of the pharmaceutical industry? Are shitholers human lab rats?

>> No.11315467

Correct. But vaccines aren't entirely a scam, it's a opportunity cost thing. You reduce the body's defenses against everything else, but you make the body real good at responding to very specific conditions that might be deadly and might be easy to contract. Therefore, the optimal option is probably to take the most obvious vaccines and to avoid the others.

>> No.11315481

>Are shitholers human lab rats?
Yes. Hence the beta-HCG spiked tetanus toxoid vaccine they used to sterilize girls in Kenya.

I also forgot to mention, it's been observed since the mid-1800's that populations who are malnourished and living in squalor, though vaccination may reduce the rates of the disease, they die at much, much, higher rates from other diseases. Far higher overall death rate than unvaccinated populations, hence why you don't see an overall mortality figure ever included. Indicating immunocompromise.

>> No.11315491

>Is this a dirty little secret of the pharmaceutical industry? Are shitholers human lab rats?
No, no, sometimes lab rats get a placebo so we can do a real study. The stuff they give to the third world they already know is bad.

>> No.11315492

is it possible for developed nations to erraticate belligerent behavior in the genetics of the blacks? no matter how developed they become will there always be some inner developmental issue? yes some black people are highly intellectual and respectful but they are exceptions. but black people and in their cities would rather grow up to be hackers or affect the well beings in 1st world countries, and so what can we do. its like black people are genetically dispositioned

>> No.11315495

>No, no, sometimes lab rats get a placebo so we can do a real study.
Source? To my knowledge this is never done. They're given an adjuvant or a different vaccine.

>> No.11315496

>Therefore, the optimal option is probably to take the most obvious vaccines and to avoid the others.
>implying you're allowed to pick and choose freely

>> No.11315500

Fuck off with these schizo threads

>> No.11315504

When forced vaccines come around, maybe you'll start thinking how you'd be better off having had the discussion when you had the chance. Why don't you fuck off to whatever subhuman activities you otherwise indulge in, golem cattle.

>> No.11315507

In most countries, you are. Not all though it's true. But then you shouldn't live in such cucked countries. The biggest problem might be that even when you are allowed to choose, school teachers are often told to lie to the kids and tell them the parents call to say it's OK to take the vaccine, should the kid ever ask.

>> No.11315508

Thank you. I thought I was the only one here who knew vaccines don't really exist.

>> No.11315553

Well, if you know better than them, why are they the teacher?

>> No.11315565

>Plus Thymosin Alpha 1 seems to be a better option than flu shots.
Mostly unrelated, but whatever happened to DRACO? That also seemed like a better option than a flu shot.

>> No.11315593
File: 75 KB, 852x421, pathways.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The autism that anti-vacciners scream about is likely caused by antibiotics and fluoridated water when given to children at a young age or during pregnancy.
Autism is a function of total toxic load, and it seems some types of toxicity act more readily as triggers to push it into a permanently pathological feedback loop. Wireless devices are also a factor.

Broom 2019 - Early-Life Exposure to Pulsed LTE Radiofrequency Fields Causes Persistent Changes in Activity and Behavior in C57BL/6J Mice

Timothy Syndrome is a polymorphism of the gene that encodes the calcium channel and causes calcium channels to be overactive, leading to chronically elevated intracellular calcium and aberrant calcium signalling. Being genetic, this is occurring during prenatal development as well. Pulsed microwaves have a similar effect (described above).
People with Timothy syndrome almost always present with autism.

Martha Herbert, PhD. Pediatric neurology, Mass. General.

Pall 2013 - Electromagnetic fields act via activation of voltage-gated calcium channels to produce beneficial or adverse effects

Pall 2016 - Electromagnetic Fields Act Similarly in Plants as in Animals Probable Activation of Calcium Channels via Their Voltage Sensor


>> No.11315616

Not your Anon but there's plenty like this.


Fun talking to you all. Why is this treated like a "flat earth" subject? Do average people want to thwart scientific discovery?

>> No.11315633

Media and conditioning. Most people also can readily feel the currents and they fear the power structure, so they go with the flow and lay low. You can get all crowd psychology about it and model out intra and extra group interactions, but that's the gist of it.


>> No.11315642

>Fun talking to you all. Why is this treated like a "flat earth" subject?
I want to know too. In fact it's treated even worse than flat earth, despite the fact I don't recall a single news outlet or a single part of my schooling even so much as mentioning vaccines in passing, it's like there's a veritable hivemind out there and the mere allegation that vaccines aren't literally perfect in every way is enough to get you completely ostracized and isolated on a wide scale, as if you had said 'nigger nigger' on an interview with descamy tyson or something. Unlike the latter, though, where people will happily tell you they don't like racists like you, nobody will tell you why they're shunning you over not thinking vaccines are a gift from god. Fucking why? What's going on?

>> No.11315651

Read "Murder by Injection" by Eustace Mullins. He recounts being hounded to get vaccinated as a schoolchild in the 1920's (he eventually was, and states it made him sick for a while, His mother was a nurse and had told him not to, or some such). There's been this baked in undercurrent for at least the last 130 years.

>> No.11315674
File: 644 KB, 1494x1672, Foster_Bible_Pictures_0074-1_Offering_to_Molech.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"The present writer well remembers the 1920s, as a child in
Virginia, going to school for some weeks without having submitted
to the compulsory vaccination ordered by the state authorities. Each
morning, the teacher would begin the day's classes by asking,
"Clarence, did you bring your vaccination certificate today?"
Obviously, this was the most urgent business of the educational
system, taking priority over such matters as lessons and studying.
Each morning, I would have to reply, "No, I didn't bring it today."
The other children would turn and stare at this dangerous classmate,
who might infect them all with some terrible disease. My mother
had been a registered nurse, and she never urged me to go ahead
with my vaccination. I suspect she knew more than the doctors
about its possible effects. After postponing the dreaded ordeal for
some weeks, I was finally led to the doctor like an animal being led
up the plank to be stunned, and I received my injection. Of course it
made me extremely ill, as my body fought the infection, but the
class was delivered from peril, and I was accepted as a duly branded
member of society. In "The Curse of Canaan," I wrote of the
deliverance of our children up for ritual sacrifice, a practice which
seemingly ended with the destruction of the Baal cult some five
thousand years ago. Unfortunately, the Cult of Baal seems to be
firmly entrenched in the present Establishment, which is often
known by the sobriquet, the Brotherhood of Death. It is disturbing to
see how the educationists eagerly embrace each new offense against
children in our schools"

>> No.11315682

Not meaning to derail the thread, by the way.

>> No.11315683

I guess I'm guilty. My kid is "required" to get certain shots to go to school in what I thought was fucking America. What am I to do? Not like I'm going to quit my work and homeschool him while I try to shoot down unlawful laws. I just say, "Well, this is what everyone has to do."

>> No.11315695

I know. I don't have kids, but I'm aware of the feasibility aspect. This is how they always do it, they assemble the trap in pieces around you. First compulsory education, then compulsory medical treatments to attend that compulsory education.

This is why saving your own kids alone is not enough, the whole thing needs to be destroyed, and that involves spreading truth and real information. I'm not sure what to tell you. It's a bad situation rapidly growing worse.

Apparently Canada still has religious / philosophical exemption.

>> No.11315696

Pretty funny and relatable, but this doesn't explain HOW or WHY this is happening.
Again, why is it more socially acceptable to question that the earth is flat despite the fact evidence to the contrary can readily be collected even as you walk down the street with nothing but your own two eyes, than vaccine's efficacy, despite just that factoid alone being widely recognize for being highly inconsistent, let alone other potential side effects and derangements, such as those clearly documented by peer-reviewed and repeated research demonstrating contamination of massive amounts of circulating material?

>> No.11315721

People are only superficially rational. The world hasn't gone insane, it was insane pretending to be sane all along. This must change.

I would run, gotta tell ya. No retard is going to fuck with my kids.

>> No.11315760

Sure, but why this in particular? Why not any other issue? Why vaccine and nothing else? People are more respectful if you flap their asses, call them retarded, fart in their face, and then tell them that 2 = 3 than if you say you aren't certain that every vaccine ever invented was great.

>> No.11315764

Believing the Earth is flat won't take profits away from aerospace corporations. Refusing a vaccine, demanding testing to be done, asking for them to be held liable, that's all money out of pharma pockets.

>> No.11315782

And then we're back to the previous question: how did people get brainwashed into this? I've never seen any such material. It's not in the education system per se, and it's not in the media.

>> No.11315810

Why do people act like if you and everyone else aren't injected with some multinational corporation's product, they, and everyone they know and love, are going to literally DIE? That modern civilization is just going to collapse instantly because we owe our everything to our holiest of holy, the vaccines?

I think there is two questions in one here. The basic (cause) of the behavior, and the genesis. I think the answer to both is connected. At this point I'm pretty sure it's a form of brainwashing. I spent my childhood and so on looking for intrinsic causes for human behavior, and certain biases (on the level of the color red evokes this response in this state because of X, and then we build a system around it). There's a bit of this probably, but I'm frankly bored with it, and I think it really is multiple forms of brainwashing alongside a gradual biological dumbing down that's gone on.

>> No.11315815

Yeah, I'm no expert. when my kid was born, they have you sign some document explaining the risks of different vaccinations. I opted out of one and was later harassed for that and others when time for school. There are known dangers and parents are informed as if they had much choice. Sure most don't read it. The odds of mishaps isn't even small when they are added up. They almost frightened my wife to do amniocentesis or, "you might have a retard." When doing so, greatly increases the risk of complications.

>> No.11315816

They do unto others as was done unto them. They were vaccinated, we vaccinated. It is simply what is done. Like circumcising cultures, it's something we all know happens, happened, and we do it because it is what is done.

>> No.11315820
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>What's the skinny on vaccines /sci/?
Just because the nurse says, "This fluid in this vial that has a sticker on it which says 'vaccine' is ~definitely~ a vaccine and definitely is ~not~ the leftover crust from a Russian sleep experiment which is going to make your kid autistic overnight," doesn't mean it's definitely a vaccine. It might still be leftover crust even if the nurse says it isn't.

Also, vaccines cured small pox.

>> No.11315826

And to elaborate, it's on the same level as taking your child out to learn to hunt or whatever at the right time, when they are of age. It's that same ritual basis that drives it. It is what is done.

>> No.11315831

>Also, vaccines cured small pox.
The cowpox puss was a miserable failure, as were all subsequent derivatives. It spread the problem.

>> No.11315847

I think part of it is mandates and the vast majority of people just going along with whatever they're told to do unquestioningly. Chicken pox had no tradition of a vaccine until it was lobbied for by the companies that make it.

>> No.11315861

Money gets people elected and so on.
Bet you read the powell report.
>vaccines cured small pox
I can't hear your tone. If I was right about something like 250 years ago, I can just keep riding that wave?

>> No.11315870

>Bet you read the powell report.
I have not, but I now will.

>> No.11315902

Sad for me at the time, it is right wingerish. I learned more about how my party operates. Not switching sides (take ball, went home.) but interesting to understand the need for balance in my own beliefs. "Muh corporations" that so many love to hate have literally built this "free" world for us to enjoy. It ain't all bad.
Chickenpox killed about 150 people in 1980.
How many are killed from the vaccine?
>According to WHO, there’s no way to obtain a clear answer to this question: We just don’t know.

>> No.11315944

>How many are killed from the vaccine?
"No amount is too much."

>> No.11315991

I just epiphanated.

>> No.11315996

>According to WHO, there’s no way to obtain a clear answer to this question: We just don’t know.
I think this is a fair statement. Besides the rampant underreporting, we can't really say which long term effects that may have contributed to a death were actually caused by one specific shot.

>> No.11316014

Made me burst out laughing for some reason.

>> No.11316056

You have done the same. Now stop it.

>> No.11316068

16 posters, 69 replies. Fuck off schizo.

>> No.11316075

If you read a bit, there is no pretending. People are talking in here.

>> No.11316087

jewish people don't vaccinate
they are the smartest

>> No.11316112

ok you've convinced me, if i have kids i wont vaccinate them